Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 6, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 6

A fictional story of Ray and his journey with his childhood mate Don to adulthood. Set in northern England in early 1970's.

Ray is now 18 and is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life in his gloomy, soot blackened mill town. The holiday in Wales opens up a world hitherto unknown to the two lads.

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Wales - Part 6

Parsal beach was crunchy with pebbles underfoot and bands of golden sand separated by green seaweed gripping to rocks as if their lives depended on it. The sound of the waves crashing over pebbles, a constant, unending pulse. The ozone invading our nostrils, us breathing the sea air into our lungs, washing away the black soot of the past 18 years.

Don was at my side as we walked, him looking for flat stones to skim, me looking out for tiny yellow shells and coloured glass worn smooth and matt by a million waves.

Trevor pier was to the left, on the shoreline and above, the three peaks of The Rivals rose up majestically. The seaward peak honed down by exploitation and explosives, providing granite sets for the cobbled streets of far away London.

Ahead, the broad sweep of the bay, sandy beaches of Aberdesach, Pontcylyfni and Clynnog, all the way to Dinas Dynlle and Caernarfon.

We'd walked from the camping field, past the 12 or so knackered static caravans with kids in nappies, underfed boys on bikes and shouty mothers, to the steep slope that leads down to the beach.

When we arrived, Arthur found us a space for our tent, on the camping field, in the far corner, out of the way, a good trek from the bogs, but close against a hedge for night time pisses. We stood in the porch of his white painted cute Welsh cottage, the door ajar to the living room and we could hear the, deep, slow tick-tock of a grandfather clock. Arthur took our cash graciously and wished us good weather.

We made camp, kids were playing rounders in the middle of the field, the view was tremendous over the bay to Dinas Dinlle on our right, on our left The Rivals and, shimmering in the distance, far away over the Irish Sea were the Mountains of Mourne.

We walked along the beach to Aberdesach and past the beachside shacks to Maen Dylan, a huge rock, millennia old, guarding the beach. We scratched our initials in a heart on the slimy stone like countless generations before us and paddled to the seaward side, the tide coming in, the waves heavy, splashing on the rock.

No one was about, we were shielded by the rock from the beach and the shacks. Don gave me a look, his swim shorts tented out, he shucked my shorts to my knees, spun me around and my bare chest was pressed against Maen Dylan, cold, hard, everlasting. I wrapped my arms around the rocks girth as Don sucked and mewled at my hole, opening me up, him growling deep and low as waves smashed against the rocks and Dons tongue invaded my secret place.

Don rose up, his shorts wet, dripping seawater. He stepped out of them and rolled them up stuffing the fabric into a pocket and threw the ball like lump onto the beach. He shucked up a huge gob of phlegm and coated his salty cock, his fingers drove into my arse powerless against the invader. He leant up against me, pressing me into the barnacle encrusted black rock, his body pressed warm on me, his dick at my threshold.

`Fuck you're gorgeous' he whispered into my ear, his tongue delving in, to my waxy, hairy canal.

`what a place to fuck the one I love, the one I always have done, since before my memory began'.

I pushed back, bore down and opened for him, I mewled `oh fuck, that's so lovely' as his turgid shaft pushed its way in on his spit.

I was in heaven, every button being pushed, chrysanthemum fireworks exploding in my blackened vision as Don pounded me, the waves crashing over our arses as the tide rushed in.

I melted, there was nothing I could do to temper my emotions as Don scraped and battered my prostate, my nips rubbing against the cold stone, the hot sun beating down on me, the cold sea crashing on my legs and arse, the sand beneath my feet churning and giving way on each crash of waves.

Don screamed

`I fucking love You Ray Mason'

as he shot his load into me. A wave higher than the rest engulfed us, soaking us and pouring off the rock. I pulled up and scrambled away from the rock and lay exhausted at the waves edge, rolling in the sand kissing as I gripped Dons naked arse.

A dog rushed up and joined in, barking and pawing at me as its embarrassed owner ran up and clipped it on the leash, apologising, beetroot red as Don covered his modesty.

We dozed on the beach drying off our shorts and walked back hand in hand until we came to a fast flowing, noisy stream making its way underneath the pebbles to the sea. We followed the stream away from the beach, which lead us through a shaded fairy dell, past hydrangeas and a row of cottages to the road back to Parsal Farm and the camping field.

We got the stove going, meagre rations today, the rest of the sweaty bacon and eggs. As the kettle whistles a guy rocks up and introduces himself, he's from Liverpool and him and the lads are having a few beers and a barbecue and well, if we're doing nothing, and looking at the fry pan we aren't, to stop by now, as they've got lots of food and enough booze to sink a battleship.

