Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Wales discovery - Part end

A fictional story of Ray and his journey with his childhood mate Don to adulthood. Set in northern England and Wales in early 1970's. Ray is now 18 and is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life and his gloomy, soot blackened mill town.

We find them on holiday in North Wales nearing the end of their journey.

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Wales - Part 11

`How's the kitty doing?' Don asks

He's naked rummaging around for his trousers. His now tanned body flexing, so close I can smell him, his musk, his sweat, his breath.

I strip off on the airbed, next to Don, getting my clothes out of my rucksack.

Fuck, these stink' I say as Don grabs them and sniffs yeah they smell of you, especially around here', sniffing at the crotch.

`You dirty git' I laugh.

He drops down to my crotch and breathes deeply

`Yeah they're definitely yours, this smells even nicer though',

as he pecks my cock with a kiss and reaches over for his jeans, his cock rising slowly, he gripped his dick and fondled his nuts

`someones not ready to get dressed, it's got a fucking mind of its own', he says.

I ignore him and thumb through the notes and coins in the kitty purse.

We've about £5.50 left. Don rummages in his jeans pockets not worn since Day 1, hey look here, we've struck gold' as he unfolds two £1 notes and about 80p in change.

`Just thinking we should maybe get back? That'll get a couple of gallons of fuel, and a sarnie'

`Yeah, paradise can't last forever and I've got to start looking for a job, we can't all be fucking brain boxes and go to uni fucking versity, but there is a few things I'd like to do first'

He slapped his cock in his palm, I swung my legs high and watched Don, beautiful Don give me that shy grin as he held his rock hard shaft and inched forward on his knees towards me. I put my arms around his neck and felt his broad shoulders, his thick neck and pulled in tight, I swung my legs around his waist and pressed in hard, kissing him.

He lowered me to the airbed, I rocked back, my arse rising as he carefully lined up, pushing his cock head into my hole with his thumb, I felt my anus give way and his head pop in. He rose up on his arms and pushed in, slowly, my arse welcoming the friendly fire, the invader about to push my guts into my stomach.

I looked up at him, my eyes tracing my spewing cock, looking up to his abs flexing tight as he slowly rammed me, across to his arms, pure sculpted muscle and his chest, flushing red, and then up to his face, a determined look, concentrating, him feeling every nuance, adjusting constantly to extract maximum pleasure for me and himself.

His eyes meet mine, a thousand words are passed silently between us in that second, a stream of consciousness.

He's deep in me, ever so deep, that full sensation building in me, a few flashes of light in my brain as he pounds my arse, his balls slapping, rhythmically, his breathing low and deep, slap slap slap, my cock burning, my rim on fire, my arse hole on fire, my face burning red, my chest flushing, I wrap my legs around him, my feet pressing on his arse cheeks, compressing and retracting as he takes over my arse, its his, my hole is his, he's plundering it right now, fuck I can't breathe, I'm so hot, hot, slap slap slap.

I'm drooling now, a stream of spit from my mouth slap slap slap, more fireworks in my brain, I can hear someone yelling, in the distance, it sounds like me, I'm looking down on myself being fucked hard, my head lolled back, my eyes rolled forward, my cock, dark, thick, engorged, bobbing around as my stud pounds me, pushing me up the airbed, someone is yelling now. I see myself cum, a long plume of jiz, rising high and landing on my face and chest as another volley falls over my chest.

I'm falling now, lower and lower back into my skin, my hearing sharper, I'm screaming Don, Don, Don' as he shouts Ray, Ray, Ray', as his nuts explode, he pulls out of me and is laughing, smiling ear to ear as his dick spews out cum like a Gatling Gun, spraying his seed over my body, my face, spurt after spurt after spurt. He flexes, proud, tall, knelt high on his knees and beats his chest like Tarzan. Then lowers quickly, holding my face in his cheeks and kisses me deeply, longingly, lovingly.

I'm staring into his eyes, drinking them in, absorbing every detail of his face, he stares back,

`I fucking love you Ray Mason'

he says then he breaks down, tears running down his cheeks, mingling with our cum, he's sobbing uncontrollably now, I rise up and comfort him, his chest heaving, his face buried in my shoulder as he sobs and sobs and sobs. I caress his hair, murmuring soothing words in his ear, and slowly he calms down,

He looks at me, nose pressed to nose,

`I'm going to miss you, you big fucking brain box'

then he giggles and lays down. My turn to sob,

`I'm gonna miss you, you big fucking lummox'

I cry tears, happy tears maybe, my head on his pecs, him stroking my hair as I lay, contented.

