Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 8, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 14

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Play Dates

The afternoon’s Date is the Deacon. The Trick still likes Mica’s silence, his bourbon, and his unimaginative sex. The Deacon likes his boners and rectums very young and mutely compliant. The dynamic of dominance and submission is parental without the kink of the rich Man’s traumatic memories.  

For all the mercenary exchange of body fluids and the inter generational touching, Mica’s sexual encounters have been blandly unsophisticated copulations. The tortures inflicted by the sisters are uncontrived revenge or clumsy efforts to enforce compliance. Mica snatches nuance from the Man’s stark caning sessions. Sensation flows to the Man and the Brother is the compliant dispenser.

Mica is an outlier iGen. Sexually experienced to excess, and less imaginative than any of his well-connected classmates. Seven out of ten boys his age recognize a kink better than Mica. His strict upbringing insures Mica is the one in ten who never saw pornography. Bitch-boy is walking home well-used by men his father’s age. Between the Lout’s fat thighs and under the Man’s inarticulate thrashing, Bitch-boy is trying to understand what the hell he wants.

The simplicity of his transactions are a good thing as Mica walks home from the Sykes’s house. There is enough confusion at the moment. It is well past the Laar family’s late supper hour. Mica’s mother will be disappointed in her truant son once again.

Mica stumbles into a prayer meeting intervention. This begins with an inquisition about Mica’s imaginary week-long road trip and the obvious bruises on his arms and face. Mica trots out his imaginary mugging to explain this. The prayer group argues briefly whether bruises, or the mugging, are signs of drug use. Phones come out and pictures of eroding meth addicts are consulted, and then passed around the circle. Mica has to flash his white teeth to prove there is no decay. The consensus is that the prodigal son has been on some sort of Rumspringa.

After a lengthy Bible reading that begins with, “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.” Pastor Jerry clears his throat, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. The assembly primes the pump with a circle of trite-trivial, sanctimonious, personal confessions. This is a ritual self flagellation in Mica’s religious community. The ladies are eavesdropping in the kitchen, so the men’s confessions are not salacious.

“This is your personal Bible Mica Laar. To sin is to move away from God. You left this behind when you ran away. I think that hurts me the most. Brother Jude has marked a passage for you to meditate on.” Mica’s father hands him the worn Bible he has thumbed so often. “Psalm 32:5”

Mica finds the marked page. The selected verse is translucent. A fresh spill of viscous seminal fluid has soaked into the thin paper. Bitch-boy rubs a finger over the saturated paper and bites his lip. Brother Jude sits watching. Mica’s recitation is almost subvocal. “Then I acknowledge my sins to you and did not cover my iniquity. I said, I will confess my transgressions to the Lord. And you forgave the guilt of my sin.”

Mica makes his confession a good one. The bad (Godless) friend with a car might be Edan from Mica’s vague description. There is a drive to Chicago involving the transgression of shoplifting in a gas station. Mica confesses to being tempted by a young woman he thinks might have been a prostitute. That prompts an interruption from Pastor Jerry, who wants details on how Mica felt in the presence of this fallen woman, “Do not lust in your heart after her beauty or let her captivate you with her eyes.” Mica goes all in and confesses he masturbated on the memory of the women.

Mica’s friend lured him into drinking beer by the lake. He probably had too much of this unfamiliar beverage, because he vomited. The wayward boys stayed at a complete stranger’s house for two nights. It was not a Godly house, there were both girls and boys there, sleeping in the same rooms. Pastor Jerry interrupts again, needing fresh details. Mica was mugged on the street. He forgot to pray. He knew he had to come home.

Mica kneels in the center of the living room head bowed in supplication. The good people gather around on their knees or leaning in so everyone can lay their hands on the young sinner. Whenever two or more of us are gathered in his name … or perhaps it was an exorcism, The power of Christ compels you … Someone has laid hands on Mica’s gut. The familiar hand fondles his nipples before reaching down to cup his scrotum. Pastor Jerry’s prayer is lengthy and Mica’s prick is tumulus.

