Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Nov 11, 2023


Wales discovery - Part 10

A fictional story of Ray and his journey with his childhood mate Don to adulthood. Set in northern England and Wales in early 1970's. Ray is now 18 and is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life and his gloomy, soot blackened mill town.

They travel to North Wales for fun, sun and whatever comes their way.

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Wales - Part 10

We pulled out of Aberdaron, Don had the book of maps on his knees,

`We'll go on the coast road, then out of Pwhelli signposted Criccieth.'

He closed the book of maps using a leaflet of Welsh Castles as a book mark.

He put it in the glove compartment.

`Fuck Don' I laughed as I looked across, he was starkers, his shorts around his ankles and his hard cock pointing up.

Hold the wheel' I said and, as he held the steering wheel for me, I pulled down my shorts and then with my hands back on the wheel I lifted them off my feet one by one and kicked them up to Don, who sniffed the crotch, nice work' he said pulling his off and pushing the sweaty arse crack on my nose.

`Fuck off, I can't see' I said and he put them with mine on the back seat on a towel.

The vinyl seats were sticky but with the windows wound down, my arm on the sill, the air blowing through my bollocks, it felt great, looking across at Don, naked, beautiful, wanking his cock when it started going soft. On the long straight stretches, Don leant over and sucked my cock or he'd tweak a nip or give me a wank. I made play of grabbing his cock instead of the gear shift, squeezing him hard.

We got to Criccieth and turned right by a sign pointing to Traeth.

`There's a lot of places called Traeth, like Trevor' said Don,

`It means beach you twazzock' I said as we'd parked up and were putting our shorts on under the towel.

Don read the history of the castle to me, `Welsh Castle, 1100, Prince Llewelyn bla bla bla'

`That it?'

`Pretty much, come on let's walk on the beach.'

We took the towels over our shoulders and walked along the beach. We got to the row of B&B's where the beach ended in a headland, standing high and proud was the castle, heavily bombarded but a fine, honest structure built by peasant power not by the invader king.

We walked up to the castle entrance and didn't fancy paying so we walked back down the hill to an ice cream parlour and had a vanilla cone each. We continued down the hill and passed the lifeboat station and ignoring the other long beach we walked back to the car, calling in the gents. I took hold of Dons cock as he relaxed and made his stream into the shape of a heart, he smiled at me in, he held mine and he traced an X, I was getting hard, Dons cock was chubbed up. I reached up, gave him a quick peck on the lips and grabbed his dick, not here' he said we'll get done' and we tucked away.

We drove on into Snowdonia mountains, getting higher and through a smart town, Tremadoc, home of Lawrence of Arabia said Don reading the AA campsite guide, and climbing higher on a beautiful road with steep mountains either side and rock climbers having a go alongside a rushing stream at Aberglaslyn arriving into a lovely village nestled in the valleys where two rivers meet.

We found the Tannronen Inn paid the landlord, £2 for two nights camping and in the late afternoon sun we pitched up, blew the fucking airbed up again and walked to the river. Lads were jumping off the bridge, the younger lads naked, all arses and hairless uncut willies. The older lads looking cooler, in swim shorts, clutching packages.

We watched them diving in and saw a sign to the grave. We followed the river and a path to a field with cows in, and in the middle stood a monument with a fence around it. The engraved stone told the story of a prince who killed his dog for attacking his son. Then he realised that a wolf had attacked the son and the dog had saved the son. What a cock and bull story we said.

We put on a shirt and went into the pub for something to eat and a few beers. The pub was packed. These were different lads to what we've seen so far. All walking boots, woolen trousers and check shirts. Drinking a lot and bursting into song. We sat at a table away from them. Fuck, who are this lot of wankers' said Don quietly to me I dunno, but fuck they look a strong bunch, look at their arms and legs.'

One of the guys got up, he was about our age. I noticed his arse first, two dimpled globes in moleskin hiking shorts, the stiching going right into his crack, his beefy thighs pushing the shorts tight around his knees, then dark tanned legs to his boots, thick calves, barely reducing. He turned holding two pints, his black shorts had a harness of some sort from under his balls either side of his cock pulling tightly to a central buckle, accentuating his sizable package, his pecs were pushing out his shirt and his rolled up sleeves showed his strong forearm and bulging biceps. He was a handsome fucker as well, blond flecked medium length hair, ruddy complexion and smiling light grey eyes.

I couldn't stop staring, Don quickly squeezed my cock, feeling the hard shaft `Mine too' he said.

