Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Feb 14, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 2

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

A Fixed Routine

It’s seductive sometimes. The sex, of course. That is the undiscovered country touching yourself cannot explore. The sensation of hands travelling over your landscape. Your clothes pulled off by someone else. Rough male fingers pinching hidden places. Being vulnerable, being proud of your body. But the submission and uncertainty. Mica should have anticipated how perfectly he had been shaped for that.

Submit yourself to that first uncertainty. No adolescent-awkward courtship agonies. Step compliant into the unknown encounter with a stranger. Be completely owned by an unknowable man for an unknowable time. Strong hands that might demand anything of you, and always your submission. Your only worth is your artisanal young flesh fountaining up to their hands, mouths, pricks. Your only measure is the stretch from lips to tonsil, the length of rented prick, and the volume of your cunt, your pussy, your rectum. Mica can lose himself in that. Sometimes sanity is submitting to insanity.

Submit to what strong-willed hands compel you to be. Accept it all like a wrinkled anus convulsing wetly as the blood-veined prick nuzzles up against its yielding ring. It is the penalty for his errors and Mica walks bone-dripping in his lies.

Mica Aivar Laar’s afternoon visits to the Sykes’ house start with a ten block walk from his ranch house to theirs. This has been the fixed routine since school let out. This gives Mica 15 minutes to dwell upon the last few weeks and wonder how his day will end. The walk takes him past friend’s houses he no longer gets to visit. Mica’s life is not his own and part of him shivers with orgasmic anticipation.

He comes into the Sykes house without pausing and presents himself to Alea, Cain Sykes' fifteen-year-old sister. They shared classes through the years, but in this house, they are strangers. Alea makes him wait, but not for long. He stands wherever she might be, while she ignores his monumental inconvenience. She might be playful and tease him about his religious family. He might tell her about a recent date.

Alea is no nonsense about her responsibilities. Play begins in her room. She is the dominatrix. Mica learned that term years later. The point is, Mica has to do whatever comes to Alea’s mind. Cain Sykes explained that with his fists. It is a summer job of sorts, and Alea is working on his bad attitude. “You have a bad attitude, faggot.” Cain explains with his fist.

“We’re going to work on your attitude.” Alea echoes with resentment. After everyone works on his attitude, Mica might go home, where Henry and Ginta Laars are ready for some prayer. They think his attitude needs adjusting too. Mica usually hopes Alea has a date lined up for him. His mind is fuddled by the steady trickle of new Tricks.

Some days, Alea plays an innocent hetero game. The teenagers kiss and fondle as Alea pulls off Mica's clothes. She likes this measure of control. They neck together with the door wide open. Mica may not fondle her breasts through the light top she is wearing. Once, they had sex with Mica blindfolded and tied securely to her bed. Mica might like that again. The ropes, the blindfold, the novel experience of penetrating another body with his boner. Coitus is powerful when every moment you are very afraid. Alea is in control.

Today, Alea pushes him onto the bed. He complies with this. Cain Sykes is never pleasant when Mica questions. “Roll on your stomach bitch.” Micha cannot remember what Alea’s voice sounds like in the classroom. A girl’s voice mingling with the brightly coloured flock, he supposes. In her bedroom, it sounds like a teacher’s.

Mica turns onto his stomach. It is time for suppositories. It is a cornucopia-cocktail of aloe, cascara, and senna compounds. Alea pushes them deep into his rectum with her fingers. “Onto your back.” Today, there are nylon ropes. “Come on, stretch out for me.” Mica is resigned to being lashed spreadeagle to her bed bed frame.

He stretches each limb so his mistress can spread him tightly. Lightweight ratchets at his ankles hold him fast. Each angry jerk warns Mica that Alea is not in a good mood today. What’s your problem? Mica snarled once. It became Mica’s problem. The fifteen-year old has learned to keep his mouth shut. Today, Alea does not like boys. A gay boy’s prick responds in dreadful anticipation.

The Sykes’ house is parentless at the moment. The Laar’s house is parentless too, during the day. His sister Ruth, Henry and Ginta all work hard to keep the rain out. And pay their tithes to the church, money seems to go out faster than it goes in. The Sykes’ house is parentless all the time. The siblings wander free, usually avoiding contact with each other. It is Shark Week everyday as the siblings attend to their angry food chain. Mica has been pushed to near the bottom of this.