At a word, the gathered men will strip Bitch-boy and drive a train through his tunnel. The hand on his prick promises this. Someone will scourge the Whore-slut filth like the Man did. His father, with the heavy belt, perhaps. Thank you father, I understand. The church men will drive him through the front door with heavy blows. The congregation of spunk will mark his inner thighs like a Judas goat. Finn’s-bitch is driven into Gehenna, the destination of the wicked. Mica runs this through his mind as Pastor Jerry drones on. The Prodigal Son’s scrotum is taunted by God’s grouping hand, Bitch-boy’s prick is hard.

Mica is sent to his room and the women bring in strong tea. A strange conversation ensues where the Laar’s parents negotiate the passage between responsibility and martyrdom over the Prodigal Son’s inexplicable transgressions. This careful maneuvering is answered by the gathered friends with commiseration and some diplomatic finger pointing. Schadenfreude and black tea, spiced with speculation about what Mica has left unsaid.

Pastor Jerry wants more details about the prostitutes and a forensic investigation of the lust Mica felt. The masturbation concerns him too. They pray about that and Mica considers his pastor’s explicit references to self abuse techniques. Mica sits on his bed, Bible open, as other concerned men poke their heads in to assure him he is in their prayers. “Thank you brother,” Mica murmurs to them all.

Brother Jude is so moved by Mica’s transgressions that he needs to pray with Mica before he goes home. Mica kneels before the man as Brother Jude lays his hands on Mica’s head. Mica unzips the man’s earnest desire and swallows the ready prick. The Deacon sways back and forth into Mica’s busy mouth as he loudly quotes irrelevant scriptures. “If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and give it to us … embrace your fathers and open to their seed… a land which floweth with my milk and honey … and they shall have eaten and filled themselves, and waxed fat!”  The eruption is punctuated by a loud, “Praise God!” The Deacon mashes Mica’s face against his crotch. “Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese?”

Lying in his bedroom that night, Mica begins to admit that his new life will not end with the summer in four weeks. The Sykes will expect Finn’s-bitch to continue whoring forever. The old flip phone in his pocket vibrates a message from Alea. Mica has instructions, but they are not from Alea. Finn has stolen her phone or borrowed it from Vikki. “Finn’s room, before 7:00 am.” Mica shakes his head and smiles. Edan has this number, but there has been no call. That bothers Mica more than Deacon Jude’s playful hypocrisies.

Bitch-boy and Little-bitch play tag in the park while they wait for the rideshare to pick them up for their Date with the Man. Mica chases Finn onto the play structure and they Parkour about the metal and plastic giggling together. Finn makes friends with a few young children and Mica is it for a time. Finally, it is Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag while Mica sits on a bench watching. “Finn, time to go!” Mica calls when the Uber driver pulls up at the arranged spot.

The Man expects Finn and Mica to remember the role play from the week before. They play together on the floor, wash in the tub, touch on the bed, and then the Brother takes his familiar punishment. Mica does not need the Man to arouse him in the bedroom final touching. Bitch-boy gets a boner anticipating what comes next in the library. The Man gets angry, the ritual words are spoken to the Brother and the Boy. The Brother walks in submission to the maple library table. Thank you sir, I understand, fifteen times. Finn whips the Man brutally to the five count. Bitch-boy gets fucked in the endorphin-afterglow of fresh pain.

Mica realizes not touching is very important to the Man. It is like the edging Mica and Finn have started practicing on each other. Mica torments the Man with careful gestures where he almost lets his yearning fingers touch Finn. Finn picks up on this restraint and almost lets his body be touched. The first kiss on the floor never connects. The stiff brush ten-foot-pole’s the young whore’s connection to eachother. They have force shields about their bodies until that moment on the bed when Finn finally touches Mica’s body. The Man loves this subtlety, they can tell.

Alea sees them perfecting this not-touching  in Finn’s room. They touch each other without touching. Finn can snakecharm his bitch hard, Mica’s hips levitate off the bed as Finn’s face hovers over his groin. In his turn, Finn’s-Bitch can make the eleven-year old shiver just by passing a slow hand an inch above Little-Bitch’s prone body.

