Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 4, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 4

A fictional story of Ray and his journey to adulthood. Set in northern England in early 1970's Ray is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life in his gloomy, soot blackened mill town.

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Wales - Part 4

Pete's eyes were wide, surveying the scene.

Pete didn't say a word. He just pulled off his T, shucked off his pumps and shorts and knelt on the airbed. As if he was drugged by the view, looking at Don, Kev and me naked, knelt above Kev who was coated in cum, our 2 boners bobbing and Kevs hard, thick cock coated with thick white frosting, laid against his cummy abs.

Pete looked about 14, a slight lad, narrow shoulders, saucer shaped pecs with a tiny nipple on each, his turtle shell abs led your eye to his 5" spike and slight brown pubes and two ripe plums hanging below.

Kev picked up Pete's T shirt and wiped up the cum from his belly.

You dirty git' said Pete, my mum will kill me, I've only got one other clean.

Kev pulled the lad down on to him and they made out kissing and grabbing cocks, hard, hot. We leapt on them and we had a wrestle and played grab arse to test superiority and pecking order.

We laid back, breathless, looking up at the tent in the weird orange light. 4 of us horny. Wanting release again.

Pete says, `I'm hard as a rail, couldn't have a wank this morning with my fucking brother in the same tent'.

I knelt over him and took his 5" spike in my hand and watched him quiver as a pulse rippled through him, his face grimacing, his pecs flexing, abs crunching and his arse rising a little off the lilo.

`Fuck' he groaned.

I lent forward into a 69. My balls hanging above his mouth. My shaft snuggled warm into his nose and cheek. He breathed in rapidly in succession then tightened as his body convulsed three, four five times as he filled my mouth with his youthful spunk.

`Fuuuuuck' he said.

Don and Kev watched, pumping their cocks. I climbed off and wiped my lips and flipped the lad over, his cute bum pointing at me, his nuts hanging. I pushed my nose in his crack and smelt him, his youthful musk, his hairless, smooth arse, his hole.

I grabbed his cheeks, and separated them, a handful of boy in each palm and spit licked, diluting his essence, his arse crack now shiny, slippery. I pulled higher up his body, my cock fell under his arse, hunting for the spot as I whispered into his ear,

`you want my cock don't you,',

he nodded. I said

`you've got to say it'

He tossed me the lube and he turned his head, wiggled his arse, grinned and said

`Yeah, fucking do me, then I'll see if I can take Kev without him splitting me in half'

`What about Don?' I said, Don was slapping his 7" into his palm.

`Go on then, he's next, after you'.

Better hurry up' said Kev the parents will be back an we don't want my fucking brother hanging around, snooping in, the nosey bastard".

The gel felt cold on my shaft, but soon warmed up as Pete took me bit by bit, inch by inch, as I slowly, patiently opened him up. He felt alive on my pole, squirming and pulsing his arse muscles as my balls fell soft against his cheeks, his nuts risen, almost disappearing either side of his tube, he let out a deep sigh as he shot his load, gripping my pole like a vice and on my next thrust in releasing my sperm. I pulled out and Don pushed me out of the way.

`That was fucking hot' he said

`Now have a man sized portion' as he plunged in, effortlessly on my bed of spunk.

Pete moaned loudly,

`Shut the fuck up' said Kev who was pumping his cock slowly.

Pete says `Ray, get down on me and slick me up'. I obliged then went down on Pete, sucking his spunky sticky cock.

Don was pounding Pete hard, with his rabbit like motion and throwing his head back, grunted and came up Pete's arse hole.

Kev pushed Don off and lined up.

Now for the main event' Kev whispered. I'd better lube up'.

Kev caught the tube of KY and smeared a slug trail up his long shaft and a dollop on his two fingers and pushed in Petes anus and rotated,

`nice and loose'

he said quietly, almost to himself as he got into the zone, anticipating shooting his load, longing for the microseconds of bliss.

He parted his cheeks with his thumbs, his hands around Pete's waist, his target gaping, pulsing, shiny black with lube, oozing out 2 loads.

`Beautiful' he whispered.

Pete looked back and wiggled his arse at Kev.

`Fucking do me Kev' whispered Pete.

We knelt higher and Pete took my cock, sucking me off, muffling his moaning as Kev plugged in.

Don shuffled underneath Pete to suck and lick his cock, now deflating with the pain, then as Kev, disregarding Pete's muffled moans, ploughed on, confident now, head high, rocking back as he meweled a `yeah' at the sensations Pete was giving him.

I took that as my cue and speeded up, making Pete gag as I found my stroke, my length into his willing mouth. His moaning vibrating my cock, getting me higher. Don must've taken all Pete's spike and his ripe nuts into his mouth as Pete started to writhe and wriggle at the sensory overload, mewling now, a constant vibrating moan. I heard Don sucking down Petes load, spasming his anal ring and nutting Kev who pulled out and shot up Pete's back, long plumes of white from his hair to his ass crack running down in the valley of his back.

The sight and smell pushed me over and I shot, pulling out, shooting over Pete's face, Don seeing a free hole leapt up and sank his aching rod into Pete's mouth and bucked carefree into the warm pussy mouth, cumming instantly.

We fell onto the airbed in a bouncy heap, coming down from our high.

We heard car doors slam and voices.

`Fuck they're back' said Kev, pulling out clothes from the side of the airbed. We dressed quickly and Pete escaped by crawling out of the back of the tent followed by Kev. They ran to the bogs out of view. The tent shook.

`They're all in here mam' said Kevs bro, we unzipped and let the daylight in, and the reek of cum and sex out.

`Fuck off' we said to bro quietly and pushed him away.

`Come here now and leave those men alone and go find Kevin' said his mum crossly. We both gave him two fingers out of view as he went back moaning and crying.

`Put the kettle on Don, whilst I tidy up this shitty tent'.

We sat in the evening sun, sipping tea and reliving the afternoons delight in our minds, our hands idly squeezing our packages.

Don got a can of Heinz beans and sausages going in the little pan and fried a couple of eggs in the fry pan.

We packed away and headed up to the campsite sinks, Pete came up, pulling his shorts out of his arse crack.

`Hi Pete, er you OK?' We said quietly.

I can hardly fucking sit down' he said. My mum said what's wrong with you? and I said I caught my backside on the bike saddle, mum grimaced at me'

`Well you did catch it, on Kevs big-un' laughed Don.

`Fuck yeah he's huge, thanks for opening me up though, I'll certainly remember this stay!'

`When are you going?'

`Dads on about setting off early tomorrow morning'

`Well come by ours tonight if you can sneak away and we'll have some fun, about time you paid us back'

Fuck yeah', he said then coming mum' he shouted across

`Cumming later' we joshed as he went off.

`Fuck you stink' said Don as we knelt down together and packed away the stove and utensils.

`You're a bit ripe as well'. I laughed

`Fancy a shower or shall we leave it till morning?

We picked the towels drying from the cars back seats and I threw the shower gel at Don and ran off `last one in the shower pays' I said.

End of part 4

Next: Chapter 5

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