Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 20, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 19

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Jet Boy

It’s cold while he is walking down the street. He looks in his bag and pulls out a hoodie. Mica wishes he had thought about what he was taking when his dad drove him from the house. He sits on a bus stop bench trying to think things through. Finn sits beside him. The boy’s old Nintendo is out of power, so he is quite dejected.

That morning, they were evicted from the trailer. The Sykes’ landlord found them squatting in the house and sent them on their way. The food was gone anyway. The night will be long and Mica wonders what homeless people do. Mica finally notices a car has driven past them three times. The window rolls down and a shadowy figure calls to him, “Are you looking for a ride, kids?” Mica shifts uncomfortably. He has been here before.

“No we’re fine.” He rises and starts down the sidewalk and the car coasts beside him for a while before it finally pulls away. Mica is relieved. Finn is following him with his own full backpack. Dumpsters, Mica thinks. Homeless people sleep in dumpsters. The boys walk behind a strip mall and search out a dark corner. Wedged between the cinderblock wall and a pile of boxes Mica shrinks into his hoodie. Finn huddles beside him wrapped in the soiled sleeping bag.

“If you’ve lost your appetite Mica, I think I found it.” Finn offers.

“Why Finn, you have a sense of humour.” Mica teases back. “What’s the difference between hungry and horny?”

“Where you stick the wiener.” Finn giggles. “The cement is cold. Can I sit on your lap?” The boy does, and they both feel warmer under the sleeping bag. Mica has his heavy hot water bottle-boy and Finn has Mica’s arms wrapped around him. “Do your parents ever just hug you? My friend Walter’s mom hugs him all the time.”

“My mom does, not my dad. I don’t think hugging is his thing.” Mica smells Finn’s musty hair.

“I don’t like to be touched anyway.” Finn decides.

“Do you hate this?” Mica starts tickling the boy. Finn squirms and giggles. “Do you hate this?” He smothers Finn’s neck and cheeks with fairy kisses.

“No! Agh! Stop!” Finn is gasping for breath, his hunger temporarily forgotten.

On the second day Mica’s money runs out. Each night he phones his parents and tries to talk. His older sister Ruth answers once and quickly asks him where he is, but they are disconnected before he can tell her. Ruth gives him hope. She sounded like she still cares.

Finn has been hungry for two days. It is late and Mica begins to think of the money Cain and Alea made selling them. As Mica huddles against the cold he thinks of breaking into his home. Shock, guilt and confusion have given way to hurt and anger. His parents don't care about him and he is finished begging them to let him come home.

The house, unfortunately, is a fortress and he doesn’t have the tools to get through the bars. He wishes he had paid more attention to his sister. He has no idea where the eighteen-year old works. He has a better chance of stumbling across her in a random restaurant somewhere around the city than he does remembering its name, or even who her friends are now. He wonders if he could catch up to her if he camped out on his street for a while. Ruth is like him though, intimidated by their father’s stern values. Finn needs food and so does Mica. Sometime before dawn Mica decides he has to find a date.

Mica has not had to think about hooking up with a Trick. It is a problem he struggles with as he watches Finn staring at people eating in restaurants. He has started to notice the content of garbage cans. There must be soup kitchens, but the boys don’t trust anyone to ask.

Mica takes Finn to the public library where they can wash up and charge the boy’s handheld game. In the library Mica pretends to read while he sorts the men he dated in his mind. Edan is still unavailable. Finn’s first times on his own were pretty harmless. Most of Mica’s dates were short erotic encounters. I could do blowjobs, Mica reassures himself.

He is looking shabby and he is conscious of the looks of distaste the library patrons are throwing his way. Mica washes Finn’s hair in a sink and considers his own rumpled clothing. There is not much he can do. Living on the streets takes skills and knowledge Mica does not have. The two boys have been avoiding the people who could teach him.

It is raining when they leave the library and Mica wishes they had coats. The rain soaks Finn’s shoulders and Mica thinks if only he could get one meal in Finn, he wouldn't have to do this. “Do you remember the steak and potatoes at the Man’s house?” Finn asks him. Mica remembers the lobster in the restaurant. He remembers pizza with Edan after a movie. If Edan would just talk to him, Edan would help them. He remembers meatloaf and mashed potatoes on his mother’s table.

The night has fallen by the time he has nerved himself to stand on the street near a bus stop. This isn’t like getting a taxi. You can’t just flag people down. He hasn’t picked a bad neighborhood, yet he quickly notices the other young people, men and women, huddled in the shadowed corners.

It is too easy. Mica is on the street for half an hour before a car stops and he is offered a ride. I've done this, it's no big deal, he tells himself. Mica hesitates a moment, his fingers on the handle. Finn will wait with their bags until he returns. Mica commits himself.