`I'm coming with you', he says,

`yeah I'll get a job, doing owt, we'll share a garret, you studying by candlight, me whacked out laying in bed after the fucking you've just given me. I'll get up early for work, leaving my angel resting, building up for a lecture or two at eleven.'

You gotta let me go Don' I said. I'll come back at half terms and reading weeks, it'll fly by'.

Dons listening, intently, his face crumpling as my words hit him.

You gotta think about you now Don, about your career, your too good to be labouring, heck you could have left school at 14 to do that. No, you've got 0 levels and an A level that you worked for and need to put to good use. Start applying for good jobs, fuck, I'll bet Post Office Telephones will snap you up, that's the future Don. I can see you in three years from now and I'll bet you're earning hundreds and me still at big school' with not a penny to my name.'

He nodded, then grinned,

`Yeah, I'll be the father of the house and you can be my little lady, meal on the table and arse in the air when I come home after a hard days wiring or whatever they do!'

`You can fuck right off, it'll be me pinning you down and shagging you as soon as you come through the door, we'll live off our spunk protein and Vesta Chow Meins. I'll tie you to the bed and fuck you senseless then release you back to work next day'

`Ooh err, I'm liking the sound of this, I think you ought to get some practice in.'

He turned over and wiggled his arse at me. I spit lubed him up and sank in, effortlessly. Don moaned as I built up pace. I pulled out and he flipped over, his legs on my shoulders as I sank in, his eyes watering, glassy in the dim light, his body laid out for me, only for me, mine. His cock softening as I tanned him hard, his moans joining together to a constant wailing, I'm getting close, he whisper

`I want to see you cum',

I pull out and he's getting harder immediately, I hold my shaft at the base, gripping my hard pole, my fingers pressed into my leathery nutsack. Dons ready, his cock twitching, I'm ready, my cockhead feels like it's ringing, like a bell chiming. Don stares into my eyes, his head rocks, his mouth opens, his eyes roll, he's at his peak, his beautiful cum face, he spurts hands free as I follow, shooting my load over his on his heaving belly, his abs tightening and softening as he comes down from his high.

We snuggle and sleep. We wake,

`fuck it stinks in here, and I've run out of undies and socks,' as he's looking for clothes to dress.

`Here borrow these', I say

I pull out the red y-fronts with Kevs brown crease and cum stains, added to by my own. Don sniffs them and puts them on.

`Fuck they're tight but they feel great on my nuts'

His cock is growing.

`Someone likes them' I say,

I push him back and find the tip of his cock and suck it through the red fabric,

`Fuck that's sexy, you dirty get!'

The undies are soaked in my spit, I'm chewing down his pole now, kissing and lightly biting it from base to tip then sucking down on the head.

`Oh fuck'

he exhales and I watch as his cum pushes through the fabric, white against the dark as I lean over and lap it up, sharing my tongue filled cummy kisses.

`You never cease to amaze me' Don says.

We pack up, it's misty in the mountains, we decide to drive back on the coast road.

The weather brightens up as we drop down through Crimea' and to the coast road we stop at Aberdesach again and park up. I love it here' says Don.

It's another scorcher now, we walk to the beach for a swim, and up the beach, stepping over the rushing stream and the bungalows and past Maen Dylan. We find a big rock way past the bungalows and lay the towels down. The beach is deserted, `I'm gonna strip off. We haven't seen anyone since we got here'

I said and pulled down my shorts and ran into the waves naked, I turned around and beckoned Don who looked around quickly, yanked his down, his boner snapping at his abs and ran into the water, it got a bit deeper so I lay back in the water, starfish like. Don surfaces dived under me coming up for air,

`it dips away here, deeper, come on I'll race you, first one to buoy, last one makes tea and washes up'. He says.

So we're staying another night? I say.

Yeah, we got the whisky Mac to finish and another fucking party seven. Let's have a sexy night in'

`You mean in each other'

`Too right I do'.

We swam half way `fuck it's farther than you think, I'm going to swim back'

`Race ya!'

We set off, Dons crawl is a joy to watch, he barely breaks the water and his breathing is perfect. As for me, I'm ok so long as I don't overthink it, once I do then I'm missing breaths, eventually gasping for air, treading water.

