Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 8, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 8

A fictional story of Ray and his journey with his childhood mate Don to adulthood. Set in northern England and Wales in early 1970's. Ray is now 18 and is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life and his gloomy, soot blackened mill town on a camping holiday in Wales where they are free to discover each other.

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Wales - Part 8

We woke early, packed away the tent, cleaning down the spunky airbed with water, scrubbing the cum stains and layed it out to dry on the back seat. We dumped the tent in the boot with our hastily packed rucksacks and we were off. Bound for Aberdaron on the tip of the peninsula. We sped along at 20mph, avoiding tractors, bends and Welsh sheepdogs who roamed feral like from field to farm, clearly in charge.

We drove through Nefyn and Morfa Nefyn and pulled down the beach road.

My Ma says there's a great pub on the beach. It's called Your Cock, or something so it can't be very big!'

I got a punch on the shoulder `steady, I'm driving I said as I looked over at Don, shirtless and his boner on display.

`Fucking put it away Don'

Just getting it some air' he said it's boiling in here'

We drove down the steep hill and I saw the buildings on the beach in the distance, around the bay. I parked on the verge and locked up the car. We ran along the beach, our towels around our shoulders, free as birds.

We got to the pub and Don laughed Nah Ray,It's massive, it's got to be called My Coch''

We went to the bar, the patently disinterested holiday job looked up from his magazine and I ordered two shandies, he tutted. We took them onto the beach and made ourselves comfy. We could see the back of the Rivals on the right, the glassy millpond bay in front and a lifeboat station on the left and the bay filled with fishing boats, drying nets on the beach, a few families with kids and lots of Labradors running around after stones, barking.

We sunned ourselves, layed out on the towels, shorts waistband peeled down to our pubes, the sun beating down until hunger took over. We looked at the menu, `fuck me 75p for a cheese sandwich, £1.55 for a pie, they can fuck right off' I said

Don said `and when they get there they can fuck off some more'.

we laughed as we went around the back for a piss. The white stone bogs, open to the sun, a single brown clay fired half pipe trough and a concrete splash wall. I got mine out, oh the relief, as I pissed my stream hard against the wall, standing back further as I felt droplets splashing back on my abs. I looked across at Don, his head lolled back, his cock in a semi chub, skin forwards, pissing through the skin, a broader stream than mine, not as powerful. He glances across, sees me looking at his dick and he pulls the skin back, his stream tightens and he pisses a heart shape on the wall, I do a big X as I'm running out of steam. I smile like a love sick puppy, we put arms over shoulders and carry the towels back along the beach to the car.

`I saw a post office and butchers in Nefyn, they'll have a pie or summat to scoff' says Don as I fired up the Escort and sped off at 15mph up the hill and to the shop.

We got to Aberdaron and parked in a field by the river, just before the bridge, an old boy took our 50p off us

`any camping around here?' I asked.

`The farm up the road allows caravans but he's no toilets, just a tap, then about 4 miles over there's a caravan park, so no lad, I don't think you'll find anything and old Mr Steel the copper will turf you out if you illegally camp, we've had a lot of burglaries, hippies with long hair he says',

`oh dear, we wanted to stay 2 nights, we've not got much money left so I suppose we'll have to go home'

We looked as miserable as we felt.

`Hold your horses lads, I might have an answer, The two misses Bancroft have a spare room, it's a double mind, and if you were to chop wood for winter and fettle the barns and collect their shopping, then they might let two well mannered, strapping lads like you stay a couple of nights, say Emrys sent you'.

`Thanks, that would be great'.

We found the cottage, just opposite the church, a few doors up. We knocked at the door and a short lady opened the door a little,

She said something in Welsh, I said `Hello Miss Bancroft, Emrys sent me to ask if we could stay and work for our board for two nights'

She opened the door and looked at us, stood in shorts, holding our T shirts.

Oh my' she said and you say Emrys sent you?' we nodded. `Well let me ask sis'.

We waited and an identical lady came to the door, her eyes widened, I held out my hand to shake hers.

Oh my, so strong, can you chop wood' I nodded, well yes, you can stay, no drinking mind, we won't have alcoholics in the house'

I nodded. `We'll go get our bags then'

Both ladies nodded and then as we turned they looked on excitedly as we walked down the path. I heard them mutter something in Welsh.

We got a washbag and towel and locked the rest up in the car. We walked past the small church, and to the house. We knocked and they showed us in, walking very close to us as if sniffing at us. They showed us the bedroom, a huge brass bed with a heavy quilt on top of the sheets. We put our stuff on the wash stand.