Alea watches the two sluts facing each other, each testing how close their fingers can approach the other body without touching. Alea thinks this constant hand waving all over their bodies is stupid. “Suck the Little Bitch’s dick, slut. Make the little pussy cum. That’s your job.” Finn’s-Bitch promptly abandons the trial of self-control. The tween is pushed to the floor and Mica consumes Finn’s boner and tears at his tender scrotum. While Finn lies there, he sees if he can not-touch Mica’s shining mane of hair with his fingers.

When Mica reaches the Laar’s house, he sees Edan's Jetta parked across the street. Edan sits on the steps waiting. “Can I come in?” Mica nods vastly relieved to see he has not been abandoned by the handsome gay youth.

Edan pokes around the house as Mica showers. Edan finds Mica's home quite simple, rather what he expected. Edan is relieved that the Laar’s family home is nothing like the Sykes’ sewer of smells and noises. His boyfriend’s room is funky-messy and small. The bed is still rumpled from the morning. Edan confronts the poster of a young woman in a bikini above Mica’s bed. A school friend has the same poster. It was a given in Edan’s mind that Mica was gay. When Mica enters Edan braces himself for the truth. “You're not gay are you?” Mica glances at the poster, laughs, and quickly tries to explain.

“The poster is for my dad, you idiot. He’d kill me if he knew. He claims to hate it because of all the skin.” This is a problem Edan can instantly sympathize with. “I like you Edan.” Mica isn't sure this is enough. “There isn't anyone else I would rather be with.” He swallows hard and comes closer to Edan. “I love you Edan.”

Mica stands stripped to his boxers appealing to the youth. He is saying what the seventeen-year old wants to hear and he hopes Edan can bury his doubts. Mica has learned how to cry convincingly, some Tricks need it to get off, tears drip down his face in pleasing patterns. The hustler's tears might even be real this time. Mica has trouble telling sometimes.

This ends up on Mica’s bed with the boxers discarded on the floor. While Mica strokes Edan's back and feels the youth's long shaft delve deep into him. Mica hopes he is finally telling Edan something true. But truth hardly matters, Mica is a slut and a hustler and there is no place for boyfriends in a Bitch-boy life.

Still, Mica needs Edan. As Edan responds to his hoarse encouragement, Mica's body telegraphs a message of passion and desire. He manages to time a groan of contentment to match Edan's guttural peak. Edan slowly settles on his chest and gives him a deep kiss. Edan has been reassured.

Edan has brought gifts for his boyfriend, or perhaps they are gifts for himself. Mica is reaching for his boxers and his pants. “No, just wait a minute! I brought you some things to try.” Edan has Amazoned a few items for his femme fatale. “Try this first, Mica.”

First, is a lacy black jockstrap that hugs Mica’s crotch and runs in two sexy thin straps to frame his buttocks. Very fetching, and Bitch-boy loves the look and feel. The pouch controls Mica’s wanton prick and the open back submits his anus to casual invasion. “I like it, Edan.” Whore-slut smiles an invitation over his shoulder, firm cheeks offer fresh access through the yielding slit in Mica’s flesh.

“It’s okay.” Edan had to see it for himself. His boyfriend is a stunner in the sexy jockstrap. “Try the others now.” The others suit Edan far better. He ordered three pairs of panties. They cover his boyfriend’s crotch much like the jockstrap, but veil his boyfriend’s buttocks in seductive, chaste fabric. A tiny bit of bling along the band above Mica’s prick suggests a chastity belt. “Let me see,” Edan asks, but he means touch.

Mica steps up to him and runs his fingers through Iron Man’s hair while Edan sees to his heart’s content. Mica’s prick swells within its new constraints. At a prompt, Mica rotates so Edan can examine the fit-form of the fabric encasing Mica’s cheeks. “Yeah, oh fuck, babes, you are so hot in these.”

Edan imagines his boyfriend always dressed like this beneath his clothes. His sweet baby waiting chaste for a boyfriend to command access and take his exclusive pleasure. The panties are chastity-possession for Edan. Edan SnapChats Mica for his friend, look through the diaphanous fabric, he’s my untouchable prize. Edan pulls the elastic band down to Mica’s thighs like a bridegroom lifting the wedding veil. “Oh yeah,” Edan’s voice trembles. He wants his boyfriend to wear the panties all the time. “Pull them back up. Try this on too.”

