Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 14, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 16

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Little-Bitch Gets His

“You are Leon’s birthday present.” The fat man informs Finn. Finn is sitting beside Mica on the leather seat of the Lexus LX 570. Finn’s bare calf is touching Mica’s bare calf because this is one of those times he needs to know that Finn’s-Bitch is there to take care of him.

This will not be like a date with The Man. The role-playing for the man has become very elaborate. Mica calls it performance art. Finn looks forward to their date with The Man. The Man watches The Boy and The Brother eat supper now. More performance art. Mica wraps his arms around Finn while he cuts the butter-soft steak and steaming baked potato. Mica never touches Finn, but he finds ways to get closer. The Man really appreciates this innovation to his evening. The Man still never touches Finn.

“Tonight, you finally earn your keep.” Alea informs her little slut brother. “I don’t want to hear that there were any problems.”

Finn finds a phone and pulls Mica away from whatever it was he is doing. He needs Mica right away. Finn meets Finn’s-Bitch at Alea’s trailer office.. “You have to get undressed!” Finn orders the teenager. Finn straddles Mica on the camper floor. He makes an "OK" sign around the head of Mica’s prick, then strokes downward, following immediately with his other hand, making the same motion. “Today, it is going to happen. Alea told me so. You are going to be there too.” Take it again from the top. Keep repeating, then reverse directions and pull upward to mix things up.

When his bitch is hard and the seminal fluid has begun to leak, Finn coats the boner with lubricant. For the first time in weeks, Finn thinks about how big his bitch really is. Mica is going to poke his lungs, Finn is sure. Finn’s-Bitch just touches him reassuringly as he lets the prick stretch his anus. He sinks slowly on the shaft, hoping the evening’s Trick takes him so gently.

“Okay,” Finn takes a breath. He puts his oily hands on Mica’s shoulders. His anus is stretched by Finn’s-Bitch and it does feel as if the long boner will tickle his lungs. “Okay,” Finn repeats and. Starts to slide up and down the boner. Reassuring hands touch his ass and follow his hips as they cycle through the motions. Mica starts echoing.  Finn’s words. “Okay.”

“It’ll be okay.”


“It’ll be okay.”

Finn’s-Bitch will be there when he meets the Trick. It will be okay. Finn sits on Mica’s boner when his bitch starts humping in his rectum. Finn arches his back and ejaculates a small echo across his bitch’s heaving chest. Alea says they are both just boy-hustlers and they have to go, but Finn would rather lie on Finn’s-Bitch and feel Mica hold him tight.

Back in the Lexus LX 570, The fat driver talks as he drives back into the same neighborhood where The Man lives. “It goes like this.” He pauses with a glance in the rear view mirror. “Hey kid, are you paying attention?”

“Yes sir.”

Mica is looking out the window, feeling Finn pressed up against him. He meets the Trick’s eyes in the mirror.

“This is the gist of it. I introduce your little brother to Leon. You have a name kid?”

“He’s Finn,” Mica replies. “I’m Mica.”

“Okay, whatever.” The fat man assumes they are professional names. “Finn is shy. Finn really does not want to do this, yada yada yada.”

“I fight?” Finn asks.

“Meh, you fuss. Like, you don’t want to have a bath tonight. That sort of thing.”

“Tears?” Finn persists.

“If it works for you. So big brother here.”

“Mica,” Finn reminds.

“Whatever, Mica marches you into another room and paddles your ass. It has to be for real kids. He comes back with a pink butt. I’m paying for real.”

“How long?” Mica asks. His voice is neutral. Finn notes this, remembers this. Finn’s-Bitch is teaching him how to do this boy-hustler thing the right way. Alea is going to send Little-Bitch out on his own. That thought makes Finn shiver. His bitch’s hand slides over Finn’s thin thigh close to his groin. Mica presses the leg closer to his own.

“I don’t know, not too long. That would be weird. Not too short.”

“I’ll beat him for a minute. We can stop, arguing back and forth. Get in the tub stuff. I’ll spank him a few more times, then bring him back.” Finn nods in agreement. When you are weak like Finn and Mica, you have to be smart. Mica is tickling his groin. Finn grins at his friend.