The car is warm and it feels good to be out of the damp night air. As the large sedan pulls back into the lane. Mica realizes he doesn't know where the man is taking him. He hopes the man will take him back to Finn.

Mica looks at the Trick and weighs the dangers in his mind. The business man is well dressed and slightly overweight. Mica rubs his hands on his grimy jeans and glances at the gentle face. The man keeps looking at him and Mica is tongue-tied. He doesn't realize that this nervousness makes him more alluring to the man. The man tries to be friendly as they drive. Mica is soon drawn into answering his questions. The silence in the car is broken by the man's calm questions and Mica's nervous answers.

They end up in an empty parking lot. “What would you like to do?” Mica asks.

“Take your shirt off.” Mica struggles out of the damp hoodie and T-shirt, and lets them drop to the floor. He turns on the seat to face the man, his body pale in the dashboard lights. The man is excited by the softness of his eyes and the slender, well proportioned face framed by the long mane of blond hair. Mica’s long ponytail brushes his lightly muscled shoulders.

Mica's flat chest and articulated stomach invite exploration so the man reaches out and opens Mica's pants pulling them off his hips. Mica obliges by leaning back against the passenger door. The man studies Mica’s shrunken prick nestled between the globes of his balls. The rise and fall of his chest and the nervous tensing of his abdomen add to Mica’s appearance of vulnerability.

Mica holds still as the man bends down and slides his hands past his hips to cradle Mica’s ass. The man begins arousing Mica’s cold prick. He is uninterested in the teen’s reaction. He is satisfied to let the young hustler passively watch.

When Mica's boner is strong, the man pauses to look at it. It glistens in the dashboard lights and stretches in an artful curve up to the boy’s navel. The man is a connoisseur of young prickes and he appreciates the symmetry and form of Mica’s. It doesn’t take any awkward bends and the gland is a well-formed mushroom. He takes a couple of pictures with an expensive camera, and then returns his attention to Mica's rigid member.

When Mica’s peak comes, he rewards the man with a mouthful and a long series of convulsions. As he catches his breath the man unzips his own pants and digs his fully erect prick out. Mica understands and leans forward to give the man his blow job. He has to work for it and his jaw and tongue are tired before the man finally orgasms with a groan.

Mica sits up and tosses loose hairs back out of his eyes. The man puts himself away and Mica starts to pull up his pants. “No, wait.” The man wants to play with his prick and feel his balls. Before long Mica is aroused again and the man takes his second taste of Mica's spunk.

As they head back to the street where Mica left Finn the man seems pleased. “I like you Cain. I think I'll look for you again. Do you want me to drop you off at the bus stop?” Mica nods to the man.

Mica struggles back into the wet T-shirt and hoodie. This is the awkward part. He needs to get the money. Alea handled this as well. All Mica had to do was fuck. This too is easy, and he steps out of the car with $50 stuffed into his jeans. If he still had the burner phone, he could give the man his number. He is very hungry.

Finn accepted Mica’s finding that first date as a given. Finn was hungry and miserable while he waited, watching the street. It is a miserable night and Finn misses the cozy dryness of the old camper trailer. Finn’s-Bitch needed to take care of him, so he needs to be patient. It is a lonely wait.

Finn sits in the rain hoping Mica would come back to him. He clutched both bags, understanding that it was Mica’s job to get a date and his job to keep their meagre things safe. But Finn is scared as he watches the cars drive by. Finn couldn’t hide in a corner. He could not disappear. He needed to watch for the silver car. The painful knot in Finn’s stomach dissolves when Mica climbs out of the silver car. Mica hugs him on the street. It is so comforting.

After they ate fried chicken and found a sheltered place to sleep, Finn opens his pants and thrusts his groin at Mica’s mouth. Finn is cold and wet. He does not really want head, but he wants Finn’s-Bitch to reassure him that everything will be okay. In a dark doorway, he thrusts his cold prick into Mica’s mouth. His friend’s hands warm his rain-spattered butt cheeks comfortingly. Satisfied that Mica was taking care of him, Finn sinks into the safety of Mica’s arms and falls asleep.

The money lasts two days. Mica buys Finn a cheap coat to keep the rain out and washes their clothes at a laundromat. He stumbles across his family swim pass and realizes they can wash at the pool. Some more money goes for toilet items he should have thought to take with him.

Finn discovers an open tool shed filled with empty cardboard boxes where they can find some protection from the late August nights. When the money runs out, Mica does a second date much like the first.

After a second date, Mica and Finn are joined in the restaurant by another boy who has seen them on the street. The three boys tell each other little. Finn eyes the boy with suspicion and divides his time between his Nintendo and a serving of fries. The boy seems friendly, but Mica feels vulnerable. Friends can turn on you. Edan has not answered his cell phone and Edan’s mother has told Mica her son is too busy to talk.