Try this on too is a fishnet muscle tank crop-top in a range of sizes. “Told you the bra and falsies were stupid.” Edan explains. He settles on the tightest top in his collection. “Shows you off, babes. Really makes you pop for me.” Garter belt and stockings, Edan promised himself with a fresh flood of hormones. “Lie down on your stomach.” It’s a raspy hunger in Edan’s voice.

Bitch-boy complies to the Trick’s command. Mica stretches out as if Alea is about to bind his limbs to the four corners of the bed. Once fucked, twice fuckable, Mica is slut-ready for a man’s commanding touch. He lifts his chest on stiff arms and looks over his shoulder at Edan. The boy is very nice. Edan is a dream-boy welcome prick up Bitch-boy’s ass.

“Oh baby, baby, baby,” Edan sings softly. The exquisite panties slide off of his boyfriend’s hips and rest like the race’s starting-finishing line on the crease of Mica’s ass cheeks. Bareback, because Edan is stupid-horny for his Fem, bareback so the bunched panty fabric reminds the length of his prick that this beauty opens just for him. “Lift your pussy, baby, lift your hot pussy for my cock!”

The ghoulish ghosts in the family make their appearance from Mexico. From all accounts, the Sykes siblings father is a nightmare out of mythology. Young as he is, Mica knows Willis Sykes is the first person to avoid entering this house. The mother is a codependent train wreck. Mica has to admit there are unfortunate parallels between Finn’s parents and his own. It is just a matter of degree.

Willis Sykes takes Alea at her word. Mica is just a wimpy high school friend. Sykes measures the unimpressive Emo boy with long hair. It is given in the man’s mind that this walking hard-on is tapping his wife’s eldest slut daughter. Mica Laar looks as poor as the Sykes and as thin as Vikki. Willis Sykes pays no more thought to this stranger than he does the changeling child, Finn.

With the parents in and out of the house, Alea cannot play her games about the house. Her office moves to the abandoned camper in the backyard. She makes Finn move a heap of trash in the polluted back yard. After that, the sisters hose the bitch-boys with icy jets of water. Control is still everything.

Control is slipping away unnoticed. When Mica orgasms, Finn cups his Mica’s warm spunk and feeds the milk back to his bitch, “You taste good, don’t you boy.” Soft alto whispers against Mica’s face. Mica’s tongue cleans the small palm and laps the fingers in his mouth.

Mica lifts Finn onto the bench beside the toilet. He makes the young boy hard with his mouth. Finn wants to touch his bitch all over; feel Mica’s face and hair. Fair turnaround, Mica pushes him back on the shredding fabric of the camper couch. The teen pins Finn to the worn and musty fabric while he eats tween groin. With a last nip to the swollen gland, Mica lets Finn escape his grasp. Turnaround is fair. Finn’s small body dives into Finn’s-bitch.

Finn is the Man, taking his bitch the way Mica deserves. Finn wants to be huge like the Man. He wants to fill Mica’s rectum, swell something nasty in the teenage anus that barely stretches to his small prick. His narrow hips slam into Mica repeatedly. Finn’s fingers want to peel strips off of Mica’s broad back.

Finn falls across Mica’s back and he hugs Mica tight. This is the best, to be safe with Finn’s-bitch, to feel his warmth and kiss the salt flavour of Mica’s soap. Mica is good, Finn reassures himself. “Good boy,” Finn giggles.

“I understand, Finn.” Mica smiles below him. “Let me hear you.”

Finn pushes himself up. He goes back to slamming his prick into Mica. He is just a little boy and it takes time for an orgasm to overtake him. Mica gives Little-bitch this control. Control is self esteem and attention. One Topping, the other Bottoming, what really matters is this mutual connection.

Finn’s muscles strain as if he is lifting the teenager off the camper bench. Mica can hear Finn’s soprano, “Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Unggg …” Then the feeling comes and maybe spunk comes with it. It does sometimes. “Breed … you … bitch!” Finn squeaks out with the breath left in his chest.

