Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 8, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 13

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Finn’s Bitch

Edan drops him off at his home and tells Mica to be careful. Be careful; Edan imagines Mica has some measure of control. Mica’s mother phones while he is changing. She has been concerned about him, so he spins his road trip tale to reassure her. He promises to see her for evening service and then he feels sick. Mica cannot chill in his room today. Alea and Cain have plans for him. He just has time to change his clothes and put on his shoes. There is little point in postponing the trip over to the Sykes’ house. He feels very alone as he walks the long blocks to Cain, Alea, Vikki and Finn.

There is nothing for him to do. If he had checked his messages from Alea, Mica would know he was expected after supper today for another date with the Deacon. He is not Burley’s-bitch at the moment, but when the Great Dane jumps on the bed and rolls playfully on his back, Finn masturbates the bulbous pink menace right into Mica’s open mouth. “Good boy Burley, good boy Mica.” This dog is easy to train.

The Man has sent over outfits for their next visit. Vikki runs a fashion show for Alea and Burley. Mica feels very much like Edan in a school tie and blazer. The Man took a fancy to Vikki’s panties. He wants them back with Mica’s spunk crusted once or twice across the crotch. He wants Finn’s delicate skid mark on it too. The Man sent new gossamer panties that must have cost a fortune for their next performance. Otherwise, Finn wears board shorts and a rugby shirt in All Black colors. They look very nice on Finn. Finn is pleased with them.

Finn plans to go to a friend’s house. Since Mica has come unexpectedly, he has a job to do for Alea before he can leave. Finn lies on his bed while Mica proves he is not too cool to give head to a prepubescent boy.

“Mica,” a small fist pulls him off the small boner. “Let’s do it differently.”

“What are you thinking?”

“I am going to fuck you like the Man did.”

“Who is going to beat your kiddy ass?”

Finn blushes pink. “I don’t mean that part!”

“Alea did not say anything about that.” Mica reasons cautiously. The finger boner is still waiting for his lips.

Finn is determined to make his point. “Well,” He is not as confident as he wants to be. Mica is a bit intimidating when Alea and Vikki are not around. “Well, I say so.” His delicate chin sticks out with determination.

“You say so?” Mica is skeptical. That said, nothing in his life makes sense beyond avoiding the truth with his parents and staying out of the basement. He takes Finn’s fleshy toothpick in his mouth like a cigarette. He traps the boy’s scrotum between two fingers and flicks the small testicals with his thumb. Does Finn have the balls to pull off this power grab?

Mica is nothing like Finn’s siblings. Finn would grin at his companion if he did not need to be Alea-tough right now. Mica is like Burley. Burley is sweet tempered, not much of a guard dog. Somehow, the Great Dane still makes Finn feel good. If Burley is close, Finn feels safer. That’s Mica. Mica makes being the Sykes’s little-boy-hustler feel safer.

“Well,” Finn tries to explain in Alea's matter of fact, this is what it is going to be, tone. “You listen to me, I listen to Vikki, Vikki listens to Alea, Alea listens to Cain, and everyone listens to dad when he is around. Which he isn’t, which is good.” Finn touches Mica’s forehead and then his chest. “You listen to me!”

“But I beat you up.” Mica countered. He touches his forehead and then Finn’s hard little gut.

“That’s a possibility.” Finn concedes gracefully. Mica is still clutching his scrotum, which makes his boner really stand up. Finn props himself up on one elbow and brushes the flowing hair away from Mica’s bruised face. “Then Cain or my sisters take you down to the basement again.” The hand pinching his scrotum trembles perceptibly. Finn bites his lip.

“That’s a possibility.” Mica whispers. Finn waits quietly, his hand keeps rearranging Mica’s long hair. Mica has never hurt him. Finn has decided he does not want Mica hurt again. “Or it’s possible that Vikki, Alea, and Cain don’t give a shit if I beat you like a drum or flip your kindergarten self over and rape your little ass from now till next Sunday.” Mica actually flips Finn over and covers him until his prick is tucked between Finn’s thighs. The tip of his prick probes into the boy’s scrotum.

“I’m going into grade six.” Burley never bites Finn, but he is a big dog and he plays rough. The teenager snakes a hand under his hips and Mica’s hand cups Finn’s groin. It is tender. Hands touch Finn all the time. He barely registers the hand.

Admittedly, this is a promotion for Mica and nobody listens to this poor boy. Mica is very sure of that. Finn will sit at his desk at school, one of the silent ones. Finn will eat his school provided lunch by himself. Mica wonders what Finn’s friends are like.