Dons drying, himself, his beautiful arse white, his back a golden tan.

`You've caught the sun this week, lover boy' I say

He grins `yeah and we've been in the tent fucking our brains out for most of the week'

He does a twirl for me, his soft cock flying around, he stops as a dog snuffles up at him, pawing at his leg.

I recognise it as the dog from earlier at Maen Dylan.

The dogs owner comes over apologising and picks up the pugs lead. Dons got his hands over his Crown Jewels as he's caught flashing his cock again by the old dear.

`Same time tomorrow?' Don shouts as the lady walks away, she raises her arm in acknowledgment, laughing at our embarrassment.

We lay on the rock drying off, we start to walk naked but feel conspicuous so we pull on our shorts.

It's a good walk on the beach up the coast to Clynnog Fawr and the huge pilgrims church.

We go inside, it's a simple church with huge clear windows flooding with light. We sit and contemplate our futures, sat close in the silence.

After about 1/2 an hour Don drops 50p in the collection box and we walk out,

`fuck, that's two pints' I say.

The day is closing in now, the air has changed. The cloudy sky cooling the air as the sun starts sinking. We walk back on the beach and up the hill to the campsite, we find our spot and set-up camp and Don utters those immortal words;

`Make us a brew Ray'.

I fill the little kettle and pump up the primus.

We sip the tea. I'm getting hungry, I suggest we drive out to Pwhelli and find somewhere to eat. The cafes were closed but we found a Pub, The Victoria. A posh place, they looked us over and sat us on a table on the back wall. We didn't mind. We both ordered the steak and ale pie and two Coca Colas that came with stripey straws bobbing in the top.

Stuffed, I drove back, the sky still cloudy. `Looks like the weathers changed' I said.

Don opened the party seven and we did our best to supp it all, then we finished off the whisky Mac before I zipped up the bags and slid in next to Don, who for once was fast asleep.

I woke busting for a piss and had a slash on the hedge, the sky getting lighter. Don woke and he nipped out for a piss as I warmed the bag up again. Don slipped back in and we cuddled ourselves to sleep.

I woke, and in the early morning light I saw Don pull the sleeping bag back revealing his long body his bush dead centre like a bulleye, his cock risen, hard, the tip angry red. `Come here you' he says and I rollover on my front and I feel him kiss my arse cheeks, his kisses following my spine up to my nape, he's nuzzling into my shoulder now kissing my neck then down the spine again with his lips, tracing a line with two fingers, pressing in hard, I groan, his kisses on my arse move towards my crack as his two fingers open the crack and fall into my pucker, now slick with his spit,

`You taste fucking gorgeous' he says as his fingers push in, side by side, tight in my arse hole. He rises up the bed, I can feel his dick pressing on my arse pointing down, he lifts off and it swings up, he grips it with his hand, finds my pucker and presses it in my hole, it sinks in after only the slightest resistance, I exhale an long sigh


I raise my arse pulling my knees in and Don kneels, adjusting, getting the height just right and pushes deeper.

`Oh yes Ray, oh, fucking yes, yes, yes' he moans as he barrels forward and back, my cock hard, Don leans into me, his body warm on my back, he finds my cock and grips it, as he rocks me forward he pushes deeper in me and my cock rises up, his fisted hand wrapped around my shaft, I pulse the shaft and squeeze my arse muscles as he rocks,

`You're fucking alive' he says laughing at the sensations.

No ones in a rush, we are comfortable, horny and ready for it. Don keeps up the pace, like a beam engine, pumping into me. In out, in out, in out.

I moan, my ring is burning, I'm sweating, I feel hot all over, my legs are going, I'm wobbling and collapse on the lilo, Don leans forward on his arms now like press-ups and rams into me, I'm wailing into the airbed, I shoot under, feeling the warmth of my cum spread as Don exhales and collapses on top of me pumping his load into me. He rolls off and kneels at my side, he opens up my arse crack,

`I'm gonna miss you'

he says to my hole and pushes his nose in, breathing deeply and laps over my hole gently with his tongue, licking up and swallowing his load as it oozes out, bathing my sore ring in his spit and pheromone loaded, healing cum.