Days pass and Mica and Finn settle into a routine of evening dates and cold nights huddled in the abandoned shed on a bed of cardboard beneath a cheap sleeping bag. Sometimes Mica sits and talks to the teen runaways he knows. Finn notices with relief that Mica keeps their abandoned shed a secret. Mica bought a new padlock so the tramps won’t take it from them.

During the day, Finn and his hustler-guardian wander the downtown streets and hang out at the library. Finn chatters like a magpie with Mica. They are a scruffy pair of birds and shop attendants eye them suspiciously as they wander the aisles. Neither try to shoplift, not even when Bitch-boy takes a pimply young man into the stock room for a blow job. Little-bitch wanders the aisle touching things. It does not matter to Finn who was doing whom, there will be day-old hotdogs for supper.

Teenagers toss a greeting his way, but leave Finn be. Finn simply reflects so much of how they all feel. They know the tween has latched onto Mica for protection. The other street people treat Finn as if he were Mica’s shopping cart set temporarily to the side. Finn sits alone, incessantly on his games, not too far distant from the protection of Finn’s-Bitch.

The other young people are unwelcome. Little-bitch understands life on the street better than Bitch-boy. Life in the Sykes’ house was no different. Finn categorizes the residents they meet as father, mother, Cain, Alea and Vikki. Who will take, who will trade, and who will give it up? Many of these teens do drugs like Cain. Finn worries about that. Mica is drawn to the possibilities of friendship. Finn listens to the laughter and trusts Mica to be sensible. Finn finds corners and dark places even when they are not there.

Back in the privacy of their shed, Finn will fuck his bitch in an anxious frenzy. Then Mica will tightly hold his Little-master’s trembling body, soothe Finn’s fears with the kind of voice no Sykes was capable of sharing. Mica envelops him in warmth. Finn’s-bitch keeps the nightmares away. Finn’s-bitch always turns the tears to giggles. Safety is his bitch’s spunk, pool soap, long hair, soft voice, strong hands.

Mica knows the ones who share a room and talk proudly of their independence. It is all too obvious that there are Sykes’ homes scattered everywhere. They came from homes like Mica’s too. Places of rejection expelling boys and girls like Mica onto the streets. Mica is attracted to some of them. They like their drugs and Finn’s-bitch has his Little-Master to protect.

Walgreens makes a late supper for the partners. They hook up with Jalen and his roommates. Little-bitch settles against a wall where his Nintendo can charge while he eats. Finn’s-bitch trades trash talk with Jalen, Tanner, and Holly. The three roommates toke up and drink from a bottle of wine. Before long, the teenagers are making out. Tanner and Holly move through the familiar bases on a mattress-toilet in the darkness. It might be Cain and Alea, Little-bitch decides.

Jalen is seventeen and Bitch-boy thinks he is hot. They move through the bases slowly, savouring the flesh-reveal. Mica wants Jalen’s prick. Mica’s body needs Jalen’s strength against his white flesh. The evening’s dates just stoke Bitch-boy’s fire.

Mica sticks his tongue out. His mouth is still as he takes Jalen’s heavy prick at the base and shakes it from side to side so that the swollen head slides against his pink tongue. Jalen’s prick slides in and out of Mica’s mouth while Bitch-boy rubs Jalen’s shaft back and forth between his palms. Four directions at once, Mica’s face so cum-in-your-pants worshiping the seventeen-year old’s long length.

“Pretty good, Mica. I’m gonna have to practice that on you.” Jalen strokes the Slavic hair, wanting to grab the thick ponytail.

Bitch-boy shifts Jalen’s prick to an angle inside his mouth. The hard shaft hits the inside of one cheek, then Mica moves his head so the dripping, salty glans goes slowly in and out. The soft texture of Bitch-boy’s cheek feels good on Jalen’s tip.

“Enough, enough!” Jalen begs. “Oh, Bitch, you love this cock, don’t you?”

Bitch-boy vocalizes his enthusiasm with aahs and oohs while he has Jalen in his mouth. Serving Jalen is a huge turn-on, plus the vibrations skyrocket Jalen’s bliss. Finn wraps his arms around his knees. He blinks sleepily as he watches his bitch give the muscled teen head.

Jalen pulls out and a rope of viscous fluid sags out from glans to tongue. Jamel reaches down and hauls Mica to his feet, because he knows the Whore-slut bottom likes it rough. That is Jalen’s one-pony-trick on the street. Jalen tops pasty bottoms. He would cuff the blond whore’s face, but Tanner is fucking Holly close at hand. Jalen figures the young boy watching would simply blink his drooping eyes.