“So what am I then, Finn’s bitch?”

Finn just wants to be at his friend Walter’s house playing games on Walter’s Playstation. Mica is making him mad. Vikki is small, but Mica does what she wants. Mica should listen to him and do what he wants. Someone should be listening to him.

“Okay, so the brother presents himself to the boy.” Mica slides off Finn and props himself on the edge of Finn’s bed. “Thank you sir, I understand.” His chin is propped on the smelly bed linens. When Finn clears the way, Mica stretches his arms across the bed as if he was on The Man’s table in the opulent library. This moment feels more like the Teenage Mutant Ninja play on the carpet. It is role playing between the two young hustlers. This is just the awkwardness any fifteen-year old would feel tasked with helping some small bossy boy.

Finn thinks Mica is angry with him. That does not feel good. If he is going to be like Alea, then he has to ignore that. “Good boy,” the phrase comes automatically. The mechanics are simple. Sit on the face or groin, his sisters have done both with Cain’s cum-slut. If he had the nerve to watch, Finn would have seen his family do other things behind closed doors.

Finn is prematurely sexualized and very passive about it. He molests his own body more than nine-year-old Walter might. Sex in this house seems like a selfish grabbing for the available food on the table. Sex is being punched and teased on the school playground by a bully. He is a weak boy, not quick with words. Finn won’t mix with older boys on the playground. When he is punched, he always thinks they will want his clothes off. Vikki stopped him from making that mistake in grade two.

Finn’s Bitch, a reassuring idea for the smallest person in the house. He has seen everything about the older boy. Everything since before school let out. This includes the bruises that come and go. The purple-yellow blemishes might be anywhere on the boy-hustler’s body. Finn has been witness to every bodily excretion the hustler can generate. Finn has heard almost every sound a pussy-boy can generate. Except maybe laughter.

When Cain beats his teenage hustler, Finn notices he never speaks to Mica. The man also touched Mica silently while Finn bathed, then suddenly his words were harsh. That is very strange for Finn, the utter silence and then the bitter words from the man. His sister’s talk too much, Finn decides. Finn will be quiet for now. Talking never did Finn any good.

Finn’s-bitch is not hard. His man-prick is down between his legs, hidden by the heavy scrotum with his man-balls. The Man masturbated Mica first. Finn focuses on this first step. It is just like getting Burley aroused.

Mica is just on another date with a little Trick. He is not ashamed to admit that bottoming has its attractions. He would not have been on his knees in a dirty high school restroom with a jock’s boner drooling in his mouth if that was not so. The whore-slut is bottoming for another Trick. Total submission, this makes Mica hard now.

Cain and Alea recognized Mica was a cock-sucking, fag-hustler. For the last month, Mica has done everything to prove they are right. Edan pretends Mica is his boyfriend. Edan is just a gentle customer. Given time, Edan will admit to himself that his boyfriend is just a filthy slut who gets screwed by everyone. The preppy boy will fantasize his lusts to something harder for his whore-slut boyfriend. Finn judges Mica less harshly than he does himself.

Mica ignores the boy’s young age as he has come to ignore the old, the fat, the fit, the noisy and the quiet. Mica moves away from the mattress a little. His boner needs space. This is masturbation, a skill Finn has developed on Mica’s available prick. Mica surrenders to the welcome silence and the delicate hands milking him expertly.

Just in time, Finn remembers that a boy-hustler eats the stickiness. He cups a hand over the tip of his bitch’s boner and collects the spill. The man was silent, but Finn is caught up with the familiar moment, “Good boy,” he sings lightly as the prick pulses in his hand. He milks the tit dry, “good boy.” Finn lies across his bitch’s back, pulls Mica’s long hair aside and holds his cupped hand to the teenager’s lips. “You taste good don’t you boy?” Finn kisses Mica’s cheek. “Your Finn’s-bitch, okay?” It comes out as a soft plea.

“Yeah,” Mica snags his little master’s head and plants a wet kiss on Finn’s trembling lips, “Finn’s-bitch.” Finn loses his mastery under Mica’s weight. The tickling is merciless for a while. The giggling is honest.

The boy-hustler would usually help Finn get his boner. Finn rubs his prick across his bitch’s back until it is hard and stiff. His body is tense with excitement. He might be quivering at this new thing he will do.

The man was so slow and hard when he penetrated Mica. Finn is Burley. He could skitter about his room, come back to examine the bitch-anus, lick it maybe. He does a bit of this. He skitter’s his immature boner over to the toy shelf where he wisely keeps baby oil for his own protection. Finn dances as he coats his glans and shaft. He skitters back to Finn’s-bitch, his friend.

