Wakeup Time

Published on Jul 30, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 4

Wakeup Time - 4

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Almost all freshly indentured males experience a roller coaster ride of emotions of the painful kind: shame, humiliation, embarrassment, indignation, degradation, ignominy, abasement, and hopelessness.

During the 72 hours of Daniel's orientation into South Dakota's Brown County Social Services servitor training course, Daniel had experienced every one of the emotions on the checklist.

Daniel considered the time he spent in training to be nothing more than 72 hours of nonstop humiliation and torture.

Among the many indignities Daniel suffered was the general sense that since he was now in a trial program for possible indenturement, he could be regarded and treated as something of a low life.

One of the classes the boys had to attend each day was called "Acceptance". In the class each boy had to tell the others why they deserved to be ordered into the six-month long Social Services evaluation program, and to express how they believe it could help them.

The boys were regularly ordered around and told to perform seemingly useless tasks. And if they didn't do what was ordered, they were freely strapped on their naked asses in front of the entire current crop of indentees in training.

Daniel found the classes on the protocols of servitor behavior an insult to his intelligence.

At least once a day Daniel and the other boys were forced to do the "walk of shame", in which the overseers, in an attempt to help the boys get used to their status as servants of free people, had the boys strip naked and get in a line. They were then ordered to spread their legs as wide as they possibly could, lock their hands together in back of their head, open their mouths and stick out their tongues, and to begin marching.

With their legs spread wide in such a fashion the boys were forced waddle from side to side as they marched. In Daniel's eyes the "walk of shame" was an act solely intended to debase and shame the trainees, and he considered it a violation of his basic human rights. He wondered how such a thing could be happening to him in South Dakota.

Daniel could not forget the loss of dignity he felt when he was told by a young and cocky overseer that it was "shaving time!" He was ordered on the changing table, where all of his armpit and pubic hair was removed.

With a smile on his face the overseer told Daniel that all the boys in the program would be kept shaved totally pussy smooth for the next six months, "No more man-hair for you losers! We're going to get all of your twats shaved up totally pussy-boy smooth, oiled, powdered, and gleaming. So spread your legs so I can turn you into a prime, puss-shaved slave!"

All of the boys in training found having to be kept locked up in a diaper for 24 hours at time to be debasing.

But even worse embarrassment for the boys than having to be kept in a soiled diaper for 24 hours at a time was the morning diaper change. The boys had to get on a changing table where their diaper was removed, and each boy was washed down, baby lotioned and powdered, and re-diapered by a cadre of young males and females who were in training for careers in Social Services.

And Daniel was paid regular nightly visits from the two young brothers, Miles and Josh, from Investigative Services who had the pleasure of introducing him into the assessment program.

The brothers took extreme pleasure in debauching Daniel. Each night they kissed and fondled him, made him suck off their manly overseer dicks, making sure he used plenty of tongue-flicking action in the process.

Afterwards the brothers would make him take their piss by either having him drink it or else unload their dicks by sticking them down the front of his diaper, thus helping Daniel have a super piss-soaked diaper.

Once the happy brothers had unloaded their jism and recycled beer, they would then lock him down on his cot for the night.

But overriding it all, there was one indignity that Daniel could not get over; it tore at the very core of his being, and angered him to a serious degree.

The most abhorrent thing to Daniel about his situation was the thick plastic pants that were locked on him over his diaper. The plastic pants said only one thing to Daniel; that he no longer had a right to self-pleasure himself. He was now chastity controlled. The most wondrous human pleasure was now denied him.

Daniel had been informed that before being delivered to his foster guardian, he would be fitted with a permanent servitor groin cage. And its lightweight carbon filament structure would completely encase his penis, scrotum, and perineum, and thus ensure that no outside sensations could ever reach his genitals.

It was for Daniel a feeling of profound unfairness, injustice in fact. Daniel looked around at all of the mainly male staff at the servitor training center. The male employees of the county's Social Services department, the overseers, guards, trainers, and administrative staff, and was aware that they were all free to have sex, to fondle themselves, make themselves feel good, and to masturbate whenever they so desired.

It made Daniel feel as if he were no longer a man, but something of a eunuch; a former male no longer in possession of a cock and a ball sack.


End of Part 4

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 5

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