Wales Discovery

By Scribbler Lad

Published on Oct 31, 2023


Wales Discovery - Part 1

A fictional story of Ray and his journey to adulthood. Ray and Don discover themselves and open up their rather sheltered lives on a camping holiday to Wales.

Set in the early 1970's Ray is planning an escape from his humdrum post A-Level life in his gloomy, soot blackened mill town to go to university.

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Part 1

This Summers going to be fab' I said to Don I can't fucking wait to get away from this dump'

Don nodded, never the great conversationalist but when you meet when you're seven and click, then that's maybe not top of your wish list.

The fact that Don was supremely loyal, always shared his sweets/girly mags/cider and actually stood up to Jordan Henderson who one time of many was grinding my face into the playing field with his boot during a game of rugby, when Don did a flying tackle and brought him down, landing him on his back, then bounced up and down on his chest, now that says a lot. Mr Race the sports master said it would've been the move of the match had Henderson been playing for the other side.

I continued, `Did I tell you Grandads put me on his insurance as a birthday present and has said I can buy his old car on weekly payments and pick it up tomorrow?'

Don nodded, yeah, thats third time' he said as he rolled over to push me out of bed, his feet cold on my arse cheeks as I slid towards the edge. Get up you lazy git, my mum will be back in an hour from her night shift'.

We got up, my morning wood on full display, I wiggled it at Don, that shy grin of his lit up his dour face,

`pack it in Ray!'

he said as he spider crab like pushed his gangly long legs and tucked his third leg into his y-fronts, his pale skin like alabaster, his long, lean, upper body that defies its strength, darkened by a grizzly black treasure trail from his belly button and two chocolate penny coloured nipples set amid his marble smooth chest. He lifts up his arms to pull on his vest, shirt and jumper in one go, his dark matted pits on show, his body stretched, his cock upright, his long legs and big feet anchoring his 6' 6" frame. Then the curtain falls over his body as he throws a pillow at me as a signal to help him make the bed.

`Oh my heads pounding' I said as I caught it.

`Yeah, we had too many shandies last night'

`Still it were fun'

I said as we pulled the sheets tight and put the quilt over, smoothing it down. We checked for any signs of mating and left the door open to help with any smells.

We went downstairs and Don put the kettle on

`Not for me, I've got to dash off, else I'll be late.'

It was Saturday, I worked in HMV record shop, no I'm not good looking enough for the counter sales, I'm in the back, unpacking boxes, putting into categories so Terry who works out can re-stock the bins, so say chatting up the talent.

`And don't forget to check your rucksack, we're off first thing tomorrow'

Don nodded and turned inside as I ran off down the street to get the 7:35 bus to town.

On the way, sat upstairs on the double decker, memories of last night made me hard. I remember waking home from `The Green Man' singing loudly with Don shushing me and staggering into his house. His 2' 6" ex army bed in his hutch of a room long since big enough for two, and so using his mums bed, him kissing me, my laying there helplessly loving his attention as he undressed me carefully, neatly, methodically then with me naked and giggling, me staring up at my god as he attended to himself before he pulls me off the bed and we walk to the bathroom, the lino cold on our feet and linking arms over shoulders we piss into the pan. We shake and Don pulls off a run of toilet paper and we run back to the bed shivering, I pull the thick quilt to our chins and cuddle together to warm, our secret love betrayed by our rock hard cocks.

I wiggle down the bed and we 69, his mums perfume smell on the sheets makes me gag so I pull off the quilt to get some air, feeling Dons nuts in my hands, his cock in my mouth, his taste.

Don doesn't reciprocate, he says we are getting too old for it, but he slowly wanks me off. We try to time it together, the familiar signals, his balls rising, his shallow breathing, his urgency to take over, to buck my mouth, all signs that he's close to coming. Then the salty warm release, the taste of raw mushrooms, as I gulp down his volley of spurts, feeling him harden slightly before he's coming down and softening a little, and my making sure he's all clean before I turn back to lick my load up off his chest or wherever my cannon fired.

I'd try to kiss him but he pulls away, we cuddle for a while until I got his attention again. I rolled on a durex over his pole, spit lube my arse hole and he spoons me, pushing in and resting as I adjusted and then he sinks forward and in a few rocks of his hips, his arms tight around my pecs, him nuzzling my neck with kisses, he grunts and comes into his rubber, after a minute or so he pull it off his deflating cock, ties a knot in it and wraps it in the bog roll. He goes for a piss and flushes it away, crawling back to me, on the verge of sleep, sweet sleep in my baby's arms.

The bus jolted, breaking my reverie, shit my stop, the red `stopping' sign flashing as I clambered down the steps and onto the pavement and the cool fresh air.

Town was getting busy, old ladies in raincoats with plastic headscarves and wicker shopping trolleys queued outside the butchers and in the shiny new mall stood HMV. `The world's best record store' emblazoned on the window.

Hi Ray', said Mavis the manageress you know what to do, we had a delivery yesterday and we left it just for you' she giggled at her joke and looked across at Terry who laughed a little too much, the creep.

Flamboyant Chris minced through at tea break with a cuppa for me and two digestives. `I clocked you and gorgeous outside the pub last night, he was being Prince Charming to his Princess, making sure you could stand and wiping away vomit from your mouth with his hanky'.

`Oh god, no, I'd forgotten that, I'll never drink whisky mac chasers again',

the memory depressing me, making my head throb more.

`Your Dons a real catch you know, anyway see ya, don't wanna be ya',

as he wafted his way back to the hub hub of the shop.

That explains the tissue paper, he normally wraps his rubber in his hanky, then rolls over to cuddle me.

I nipped out to Boots Chemists at lunch break and got some aspirin and chewing gum to freshen my breath then back to it.

I called in at Don's on my way home, `Hi Ray, he's upstairs said Sheila, you know where' her big smile followed me up the stairs.

Don had everything laid out on his bed.

`Sleeping bag - check, Wash bag - check'

`KY Jelly - check' I said, tossing the tube into the bed.

`Bloody hell how d'you buy that' he picked up the tube and read it

`vaginal lubricant, my arse?' he said ,

`my arse actually' I said laughing at my own joke.

`I saw it on the shelf by women's things and just picked it up and took it to the till with my aspirin and double mint chewing gum. The lass on the till looked a bit strange at me but rang it through. I tried not to blush but I'm not sure I got away with it. You get any more johnnys?

Yeah, the bloke in the barbers took pity on me, you long haired lot are putting me out of business' he says then slips me two three packs, leering, he says have a good weekend'.

Ray continued packing looking flustered, `Right let me finish this list and I'll call for you at 7:00, pictures is it?

My turn to nod.

End of Part 1

I hope you enjoyed this introduction, more to come.

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Next: Chapter 2

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