The Man seemed too angry as he thrust into Mica to the count of five. Finn tries that first. It is nice, because he can really think about the way his aching prick is surrounded by warm flesh. Finn appreciates that penetrating his bitch is not painful, which most things done to his crotch, are. His bitch feels nice. He can hold his bitch’s hips and slide in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Finn remembers the Man. Slide out till 4, then punch in on 5. Mica’s warmth is reassuring. The boy-hustler’s strength is safe. Finn remembers his bitch shielding him from his sister’s constant blows.

Finn is small, like a finger fuck, but the boy has a prick, and Mica is very aware of it. This pedophile sex is just a light massage across his experienced anus. The boy is getting introduced to Bitch-boy’s rectum. This is a bit like Vikki exploring her sexuality on his captive body. Just a bit like Vikki, because Mica’s partner is a boy, and Mica likes all things male.

The Man’s copulation is too controlled for an eleven-year old. Finn is Burley-skittering excitedly. He hunches over Finn’s-bitch’s back and starts humping like his dog. He is on his toes like Burley would be and his arms wrap around Mica’s waist. Finn’s head just bobs around his tense shoulders. The animal instinct keeps his hips a blur. Finn makes strange noises he has never heard. His prick is burning inside of his bitch. Finn never notices his eruption because his head is swimming and the blood is pulsing everywhere through his body. He starts to cry and sob across his friend’s back. He licks Mica’s back like Burley would. His hips keep thrusting into Mica with the Man’s five count again, because now the slowness feels so good.

“You did good, little buddy. Finn, you’re the man!”

So, Finn just hugs his bitch like he would hug the unconditional affection from the Great Dane. His brother and sisters should not whip his bitch anymore, never. Finn stretches up, keeping his fading boner in Finn’s-bitch, grateful for his older friend. He likes the slick feel of his prick against the sphincter muscles of the teenage hustler. Finn’s hands run across Mica’s back possessively. Burley can’t have Mica, he is mine.

The slut-boy looks so Finn-like when he is knocked about by the mountain that is Cain. Beneath Finn’s hands, the boy-hustler is more the Great Dane. Mica’s hips are only wide compared to Finn’s bony pelvis. Finn’s-bitch really has a narrow waist like Burley. Finn’s hands slide outward along Mica’s ribs to the dark hairs of the cum-slut’s armpits. His bitch has strong shoulders. Finn likes to think Burley would protect him from harm. He needs Finn’s-Bitch to snarl for him. He needs Mica to take care of him.

Finn pulls out. Alea said the boy-hustler had to make him orgasm till he started ejaculating. She did not say what would happen after that. His sisters have their plans, always more organized than Cain’s. Finn is Little-Bitch, apprentice hustler to Mica. Alea will have thought this through already.

Finn looks at his tender prick as Mica stirs on the bed. The boy notices a drop of crystal liquid on the mouth-like urethra. When he squeezes, more comes out. Boy’s are always quite astounded when the inevitable actually happens. Finn wipes the tears away. This is his secret for as long as he can keep it. He will have to copulate all the time with his bitch. One satisfying session with Mica’s lips on his boner, and Finn’s-bitch is going to know Finn can spunk a little. Finn is too eleven-year-old-new to this to know first times are hit or miss.

Another new thing I have done. Now that Finn has serviced him, mounted him, fucked him, the boy seems older to Mica. His prick is still plump, his scrotum seems more assertive, the balls more substantial. He stands before Mica looking almost adolescent in his naked masculinity. Mica could grab Finn and tickle the boy back into him. Mica can make Finn giggle. He is not sure if anyone else has thought of trying.

People use each other in the Sykes home. Someone has a choice, someone does not. Finn was just a handy prop to further Mica’s humiliation into servitude. The boys were supposed to degrade each other. Finn blurs adolescent back to the preadolescent Boy. Finn is just an anxious kid trying to avoid the basement, just like Mica. He is eleven, which is forgettable to a teenager like Mica. He is also so utterly unlike his siblings.

Instead of tickling Finn, Mica draws the Little-bitch to his mouth. Before he licks Finn’s prick clean, Mica builds the fragile ego up. “Good job, Little-bitch.” Mica suckles on the small groin while his hand explores a skinny ass and a familiar anal bloom. Okay, Finn’s Bitch for now, but just a finger reminder that turn-around is fair play.

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I have written a variety of short stories and novellas. You can follow this safe link to my Body of Work.

Next: Chapter 14

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