We went to the yard and they showed us the privy and then opened a store shed full of branches waiting to be cut and stacked. I picked up the axe and Don the saw and we got to it. Don measured the few pieces remaining to get the correct size and started sawing at the branches, this was easy, I lent on the axe, watching Dons muscles move and flex as he sawed up the branches. The miss Bancrofts were also watching closely, very closely. They brought out a glass of lemonade for us to share.

Soon Don was sawing up the thicker trunks, that looked hard work and we swapped over, Dons time to rest and ogle my body. Taking the trunks, Don swung the axe to split the wood into 6 or 8 pieces. Stacking them up in the shed. The ladies looked on admiringly.

We'd filled one store and were knackered. The ladies said we could use the tap to wash off then rest. Supper was at 7:00 sharp. We found the tap and the hose and washed our bodies, it was only partially screened off, pulling out our waistbands to wash off and cool our cocks modestly as the ladies watched from the window. We shook our manes of hair and walked to the beach and dried off in the sun.

`Fancy a swim?'

`Nah, I'm too knackered' I said so we layed drying off.

At 6:00 the church bell started to toll. The two ladies walked in bonnets and shawls across the road and waved to us laid out and went into church. 6:30 they came out and chatted to Emrys and his grandson, we think, who looked about 16 or 17, a burley lad, reddest hair I've ever seen.

Emrys passed us, `you got settled then?'

`Yes, thanks' we said

The lad piped up `lock your bedroom door if I were you, well actually if I were you I wouldn't be fucking stay there'

`Language Thomas' said his grandad.

`Do you two fancy a walk after tea?' Thomas said

We nodded, `pick you up 7:30'

OK'we said. We'd better dress for dinner', so we got our shirts out of the car.

We came down for supper at 7:00 as the clock chimed. They carried one tray in with a huge teapot and another with a plate of mackerel and a plate of brown bread and butter.

We ate and chatted, mainly about us, finishing school, University, jobs, hopes etc.

The knock at the door saved us as Thomas called. We walked past the beach and on up into the hills, the sea view opened up and we saw an aerial station on the peak,

`that was to warn us of German aircraft'

Thomas said authoritatively. We walked to the site and lay out on the concrete where huts had been. We talked about music, girls (a short conversation) and mates and Don talked about signing up for telephones.

Thomas said his dad worked on the telephones and to talk to him, we'd call around tomorrow.

Thomas stood up and dropped his pants `I need a piss' he turned towards us and pissed on the concrete, the stream ran down towards us.

`You dirty get' said Don as he leapt up to stop it running on him.

`Are, it's only piss, are you soft or something?'

We dropped our shorts and pissed on him, aiming our shafts, bladders full after a gallon of tea. We managed to get his sleeve, but not enough to worry about.

We shucked off our shorts and ran around naked like aeroplanes, arms out wide, running and bombing each other by running into each other until we were exhausted. We lay getting our breath back. Thomas leant over Dons dick

I wonder what English cock taste like?' Asking himself as he sank onto Don's cock, now hardening Whats a welsh arse fuck like?'

I say and Thomas is on all fours, as he sucks off Don.

I growl up some phlegm and coat up, Thomas has a lovely pink porker of an arse, in fact he's like a pig all over, red hair, red pubes, pink skin, pink cock, pink arse, brown hole.

I push in, it's pretty easy.

`You've done this before'

Lots' he said only one TV channel around here and that's English shite. Got to amuse ourselves'

His arse felt good, loose and moist. `You been fucked already?'

`Yeah my dad then my elder brother, I fucking loves it, you're pretty good you know, cute as well, Shame your fucking English' he said

`Actually I'm fucking the Welsh' I said and rammed in deep hard and fast. Thomas was moaning as I ripped his arse, he came in a grunt into Dons mouth.

We saw a lad approaching, we looked worried.

`Don't fret, it's only Rhys, Hey Rhys, this guy can fuck, come over here and see if his pal can.

He said something in Welsh and Thomas laughed.

Rhys looked the same age as Thomas but built not from junk food but from hard work; his stout legs, rippled thighs, thick forearms, a tight cute arse all built of muscle.

He took off his check shirt, fuck, My cock twiched as he revealed a tight muscular chest, two proud pecs stood out, nips on the very brim and a deep channel between them and running centrally and across the top in an elongated T. His abs started immediately under the central gap, in a knuckle of muscle. The 6 blocks under were laid out, 3 at each side, but not symmetrically.

Looking closely as I came forward to shake I noticed his pecs were covered in short hairs, almost the same colour as his gloriously outdoor tanned skin and continued over his abs to a much thicker treasure trail.

He was giving me a once over, especially my cock as it chubbed up.

Now his attention was on Don giving me time to ogle him some more from the side. His body was not huge but actually quite slight, just all made of muscle, like an anatomical drawing but in flesh right before me. His arse cheeks were like two separate half round globes of pure muscle, with a wide valley between curved at the top and filled with a thick pipe and at the bottom.

