Wakeup Time

Published on Aug 16, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 7

Wakeup Time - 7

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Once Mr. Frontera was finished with taking care of the things he needed to do, and after having left Daniel leashed to his bed for more than three hours, he came and collected Daniel.

He released the leash from the bed, and with the leash in hand he guided the new slave boy up to his living room. In the living room, seated on the couch next to each other, were the two boys who earlier had gone down the stairs of their home's basement to where Daniel was tethered and gawked at him.

Mr. Frontera addressed Daniel as they stood in front of his two sons, "Daniel, I would like you to meet my two sons, Terry and Robin. Terry is fourteen years old and is currently a freshman in high school, and Robin is seventeen years old and will be graduating from high school in just a couple of months. Robin has already been accepted into North Gate University where he will be following my footsteps, and majoring in biology."

Mr. Frontera continued with more information for Daniel, "I married Robin's mother when I had just turned 18. Robin was born when I was still just an eighteen-year old kid. My parents and a lot of their acquaintances argued against my getting married at such a young age, and it was a difficult time for me. But just take a look at my two beautiful sons, Robin and Terry! Do you think I made a mistake in marrying so early?"

Daniel assumed that was a rhetorical questioned, but in the few seconds before he could decide whether or not to respond, Mr. Frontera answered, "No, of course I did not! I love my two boys."

"And the fact that I love my two boys is important for you to know, because they are going to be a big part of your life for the next six months!"

Mr. Frontera put an arm around Daniel's shoulder, "As you know, son", Daniel cringed once again at being called `son' by a guy who was still a stranger to him, "I have had five previous `on trial' indentees in my care. But my sons never before were ever involved with any of their day-to-day care and training. But I feel that both of my boys are now mature and responsible enough to be able to help me with handling a lot of matters involving your monitoring, feeding, grooming, discipline, and general upkeep."

Mr. Frontera looked to his two sons, and addressed them, "And to that end, Terry and Robin, I want you both to understand how important this responsibility is in both Daniel's life and your lives."

"Because what it means having Daniel at our home, a young lad on probation from the state, is that this is a call from our civil authorities for Daniel to wake up! It is time for him to wake up from his recent life of drugs and petty theft. Daniel's being here, and under our care and guardianship, is a `wake up' call from society for him to change his unsavory and criminal life style."

"But it is also a wake up call to you two, my dear sons, to realize that you are now responsible citizens, and you, too, need to `wake up' and realize that as young adults, you now have a major hand in determining Daniel's future. So I am entrusting a lot of responsibility in the care of Daniel to the both of you."

"I am going to be asking a lot from you, sons, in the next six months in terms of caring for Daniel. Do you think you both will be able to handle all of the added responsibilities?"

Both sons nodded eagerly, Robin affirming, "Of course I can do that dad", and Terry, fairly melting from the thought of being able to control a slave, responded, "Yes daddy! I can help, really I can; in any way you want me to!"

The eager responses from his sons delighted Mr. Frontera, and he then turned to Daniel, "Honey Punch," – Daniel once again cringed at being addressed in such a familiar way with such a diminutive term – "you are now sort of our `little missy' of the household, and you will be doing all the housekeeping duties, such as laundry, ironing, cooking, yard care, and so on."

"And my boys and I will be here with you, helping to guide you, offering any needed correction, making sure you have all you need to do in order to perform your servitor tasks to perfection, and disciplining you as needed."

`Little missy' had never before, in his fairly young life, felt so abject, abandoned, defeated, humiliated, and hopelessly lost.

End of Part 7

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 8

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