Walk in Lies

By Eliot Moore

Published on Mar 4, 2022


Walk in Lies Chapter 12

Sometimes I wallow in the mire and root for garbage. This story might be that.  The following story is for adults and contains graphic descriptions of sexual contact between tweens,  adolescents and adult males. There is, of course, a power imbalance in these varied relationships, and considerations of consent are blurred.

If you are a minor, then it is illegal for you to read this story. If you find the subject objectionable, then read no further. All the characters, events and settings are the product of my overactive imagination. I hope you find it cathartic. Feel free to respond.

If you would like to comment, contact me at eliot.moore.writer@gmail.com.

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(First Edition Posted May, 2007)

Walk in Lies

Just a Rent-Boy

Vikki is feeling a little sorry for Mica after the latest basement game, so she lets him go home after Mica tucks Finn into bed. It is very late when he closes the door. Alea brought a pair of jeans and a T-shirt when Cain snatched Mica from his bedroom, but she didn’t think about shoes. Grateful to be away from the sisters, Mica limps toward home trying not to draw attention.

Mica does not have much enthusiasm for going home. Home is safe, but unloving. This is the longest time he has been absent from home. He is the only fifteen-year old boy he knows without a mobile phone. The burner phone in his pocket is Alea’s hotline for appointments. Of course, the phone is added to the debt the Sykes claim he owes. Of course, if Mica’s parents found this phone, there would be hell to pay. Mica’s father is suspicious of his movements and absences, but sadly, his presence at the table will not have been missed.

Mica’s body hurts, but not as badly as it would if Cain had been home. He is grateful for that. The man’s cane hurt worse than Vikki’s whip-like stick. On the other hand, Alea used him like a punching bag. The girl has anger issues, but not much punch.

Finn clung to him as best he could, twisting like they told him to. It was impossible to stay between Finn and the blows. It seemed Finn always swung the wrong way when one of the girls flailed out. Alea rabbit punched the eleven-year old in the side when he stood between a blow, and Finn fell down clutching himself. Alea and Vikki alternated between the boys while Mica tried to protect Finn with his legs. Finn eventually found his feet and took shelter against Mica’s chest until once again he was taking the blows instead of Mica. It was another game Alea would probably not forget. It probably was not that long, this latest beating. It felt like a proverbial eternity.

Mica can't see his way out of this. He hates himself for liking what he is doing. Mica hates who he really is. I will be what I will be, he is a shameless hustler with three sadistic teenage pimps. Mica is also a Big Brother journeyman-hooker for an eleven-year old prostitute-apprentice. Bitch-boy and Little-bitch, the names stick to them like saliva on a prick or spunk on your tongue. Mica could laugh. He thought it was dirty-hot to try and do head in the high school bathroom. That innocent moment was nothing compared to what he has done since. Mica is filth alright.

Mica is filth and forgettable. His high school friends never liked to visit his stifling house in the first place. They like him well enough at school, but not in the religious freak house he comes from. His father and mother do not approve of messaging or teenage web searches, so phones mean landlines and computers in the Laar’s house are disabled.

The Wednesday evening chapel has all the latest technology to the tune of a Christian Rock Band soundtrack. Pastor Henry lectures on the secular teenagers glued to their phones. Even though they think Mica has none, his parents eyed him with suspicion. The Deacon watches impassively, but it is clear that even in Chapel, Mica cannot forget. That is Mica’s home and church. Even those small shelters are gone now. Mica does not need to be reminded that the filth, Cain’s lucrative boy-hustler, will be expected to return to the Sykes House of Horrors early in the morning. At least it will be Finn’s cock now and not the fucking family dog.

Mica will make excuses for his five-day absence. Spend the evening on his knees confessing to something like a road trip out of state where he tried alcohol, but nothing more sinful. The family will read the Bible and maybe there will be food to eat. Maybe his parents will agree a 24-hour fast will chastise the prodigal son. Mica’s last meal was at the Man’s house. Maybe Mica can sleep the night through with his door always open against the sin of masturbation. He just wants to make it home before his parents lock the door. Mica doesn't see the black Jetta trailing him down the street.