Rhys shook Dons hand, his grip flexing his forearm, he turned to Thomas and said something in Welsh as he unbuckles his belt.

`He says He's still The Daddy' Thomas said.

Grinning he bent down and pulled off his shorts pulling them over his boots.

We gasped, this made him laugh. His cock hung down to his knees. We all grabbed our cocks and pumped them hard. Rhys and I measured, his cock touched my pubes but mine was 2" or more short of his body. Don was 1" short and Thomas was about 3 or 4 inches short.

`Who wants some prime Welsh cock then?' says Rhys, looking at me.

`But only if I can fuck your beautiful Welsh arse', I said.

`That's a deal' said Rhys and he bent over, his hands on his knees.

`I'm first' said Don

He tested the height and if he bent his knees he could get under his cheeks. He knelt first and opened his arse cheeks with his palms, `fuck your ripe' says. Don spat at his hole and left it at that, his arse muscles clenched as he flexed them sucking the spit lube in his hole.

`Come on boy, I ain't got all night, I've got to get the fucking sheep in'

Don pierced him, he moaned and looked hard at the floor. Don put his arm around Rhys neck and on his pecs and lifted him up whilst still fucking him. Rhys was on tiptoes, his beautiful body tensed, muscles showing as Don power fucked him lifting him off the ground with his cock. Rhys shot out a plume

`fuck me Thomas, this English cunts pretty good at something for once'. Don pulled out and shot all over Rhys muscular arse. What a sight.

I pushed Rhys back on the grass, he swings up his legs and I put them on my shoulders. I looked down at his perfect body. I was as hard as a rail as I sank in on Dons lube.

I tried to fuck him at different angles and when he moaned I knew I had caught his prostate and so kept at that, banging his cherry at every push, I came quickly and Rhys shot a thin pissy stream of pre- cum.

`Your turn now boys he says, wiping the slaver off his lips.

Don and I knelt doggy style on the grass, the concrete was a killer. Rhys took me `oh fuck' I exclaimed, his 10" dick is the longest I've had, he found places I didn't know existed.

He took his fucking time as well, no rush to get the sheep in now, just a long languorous fuck. He massaged my lower back as he nailed my arse,

`Some guys say it hurts about here' prodding my lower spine, just above my arse crack

`I'm so fucking big, the girls won't even touch it, let alone be fucked with it,

`so this is a real treat to fuck a proper arse', looking over at Thomas's fat porker backside.

`Hey that's my arse your talking about' laughs Thomas indignantly.

The back massaging worked, I imagined I could feel his cock deep in me, maybe I could but pretty soon after he stopped massaging he grunted out his load in me. `Fuck that was great' he said as he stood up and flopped out.

Thomas the pig was on Don, nailing him, mercifully quickly. Thomas fell off and Don wanted Rhys.

`Rhys you fucking stud, get it up and over here and fuck my brains out',

`Thought you'd never ask?' Says Rhys grinning as he took his dripping cock and pumped it up, hard, slapping against his abs as he walked over.

Dons on all fours, `watching Fucking beautiful' as he wiggles his arse grinning up at Rhys. Rhys pulls his cock down to the floor, then match as it slaps back up on his abs.

Rhys gobbed up some phlegm and coated up and fed the tube in slowly, carefully, as it disappeared up Dons arse. Don winced as it broke new territory.

Oh, fuck' exclaimed Don just there, oh fuck, fuck',

as Rhys started pumping in and out, to the hilt and almost popping out. His balls slapping on Dons arse as he built up speed. Dons cock, rigid, his nuts high and tight, Dons moaning increased, Don shot out his load and Rhys juddered out his cum into Don, his leg twitching rapidly. His dog ran up, excited by the smell, pushing his wet nose into Rhys arse and licking up Dons load off the concrete, his lips quivering. Rhys pulled on his shorts over his boots and buttoned up his shirt,

`well lads my masters here to tell me the sheep have all fucked off, and thanks for the fuck'.

We laid down and watched the setting sun as Thomas told us about pilgrims and their journey to Bardsey Island, as we walked back down to Aberdaron, spread out before us, the bay shining like a scyth blade in the sun.

The misses Bancroft were waiting for us, `we saw you walking with Thomas and Rhys' one said.

`Ah, lovely Rhys' said the other, wistfully.

`Well boys, it's time for bed, take your cocoa and bara brith up with you.'

We used the privy, and adjourned upstairs. Locking the door, we supped the tea and ate the cake.

I stripped Don and with the window open letting cool air in we laid naked on the cool cotton sheets and Don took me in the luxurious comfort of a proper bed. We fucked all night in the big springy bed. Luxury.

End of part 8

See how the story continues.

Comments welcome, drop me a line

Next: Chapter 9

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