“You bring him to Leon.”

“Am I going to fight it?” Finn has never been good at that. “Should I scream and punch?” What Finn really fears is something like the Go Directly to Jail or Cain’s basement. He cannot fight that. “We need to practice that,” Finn adds to Finn’s-Bitch. Mica rolls his eyes.

“Leon’s not going to rape you kid. That’s my birthday present to Leon.” Mica and Finn look at each other. “Just stick to fussy. He will like it if you try to push him away a little.”

“My hands try to fend him off, but he is too strong.”

“You get the picture kid. You are a Pro.”

The Fat Man has no idea. Finn has played that scene with his older siblings since before memory. “So he hits me?”

“Nah, Leon is not the type.”

“Do I like it?” Finn is reassured about the no hitting. Finn’s-Bitch will make the spanking real, but Finn knows he is safe with Mica.

“I think Leon wants you to maybe discover how fucking well hung he is, how he rocks your world.”

“So I cum?” Finn presses for details.

“Better not.” The Fat Man answers quickly. “You are skinny, which is good, but you are actually too old for Leon. I figure you can make it work.”

“Mica!” Finn says urgently.

“You just came. I saw you do it before we dressed.” Finn’s-Bitch assures him.

“Sometimes twice now, Mica.”

“So just don’t cum.” Mica smiles reassurance.

“As if!” Finn is undoing his pants and sliding over on the leather seat. “I always cum with someone up my ass, just like you.” Finn’s-Bitch should know that. “Yeah … Okay, the fingers, you’re right, the fingers too.” Mica is at his prostate and working his magic on Finn’s groin.

“What the F!” The Fat Man blurts. The Lexus pulls over to the side of the road so the man can turn to watch. “Pull off for a second.” He asks Mica. Finn is there frogged on the leather seat, Mica’s fingers in his rectum. His hips pulse with the inner motion. His bare crotch sports the boy’s intense boner. “Leon is going to love that.”

Finn practices feebly fending Mica off. His groin, then lets the anxiety transition into overwhelming passion. Finn is only twelve now, but he is sexually alive. He ejaculates a small squirt. “I told you!” Finn reproaches his bitch.

“Just shut up!” Mica replies. He turns to The Fat Man. “So I’m done when Leon starts with Finn?”

“No way kid. You are my present.” Finn squeezes Mica’s hand hard.

Mica cannot really hear Finn and the partner named Leon downstairs in the basement. He can only hope that things are going well for Little-bitch. The fussbudget, spanking part went very well. The tears were probably real enough. A bitch-boy does not complain in the Sykes’ home. It only makes things worse, but tears and sobs go unnoticed. Willis Sykes taught all his children that he was immune to that. Crying relieves stress. Mica sent the chastised young tween off to lose his imaginary virginity with Leon.

The Fat Man brought Mica to the master bedroom. There is no game play between them. Mica carefully folds his clothes across one lounge chair. The house is not as austentatious as The Man’s, but Mica recognizes money when he sees it.

“You’re buddy is not a virgin, I take it.”

“I’ve fucked him.” Mica admits. He is pretty sure Cain used his little brother before Alea was passed down. Mica tries not to think about that.

“I guessed as much. That’s a good thing. I don’t think Leon could handle a virgin anyway.” The man approaches Mica and strokes a flank. “Hey, someone went at you pretty good, here.” The Trick traces a line with his finger. “You play rough.” Mica’s ass is squeezed. “Nice.”

Mica is hanging by his wrists from a convenient hook in the spacious bedroom. Everything in the Sykes sisters' imagination is cobbled together from what lies around. The makeshift dildo, repurposed clothesline, belts and flexible curtain wands; the sisters make do. The Fat Man’s toys are quality. Soft Napa leather wraps his wrists comfortably. The same orange and black restraints bind his ankles. “Do I need a safe word?” Mica asks before the Fat Man fits a dildo gag in his mouth.