Three days in a row Edan has sat in his car watching the Sykes house. When Mica is not available to see him, Edan is hurt. Edan knows the fifteen-year old is a hustler, but he is beautiful and the boy has opened him up to a world he has only dreamed of. For more than five days, Edan has tortured himself with images of Mica with other boys.

Mica doesn't have to sell himself. Edan will take care of him. He is sure that Mica will be his lover. They just need the chance to talk. Edan guessed Mica didn't work in the mornings, so he began checking the Sykes’ house after lunch. It has been a long three days of stakeouts and Edan was getting discouraged by his lack of success. His heart jumps when finally he sees Mica leave the Sykes’ house late at night. Edan follows Mica through the streets because he doesn't want to meet him at his pimp's door and he wants to know where Mica lives.

Mica is wearing a baggy T-shirt and faded jeans. Edan has followed for a block before he notices Mica is barefoot. It takes a little longer to notice his limp. Edan pulls his car over and calls to him through the open window. Mica does not answer him. Edan feels a fresh pain in his chest.

It was so special between them. Mica was so pretty in his dress, so smart in the slacks Edan’s mother made him wear to dinner. When his Mica stripped down to the lace panties that just emphasized the tight ass and bulging groin, Edan realized Mica was perfect. Victoria’s Secret catalogue is jack-off material for Edan now. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Edan has seen that.

Then there was the night-long endless orgy of their bodies frictioning together. In a year, they might have their own apartment like his sister does. Edan can come out of the closet or stay discretely private. Mica will be his live in boyfriend (or his fem-friend).

Why did it go wrong? Edan won’t let Mica ignore him. Edan deserves an honest answer, he deserves Mica. Edan stops the car and follows the boy up the sidewalk. Mica has to face him. The beautiful boy won't answer his call, that makes Edan angry. He grabs Mica's arm and twists the younger boy around.

Words die on his lips as he takes in the fifteen-year old's swollen face. Mica flinches when he tries to touch his bruised jaw. “That hurts Edan.” Mica slurs through a split lip. The older boy realizes he is talking about the hand squeezing Mica's biceps. He quickly drops it.

“Jesus, what did he do to you?” Beneath a street lamp, Edan lifts a corner of Mica's T-shirt and examines the purple bruises.

“I tried to quit.” Mica replies simply.

Edan wants to hold him, but instead he leads him gently to his car. Mica is compliant. He doesn't want to deal with Edan, but he has no fight left in him. It hurts to sit down. He doubles over his aching body. Edan lifts his shirt and catches sight of the fiery welts where the cane bit into Mica’s flesh.

Edan wonders if he should take Mica to the police. That would involve Edan’s parents. So many inconvenient questions he is not ready to answer. Edan decides to take the battered boy to Juan's apartment. Stella's apartment is not safe. Their mother likes to come and poke around. A phone call, later Edan drives Mica to Juan's. The key code is what Juan said it would be, and Edan takes the boy to the bed.

Edan pulls Mica's T-shirt over his head and lightly touches his ribs and back. He kisses Mica's shoulder and tugs the jeans off to look at the battered boy’s legs and swollen balls. Edan wants to kiss the damage. Mica allows the beautiful Trick his pleasure.

Edan washes him gently in the shower. He tries to stop Mica when the boy drops to his knees to suck the boner Edan can't control. Mica won't listen to him and despite the awful circumstances Edan needs this desperately. He clutches at Mica’s long strands and before long, he is fucking the battered face.

Bitch-boy lets his muscles relax so the Trick can just fuck his throat. It seems to be a fitting ending to his day. It started in Finn’s bed and ends in Edan’s. Bitch-boy has been beaten twice in five hours, serviced only once. Edan’s demanding prick will correct that before the Whore-slut sleeps. Edan is tenderly choking Mica now, a firm hand at the whore’s neck pressing the bruised lips into Edan’s pubic hair.

