Wakeup Time

Published on Aug 4, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 5

Wakeup Time - 5

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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In the early morning of the fourth day of his `basics of servitude' training class, where he was taught the essentials of servitor protocol, Daniel was escorted by an overseer to the grooming facility of the Social Services complex, where a young intern prepared him for his meeting with the person who was to become his foster care overseer.

The young groomer removed Daniel's plastic pants and soiled diaper and laid him out on the bathing table, where he was hosed down, scrubbed, and given a fresh shave of his face, underarms, and entire pubic region.

Because it was the first time his cock was freed from its restraining plastic pants, which served as a temporary chastity device, Daniel sprung a big fat boner as his `boy' area was being washed by the intern.

Daniel's `aching for release' boner did not subside as he was being towel dried, having his hair styled, and having servitor scent applied to his torso.

Even with Daniel's big boner it was no problem for the intern to fit Daniel with the large servitor groin cage, for its size was meant to ensure that its wearer can freely erect while encased.

The large servitor groin cage, a chastity control device, is made of molded carbon filaments, which completely encases the genitals and perineum, yet is incredibly lightweight. The groin cage is not tight against the groin, and is purposefully large to allow the genitals free range. The ability to allow a servitor the experience of a raging erection while secured in a groin cage is one of the secrets of modern servitor control.

Enforced chastity is used on servitors for the purpose of directing a servant's attention towards their masters. Chastity devices that limit a servitor's ability to erect are counterproductive. By allowing a servitor's penis to erect to its fullest, yet without giving a servitor the ability to self-pleasure his self it enhances a servitor's focus on his master by building up the hope that through good behavior his master will eventually allow the servitor to achieve sexual release.

Once Daniel had his groin cage fitted and locked on, his intern dressed him in South Dakota's Social Services' traditional, flamboyant, servitor garb, which consisted of a puffy long-sleeved, light green, shirt, along with a tight fitting, full length, matching green, leotard.

The outfit made a servitor stand out from the general public, not only from its costume-like nature, but by the fact that the tight fitting leotard revealed a really huge bulge in the groin area caused by the chastity cage. The outfit clearly lets everyone know that its wearer was a servitor, and the fact that the leotard fully revealed the outline of the servitor chastity/groin cage helps induce a sense of humiliation, and thus obeisance, into a servitor.

Once Daniel was fully scrubbed, groomed, chastity caged, and uniformed, the intern led him to Jason Thoroborough, the Assessment Program Director of South Dakota's Brown County Social Services.

Mr. Thoroborough thanked the intern and looked Daniel over. "You're a good looking kid. Let's hope your behavior for the next six months is as good as your looks."

"I will be taking you into the next room to meet your foster overseer, Mr. Ambrose Frontera. I think Mr. Frontera will be a good fit for you. He has been a foster guardian with our program for almost ten years, and has so far fostered five boys on probation, so you can be sure he knows all about giving the respect that is due to our state's servitors."

"But do be aware, Mr. Frontera has an informed scientific mind, and does not give passing grades very easily to those for whom he has served as a temporary guardian."

"Mr. Frontera, teaches biology at North Gate University, is 35 years of age, and is a great respecter of servitors who do as they are told."

When Mr. Thoroborough led Daniel into the adjoining room to meet his foster guardian, Daniel was struck by Mr. Frontera's beauty; and suddenly felt a profound shame at the way he was dressed and the super large bulge in his groin.

Despite Mr. Frontera's unexpected and moderately rude opening comment on seeing Daniel for the first time, "Wow, look at that bulge down there!" Mr. Frontera extended a welcoming hand and offered a wide and beautiful smile of greeting to Daniel.

Mr. Thoroborough responded to Mr. Frontera's somewhat surprising comment, "When you first accepted foster servitors ten years ago the chastity cages being used at that time were crap. The slaves were still able to wiggle a finger under the device and tickle themselves off. That sort of thing can't happen with this latest model!"

After a very brief and awkward silence, Mr. Thoroborough gave his standard send-off comments to the new `on-probation' slave and to his temporary overseer: "So Mr. Frontera and Daniel, I just want to outline in a nutshell, once again, before I send you two off, to the rules of engagement."

"Daniel, you have been assigned to temporary indenturement on a six-month trial basis, and you will be graded by Mr. Frontera on your behavior. He will be assigning you demerit points for any and every infraction of the general rules. Should you end up with more than 30 demerit points after six months, you will be sentenced to a 5 year sentence of servitude. If you rack up more than 40 demerits, you will in that case be sentenced to twelve years of servitude. If you manage more than 50 demerits you will be sentenced to a lifetime sentence of servitude. And anything more than 60 demerits will get you placed into a life-time of hard labor servitude."

For reasons not understood by Daniel, his still young cock had erected to rock hard, juice oozing, proportions.

Mr. Frontera attempted to soften Mr. Thoroborough's comments with some words of consolation, "Daniel, all slaves mess up from time to time. If you fail in some way I shall order you to the punishment room. If you accept any punishment that is due you without balking, you shall receive no demerit points from me for your infraction. If, however, you should ever balk when I give an order, that will result in a demerit point."

"So, all you need to do in order to remain demerit free is to do whatever I order you to do immediately, without offering protesting or balking."

Mr. Frontera suddenly seemed less threatening to Daniel with his assurance of fair treatment.

But Mr. Frontera continued, "Also, Daniel, I want you to know that I believe in maintenance spankings while you're under my care. Every Monday and Thursday at 7 PM will be `over the knee time' for you. And since today is Thursday, I will be getting you started today with your first maintenance spanking, before I put you to bed tonight.

While the message made Daniel feel ever more abject, he was confounded by the happy dance his young cock seemed to be doing in it's groin cage on hearing about the maintenance spankings he would be receiving on a regular basis.

And while Daniel had no idea what Mr. Frontera meant by `putting him to bed' at night, it put Daniel's mind into a haze of wild imaginings.

As Daniel was escorted to Mr. Frontera's car in the parking lot of the county Social Services building, he felt like a lost orphan boy. He had no idea what to expect living with a total stranger who would now be determining the course of the rest of his life.

Dressed in the clothes of a common servitor, with people in the parking lot sneaking glances at his servitor outfit along with its glaring crotch bulge, and feeling like a loser in the highest degree, Daniel wondered why his caged cock was now not only still bone-hard erect, but why it was pulsing as if it were some creature with a mind of its own.

Once Mr. Frontera had his new temporary servitor seated in his car, and had secured him with a full array of seat belts, a strange feeling came over Daniel; he no longer knew if he was a man, or even a normal human being. He felt helpless as he had never before felt; and a desperate feeling of needing to be cared for and protected swept over him.

Daniel eyed his `owner' as he was being driven to his new home. Mr. Frontera now owned Daniel. Daniel was no longer a free boy. He belonged to Mr. Frontera. Mr. Frontera was his daddy. Daniel now had to do exactly as he was told.

Daniel wanted to protest, wanted to scream, wanted to cry; but most of all he wanted to be able to grab that most private part of himself, a part to which he was now denied access.

End of Part 5

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 6

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