We nodded and said `Great, yes thanks, fucking lifesaver', then I put out my hand

Hi, I'm Ray' and Don followed and I'm Don' holding out our hands for a shake,

`Hi and I'm a crazy bastard, called Lurve'

He grabbed my hand, pulled me away and we ran to the their tent encampment, one large frame tent with compartments off surrounded by pup tents. Right by the hedge and beyond the hedge, a field with stored boats tight against the cliff and the sea.

`We are miles away from the boring Daily Mail, electric hook up, trailer caravan bastards here, so can do what we fucking well like'

Crazy showed us the setup and introduced us to the rest of the crowd.

I'd say they were early 20's. The lads liked us, calling us chickens, fresh meat. They were all from a boxing club, hard guys and so funny.

We brought over our camping chairs and the last of our warm cans and sat with the group, listening mainly, making the odd comment as lads grabbed their crotches, farted, burped and went to the hedge for a piss. Cans being passed around continually.

Clive, the eldest and the `posh git' served out the meat and sausages from the barbecue, we stuffed the burgers into rolls and slathered ketchup on them. They didn't last long. The sea air and sex is good for appetites.

One of the guys got his guitar out and a bottle of Lambs Navy Rum and this was passed around as we sang sea shanties and old songs, the ones where seemingly the words are in your blood.

We forgot about time, the food, the ever constant supply of beer and booze, it was getting late.

`Fuck I forgot, we've that bastard, fucking air bed to blow up' Don said.

Crazy said `why not kip here tonight, there's lots of room in my gaff',

We nodded, the guitar player let out a long melodious fart, then a final flourish of chords. He kicked dirt over the fire and we strolled over to Crazy's tent.

Crazy undressed us and we fumbled about pulling his shirt off and soon we were naked. He opened the zipper at the top to let air in and we fell naked onto the floor laid out with 2 or 3 airbeds. `Here's the deal lads, we know you're two right horny fuckers out for cock, and has it happens we've got plenty to spare.'

`You've had your fill of our beer and grub so now you get you're fill of our cock.'

`Here's how the game works, the blokes line up and you get them nice and wet then the one your sucking off takes your pal up the harris and vice versa until we're all done and can't get it up'.

We nod.

Fucking hell Don, some of these guys are fit' I whisper to Don, who grins and nods.

Crazy turned on a camping torch hanging up above us which splashed a dim pool of light over our bodies.

`Right then, get into doggy position' commanded Crazy. We got on all fours, arses wiggling as the tent front unzipped and the blokes were lined up, pissed and shuffling forward holding their stiff cocks. Their bodies muscled and honed from boxing, fighting and plain hard graft.

I sucked the first lad who started to face fuck me, I looked up at him, such a fit fucker, lovely muscular upper body, ripped thighs, tight defined abs, he pulled out about to shoot, walked bobbing around to the back and slammed his cock into Don, making him nearly bite the bloke who's cock was down his throat `steady lad' said the older chubby guy, who pulled out and came around to me, he parted my cheeks and spat at my hole, then pushed his finger in

`I'm gonna enjoy this, you're nice and tight'. He pushed in, smooth in the spit, I felt his warm belly hit my cheeks and a further push deeper, he didn't take long. The next 6 were a blur of blokes cocks and being pounded. I could feel cum running down my legs. The last 3 were up for more sucking than fucking. We brought each of them off easily. The guys were pretty wasted and dozed off in pairs, in their tents.

Crazy roused himself as the last guys were being served then kicked our butts pushing us over and said

'right you two puffs, you can fuck off now'.

We scrambled our shorts on and stumbled across the star lit field to our tent and after squatting in the grass to dump the loads of cum, we collapsed on the bags and slept.

Next morning we woke, sore arsed, on the deflated airbed and lay cuddling `what the fuck was that last night?' Said Don

`Dunno but my arse is sore'

we giggled at that

`Fuck, that's worn my ring in, it'll be like a spare tyre by end of the week'

Come on princess' Don said pulling me off the floor let's get fettled, have a shit, shave and a shower then I'll make us a brew'

We walked the long line of tents to the block. Nice bogs these, loads of free hot water. 3 traps and 3 showers. 6 sinks, mirrors over.

We'd soon used all three. Supped our tea and waited for the bakers van, chatting to lads on the site. A couple of them about 15 or 16 outgrowing their childhoods rapidly, half boys, half men, still on their kids bikes, but fit as fuck, T-shirts too short showing tight abs and treasure trails, bronzed hairy legs, and tight shorts, display their wares. I wondered if we'd get to see more of them, my cock clubbing up.