“Oh baby, my poor baby!” Edan croons. Then the boy sort of whines and five days of frustration clogs Mica’s esophagus. “Ngh, ngh, ngh, ngh …” The pulsing prick needs to go further down Mica’s throat. “Oh baby!” Edan pets his boyfriend’s hair, strokes his hair, cherishes the beautiful, beautiful boy at his knees. “So good, baby, so good!” The hand at Mica’s neck keeps pressing the mouth against the groin. “So good!” Edan fucks the whore’s sweet face.

Afterward, Edan feeds Mica soup and puts his boyfriend to bed. Mica rolls away from Edan and clutches the pillow tightly. Edan gets dressed and lies down next to Mica. He wants to hold the boy. Juan finds them that way when he comes home from work.

Edan sits up to look at his sister's lover when Jan stands over the bed. Juan quietly lifts the blanket to look at the sleeping boy. He covers him up before heading back to the kitchen. Edan follows him. “I thought I should take him to the police. This guy can't get away with this.”

“Pimps beat prostitutes all the time.” Juan looks at his gorgeous lover's equally attractive younger brother. The gay boy has obviously fallen for the transvestite hooker hard. “They won't take it seriously Edan.”

“It's not fair.”

“He's a Rent Boy Edan, why do you care so much?”

“You've met him. He's great.”

He's a fifteen-year old prostitute in drag, thinks Juan. The teenage slut is being paid to be great. Edan has probably already fucked this piece of tail. Juan looks at the fresh faced Edan and does not feel like bursting his bubble.

“What can I do Juan?”

“Send him home Edan. Get a real boyfriend who doesn’t ask for money.” The boy looked stricken. “Listen, if he doesn't want to do this, he just has to walk away. Take him home. He will be okay.”

Edan becomes agitated and he has to fight the tears. “He tried to stop.” Edan doesn't know what to do.

“I tried to stay away but they came and grabbed me.” They turn to find Mica watching them. Edan glances at Juan and then goes up to Mica, standing in the doorway. He wants to hold his naked boyfriend.

Juan watches them for a moment. What the hell, his uncle knows some useful people. “So what's this bastard's name anyway?”

Edan rewarded him with a look of gratitude. Juan signals Edan to follow him. In the hallway, Juan asked for Cain's details. He assures the seventeen-year old he will see what he can do. “Edan, I don't want to see you disappointed. Don't expect too much from him. You don't really know him.” The calf eyes stare back at him and he knows it is no use. “Keep him here tonight and I'll come by in the morning.” Edan nods gratefully and then turns back to the boy he already thinks of as a lover.

Mica is grateful for a place to stay. He did not want to face his parents on an empty stomach. Mica knows that in the morning he will have to go right back to Cain’s house. The boy-hustler has work to do and Finn to take care of. Just don’t fall, he reminds himself once again. Mica will not face basement pain again. He will always do what Alea tells him to. He will work on the lies he will have to tell his parents. Tomorrow, the filthy Whore-slut will submit to someone new or old.

Edan is looking at him expectantly. Mica realizes he is already at work. The rent-boy has to pay his evening rent. Edan expects more than shower, head, and gratitude. Mica understands who he is. The whore-slut brother swallows the rich boy’s boner until the horney Trick is ready to thrust into his exposed rectum. That is the evening’s narrative.

Mica actually enjoys the evening with Edan. Edan is sensitive to Mica’s pain and his young Trick distracts his young hustler with pizza and Juan’s extensive liquor cabinet. It is a rare chance for Mica to hang out with another teenager who can speak the language. After Die Hard on Netflix, Edan notices Mica has withdrawn. Edan gets the boy a fresh beer and sits at his feet. The silence stretches out awkwardly. “Are you okay?”

Mica catches Edan’s eye and surprises Edan by replying “I don’t have any friends anymore.” Mica has slipped dangerously out of character after three beers. The buzz distracts him from thinking about his aching body. “I used to have lots of friends.” he replies bewildered. He looks at the older boy. “Do you have any friends?”