“We’re not partnered kid. We won’t take it that far.” Mica must accept that as assurance. Before the gag went around his head, the man fusses with his long hair. It ends in a man-bun high on his crown. Mica feels very Samurai, very Bushido. The Fat Man selects a Duo Cock Ring that fits snugly about Mica’s scrotum and prick. The man considers a butt-plug, but discards the thought. “You have to want this, boy. I’m going to make you want this like the submissive cunt you are.” This is whispered in Mica’s ear, so very softly.

The Fat Man likes the lean strip of rawhide stretched out ready for his flogger. He runs a hand across his targets; the upper back and each side of the young whore’s spine. The teen is poverty-skinny. The man will have to be careful. The slim hips and the sensuous curve of the upper butt, very nice, but striking there will cause a different kind of undesirable pain. “You’re cock-hard ready for me, aren’t you?” Young flesh constrained by the elastic cock and scrotum rings is straining away from Mica’s flat body.

“You’re a sub and a slut for that little dom downstairs.” Mica thinks the word filth as the Fat Man strokes Mica’s pulsing boner with soft fingers. “I see you together, you and your little man. You’re thinking of him now with Leon. Leon has your little man naked now. All those long young limbs touched.” The Fat Man’s hands explore Mica’s thighs, illustrating Leon’s explorations. “All that hairless skin.” The Trick’s finger tips pause on the growing pelt above Mica’s ankles. “Not quite hairless. Your tongue probably knows the light follicles about those long legs.” Mica shivers as the man licks up his flank.

The Fat Man moves behind him. “You are both so slender. Not here!” He adds and hands clasped Mica’s tense buttocks. “Lovely here, both of you, that’s a proper bottom for a Bottom.” Mica can feel the finger tracing his cane marks. “Someone gets angry with you. Do you get angry when he is angry?” A finger finds Mica’s anus through the clenched cheeks. Mica is Finn’s Bitch-boy, whore-slut, so he relaxes his ass, inviting the man’s finger into his rectum. “Someone has taught you pain, but they did not help you follow the path back to pleasure. I’m sorry about that.” The Fat Man’s voice is compassionate. “I’m sorry for you kid.”

“Maybe you serve your little man in other ways.” The Fat Man’s voice is back to sensual-sadistic. From behind Mica, he resumes touching the whore-slut’s stretched body. “Leon has your little master on his back by now. Those boyish Hobbit feet, fresh clipped toenails? Leon has them tickling his earlobes now. Maybe Little Master likes it when your tongue worships the brown flower. Is it big like a woman’s areola, or is his rosebud petit like his nipples?” The Fat Man is manipulating Mica’s nipples, considering alligator clips. “Leon’s licking him. I bet you know that pleasure, my handsome boy. He is hard for you, your little master?” The man’s hands roam everywhere, from neck to the pubic mat on Mica’s concave gut. Mica is a ripe banana dripping from the tip. “Now let’s dance together.”

The Fat Man lets Mica see the flogger before he begins. It runs up his chest to Mica’s nose so he can appreciate the leather aroma. The Fat man makes the first flick. It is not a golf swing. The flogger pulls backwards in a snapping motion right before it hits. The anticipated blow prompts a delicious flinch and shiver. The man varies this motion, controlling how many of the tails connect with the young whore’s back; the tips sting. The Fat Man experiments by letting the tips of the tails wrap around a curve of Mica’s slender torso. The wrapping accelerates the tips tremendously and this excessive force results in the first indication of pain. Mica reacts sensuously, happy birthday Leon. The Fat Man repeats the experiment. Mica dances on the balls of his feet.

The Trick pauses to run the handle up the little slut’s prick. The elastic cock-ring encourages growth. He prods and strokes, letting the adolescent randiness accomplish the rest. When the erection rises beautifully away from the slut-boy’s body, he adds a length of surgical hose about the groin.

The delectable butt is very inviting. The man flicks at it with great accuracy to avoid excessive wrapping onto the hips. A few strikes wrap into the inner thigh on purpose. The slut’s butt is very rewarding, and the thighs too. His subject is responding nicely. He is so quiet that The Fat Man can hear his partner crooning to the smaller whore on the basement floor.