The lad put the two pints down and walked off, we followed his arse. He came back with knives and forks wrapped in serviette's. I got up and did the same putting them in front of us. The lads eyed me up and down, long hair, grubby shirt, hard on inside my shorts, plimsolls.

His mate started talking conversation

`You eating?',

`Yeah we're just going to order'

`The Pie is good, I can recommend it, if you don't mind me saying, but you two look rather underdressed'.

Don says `yeah, we left the tuxedos in the tent'

I interjected as the guy looked a bit offended

`we're on a beach holiday, we're just stopping here a couple of nights en route home, we're not mountaineers!'

The guy relaxed,

`well that explains a lot, you wouldn't get far in plimsolls around here'

and laughed heartily at his own joke. The fitter one came back, his eyes pierced into mine

`have I missed something?'

Then he put his hand out, `

I'm Lawrence and this is Timothy, are you staying long?'

Timothy explained our earlier conversation and Lawrence didn't laugh but said,

`Nice to meet you',

those piercing eyes again,

`I'm Ray and this is my friend Don',

we half stood and shook hands, firmly as we knew they would too.

`Staying far?'

`About 100 yards, we've pitched up in the pub garden',

`very handy' Lawrence said again those piercing eyes. My cock twitched.

Timothy said `we've got too much tackle for our bivouacs so we've taken rooms, we love the outdoors, the room feels a bit remote somehow'

We'd all drunk up. Waiting for the food. Timothy gets up and says four pints is it?' Don was going to say we'd keep in pairs, tight git, I know him too well, so I nodded and rose, I'll give you a hand'.

Timothy took the four empty glasses and ordered. We stood, looking around for something to say

`er, sorry about earlier old chap, I can sometimes come across badly, my abruptness, it drives Lawrence insane, no hard feelings?'

`Plenty' I said, Tim caught my drift immediately.

`Yes he is rather easy on the eye isn't he' he gave me a smile, his demeanour changed, his shoulders visibly fell and his motion became more fluid.

We put the beer down just as the meals were served.

barman, says `who's having the pie',

`We all are'

`That's easy then, enjoy lads'

We tucked in, `call me Tim, and call me Loz' the two gentlemen said, the beer, food and the knowing look earlier working their magic.

Don says that were a great pie, and I should know cos gentlemen, I am a pie expert'

`Well Professor Pie' said Tim, you certainly know your onions, I heartily agree'.

They both stood and shook hands, and clapped each other on the back. Surprised as their touch seemed to linger as they felt the warmth of their bodies through their shirts.

I looked Tim up and down, it was hard to get any sense of him. He's obviously posh, probably public school, his language gives him away, but his shape, his build is masked by his huge dark shirt and his shorts that have an alpine look about them. Whereas Loz broad chest, narrow waist and thick arms and legs are unmistakable, all I need to find out is the girth of his dick, I can pretty much tell the length as he twitches and moves about. But Tim is a mystery.

`My shout' says Don and Tim gets up to help. They carry the empties back and Tim has his arm over Dons shoulder and they laugh and talk animatedly whilst waiting for the beer to be poured. Dons laughing with barman and Tim's joining in.

`Whats all the laughter' Loz said,

Tim says `Dons pint was a little bit under measure and asked the barman if he could put a whisky in it, the barman nodded and Don said, very politely, in that case could you fill it with beer'.

We all laughed, even though I'd heard it before. Loz says he needs a pee and I say I do too, we go outside to the lean to, the cooler night air hits us and we sigh, Loz says that's better it's very close in there' those eyes again.

We stand and I pull my shorts down, no fly, no underwear and I'm holding my dick, waiting, not for the stream, as i'm holding back, but for Loz to unbuckle so I could have a look, see what he's packing.

He looks at mine, swim shorts down at my knees, arse hanging out, cock aimed and ready to piss. That's very handy' he says and very tidy, very tidy indeed' he grins at me then he undoes his French fly and his soft cock flops out onto his waiting hand, where he holds it underneath in his cupped hand and starts to piss, sighing. I start pissing

I didn't expect that!' I said, that's some party trick, it's like a fucking anaconda' he laughs, `yes I'm rather proud of the family fortune'.

`What's that ring, fuck, it goes through right your piss slit'.

Yeah and back out here', he twisted his cock and showed me, it's called a Prince Albert'

`Does it hurt?' I say

`Quite the contrary, it feels amazing, I get buzzes all day, just walking around, and sex, well dear boy, you might find out?' He pisses and flips it away, buttoning up.

We get back and Tim and Don are sat close, chatting away,

`you'll never believe it but Tim here is an expert on telecommunications, he's studying it full time in the Bath' we laugh

`isn't that dangerous?' We say, and Don says

`oh yeah, did I say in the bath, I meant at Bath university and guess what, he's only sponsored by the government, office of fucking post office telecommunications'.