Tables turn again, and Finn is on the dirty linoleum tile with his breathless legs wrapped around his Mica’s waist. Finn’s sphincter relaxes wide, young-alive brown lips suck teen-prick, the small rectum swells with man-cock. Finn’s-bitch is taking him now. All this safe weight pressing into Finn while he clasps his hands behind his bitch’s neck.

“Breed you Little-bitch.” Mica grins down at Finn.

“Oh, ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh …” The words eject from the young boy as his bitch rides bareback. Finn’s prick is limp, tracing a mindless course across his flat gut. The prick’s small mouth is dewed with the evidence of his recent discharge. Finn’s body quakes with each thrust. His head flings back, mouth open, “Ahh! Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh … “

Mica's life returns to the submissive-erotic schedule garnered by his mistress Alea. With the Sykes parents back, it is three days before she tells him he is working. Mica uses the time to connect with summer friends and go on drag-dates with Edan. Finn meets him for breakfast in the old camper and there is sex after the food Mica brings for him.

“You don’t mind me saying, you and Alea look different from Cain and Vikki.” Mica adds the rest of the breakfast sausages he brought to Finn’s plate. “Cain and Vikki look just like your father. You don’t look like Alea either. She is darker than you. Your hair is dark and sort of curly. Alea is sort of heavy, you got like nothing.”

Finn picks up a sausage and bites it. He shakes his head confused by the question. “What do you mean?”

“It doesn’t matter, forget I asked.” Mica opens another juice box for Finn. He decides to explain anyway. “Sorry, I just wondered why you looked different than your brother and sisters.”

“Is that good or bad?” Finn asks. He pops another sausage in his mouth. Finn’s-bitch is taking care of him. Finn can take the last two pancakes, he knows Mica is leaving them for him.

“It’s good.” Mica laughs.

“Mom’s a whore.” This with a shrug. “Dad says so.” Finn is puzzled by the strange look Mica gives him. “I’m a son of a bitch.”

Edan becomes an afterthought of evening movies and fast-food restaurants. Evenings at Mica's house end early. With Mica’s parents in the house, the teenagers are forced to simply talk. It is hard for Mica to stay hidden behind his careful defenses, so as the lonely boy talks, friendship seems to grow.

Edan is generous with his money. The older boy buys clothes for the younger and takes him to a concert. Mica is careful not to ask for anything. Mica drops Edan hints when work is slow. Alea grows vindictive when money is not coming in. Edan books a date and pays for his pleasure, but Mica must go in drag. The Sykes stay happy, if anyone can be called happy in that house.

Occasionally as a favour to Edan, Mica will use the burner phone to talk to Edan’s mother. She needs reassurance that the exotic relationship is still active. Edan promises he will either tell his parents the truth or break up with his fake girlfriend. Mica does not tell Edan that his mother knows her son is gay and that she drops transsexual into the phone conversations. Edan’s mother wants to shop with Mica, share some tea. Introduce Mica to her circle so the ladies can all understand what Mica is going through.

Edan burns each time he fucks his boyfriend’s ass. Mica is a whore, a slut who parts his cheeks to any prick. Edan is anxious to see Mica’s hustling end and yet, the slaturn quality of the fifteen-year old draws him in the same way Juan attracts his sister. It is a dizzy emotional carousel ride for Edan. Make love to his beautiful boyfriend, fuck the dirty slut like the whore he is. Mica never sees pornography, but Edan does. Edan pages through the possibilities on his phone while he thinks of his boyfriend whoring with strange men. Mica does this, and the slut does that. The videos and pictures taunt the prep school boy. Fishnet, spandex, lace and leather, long slavic hair cascading over Edan’s hard prick as his boyfriend takes his spunk. Edan knows Mica is just waiting to be exclusive with his man. His sister’s boyfriend Juan keeps promising he will make things right.

Brief, Anonymous Survey:

Readers are often too busy or reluctant to reach out to authors. I appreciate hearing from you all. Please take my Walk in Lies Survey. It is a quick Google Form.

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Next: Chapter 15

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