“Leon is quite big, much bigger than you. No criticism boy, I like your length very well.” Flick! “You know the feeling. Your hard dick sinking into your little master’s heat. That small brown pucker erased by your fat cock.” Flick! “Maybe you always look at your Little Man’s face. Yes, that’s what you do. Leon is watching the boy’s balls move up and down. Does your little dom get all hard for you?” Flick! “He does!” This delicious whore with his unblemished muscular body clearly makes the young boy bone.

The man pauses as he recalls the car ride home. The little whore just ripped his pants open and lay ready on the luxurious leather car backseat as they drove to the date. I always cum, just like you, the kid exclaimed. Yeah … Okay, the fingers, you’re right, the fingers too. He had to stop and watch the boys. The younger one was hard before he opened his shorts.

The man tunes this distracting memory out. This teenager is his reward. He focuses on the young sub hanging from his bedroom ceiling. Soft blows work up gradually to harder ones. The slut hanging from the ceiling will be able to take more. The teenager will give more too. The session is just beginning.

Mica marvels at the intensity, the sting just after each impact. His flesh is burning or it is relaxing after a good massage, Mica can’t say. It is a startling sensation that gets his heart racing. An endorphin rush floods his body and he is floating on this mixture of pleasure and pain. There was an intimation of this when the Man canes him in the library. Mica feels his tolerance for the pain growing as the caning sessions repeat. Standing solidly on his feet with his hands above his head, it is a strange thing. The flogging that punishes his body disperses the summer’s stress. He is on Ecstasy, and the drug makes Mica’s constricted boner throb for release.

The whore is beginning to fuck empty air. To be so young, the Fat Man muses. The Fat Man brushes his palm up the boner and copious spunk jets out over the blade of the man’s hand. The Fat Man spreads the ejaculation back over the captive prick. The manipulation makes the slut jump like the flogger is still striking blows.

If I was younger, the Fat Man begins, but life changes. He selects the nine-inch nail and shares the wide obscenity with the waiting slut. Mica’s eyes widen at the monstrosity. It’s circumcised length is ultra realistic.

Mica’s lips are moving, but the dildo gag stifles what he might say. The Fat man releases Mica’s ankles. A tall stool from the walk-in closet allows the man to sit and settle the suspended boy’s hips over his lap. It is a nice spanking position. The whore’s head drops between the bound arms and the sweep of young flesh bows nicely to the plump buttocks. He grasps the slut’s constrained scrotum with one hand. He taps the long dildo on the Sub’s inner thigh. The Fat Man starts an interlude of sustained rape. The slut’s stifled cries are perfect. The prick grows heavy and wet against the Fat Man’s forearm.

“I’d like to compliment you on your asshole, boy. It is very pretty. Of course, it is lost around my fat dildo at the moment. When I draw it out of you, I catch a glimpse.” The seven inches sink back in around the one and a half inch stretch. Happy birthday, Leon! The Rent-Boy loves the plastic prick, the Fat Man feels it through his palms.

About eight minutes in (and out), the party in his lap has lost his adolescent mind. To be so young again! The inevitable spunk has been milked from the boy’s five inch spike. This rectal massage is incense-aromatherapy for the Fat Man. The Fat Man thinks the whore is weeping behind the dildo gag. His enviable youth has been roiling about the Fat Man’s lap for two minutes. “Time to move on,” the Trick informs his subject. “You're so entertaining!”

The boy hanging from the hook will hardly notice, but the Fat Man decides to instal Leon’s new 12-frequency Double Head. The Fat Man shakes his head with a silent chuckle. What’s the name he used? Mica does his best to assist the insertion. “You like my toys?” Mica mumbles something through the gag. “I don’t think you have been handled properly. That’s a shame.” He sets the motors running with the remote control.

The Fat Man exchanges the lighter flogger for the heavier one. In the second session, he varies the pace and alternates heavier blows with softer ones (just using the tips). This makes the difference between a good flogging and a great one. The blows feel like a cross between a scratch and a slap. The Fat Man knows both kinds of sensation are enjoyable in different ways.

The Fat Man is a skilled top. He can alternate thud and sting to create waves of sensation that wash the young slut into ecstasy. It's the motion of the ocean. It takes practice to know how to use this to blow this young whore’s mind. He adjusts the frequencies on the prostate massage as well. During this second flogging, the Fat Man is sensitive to the nuances of how the whore is handling the experience. He wants the young slut floating on a sea of light pain and intense arousal.