The elf is at the door with Burly, the boy’s Great Dane. The elf’s name is Finn. He has stopped to look at Mica trussed to the bed frame. You cannot read Finn’s thoughts. Finn glances at his oldest sister, then does what Finn does best, he vanishes.

“You've been a good slut?”


“Not even once?”

Mica shakes his head, not once, three times. Alea has no way to check. His answer will be accepted without reward, or it will be rejected with stiff consequences. It seems a random outcome from Mica’s experience. He is a horny teenager and the increasing frequency of dates only serves to excite Mica further. Hell yes, three times.

She lightly rubs the tip of his prick with the palm of her hand. She has long fingernails and often leaves painful lacerations on his back. She leaves the room without explanation. Burly wanders in to lick his toes and calf. Mica’s colon rumbles threateningly. Alea is gone just long enough for Mica's boner to fade.

He is nonplussed when she returns. There will be no blindfold or hetero sex today. She has invited Vikki, her twelve-year-old sister. Vikki usually flits in Mica’s peripheral vision when he visits. The girls share a bedroom and a bed. Mica blushes, but tied as he is, he cannot hide his bare groin. The sisters sit next to him on the bed.

“I know what dicks look like.” Vikki is impatient with her older sister. Mica tied naked to a bed is not worth her attention. She takes the time to appraise Mica’s adolescent length with an experienced eye. “Okay, I’ve seen Mica.”

“The cum-whore.” Alea stresses. Vikki starts to rise from the bed. Alea pulls her back. “You have to help.”

“Cain said you had to run his whore, not me.” Vikki complains.

“And I say you have to help from now on. I’ve been doing this for three weeks on my own. I had to set up everything and study for finals. This bitch-boy comes every fucking day and I have to deal with him and Cain. It’s enough, Vikki, it’s enough. You are going to start helping around here, or maybe Cain adds you to his big plans stable.”

“Dad wouldn’t like that.” Vikki tries.

“Dad never gives a good flying fuck.” The sisters have a telepathic moment together. Vikki sighs her resignation. The fight is done. Mica is treated to the sisters French-kissing reconciliation. This iconic male fantasy moment is largely wasted on Mica.

“It is about the same as dad and Cain.” Vikki decides.

“Boys like this are still scrawny. It makes their junk look bigger than it is, but you will see, you’re right.”

 Mica is embarrassed to be seen by the younger girl. He has only faced Cain and the older sister at this point. Alea is not being nice today. Alea is behind her little sister. She watches Mica over Vikki’s shoulder. “Touch him and you'll see how he compares to dad.”

Mica peers down the length of his bare chest as Vikki extends one small thin hand. She wraps it around Mica's flaccid member. Her touch is cool against his skin. She plays with his slack prick. Alea wraps her arms around her sister’s waist. They are sharing this moment together.

Pricks are rubbery to the girl. She touches his low hanging balls within their crinkly scrotum. They feel smooth as they glide between her fingers. “Cain had more hair when he was this slut when he was fifteen. Hell. Cain had more hair when he was fourteen, I think. Here do it like this.”

Alea reaches past her sister with both arms. Vikki watches while Alea expertly masturbates Mica's prick. She squeezes and pulls the foreskin. He prick begins to respond. Alea stops to let Vikki resume her exploration of his young anatomy. Alea murmurs suggestions. Alea’s hand slips beneath Vikki’s patterned high rise crops. Fingers find Vikki’s clit.

“Lightly tap up and down on his shaft with your fingers, like you're playing a piano with one hand. This helps him get and stay hard by keeping blood flowing into his prick.”

Alea watches silently for a while. Mica watches Vikki’s face. So small, this girl. He has been touched, he is here to be touched. Cain Sykes has explained this to him with his hard fists. Mica is long past complaining about this. Vikki is waif-like, gentle and oh so curious about his hard prick. Mica cannot see her crotch, but Alea’s forearm is shifting slowly as she fingers her sister.

Alea stirs again. “Take his prick between your open palms and, use your hands like ping-pong paddles, very lightly bat it back and forth.”

“I know how to do that, Alea. Dad likes it when I do that.” Vikki’s quick touch feels invigorating and increases circulation to the surface of Mica’s skin.

Vikki returns to milking the prick with one hand. Her other hand goes to her crotch. She cups her sister’s hand beneath the fabric. Vikki is prettier than her older sister. When Mica’s prick is hard Vikki stops.