`You're fucking gorgeous' he says,

`And brainy, and funny and witty' I say

`Don't overdo it'

he says and flips me over. We kiss, Don leaning over me, taking control. His hands on my cock, all sticky and wet with my last load, he pumps me hard, I wriggle and cringe as it hurts some, then gets hard, he kisses down my chest to my cock, takes it deep in his mouth and cleans me up.

He looks up at me, his eyes glassy in the dim light,

`Did I ever tell you how fucking gorgeous you are?'

`I believe you did, ohhhhh ...' Too late, I shot my load into his mouth.

Don sucked me clean, he spat my cock out, it's semi and shiny `clean as a whistle' he says.

`Talking of blowing' I said and rolled him on his back. His cock was soft and squishy, the foreskin over the head bunched up looking like an anteater.

I kissed each nut, then sucked each one, eventually pushing them both in and spitting them out, I delved lower and smelt his musk, he bought his knees up and widened his legs giving me more access. I dived in with my tongue, his balls pressing on my face as I licked under, getting closer. I pushed his legs back and the sun rose, as his pucker came into view. I thrust my face in to his crack, blowing and licking and bathing his arsehole in my spit. Then straight to his cock. The head now proud, glowing, shiny, I breathed in and smelt his musk, he lowered his legs and I kissed the tip, kissed his band, as I inserted my finger up his hole, feeling for his prostate. He groaned, I'd found the smooth almond.

I took his head in my mouth, his body convulsed and twitched like a robot toy, his toes curling, his abs pulled in, his lower abs solid then soft, churning as I attacked his cock. His hands rubbing through my hair, gripping my scalp, moaning as I swallowed his shaft deeper, passing my gag reflex,

He groaned as his cockhead scraped my throat, his cock pulsing, his body twitching, every muscle in spasm, his arse lifted off the floor, ramming my throat, pushing deeper. I came off and his cock ran with saliva and spit, the skin pulled back tight, the head throbbing and the tight slit spewed out his cum, in a blast as I moved deftly to catch the spray in my mouth. I went down on him and felt his cock pulse out his load, his anus tightening on my finger. I swallowed his cum as fast as my mouth filled, my soft lips snapped around his rim, pulsing as he shot, arse cheeks clenched, toes curled, thighs flexed.

Eventually he relaxed his arse, I pulled out my finger and his body softened, he started giggling, he set me off, I rise up and looked down at my God, naked, laughing, eyes dancing, cock laid across his thigh, a bead of cum forming as he chuckled. I laid on him, my leg over him, pressing on him, we laughed as I fingered the hair away from his sweaty brow, and kissed him gently as we settled down.

The early morning sun hitting the tent, I reached down and pulled up the sleeping bag.

`Hang on' said Don who leapt up and unzipped the tent, it was about 4:30, I watched as Don went to the hedge, stood with his legs apart, his arms on his cock and heard his exhale, his arse cheeks fall and as he relaxed, a thin spiders web of precum dropped to the floor catching the sun as it fell to the ground, followed by the sound of him drilling his piss into the earth, his head rocked back.

He ran in, kissed my nape and sank his wet cock into my arse crack, cuddling he fell asleep.

I felt his breathing, like a metronome, regular dependable. I thought of University and Durham, about leaving him, leaving Mum, finding new friends, am I worthy, am I a flash in the pan, someone who got lucky in a couple of exams?

I fell asleep and noises around woke me up. It's 10 o'clock.

Dons sparko, his morning wood wide awake but the rest of him in dreamland, twitching, I thought I heard him mumble my name then again. I smiled, fuck, he even dreams of me.

I started tidying up, filling up a paper bag with crap.

I watched him sleeping, transfixed, and as Don woke from his slumber he opened his eyes and smiled at me.

The kettle was whistling away, bringing him to reality.

`Morning gorgeous, he said' and gave me his million dollar look. He peeled the bag down and his morning wood bobbed.

I pulled the plug out of the airbed

`You bastard'

he said as the bed became very squashy. I dived on him and we wrestled, nipping, kissing, gripping cocks, being close, so close, inseparable, forcing the air out, whistling, sighing as the ground became hard.

My turn to weep now, uncontrollable, sobbing as Don sat cross legged, naked, and I leant over him, him hugging me, brushing my face, whispering sweet sounds, kissing my hair, as I gulped in air and slowly came down from my panic attack.

We pulled on shorts, grabbed towels from the back seat of grandads car and walked to the shower block for a last shower together, Don put five 10p's in,


I said and he grabbed his dick and swung it around.