Mica handles it well. The man’s strokes are like nothing he imagined. The Sykes siblings have not got a clue. Mica has lost track of the time. He floats peacefully in a now without beginning or end. Mica is constantly horney as the heated dildo warms his rectum and the sharp tips sting his naked body and excite endorphins. The torture tool inserted in his rectum vibrates against his prostate. His boner needs a fresh release. Mica is offering himself to the man, whimpering through the gag. “Oh what an easy slut you are.” The man pauses to whisper in his ear. Mica nods his head in agreement.

The Fat Man makes him dry fuck. Bitch-boy’s prick thrusts through a closed palm. “I’m going to have your cunt on the floor in just a minute. I’ll untie you, you’ll worship my cock till it is hard, then lift your pussy high so I can breed you on the floor like you deserve.”

Mica fucks the hand that beat him. His ejaculation proves just what a filthy slut he is. He falls to the floor exhausted, but he is called upon to serve immediately. The dildo is still vibrating somewhere behind his cock-ringed groin. His mouth is empty for only a brief moment as Bitch-boy waits on his knees before the Fat Man. The man strokes his lips, then walks behind him, thumb hooked into the corner of Mica’s mouth as if he was a pony ready for the bit. Mica simply arches his back and tilts his head so the Trick’s prick can fuck his face from behind. The Fat Man’s prick slides in Mica’s open mouth. Everything travels back and forth while his ears brush heavy thighs. The Fat Man strokes his neck. The double headed vibrator changes frequency between clenched cheeks. “Such a lovely boy, such a lovely mouth.”

When the Fat Man’s prick is good and ready, the dildo gag returns to Bitch-boy’s tired mouth. Mica is still flung back on his heels until the Fat Man guides his shoulders down to the floor. The cuffs are linked together behind Mica’s back. He lifts his pussy so the sensation in his rectum can be exchanged for a hard prick. The Fat Man penetrates Bitch-boy with a thrust. “Such a lovely pussy.”

The Fat Man paid Alea for this submissive slut and the little boy in the basement with his partner. The Fat Man takes his money’s worth and Mica gets more orgasms. The dildo gag is the Lout resting perpetually on his tongue. The cock ring is Alea’s bed-post jail. The prick in his ass is Burley having his way with Bitch-boy. This has been an erotic-narcotic lesson in mingling pain, arousal, and utter subjugation. “Whip me again,” Bitch-boy pleads around the dildo in his mouth, but he doesn’t want the flogger, he wants the next orgasm ripped from his rectum. The Fat Man likes this all very much.

The Fat Man lets Mica doze on the partner’s vast bed. Just the one fuck, Javier cautions reluctantly. It’s Leon’s birthday, the Fat Man reasons. He is not teenage spunky like the whore sleeping on his bed. “What an enchanting bitch you are, my lovely!” It is hard not to play endlessly with the underage Twink. Mica is on his stomach, splayed as if his limbs want the bindings hanging from convenient posts. He’s like a Tesla, let him rest and charge for an hour, then he is good to go, but it is Leon’s birthday.

Leon is like this too, after one of their long sessions. In fact, Mica reminds Javier of Leon when they first met. The sounds of the young boy chattering with Leon draw closer. The younger whore comes in the bedroom with a smile, looking none the worse for wear. The two men kiss while they watch the twelve-year old crawl close to his sleeping partner. Darkness and light, but they seem a matched pair to Javier.

“Thank you Javier, the boy was beautiful. We need to have them back another time.” Leon kisses his partner. Leon is ecstatic with his gift, and being totally impractical. They have two underage boys in their house. A few more years, and the enchanting submissive would be legal meat for Javier’s hook. Till then, the partners must be cautious. Leon is a practical sort, he catches Javier’s look. “Risky business, yes my love, I’ll be good. Time for a drink?”

The men exchange stories about their afternoon over highballs. The two whores sleep spooned together. This is all too tranquil for a birthday party, so Javier and Leon take their drinks back to the bedroom. They need some foreplay before Javier gives Leon his final present.