Jalen yanks Mica’s tight joggers down off his hips. He lightly slaps the mouth reaching out for a kiss. He was right, Mica’s shadow wipes a cuff across a wet nose and blinks. Jalen nibbles on the Bitch’s boner as he kneels to untangle the pants from Mica’s ankles. Mica is so good and the hookers like the hookup when it happens.

Jamel can pull Bitch-boy down to the stained carpet with a tug on the long ponytail and the boner-handle asking for abuse. Jamel takes the bitch on his back, ankles hooked on his shoulders. It is fucking hot to see the face flinch and beg for Jamel’s meat and beat. Mica never flinches at the penetration. His anus opens and his rectum loves occupation. The teenager eats his strong prick like a greedy mouth. The beautiful bitch’s face flinches at what Jamel’s hands do.

Jamel is Edan-strong, Michael-callus. Mica keeps an eye out for the Rentboy Seven picked up to end the car date. Mic does not have to taunt Jamel. The Top twists Bitch-boy’s hard prick, pounds his balls, pushes a palm into Mica’s face. Jamel twists Bitch-boy’s nipples, but it only makes Mica bare his teeth and spunk across his bowed body. Jamel grins back and swipes the mess. His sticky palm mashes the seminal fluids across Mica’s lips. The orgasm is incidental. Bitch-boy is waiting for movement deep inside. Bitch-boy digs his claws into Jamel’s strong back until the Top gasps. It is just a reminder that Whore-slut is here to be used. Jamel’s busy prick is fine, but Bitch-boy expects the Top to pay attention to him. Gentle tricks sucking dick before the police end their pervert pleasure; Bitch-boy wants more.

Finn’s-bitch bought some hard boiled eggs and orange juice for their breakfast. Finn’s stomach is still rumbling. He decides they can afford more in the morning. He eats an egg wishing there was salt and pepper. They need to remember that next time they shop. The Nintendo is charged, so he puts the system away. The boy and the girl are done on the mattress. A mattress would be nice, Finn reflects. There is a toilet with no door. Finn goes for a piss.

“You like that, Bitch? Slap!” This is mutual play between the whores. Jamel knows he is better, because he is the Top. Mica is the bottom-sub; sort of embarrassing in Jamel’s view. He gets the need for sensation. Jamel likes the young body twine as much as Mica. Old farts, Jamel snorts. Slap! Bitch-boy waits till the prick starts gushing. Just the idea of it, sets him off. Mica tells his partner all about it in a throat strangle.

Tanner moves off the filthy mattress. Finn’s-bitch is still orgasming on the floor while Jamel swigs some wine. Jamel sits beside Holly on the mattress. The roommates share the bottle and watch as Tanner moves to Mica’s mouth. Still caught up in his shudders, his anus figuring out how to close, Bitch-boy whores his fourth prick for the night.

Holly’s giggle brings Finn back up from the sleep he is sinking down to. Finn’s-bitch is cleaning spunk off Jalen’s dark cock. Tanner fucks Mica’s ass. Finn’s-bitch might be orgasming still. There is too much movement to tell. His bitch just bounces between the two boys. The humming, that’s how I know Mica is still cumming. Finn’s-bitch is humming or groaning.

Finn stirs fitfully against the wall. He has a book bag by each side where they are safe. His bitch is being cared for, but Finn wants him close. He wants to sleep with Mica’s arms around him. Finn’s eyes droop like a child who cannot wait up for New Years. “Ah! Ah! Ah!” His bitch gasps. Finn opens his eyes, Holly giggles on the mattress. Mica’s open mouth is cupped against Jamel’s scrotum. Jamel’s hard prick lies along Mica’s nose. Jamel’s proud boner will be down his bitch’s throat, choking off the sounds, or it might return to Bitch-boy’s rectum. Finn falls asleep before he knows the answer.

Jamel fucks Mica slowly without the extra play. It has been a long evening. The strung out copulation from behind does more than Tanner’s opportunistic assault on Mica’s ass. Jamel is Deacon-big. The next orgasm is very satisfying. It is private-personal.

Finn and Mica are living day to day. School has started somewhere and Mica has nowhere warm to take Finn. The fifteen-year old finds the streets seductive now. He has this kernel of pride. Fuck you, dad, he is handling life on his own. Bitch-boy is not giving it away like the other cheerleaders. Desmond Loughty, know-it-all Lout, called Mica a Pink Sheet Whore-slut. Bitch-boy walks the streets in cheap clothes.

Sometimes, Finn’s-bitch feels Blue Chip. Bitch-boy has the looks. Mica has his spot. He never has to wait long. He hands his coat and bag to Little-bitch, and the Tricks come to him. The Tricks are waiting for him now. Mica is the Whore-slut other Rent-boys envy. Bitch-boy feels Blue Chip. He is taking care of himself and seeing that Finn is cared for.

Brief, Anonymous Survey:

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Next: Chapter 20

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