We had a silent, unspoken shower, mutual washing, checking for marks and bruises, for cum in our hair and sore cracks. I leant against the wall, my arse out, my weight on my arms, Don lined up his dick and growled out a handful and smeared his dick and sank in, his weight on my back as he fucked me, holding my body in a tight grip, his hands on my pecs, squeezing into me, his cock slowly pulsing, moving a little, then long strokes until he whimpers in my ear, we are both crying. Both thinking is this it? Is this our last fuck. The shower runs cold as the tick tock timer stops.

All done we dried off outside the tent and we dressed in jeans and our best shirts.

The tent took about five minutes to take down, after all the practice we've had, and I sponged the cummy airbed with a wet towel and folded it up in the boot.

All packed we had a quick look around for rubbish, had a last Welsh piss and drove home.

Grandad gifted me the car, nice old boy that he is, proud as punch saying `my Grandson Ray is first in the family to go to University' to anyone who'll listen.

I got my letter confirming my place at Durham University reading English Literature, another step to becoming a journalist.

I saw Don at term breaks and Christmas, we took up where we left off, same old Don, dependable, loyal, best friend you could ever wish for.

He got accepted at Post Office Telecommunications, the references worked and he did his trades at Chester, doing day release and then night school, complaining that Telecoms Maths C exam was a real cunt.

He's bright, considerate, confident, a great leader of men. He rose up the ranks. The very qualities I loved him for shone through him and he was soon section leader, then Engineering Manager for the North West. He'd met a girl, Rosie, through work, she was one of the very few female engineers and Don was totally smitten.

We met up, his mum was on nights, we rushed to his, stripped naked, I swooned at his body, these couple of years had changed him.

`Just look at you, fuck your even more gorgeous'

I said, he gave me his shy grin, his cock at full mast in his hand. We embraced, falling on the bed, picking up where we left off, knowing which buttons to press, him ever the relaxed, considerate, confident lover.

In bed, after a good session, my hole sore after missing his ministrations for so long, he talked and talked, about his job, he couldn't stop talking about Rosie, he worshipped the ground she walked on.

We went out the next night, like old times around the pubs a pint or two in each, meeting up with old schoolmates. I'd had too much to drink and on the way home I pushed Don into an alleyway and hidden out of view, by the dustbins, we kissed and grappled, I went for his fly, he pushed me away, and with tears in his eyes he said

`I'll always love you Ray, but I've Rosie now, we're planning on getting married after Christmas and we've put our names down for a semi on the new estate, and anyway, you've been telling me you've got a job at The Manchester Guardian and you're moving away, so then it's no more half term breaks and sleepovers, no more Christmas shags in your bedroom wondering if your ma heard me shout out my undying love for Ray Mason.

We looked at each other and straightened up, he punched me on the shoulder playfully and we walked home as lifelong friends, no longer lovers.

As he walked up the path to his mums house I turned and shouted out loudly

`I love you Don Patterson, and always will',

But we knew those times had gone, the future had taken them away from us. Our dreams traded in for safe practicality.

I always thought of Don, that holiday and how much we loved each other, I'm sure Don did as well, you never forget your first love. Do you ?

Me? Well I became features editor at what became The Guardian. I've had a successful career and found time to write a series of best selling crime novels set in 1920's in Wales. The Pilgrims Path Murders, 9 books in all. The film rights were snapped up and the series is soon to be televised.

The publisher employed a `young buck' to write the screenplays, he reminds me of a younger me. We meet up and he flirts outrageously, boosting my ego.

I get Christmas and birthday cards from Don, Rosie and the girls, Jessica and Hayley and their boy Raymond. If I'm in town or nearby on a job we'll meet up, have too much to drink and a quick snog and a feel up. Then part again, for me, the pain of separation never really receding.

Tim and Lawrence write occasionally and send Christmas cards. We met up a couple of times at Durham, he was in the public school not quite good enough for Oxbridge' set, whilst I remained firmly in the working class lad done well' set.

I've taken a lover, Charles, he's very considerate and truly loves me, but he complains he's never got 100% of me. I can't help it, I say. It's just how I am.

Laid in bed, in the dawn light, the window open, the curtains billowing, the seagulls calling, Charles sleeping, I dream of Don; his touch, his taste, his smell and I'm transported back to Wales and 1972, the summer of discovery.

The End

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