Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 3, 2023


Wales Discovery - Part 3

A fictional story of Ray and his journey to adulthood. Ray and Don discover themselves and open up their rather sheltered lives on a camping holiday to Wales.

Set in the early 1970's Ray is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life in his gloomy, soot blackened mill town to go to university.

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Wales - Part 3

I woke up in the night and stumbled away from the tent in the darkness for a piss. I saw a lad walking towards me, it's Kev.

`Fuck you scared me' I said as I pissed a healthy stream into the grass.

`I can't fucking sleep' whispers the lad.

He pulls down his pants and in the darkness I can see his shaft, pointing upwards and make out his bush and his balls. He walks close to me. I grab hold of his cock and pull him closer.

`I'm not surprised you can't sleep with that thing, how big is it?'

Nearly 7 inches' he said just look at yours now' he giggled, mine was pointing north.

`Fancy a wank?' He whispers

I nod and his hot body touches mine. He grabs hold of mine and as we kiss we wank each other in the darkness, our shots spurting out in front and landing on the ground.

`That'll help you sleep' I say

`See you tomorrow' he says and runs off, I hear his tent zip up.

In the morning Dons wood wants another round, I don't fancy sucking him off knowing where it's been, so I blow and fondle his cock end, pulling the skin right over the glans in my fist, making a rose of it with the bunched up skin then stretching it tight, my hand at the base of his shaft, blowing on the red thin skin and the exposed sensitive glans and his `rubber band'. I milk it out of him into my cupped hand and lick it up.

`You dirty git' Don says as he lays back, he's smelling his armpits and says


`Yeah we got time', I say

I see the red undies poking out of my jeans pocket and I slip them on, fuck they're tight but feel great on my undercarriage. I pull on my jeans, squeeze into pumps and we walk to the showers with our 10p's for the hot water. One shower is occupied and one free.

`Come on we'll economise' says Don.

We undress, hang our clothes on the hook by the door and leap in, shivering until the shower water hots up,

`you first' says Don gallantly

He watches me wash my arse and I squat to dump out his cum, I let out a long noisy fart.

`Better out than in' a bloke says from next cubicle.

I finish up and leave Don in the shower and dry outside. The shower door opens and the bloke in the next shower walks out fuck, he must be a builder or something, he's muscled and tanned, covered in furry blond hair, his blue eyes shining.

`You here long?'

He says making conversation as we both dry, rubbing the towel up our arses and drying our balls.

Just a few nights' I say we're walking to Swallow falls today'

`Oh yeah, you asked my lad, Kev, didn't you?'

`yeah we did'

`Top man mate, he'll love it'

As he said that he started to dry his hair, his towel rose revealing his cock, thick, soft, hanging down, swaying alongside two pendulous balls hanging lower still, around a thick blond bush. Fuck, I thought I know where Kev gets his dick from now.

I quickly slipped on the red undies

Oh my lad wears those, his mum works where they make em, funny that' he said

I ignored this, I pulled on my jeans and shouted to Don

`See you back at the tent'.


We packed a day bag and walked to Kevs tent. His mum came out with Kev and said we could have him as long as we wanted and that he had his own money. His brother moaned that he wanted to come, as we walked away Kev turned to his brother and gave him the two fingered salute. He wailed and told his mum.

We were soon on the footpath. It's about a five mile hike. It's a good day but the suns getting up and it'll be hot.

`Come on you two',

shouts Don as Kev and I trail behind, chatting shit. It turns out that Kevs the stepson of the mother, his ma died, his dad remarried and added his stepbrother, Mark to the family. They share a bedroom which is horrendous.

Kev says he spends as much time away from home as he can, school, after school clubs, scouts, volunteering at church, going to library for homework, but it's all affecting his grades.

We climb the hill and get to the top and sit, looking at the view.

`I need a whiz' says Kev,

`me too' says Don,

They walk to a clump of trees and I hear Don say

fucking hell lad, what's that? Hey Kev, come over ere and look at Kevs tackle, fuck me, how old are you, 16, fuck me, you'll be popular'

Kev comes back grinning, clutching his package,

`I can't help having the family jewels can I? You should see my Dads!'

`I have, he's so big he'd rip me in two!'

We walk on and the paths getting busier and we are being overtaken by experienced walkers with poles and backpacks, by yapping dogs and kids.

Don says, `guys, this is getting shit, let's turn off, come on, look there's a path up here'.

We walk higher above the town, the land gets bleaker and the path narrows out and turns into a sheep track.

`Can we stop?'

says Kev. He ran down to a hollow and laid back in the heather,

`fuck that's prickly' he says, he rolled onto the grass and we laid either side of him.

`So do you, you know do it, with each other?' Kev says,

`yeah, of course, Rays been my best mate, since I can remember, we've done about all you can with each other at one time or another'

`Oh man, I wish I had a pal like you' says Kev and he cuddled Don, I joined in and we kissed and grappled.

`You need to find a lad, what sports do you play because changing rooms are a great way to get to know guys, especially with your er family jewels',

`Yeah there's a guy called Michael, he sorts hangs around after rugby but we never get a chance to do anything'

So I say `you gotta engineer it, why not ask the coach if he needs help putting kit away or tidying up after and volunteer, see if Michael joins ya, if not call out and get him to help, that gives you time for the grunts to leave and you get solo time together'

Don says `you bastard, so that's how you hooked me!'