They chat on about land lines and rotator switches and leave us two to talk about ourselves,

I tell him about my place at Durham university . He claps his hand, `I'm at Durham reading Anthropology, I start my second year' in October.

My shout' I say, not technically' Tim says, `we are actually even Steven's, isn't that right Professor Pie',

`cock on, Professor Trunk Call'.

`Listen chaps I've a bottle of single malt that needs attention, if you'd care to join us' says Lawrence.

I think, fuck the whisky, I'd give his snake some attention and we say together

`we'd love to'.

Their rooms are in a tall Georgian house on the main road, they've the top floor, a bedroom with a big brass bed, and a lounge with a sofa and writing table then a big bathroom with a huge roll top bath.

We all look at the bed, `strip off lads and I'll get the whisky' says Loz.

`How about we strip you two first and then you get the whisky' says Don.

Don pulled Tim closer `shall I?' He said, Tim nodded and Don undid Tim's shirt buttons, Tim stood back, his arms on his waist, his chest expanded, his muscles defined, sculpted. As he moved his muscles rippled, he was totally smooth.

`What the fuck are these shorts?'

`These are my lederhosen' said Tim.

I've had these made when I became 18. They are excellent for climbing as they are rip proof and very comfy once worn in. He rubbed the patch where his balls hung. Don knelt and smelled his crotch, the leather and musk was intoxicating. He undid the top buttons made of stag horn and the flap fell down revealing a 2 horn button fly. Tim pushed Dons nose in again, rubbing his hands over the leather and his bulge, easily spotted as the leather had been runned softer with use. Tim groaned and rubbed Dins hair, Din grinned at me as he undid the two buttons and Tims cock sprang out pushing the flaps aside, his aroma filled the air as his cock rose to press against his soft abs. Don stood up and they kissed, his hands on his leather clad arse cheeks pummelling his solid arse cheeks, his lips pressed on his.

I was half way unbuttoning Lawrences shirt, watching Don take Tim's cock in his mouth.

Lawrence nipped my arse,

`Your attention please' he said and lifted his arms as I unbuttoned fully and removed his shirt. I pulled down my shorts and undid my shirt and I was ready.

I looked Loz up and down. What a body, perfect proportions, I ran my fingers over his shoulders, his deltoids rippled as he threw the shirt onto a chair. He flexed his pecs for me alternating left and right, his nips almost disappeared under the slab of muscle. His upper abs muscles looking like a knuckles pressing out trying to escape his body. His boxy central core defined, and his lower core disappearing into his shorts, his long arms descending past his crotch, muscular, defined. His lats giving his body shape and contour, protecting his rib cage, enveloping them in a myriad of muscles looking like feathered wings wrapped around him.

We kissed and my hands fumbled at his shorts button. I undid it and then his fly buttons, one by one, his shorts sinking lower as each button was released. His shorts fell to his feet and his cock sprang up, erect, ready, bulging. The cock ring shining, wet.

We heard the springs creak and Don was on top of Tim on the bed.

We switched off their light and went into the lounge. I saw the rug, I grabbed the pillows and I lay down on the rug, Lawrence laid on top and we kissed our cocks touching. I raised my arse higher up his body, sitting lightly on his abs, he flexed and lifted my body up, I leant forward and kissed his forehead then let my cock graze the valleys of his abs leaving a trail behind as my cock traced a path up to his pecs, nestled between them he pushed his pecs together like breasts and enveloped my shaft, I rocked up and down as he wanked my pole. I rose higher, my cock on his chin, I span around and took his cock in my hand, and worshipped it in a 69.

What a beauty', I examined his gold ring, twisting it around, as Lawrence moaned at the pleasure, it was my grandfathers, he left it to me when he died. The funeral director gave it to me with an instruction Grandpa had left for me; `think of me when you're having fun' was all the note said'.

He leaned forward and took my cock head into his mouth, I shivered, he spat me out and fondled my balls, rolling them in his palms then rolling my shaft in his hands.

His precum gushed like a volcano, spewing out in beads running down his shaft onto my hand as I gripped him, then with two hands, his cock still showing maybe half a hand higher.

Two and a half hands high' I said hung like a horse'.

He laughed and his body flexed, fuck what a sight he is. I swallowed him as far as I could, my tongue playing with the ring, he moaned as his thick cock head scraped the roof of my mouth and into the softer glutinous tissue of my throat, I was getting more practiced and determined learning to swallow in a gulp to deter the gag reflex and breathing through my nose. He slid down my throat, his cock pulsing as he emitted a deep moan vibrating my cockhead as we 69'd.