There is nothing like fresh warm bread and we bought some eggs and a big Bakewell tart.

We fried the eggs and mopped up the yolks with the loaf. Another brew and we ready for the day.

Crazy wandered over `morning lads' he said and winked on his way to the showers.

We walked the path to Trevor and from there to Llan'hearn and the path up The Rivals. The top is an ancient hill fort, the info board says it's 5000 years old, it's a mass of rocks but the perimeter walls are standing and the round bases of the huts are clear. Walking up further to the top the view is staggering, you can see the sea on both sides of the peninsula and right over to Harlech Castle and across the sea to Ireland.

We laid out on the grass in the sun, cooler up here, stripped off our tops as pillows, wound down our waistbands and lay in the sun, dozing off.

We must've slept for ages, it was getting cooler and the sun had moved around. We got up and walked down back to the site.

I drove us to Pwellhi for a cafe tea and a go on the rides at the tiny fun fair. Loads of fit lads here, we'd a laugh on the dodgems with guys who had escaped from the holiday camp for the day. We all got boned up and sat chatting on a wall at the back of the Spar shop.

The lads drifted off, back to parents and lifts or getting the bus back to Butlins leaving the two lads and us. Trev and Dave were twin brothers about 15, chunky boy-men, all blond bristles and muscles. They lived local. `What do you wanna do now' I asked Dave.

`Fuck all to do in this dump' said Trev

`You wanna coming back to ours' Don proffered as he clutched his package, playing it cool.

We're staying on Parsal Farm at Trevor' I said we could get some booze and play cards'

`What do you say to that?'

`Me mums having her hair done, gossiping for Wales, I'll go and ask her'.

He ran off, his arse tight in his shorts and his too small T shirt clinging to his back, showing off his bony spine and shoulder blades.

We chatted some more, Trev had his hands down his shorts, feeling around. Dave runs back.

`Bloody hell, she must be on a promise or summat, she said yeah and even gave us a fiver. Said to fuck off until Sunday lunchtime tomorrow.'

We took their fiver and pooled it, we got two bottles of cider, a 4 pack of Skol lager in cans two party sevens, a bottle of Whisky Mac and let down orange. Bags of crisps and peanuts, crackers and cheese. Oh and a pint of milk. We gave the lads 2 quid back. We found the car and buzzed back to the tent. The radio on playing `Top of The Pops',

`Make us a brew Ray' Don said as we laid on the field watching the kids play French cricket.

It's nice here' says Trev, I know Arthur, he's a strange one, he's got a fucking jag in a barn, all polished up, never drives the fucker, only to Dinas aerodrome where he only flies his own fucking plane'

`Wow, he must make a lot of dough here?'

`Yeah, all those thirty bob a night adds up, an me ma says he's a tight one, never spends a penny'

It was getting late, `come on I'll shows you' says Dave. We walk down the farm lane, high hedgerows and into the farm buildings,

`look it's in here', we peered in through a crack in the door, and their she was, a shiny black Jaguar.

`it's like those the coppers have' I say.

We walk further on and behind an old milking parlour, the doors half off, filled with old rusted farming stuff.

`Fuck it stinks around here'

`Yeah but it's private'

Dave takes the lead and pushes us in through the gap. The light filtering in through broken roof tiles, massive cobwebs and dust laden old stuff, this area was trampled though, for access to a tap on the wall, dripping.

`You two up for a bit of Welsh cock?'

We nod and lick our lips. Dave grabs hold of my cock through my shorts

`Nice, big lad you'

He kisses me hard pushing me against the wall, and drops his shorts under his balls. He breaks off and our foreheads touch as we look down, I'm staring at his cock, uncut, brackish red skin, rough looking, hairy shaft and balls, his bush making it look shorter, two hefty balls tucked underneath, tight. His foreskin bunched up, his slit peeping out.

He takes mine and weighs it in his hand, judging. `So this is what English cock looks like?' He says

I kneel, `and this is what Welsh cock tastes like' as I opened my mouth wide and guided his pole into the void, it touched my gag reflex and so I snapped my lips around the shaft. The hairs prickly on my tongue and bathed his head in my warm spit, coating it with my tongue as I created the vacuum, gulping down, getting him deeper.

Don is snogging Trev, his hands on his cheeks, opening him up, Trev arms are around Dons neck and he's writhing, grinding his cock into Don.