“It gets long doesn't it?” Vikki is impressed. “It's really hard. Dad is not that hard. Is Cain this hard?” Vikki’s brittle digits circle Mica's young prick to judge its thickness. She strokes the prick a little with sharp nails then plays with his balls. She cups the scrotum in her hand to feel the heat and weight of his manhood.

“Try squeezing them.”

Vikki looks uncertain at her older sister. Alea reaches over and sinks her own long nails into Vikki’s biceps. She is a bird of prey sinking sharp talons into a helpless mouse. Blood smears away from the bruised skin and Vikki simply nods understanding. She is here to learn. If Alea says there are things to learn, then Cain must want them learned.

Vikki’s hand comes back to Mica’s scrotum. Alea’s hand comes back to her young heat. Mica knows he must not object, but the whimper hums in the back of his throat. This catches the girl’s attention. Vikki studies Mica’s face. He is shaking his head ever so slightly. Begging will not not help, but begging is an instinct.

Vikki digs her fingers deep into his scrotum and Mica screams out. He bites his lip. “Don’t bite your lip Mica! You will bruise it.” Alea’s voice is angry. That terrorizes Mica even more. His cry of agony whispers off into a silent open mouthed scream. The pain kills his boner and he jerks against the cords. Vikki squeezes again and he tries to pull away. She is impressed with how vulnerable men really are.

There is an unspoken thought between them, try that on our men next time. “Make him hard again and this time, keep going; he'll jizz all over himself faster than dad can.”

The stimulation mixes with the pain in his groin. That is a new experience for Mica. Vikki works him back into full arousal. The shocked sponge becomes a curved rod again. Vikki wraps a hand around his aching balls to stop them from pulling in tight and pumps his shaft with an inexpert hand.

Vikki is bent over her work and Alea is assaulting Vikki’s girlhood with two fingers. This is a mutual masturbation that becomes a blood-pumping machine. Mica’s eyes are on the ceiling. The sister’s watch his prick.

Mica groans and arches his back as a thick stream shoots out and splashes across his chest. Vikki releases his prick as he continues to shudder and the little mouth drips a small puddle of spunk in his sparse pubic hair. Alea slows her fingering. Vikki’s vagina is wet for her.

“Every single one of these fuckers will try to do that inside you Vikki, ever chance they get. The boys in your classroom, the men on the street. This is all they want. You have to have claws, Vikki, sharp claws.” Mica can hear the venom dripping off the word they. Mica is only fifteen and gay, but he is one of them. 

“Cain says he is a faggot who bones for boys.”

“Cain says,” The echo is scornful. Alea knows better. “This faggot would rape you walking home from school. Calling him a faggot only means he is not like Cain. This boy-hustler wants to rape Finn too. This pretty cock sucker wants Cain to rape him right now. This pussy-boy is just waiting for his date tonight so he can fuck like a dog. Men are the real sluts, Vikki.”

“Can he do it again right away? Dad can’t do it right away” Vikki grabs Mica’s member and tries to work him back into a fresh boner. Spunk slides down his shaft and their joined flesh becomes sticky.

“He's not as fast the second time. He takes a while to get it back up.”

Alea watches her little sister continue to bring Mica back while she takes the handy spoon and scoops up the glistening spunk on Mica's torso. “Most guys don't like to do this, but Mica is a faggot.” She feeds the fresh spunk into his mouth. It is a familiar flavor to him. The spoon scrapes around his skin searching out the spatters. Alea could feed boys spunk all day.

Vikki is starting to make progress with Mica's prick. It is sore now, tender from the lack of lubricant. He is not as hard when he reaches his second peak but the mingled pain sends the orgasm deeper at the roots of his groin. Vikki looks at the spunk on the back of her hand and tastes a little before wiping it across Mica's lips. She runs her fingers over his flat chest and down to his sticky prick. Mica lies drained and sleepy.

“Don't fall asleep Mica. We have to clean you out. We should probably not have milked him this afternoon. He has a date. The spunk is for his Trick. Remember that when you are getting him ready.”

“Okay, Alea.” Vikki looks at Mica like he is a bug Alea pinned to her wall. “How many times can he jizz like that?”

“I’ve made him do it four times. After a while, he begs you to stop. That’s when you try for five.”  

