Wakeup Time

Published on Aug 21, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 8

Wakeup Time - 8

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Mr. Frontera, standing next to Daniel, with his two sons, Terry and Robin, seated on the couch in front of them, addressed his new slave, "As I have told you Daniel, I believe in maintenance spankings, and initially you will be getting one every Monday and Thursday evening. But if you show model behavior during your first two months of service, I will cut it down to just one maintenance spanking per week."

"And of course, on top of the maintenance spankings you will be receiving either spankings, paddlings, or strappings, for any infractions you actually do commit."

"Now since today is Thursday, you will be getting your first maintenance spanking. Normally, Thursday spankings will be preceded by the once weekly removal of your chastity cage, so that we can pubic shave you, bathe you, and apply a special protective lotion to the entire area that is covered by your chastity cage. But since Social Services just gave you a very tight shave yesterday before fitting you with your chastity cage, we will proceed today with the removal of your chastity cage and your first maintenance spanking."

"Because my boys will be a part of your upkeep and guidance, I want them present so that I can instruct them on some of the basics of your chastity cage, along with some basic info on discipline methods commonly used on servitors."

Mr. Frontera started to unbutton Daniel's puffy long-sleeved, light green shirt, as he continued instructing his sons, "Maintenance spankings are always given with the servitor completely nude. You boys will have the option of either ordering Daniel to remove his servitor uniform, or of removing it yourself. I personally have always preferred in the past to personally undress my servitors for their weekly bath and shave because it strengthens in the servant a sense of reliance on his owner or overseer."

Once the green shirt was removed, Mr. Frontera removed Daniel's matching green leotard. With his servitor uniform removed, Daniel was completely bare except for the bulky, South Dakota state-issued chastity cage.

The two brothers watched in wonder at the glorious spectacle of a young adult slave being treated as if he were a barnyard animal.

"Boys, what you see here before you is a slave boy locked up in chastity. With this model cage Daniel can shower and pee while wearing it."

"And you might find it interesting to know that in South Dakota this model chastity cage is considered enough covering for a slave to appear in public. That is why I often had my slaves dressed in nothing but their chastity cage when they were out doing yard work and mowing the lawn."

"A lot of male servitors find being paraded about wearing nothing but a chastity cage to be almost more embarrassing than appearing nude in public. The chastity cage sort of shows the world that the boy wearing it is sort of a creature that needs to be controlled, and that he is a creature who cannot control his own basic urges. The cage can really make a servitor feel more like a little boy than a man who is free and has access to his private parts."

"Sons, the reason chastity cages are employed is because it has been shown that removing a servitor's ability to self-pleasure himself in any way promotes a more focused and work-dedicated servant."

Mr. Frontera had Daniel turn around so that his backside was facing the boys on the couch. He then had Daniel lean forward, spread his legs, and pull apart his ass cheeks, and addressed his sons, "Now you will notice, boys, that the molded chastity cage extends to cover all of Daniel's perineum right up to his anus."

Terry moved forward for a closer look.

"When Daniel has to pee, he will always need to do so in a seated position. The cage allows the urine to pass through. All that Daniel will need to do is just wipe the outer filament grid with toilet tissue once he is finished peeing. The special carbon material of the cage has a bacteria-fighting component. Plus every week, after we shave and bathe Daniel, we will be treating the entire area that is covered by the cage with a special protective lotion. After Daniel's spanking today I will show you how the lotion needs to be applied in a thorough fashion all about Daniel's groin."

"But you will notice, sons, that the anus is not covered or protected by the cage. That is so he can have bowel movements as usual. But as you boys know by now, the anus can be a source of sexual pleasure. That is why one of us will always have to accompany Daniel whenever he needs to use the bathroom."

Initially I will allow Daniel to wipe his own ass after shitting, but if you boys or I should ever notice that Daniel is trying to give himself any kind of sexual pleasure through his anus while wiping himself, then Daniel will no longer be allowed to wipe himself after shitting, so it will up to us to do that for him."

"And if any of us should ever catch Daniel playing with his hole when he is off by himself, then there is a special butt plug we can fit him with which can only be removed by us when he needs to defecate."

Mr. Frontera pointed out two small `D'-shaped protuberances at the perineum guard, "These are the attachment points that secures the special butt plug that comes with this chastity cage. Let's hope we don't have to use it!"

Mr. Frontera instructed his sons to watch him as he removed the chastity cage so they could learn how to do it, "It's a little complicated removing this thing and putting it back on."

Terry and Robin both stood up to watch how their father removed the cage. Once the cage was removed all three Frontera males looked the naked slave over.

For Terry and Robin it was a unique feeling of power standing in the presence of a naked slave. They were both surprised at seeing how extremely smooth-shaved Daniel's entire body was, especially his pubic region. Having a raw shaved naked slave standing in front of them gave the boys a sensation of excitement that was new to them.

Daniel hung his head down in shame. Mr. Frontera noted his embarrassment and tried to offer comfort,

"Daniel, you don't have to be ashamed of being naked in front of us. I am a biologist, and Robin will be majoring in biology when he starts college in a few months, and both my boys have seen our previous servants naked on occasion."

"Now, with you, it will be the first time my boys will be actively involved with our servitor's upkeep, but I'm sure they will catch on quickly and be comfortable with their duties. Soon enough there will be no reason for you to be ashamed as my boys help to bathe, shave, lotion you, wipe your ass, and help out with your maintenance spankings and any other corrective treatment that you may need."

Learning how to remove the chastity cage was not to be the only lesson Mr. Frontera's sons received on the first day with their new house slave, "Okay boys, it's time for this servant's first maintenance spanking. I want you to watch closely how it's done, and as I spank Daniel I will be giving you pointers and showing you some techniques to help you achieve maximum force with your blows, and tips on keeping a servant subdued while he is undergoing physical discipline."

End of Part 8

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 9

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