`Fuck your a hot little fucker' says Don as he pulls Trevs shorts down. An identical cock rears out. Trev reaches his arm back and pulls his T shirt off in one action. His body is half boy, half man. His pecs are thick but shallow, hanging under his shoulders above his ribs, criss crossed by his prominent lat muscles, his abs are in an oval dissected into six wonky squares when he flexes and just the outline of two lower squares above his bush, his skin is rosy red that turns pink or white where it's thicker, it has a dusty look to it, his thighs thick from cycling and his knees red and white where scraped.

`Like it?' Trev says and he wiggles his cock in front of Don

`I fucking love it'

says Don, his cock out of his shorts as they hug and kiss, Trevs hands down Dons shorts on his arse cheeks as the two cocks rub against each other's as they snog.

We hear boot steps and a metal pail clanking, we pull up and make sure we're decent. The door creaks open

`ah boys, I thought I heard something' sang Arthur then switching to a gruff Welsh the boys hurried out of the barn, us following.

`It's nice to see you lads getting on so well' as he clutched his package out of habit and started to fill the pail.

We ran to the shower block, out of breath and went for a piss.

`The dirty old sod was watching us',

`I'm watching yours' I said as Dave let out a thick yellow stream, steaming.

`Come on, let's crack open those bevvies, I'm parched'.

We sat outside the tents supping, eating peanuts. The lads were on cider, Don managed to open one of the party sevens with a screwdriver. Kids were getting ready for bed and doing the `walk of shame' to the shower block.

Two cars roared into the field and to the far corner.

`Fuck it's the crazy gang' said Trev.

`Better put a cork in your hole, that lot'll fuck you till your spewing cum out of your ears'.

Yeah we know, don't we Don, fuck yeah my arse was so sore I could barely walk.'

They slowed down and wound their windows down, `you up for a repeat, lads'

`Not tonight Josephine' says Don drolly.

`Some lads just can't take it' said Crazy as they sped off, bumping along the grass and then it was slamming doors, and music blasted from their car speakers.

Dave swatted a midge, `they're fucking biting tonight'.

We supped up and went into the tent, putting the can and bottles in the fly sheet.

Dave tilted the party seven, still some left, for later and zipped up.

The twins were stripped already, laying back on the lilo,

It's like a fucking bouncy castle' said Trev and lifts his arse up and down. Mmm nice action though' scraping his cock up and down his abs as the mattress rocks.

Dave says come let's have some fun' he spies the KY Jelly, oh now we're talking lads' as he picks up the tube, gets a dollop on his fingers

`Who's first?'

I wiggled my arse at him me please, fuck me with that Welsh broom stick' He tossed the tube to Trev who caught it as Don wiggled his arse at Trev fucking nail us both, then we'll see what you can take'

Trev grabs hold of Dons cock `oh I'll enjoy taking this'

At that the boys lined up and unceremoniously sank their cocks deep in our arses. We groaned as their rough skinned, hairy cocks invaded our spaces.

`Fuck, you English cunts are even tight down here as well! That made us laugh, squeezing our arses,

`Oh fuck me that's good' they cooed as the boys built up rhythm, their stamina showing as their balls hit our arses, too tight to their shafts to slap, not quite dropped fully yet. Their youthful sacks not sagging.

`Hold back Trev, till I tell ya'

Trev nodded, sweat on his brow dripping, his whole body reddening.

I wanna watch em taking it' he said as they pulled out, our arses missing them already. We quickly layed back, legs higher, Trevs body roseate, his skin almost matt, dusty apart from his heaving chest, I drop my legs onto his shoulders and he sinks back in, bending over `The English cunt likes this' he says to Dave who's fucking Don hard and deep, Dons eyes have rolled high, he's in fucking ecstasy.

Trev changes the angle pushing my legs down into me, raising my pucker. I grab my thighs, oh yes' I moan as he's finally found my prostate. Just there baby, oh yes'.

Trev likes that and I continue to coo at him, building his confidence. Fuck, these two have stamina, they're fucking us wildly, deeply, we're moaning continuously now as their breathing changes. They slap our thighs and retract. We're back doggy style now, they're bent over our backs, close, hot, they are hugging us tightly, tighter squeezing us so hard, their rough arms tensed around our waists, squeezing hard, then with a grunt relaxing their grip as their bodies tense and quiver, legs shaking as they blast their thick jelly cum into our sore arses.

Trevs cock is twitching in me, still hard, throbbing, pulsing, alive in me.

`That was ace' I say

Trev looks pleased with himself, `was I Ok?' He asks.

`Fuck much better than OK, you were tremendous, you fucking stallion'

Trev grins from ear to ear, retracts, his cock coated in spunk and flexes his body for me, happy.