He started to rock his hips slightly moving his cock a little just half and inch or so deeper then pulling back, his shaft hardened, the bulbous head enlarged as he repeated his action, speeding up, shorter and shorter strokes until his whole body tensed, every muscle and sinew defined as he released and his sharp curves melted as he spewed his load down my throat. We paused and I took up the rocking motion and in a few strokes I filled his mouth with my cum. I extracted his cock, slimy, shiny, his cum dribbling, but still hard. I turned over and wiggled my arse.

`I'll get the lube' he said.

The kindest words I heard that day.

Lawrence was at my arse, slapping it hard. His tongue lapping up my crack.

`Has anyone told you that you've a lovely bum?' he said.

We heard Don shout out `Yes, me'

and we giggled, then I recognised Dons groan as he shot his load somewhere up Tim's anatony.

`How you doing Ray?' Don shouts.

`One all, so far, just going in to extra time'

`Be careful with that fucking snake' he laughed then groaned as Tim pierced him.

`You two are amazing' Lawrence said and burrowed his nose in my arse, getting me ready, relaxing my hole.

Then he mounted me and I felt his head pop in,

`Mmmm' I said and he pushed in, and in, and in

`Fuck, wait' I said as his cock started to hurt deep in me. Lawrence was horned up, he kissed my nape, rose and kissed down my back and back up, caressing the short downy hairs of my neck.

I nodded and he slowly pushed on in, the pain subsided and I felt something strange as he pushed through it. I felt alive as his pubes tickled my arse.

`Fuck me' I said

`Is that an order, captain?


He rocked and pulled back fully and pushed back in, slowly at first then building up speed. His log hard, my body adapting around the invader, I flexed my arse muscles and he groaned. My cock was soft, jiggling about like a worm on a pin. He stopped as if someone had thrown the `magic boomerang'. Then his arms tightened their grip around my waist, his chin rough on my back and he groaned his load into me.

`2-1 to Loz, I reckon' sang Don as his voice went funny and he said a strangled

`Two all here now, Tim's just scored' Tim giggled and kissed him.

Lawrence was still hard, laughing, kissing and tonguing my ear.

How's little worm doing?

I was afronted as Loz pulled out, his cock hanging low as he spun me over and took my little worm and both my nuts into his mouth and sucked away. Little worm soon turned into a 7" pole and my nuts were spat out and Lawrence was gagging.

He swung his legs high and I attacked his pucker, I went for the lube `no need, I like it raw' he said as he guided my shaft to his hole and I sank on in on precum and my softly spoken words.

`Fuck me hard stud'

I nodded and obliged watching his body flex and react to my pounding until I moaned loudly, pulled out and shot up his body, coating his muscled contours in plumes of white, I licked him clean. We settled down on the rug, the hot night and close bodies keeping us warm for now. The sounds of the rushing stream and an owl hooting were the last things I heard.

I woke cold, alone. I found the bathroom and exploded in a volley of wet farts and took a long hard piss. I cleaned up and went to the bedroom, the three of them were huddled up close. Don was spooning Tim and Loz had found a strip for Tim to spoon him. I snuggled in on Don, holding on and pulled the sheet over. They all shuffled and adjusted to accommodate the new arrival.

Morning came with Lawrence up and dressed, buttoning up a clean white shirt, his cock and hairy balls showing below the tails, his PA shining. Tim was in the bathroom, we could all hear exactly what he was doing. Don grinned at me `that's all mine I expect'. We dressed looking foolish in our swim shorts and shorts.

`Right lads were going to have to say cheerio, we're off today and we've a lovely little route we want to do, before we leave. Our packed lunches should be ready by now'

Tim came out of the bathroom naked, his cock hanging low, his sturdy frame coated in muscles,

He says `let me give you my card', and he fumbles in a wallet and he gives two to Don.

`Write you're address on the back of one, and I'll be in touch'.

Lawrence did the same,

`cards hey' said Don

`We knew you were toffs'

as Timothy rugby tackled Don to the floor, his cock now hard. Lawrence said

`See you in October'.

We hugged them and left them to dress and pack.

Don says

`we look a right couple of twats in these shorts around here, I'm gonna put my trousers on.'

We get back to the tent. Don said

`We had a great night didn't we, fuck we must've spent a load of money. Hows the kitty doing?'.

I was lost in thought, thinking of Lawrence's cock, the PA and the feelings it gave me.

End of Part 10

Next: Chapter 11

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