“Sure. I guess I’m popular.” He guesses Mica’s thoughts. “It’s not the money, we all have money.” Edan can’t explain why he is popular.

Mica looks at the handsome face and thinks of the slim athletic body. He understands why people might be drawn to Edan. Mica figures he could get lots of boys if he looked like Edan. Mica sighs and stretches out on the couch holding the beer on his chest. He could do a lot worse than let Edan take care of him, spend money on him, use him.

Mica has put his worn jeans on and Edan is distracted by his bare chest and the low riding pants. He watches the slow rise and fall of the beer bottle. “Will you stay with me?” Edan means, will you quite hooking? 

Mica understands what Edan is asking and takes a sip before answering. “Cain and Alea won’t let me quit Edan.” Mica points to his bruised body.

“Tell your parents.”

Mica looks at him for a long moment. What should he say? The youth on the carpet can’t even tell his parents he is gay, and in Edan’s world, being LGBTQIA is trendy. Hell, Edan’s mother might have seen right through Edan’s thin mall disguise like the rich boy’s sister did. The socialite is sharing cocktails and the social triumph of getting one over on her girlfriends. Her Edan is gay, so talented, so sensitive, and bonus points, he has a transsexual boyfriend. Edan has every privilage on his side and he thinks Mica should confess that his summer job is hustling his underage body and having sex with a little boy and a dog.

Mica’s father and mother are pretty Old Testament. Mica figures they will kick Mica out of the house for this. His mother would not be able to comprehend it. His parents are far too stingy to pay for conversion therapy. The filthy boy-hustler, boy-dog-fucker will have nowhere to go but back to the Sykes’ nightmare house.

The phone rings before Mica can answer Edan. He watches Edan talking on his expensive mobile. It is a short call and Edan comes back, his question forgotten. Edan starts another movie, Call Me by Your Name, and reaches for a warm slice of pizza and hands it to Mica. “Have some food. We will think of something.”

Edan watches the movie and thinks about Juan’s call. Juan has something in motion and he needs Mica to keep up his normal routine with his pimp. Juan doesn’t explain why this has to be. Juan just says it will be easier for Mica to explain later.

Edan recalls his question about coming out. He turns to Mica and tells his boyfriend he understands why Mica needs to stay in the closet. Edan doesn’t want him getting hurt again. “It is better if you go along with your pimp for a while longer. We can see what happens. Will you have to work tomorrow?” Edan didn’t like to think of other men touching his young lover. “Should I phone and ask for you?”

“You offered too much. I only get $150 for three hours.” Mica pauses to think about the idea. If he knew it was Edan it would be so much better. “I don’t think they will make me work tomorrow. They don’t send me out when I’ve been worked over.” At least Mica prays that this is true. Alea sent him battered to the man’s house with Finn. Vikki warned Mica he would have to take the boy to the rich man again.

Edan is moved by this and can’t resist kissing Mica’s chest and gut. He has just found his young lover and he doesn’t want to think about sharing him. Edan bends over Mica and opens his lover’s pants. Mica takes another pull at his beer and closes his eyes while Edan arouses him. He lets his hand drift down to the rich youth’s head and gently strokes it as he surrenders to the erotic pleasure. If this is the price of prostitution Bitch-boy can handle it.

For a wonder Edan lets him sleep through the night. When Mica wakes, Edan is making a breakfast that Mica has no stomach to eat. The evening’s pizza is a week’s worth of calories to him. Mica rewards Edan’s consideration with a kiss before going to look at himself in a mirror.

He looks like hell and he decides Edan is decent to stick by him when he could use his money to find a better looking hooker. Mica feels better and looks worse. Edan's sudden turn-around about his quitting and the teen’s willingness to leave him alone during the night are easily explained by the image of the teenage boy in the mirror. Maybe the prep school student is ready to move on. Mica hopes this is not true. He  likes Edan, and he has been missing someone to hang around with. Knowing someone older with a car, the easy money, the comfortable apartments, is always an advantage to a fifteen-year old.

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Next: Chapter 13

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