I just grinned.

`Come on let's get back' says Don.

We get to the campsite and Kevs family car is not there.

`I'm starving' says Kev, we all nod.

`well it's tea ala Ray',

I get the stove going with the little pan and delve in the sack for the bacon and eggs and tinned potatoes. The boys chop up the bacon as I fry the potatoes, browning and spitting in the oil. I add the bacon and as it cooks I crack the eggs over.

`Not bad' says Don

`Well it will do until later'

We finish up eating and lie on the bed. Kev in the middle.

`Fuck he says I'm horny',

we look at each other and zipping the tent up, Don starts to remove Kevs T shirt, I take off his canvas All-Stars boots and socks,

`fuck you smell nice' I said kissing his toes, ogling his blond hairs on his legs,

`gerroff' he says giggling.

Dons sucking his nip on one side and squeezing his other,

`fuck' he moans.

He lifts his arse of the lilo a little and his tight abs crunch. Don and I go `mmmmm'. My hands are in his waistband and I pull his shorts down, down over those muscular soccer thighs and to his dainty feet. His tan fading over his mid and darkening up to his chest, his face amost walnut brown in the orange light of the tent.

His package is trapped inside red y fronts, a huge wet spot at his thigh as his tube is leaking. Don and I rise on our knees to look at him.

`Fuck, you're hot' says Don.

We kiss over him and then take one side of his underpants waistband each and tug them down. He crunches as he rises a little and Don bends to kiss the small valleys and hillocks of his abs. His shaft partly exposed now but caught in the material, angry, solid, begging for release.

`Look at that fucking sausage' says Don

He tugs sharply releasing the engorged monster which rises in an arc to nestle well above his belly button beating tiny motions in tune with his heart.

Kev grins up at us, his arms behind his head, his bushy pits like ink splashes and the dark moustache of his pubes showing either side of his thick shaft and the large spongy tube coursing blood to maintain its size.

I pick up his shaft felling its heft, its weight and lick a bead of precum off the end as Don nuzzles in under his ball sack, his nuts heavy on his nose as he burrows his tongue under, Kev rising off the bed a little, giggling. Kevs legs rise and his pucker comes into view, the strawberry blond hairs around it matted with sweat and funk. Don opens his cheeks and blows on his hole, watching it twitch and he dives in licking up and slavering over it.

I'm down on his cock, I can just about get a third in before I start to gag, I concentrate on the glans, his foreskin is still tight covering the head, a small sticky opening and his pink slit peeping at me. I burrow my tongue in opening the gap wider. I start to pull the foreskin down, it stretches like gossamer, the shape of his rim showing through the almost see-through skin, peppered with tiny veins, dark blue in this light.

don't' he says it hurts'

I back off and tongue his slit, then envelop his glans, skin and all and start to pump my tight lips up and down his shaft.

Don is creaming up a funky lather of spit around his hole and up to his balls, sucking them, trying to shove the other one in, he's successful and is munching his balls like a beaver, his cheeks full.

Kev is moaning at the double attack.

Dons fingering his hole, I feel his cock harden and pulse in my mouth as Don inserts his digits. Kevs staring at my cock, he nods. I shuffle around in a 69 on Kevs cock as he grabs mine and he starts to copy my moves on his, every thrust of his cockhead in my mouth. My breathing in hard through my nose and he his, Dons slurping and our collective yummy moans fills the tent.

Don, ever the secret stud, finds the KY jelly and daubs his cock with it and puts a huge blob on Kevs arse.

Kev spits me out and says `do it' taking me back in and lifts his legs higher holding them back with his arms under his thighs, Don mewls at the sight and warms up the cold gel with his cock tip and starts to enter. Kev spits me out, panting, his face grimacing as Dons head pops in. Don waits patiently as I distract Kev with my tongue work, I pull off and watch his skin retract slowly over his glans, revealing the beautiful shape of his shiny head, flecks of creamy white cheese dot his rim as I coat them with saliva and clean up, he's moaning now.

Don pushes forwards, I line up my shaft with Kevs mouth and sink in, Kev sucking my cock like fury now as Don rams him, I grip his shaft and wank the foreskin over the glans in time with Dons pumping,

`Fuck I'm close' says Don.

He pulls out, and Kevs cock starts to pulse as plume after plume of cum spurts, as his abs crunch and ass retracts, Don tips over the edge and shoots his copious load over Kev and me. Watching this sends me over and we are all firing now, Kevs cock twitching, pulsing like a dying heartbeat nestled on his abs, covered in cum, white icing like a Chelsea bun.

`Kev, Kev, are you in there, it's Pete?'

`Yes I am you daft sod, bugger off unless you want it'

`But I do Kev, I've changed my mind'

The zipper opened and Pete was wide eyed surveying the scene. Kev coated in jizz, 3 of us naked, sweating, skin glistening.

`Take ya T shirt off and your shorts then lad, that's if you want it, really, really want it'

`But I do Kev, I do'

End of Part 3

Next: Chapter 4

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