The ropes come off and Mica sits up. They move to the family bathroom. Trembling, he kneels and bends over to allow her to insert an enema bag into his colon. It would not matter if he told Alea he just dropped a stool bigger than Alea’s dildo.

The Sykes’ home is not a sex shop and Cain would not give Alea money to waste on needless sex toys. She has attached a massive wrap of duct tape around the enema end. The corrugations rasp painfully, despite the double condom. She should lubricate this instrument of torture to make it slide in easily, but Mica is a hustler and far worse, Mica is male. Such consideration is not going to be offered. Vikki asks “Do any of them get that fat?”

“Let’s hope not.”

Vikki thinks she might touch the swollen balls hanging below the plastic dildo. Bent over like this, the hustler’s slack prick seems to run from his distended anus. He has a bulging hairy muscle that runs into the scrotum. Everything in the scrotum just hangs limp like the shrunken prick between his thighs.

“Mica is a cock-loving slut, so he can handle this plastic cock.” Alea slaps Mica’s ass cheek very hard. “What are you Mica?”

“I’m a cock-loving slut.” Mica replies readily. Cain Sykes held his quaking body by Mica’s long Samson hair and slapped that phrase from Mica’s swollen lips the first day he went down to the basement. Slap! What are you? Slap! What are you? Slap! What are you? Slap! What are you? Slap! What are you? So Mica pissed a little more on the basement floor and said the words. In the Syke’s bathroom, between the toilet and the tub, Mica repeats quietly, “I’m a cock-loving slut.”

After three weeks, this dildo is a familiar element of the humiliation game. From what Alea told Vikki in the bedroom, Mica understands there is an afternoon date. Alea Sykes has sold his body. The dildo in his ass is just an ineffectual preview. It still feels good to Mica. Alea knows Mica pushes his hips back into the dildo when it is offered. This is who he is.

“And there were also male cult prostitutes in the land. They did according to all the abominations of the nations that the Lord drove out before the people of Israel.” Mica can hear his father’s voice intoning the words as he rails away at the same-sex partners down the street. Mica keeps his dirty secret. Mica is an abomination too. His ass will open to this dildo and he will male-cult-prostitute his body all summer in silence. Mica cannot face that angry man. 

The warm solution irrigates his bowls. The water and suppositories have done their work and he barely makes it to the toilet. He is humiliated being watched by the girls as he shits and farts. He can't look at them. Alea makes him repeat the enema with warm soapy water.

“Listen to this, Vikki.” Alea giggles. “What are you, Mica?”

“I’m a whore-slut.” Mica agrees.

“No, yeah, I mean, tell Vikki what your dad thinks you are.”

“Oh,” Mica thinks Henry Laar is certain he is a randy masturbating, backsliding adolescent punk. He knows what Alea wants him to say. “I’m an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.” He says this with a smile. Mica is not twelve years old. He is long past feeling guilty for his feelings. His dad is a jerk and he reviews his better dates when the family kneels in prayer. “I should be snuffed out.” Mica adds. “Probably everyone throws stones at me.” Dad would grab the biggest one.

“And when you play with your dick?” Alea jiggles the dildo in Mica’s rectum.

“I’m violating my sacred temple.” Mica violates his temple every chance he gets.

“Ugh,” Mica warns Alea. The second enema bag has been in his rectum for too long. He might orgasm and then the sisters are going to see what an anal orgasm is like, and probably how long it engulfs Mica.

She makes him shower, with cold water. Money is desperate in the Sykes’ house. Even hot water is not wasted on a stranger. The whore-slut fag can freeze his nads off. “Stay there till I get back.”

Clean now, she takes him back to the bedroom and sends Vikki away. Alea pulls her pants off and sits on his face. This moment, the chance for female revenge, and a small share of Mica's fee, is her reward for helping Cain.

Mica is supposed to make money for Cain. That was explained in the basement too. “You’re my fucking whore now.” Cain was very explicit about this in the basement.  Mica is Cain’s first hooker. Cain has an ambitious scheme to collect a stable of prostitutes. He has ambitions, but Cain has other things to do like deal drugs, so it is Alea’s job to see that Mica makes money. “See that the fag does what he is told. Make sure he knows what he is supposed to do, and how he is supposed to do it.”