My cock twitches watching this man-boy flex his muscles, his rosy skin glowing. Don unzips the inner tent and cooler air floods in as he pours out the beer in the fly sheet and the lads their cider. We sit and sup, quenching our thirst, getting our stamina back, the beer giving us a buzz, we finish the party seven and creep out of the back of tent for a piss. We four lads stood naked, moonlight on our arses as we link arms and piss hands free into the hedge, leaning back to get the stream higher. A Torch light flashes over our backs.

`Nos da Hogia' says Arthur

`Good night Arthur' says Trev and Dave

Then something else in Welsh as he walks off.

What's he say? I asked

its hard to translate but something like keep my customers happy'.

`That's very easy' I say. I push Trev onto the bed.

`I've wanted to fuck you since I saw you on the dodgems. I could see right up your shorts, you're nuts hanging out'

`I knows, I saw you ogling me, now's your chance' he said.

I looked over at Dave and Don, Don was on top, Dave's flexible body opened up for him like a spatchcock chicken, his legs like wings as Don licked up his balls and up his shaft. Don raised Daves legs higher and revealed his rosy arse cheeks and his pale pink pucker. Don leant forward and kissed his cheeks and spat on his hole, lined up and sank in, I watched as Dons arse cheeks rocked into Dave.

Trev knelt in front of me, we laid down in a 69 and explored each other, this rough country boy and me the brainy intellectual now both the same, sex being the great leveller. Trevs cock tasted of my arse, his precum quickly adding to the mix, changing from musky to the briny sweet taste as he drooled out more and more, spewing out in my mouth.

I suckled his balls, loosening them as my mouth massaged the wrinkled sacks and the nuggets bathed in the cream within. I delved under, sucking his thick pipe that surfaced just below his arse hole, breathing in that sweet odour of boy as I suckled at the thick shaft slavering, licking, nibbling, spitting on it till it was slippery smooth then with my nose lodged up his crack I ate his arse hole, chewing on his arse cheeks and licking, pushing my tongue up his hole.

He turned to face me, straddling my thighs. He lifted up and sank his sticky, slimy hole over my pole, sinking lower, grimacing a little as his arse fell onto my pubes. He rocked forward, his rough hands rubbing my chest, his palms grazing my nipples as he rubbed up and down lifting up slowly and dropping back as my cock pulsed and thrashed around, constricted and constrained in his velvet tube.

He kissed me deeply, holding my face in his hands, rubbing our noses together, his eyes dancing as he excited me further, his motions rhythmic now, steady as his body tensed and rippled as I hit his prostate, his arse making my ring glow, my glans on fire like I'm going to piss molten metal. He saws up and down my shaft from base to tip, sweat pooling now on my pubes, his arse essences leaking out down my shaft.

The smell of arse and boy, sweat and beery breaths, the sound of Dave and Don fucking, balls slapping, their musk rising, as Don fucks the daylights out of Dave.

Trevs off now, rising up and down, frantically, his body taught, abs crunched, his arms aloft waving as he rides me, licking his biceps as he flexes, the squelching of his arse on my hard pole, his cock turgid red, flapping up and down in front of him. I grab it and hold my fist steady as he writhes up and down, wanking him self to oblivion. He roars as he cums, spraying his seed out , I guide it to my mouth as he settles on my shaft. I mewl as I fill him with my spunk and he splashes his load out over my face and chest. His spurts never ending, I've counted 11, I'm spurting dust now, still hard up him, twitching, then soften a little.

Trevs cock is laying on my abs, a drool of cum slithering out of the slit. He bends over and kisses me. Dave and Don reach their crescendo and Don collapses on Dave's cummy chest and abs as we slither around, finally laying back in the afterglow. I hear Don crack open the whiskey Mac and we pass the bottle around, the heady alcohol kick does its stuff and I pull the quilt sleeping bag over us as a final gesture before sleep invades me.

I clamber out in the night, busting for a piss. The grass dewey damp as I walk to the hedge and watch my stream arc into the hedgerow. Two strong arms encircle me, a kiss on my neck and a crack tracing up my arse looking for relief.

`Piss first' I whisper. I turn and watch Trev piss out his stream, then I bend, hands on my knees as Trev invades me, deeply, urgently, rapidly, cumming in a flurry of hands, wanting more skin on skin contact. We fall on the airbed heavily as we hug and kiss, so close, as one. I pulse out my load between us over Trevs abs and cock, still wet and hard, dripping, oozing cum. We keep the spunk warm for a long time before falling asleep , the cum cooling and running, pooling on the airbed.

End of part 6

I hope you're enjoying the lads discovering the sights, tastes and smells of North Wales.

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Next: Chapter 7

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