Finn kneels on the carpet, his small bum open in a pretty way. Mica kneels over him, forcing Finn’s knees to spread. Mica is almost shielding his young charge’s back from the two partners. Their partner-pussies lie open to the men’s appreciation. Two brown and swollen anuses inviting fresh attention. Javier and Leon pick their partner and the Nine-Inch Nail slides tenderly into Mica’s loose loins. Leon has a smaller member for Finn. The small dildo gag in Leon’s grip is usually strapped down his throat while Javier disciplines him. Later,  the memory of this phallus resting in the young boy’s rectum will play across his tongue. The partners share a shivery kiss over the Whore-slut’s bowed back.

Mica’s scrotum rests on the small of Finn’s back, the younger whore’s balls stretch below his. Their heads butt against each other like lovers coupling. Mica uses a free hand to cradle Finn’s thin torso. The older whore’s fingers slide over and around the two men’s hands. Hands on crotches, hands about the young, perspiring chests as the whores start panting. The men kiss promises to each other over the quivering sluts. They so love young sluts.

“Should we punish them for being perfect?” Leon giggles.

“I’ve punished this one.” Javier reaches to Mica’s mouth and thrusts two fingers in. Mica lathes the Fat Man’s digits. His hard prick is slathering Little-bitch’s back. Finn is making noises beneath him now.

“Too much?” Leon asks coyly.

Javier frowns his answer, “can there ever be too much?” The Fat Man asks his partner. “Will I please you on your birthday if I agree?” Javier smiles evilly.

“Should we punish your Sub, Little Master?” Javier asks, stroking Finn’s jaw.

“Yes!” The small whore answers. Finn’s-bitch drops his spunk on Finn’s back. Finn presses up against the slick boner. Finn took the spanking from his bitch. He played the game with Leon in the basement. He likes this best, whoring with Finn’s-bitch. Little-bitch and Bitch-boy, holding each other close. Finn, safe in Mica’s arms.

“Should we punish you as well, Little One?” Leon asks, fondling the young boy’s prick.

“Okay, sure, I guess.” Finn’s voice cracks anxiously. It will be fine, if Finn’s-bitch is very close.

“69 boys.” Javier snaps authoritatively. Little-bitch and Bitch-boy slither around each other. Mica’s prick is wrecked from orgasms. Finn just lets the glans fill his small mouth. His fingers clutch at Mica’s scrotum and flutter on the huge dildo driving back into Mica’s rectum.

Mica’s prick is wrecked, but Finn’s boner needs to fuck his bitch’s mouth anxiously. A larger dildo finds his anus, pushes deep. Finn uses the pressure to drive his prick down Mica’s throat. My bitch, I’m his bitch and he’s my bitch, Finn reassures himself. “I want to, I want to,” then Finn is lifting off his bitch’s chest, kneeling at the whore’s head and madly fucking his friend’s mouth.

Leon has the dildo deep in Finn’s vice-like rectum. Finn’s hands caress Mica’s face, his neck, and chest. Finn’s-bitch reaches up to run his own palms up Little-bitch’s tense flanks. “Just, yeah, just, Mica, Mica, Mica.” Finn lets something loose in Bitch-boy’s mouth. It just might be a final aspiration from the young whore. The heel of Finn’s right palm keeps hitting Mica’s chest, like the Rent-boy punched Mica’s sass in the back of Seven’s 1968 Ford Fairlane. “Ugh, ugh, ugh, Mica.” Finn is whimpering.

“Back you go!” Leon sings. Finn collapses on his bitch. The dildo in his rectum almost pushes him back onto his bitch’s limp prick. Then the bruised flesh gets punished further until every movement is an overstimulation and the men’s weapons turn their insides out. Just Twelve-years old in the passing of an unmarked summer birthday, Little-bitch finally gets to whore-slut like his bitch.

An Uber takes the boy-hustlers home. Javier is too busy giving Leon his final birthday present. Mica and Finn sit beside each other, unable to speak. Finn jostles Mica’s side and grins. The whore-sluts can hear Leon’s high pitched shrieks through the front door as they wait for their ride in the summer dark.

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Next: Chapter 17

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