Cain has no sexual interest in the boy. Making the little fag-boy suck prick is obvious, but fudge-packing a boy’s ass is insults Cain’s manhood. You want my cock up your ass, don’t you? “No!“ Mica answers desperately. Slap! You want me to fuck you? “No!“ Mica repeats. Slap! You want a fuck? “No!“ Mica repeats.  Slap! You want a fuck? “Yes!“ Mica tries. Slap! What are you? “ I’m your whore-slut!” Slap! You expect me to fuck your ass? Mica does not know what to say. Slap!

Mica licks and sucks until Alea pushes her vagina hard against his face and she shudders with an orgasm. Warm fluid covers his face and he gags. She adds to her pleasure by rubbing the lips of her vagina around his face. These moments are revenge for the humiliation she has suffered from her father and brother since she was eleven.

Mica is allowed to wash his face in the bathroom as she lays out new clothes for the afternoon date. He evacuates his bowles yet again. His personal hygiene is meticulous. Alea can hear him and she will make him prove he is tongue in the ass ready for his Trick. He wants to ask if it is a regular, or someone new. Mica tingles with anticipation.

“This outfit cost a lot,” she tells him, “So you need to come back on Tuesday and Thursday to pay for it all. The dates are booked. I added them to your phone with reminders.” Mica's heart sinks at this news. He had plans with a few remaining friends he must now change. He thinks he might object, but fears the punishment.

The new outfit looks expensive, but it might have come from the Salvation Army nearby. Sexy clothes for needy people. Alea likes this part. She applies a little lipstick to his nipples to heighten their appeal and then he struggles into the skin tight fishnet top that leaves his tight midriff bare. She spreads a light coat of scented oil over his groin and between his legs.

Alea finishes by passing her hand along his crack and a finger deep into his dildo-stretched anus. “We’ve got to get your boy-cunt ready.” She pushes her finger into his mouth and he sucks the oil off. That is why he has been so careful to clean himself. Everything is a test. He runs his lips and tongue over her fingers. “That’s enough slut.”

The spandex bikini briefs are penis shrink wrapped tight and the black biker’s shorts seem tighter. They show every line of his prick and the twin globes of his balls. The elastic seam cuts into his groin when he bends to tie his shoes. “Bet you would just love to wear this to school.” So, maybe he would like to share it with some boys. The pictures in the trophy cabinets show team players in tight shorts, very hot.

Mica is ready, but the trick has not arrived to pick him up. “Stay!” she commands and he is left to his fears and expectations about the afternoon ahead.

Alea returns with eleven-year-old Finn and tells the little boy that Mica is going to make him feel good. “Suck on him until your date comes.” Mica balks and Alea glares at him. Suddenly frightened, he kneels and starts to undo the boy's ragged shorts.

Finn struggles just a little and Mica stops when he realizes she is video taping him again. “Keep going; slap him if he won't cooperate.” Finn is afraid of Alea too, so he stops fussing. Finn is just a little boy with a puddle of pants about his ankles. The soiled underwear comes down next.

The eleven-year old is so underfed it seems a miracle his pants stayed up. Finn is the Harry Potter house elf in the Sykes’ home. Always mismatched second hand clothing. His unkempt mop of hair might brush Mica’s chin if he pulled the boy close for a hug. Finn is a feral child lurking in the corners of Mica’s summer nightmare.

Finn wants to disappear. Mica is a new thing in the house, a welcome distraction for his brother and sisters. He is left to fend for himself and that is fine with him. Doors stay unlocked in the Sykes’ house, unless you want them broken. With his parents travelling, doors stay open, unless Alea is in Cain’s room. Finn is left alone most days, free to come or go as he pleases. He should have gone. Cain’s whore has his hands on Finn’s hips. The thumbs are pressed into his belly, just above his prick. The whore-slut’s fingers touch Finn’s bum.

Mica knows he will be punished later if he shows any more reluctance. He faces the young boy's shrunken prick and the delicate balls in their paper thin scrotal sack. Mica and Finn struggle for a minute with the tangle at Finn’s ankles. Mica slips a hand around Finn’s boney hip so he can lead the boy closer to the bed. Alea will want them on the bed. Finn’s skin is cold and soft, and lean.

Mica attempts to make up for his mistake with enthusiasm. Pushing the boy down on the bed, he begins to kiss Finn’s elastic scrotum and suck both small balls in his mouth. Finn whimpers at the new experience and his scrotum contracts. Finn’s skinny thighs squeeze Mica’s cheeks.

“Finn,” his sister warns.

The boy knows this dangerous edge. He spreads his knees apart, surrendering to Cain’s rent-boy. Finn wants to be left alone, forgotten, but he has been noticed by the older people in the house. They will have their fun with him, now.

“Anu Ggggg” this is a young boy sound trapped somewhere behind Finn’s tongue. Each time Mica’s lips, his gentle teeth, stretch the velvet scrotum away from Finn’s little prick, “Ah, ah, ah!” Finn tries to close his legs again.

Mica tries to gentle the boy by running a hand across Finn’s torso. He is rib-counting to the nipples. Some impulse prompts Finn to raise his legs in surrender to the teenage tongue. Mica uses this movement to spread Finn’s thighs. Alea will be moving about the bed, searching angles that will please Cain. This video is blackmail or it is going on the Internet.

Finn giggles suddenly. That is good. Cain will like that. Finn should know already that they are all here to make Cain happy. Alea decides Cain is right. Little brother Finn will be an easy addition to Cain’s stable.

Mica sucks the little prick until it is a stiff rod in his mouth. He tastes pee on the delicate skin around Finn’s urethra-pucker. He nibbles on the small head stretching the tight foreskin with his teeth. Alea moves to capture a close up of his efforts.

“Noooungggg!” Finn whimpers as Mica rubber bands his little prick. Alea shifts the camera to capture Finn’s confusion. Mica doesn't want to admit this turns him on. He wants to reassure Finn, but Alea said nothing about talking. If he keeps his head buried between Finn’s thighs, his pervert face will not be splashed across the Internet. Mica’s mouth is busy anyway. Kissing, sucking, licking everything he can reach.

Mica turns Finn over and kissed his ass cheeks. He kisses the dimples on Finn’s flanks and the flat triangle pointing to the boy’s soft crack. Finn is so wispy thin, no fatty love handles. Hard little hips curving in to a narrow waist like Mica has. Mica treats Finn like this was one of his dates. A hand encompasses Finn’s slung scrotum and small boner. This lifts the boy to his knees exposing the halo-anus ready to be penetrated.

Mica can make up for everything he might have done wrong. He is desperate to please Alea, and that should satisfy Cain. Mica forces a stiff tongue into the tight little anus. It does not matter if Alea thought to make her little brother ready. Mica has to tongue the small sphincter loose anyway. His palm cradles the baby softness of the thin scrotum. His fingers caress the stiff prick. He pinches the frenulum, trying to retract the tight foreskin.

This all continues until Vikki comes to say a man is at the door. “Does he like that?” Mica is not sure who she means.

“Who cares? He's just a boy-hustler. He'd suck the dog if I told him to.” Alea turns the camera off. “Finn has to learn to sound like he is cumming. Finn? Do you hear me? You have to sound right.”

“Okay, Alea.” The little voice trembles out with uncertainty. Life is a minefield at the Sykes’. “I … l … l like it when he sucks my dick.”

“Sure you do.” Alea replies, as if Finn said he likes ice cream. She turns to Vikki. “Remember this, men are just like dogs.”

Mica wishes she would forget that dog idea, but she rarely does. He keeps tonguing the boy until Alea orders him to stop. He gets up and she reminds him to kiss his date when they meet. Just to cement goodwill for later, Mica hurries a French kiss with the naked child on the bed. It is like a Trick he is hungry for.

Finn is told to remain on the bed. He lies there, hands behind his head waiting patiently. Mica was gentle. Another new thing in the Sykes’ house.

Mica knows this man’s face from church. He is a deacon. This man recognizes Mica too. The surprise is there in his eyes. The man is short and casually dressed. He has a clipped moustache. It might be an easy time. They are a threat to each other now. There is the ugly promise of mutually assured destruction. You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. They have both heard this in church. Mica moves quickly over to the man and puts his arms around his neck and gives him a passionate kiss. The man runs his hands over Mica's ass and pushes the shirt up to feel his smooth back. Mica wonders if the man sits in church lusting after his trim body.

“This is Mica. Please have him back by six.” Alea’s voice is sweet sixteen. Cain owns him, so Alea owns him. For an afternoon, this man who probably stares at him in church owns him. It has been that way since before school let out. Since Cain decided in the boys’ restroom, that Mica would be his first hustler.

Brief, Anonymous Survey:

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I have written a variety of short stories and novellas. You can follow this safe link to my Body of Work.

Next: Chapter 3

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