Wakeup Time

Published on Dec 17, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 31

Wakeup Time – 31 – Conclusion

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Terry awoke from his drugged condition drowsy and unaware of where he was or what he was feeling.

He blinked his eyes repeatedly in an attempt to clear his head and gather his thoughts, and once he was able to recall who he was, he realized he was on a strange bed.

When he made a move to get off of the bed, he also then realized that he was chained to the bed by his right ankle.

He looked about the strange room as he lay on his back dazed.

And when Terry finally looked to the other side of the bed, he was startled to see the person who was lying on the bed next to him.

Little Terry was now more terrified than he had ever been before in his entire life.

Terry was terrified because on the bed beside him was a person who he knew possessed not only a volatile, but also a potentially violent, temperament.

Terry gazed at the face of Rodney, who appeared to be in some sort of very deep insensate slumber. He trembled as he recalled how at the `party', which he had initiated while his dad and Jason were on vacation, Rodney had grabbed an unopened bottle of beer and tossed it with great force against a framed art work of his father's, breaking the frame and glass, destroying the artwork, spreading glass shards, wall plaster, and beer, all about the room.

Terry, trying to remain as quiet as a mouse, looked about the room. Today was the day Brave Dog had told him he would be initiated as a Helot, and get castrated and pierced with the golden triangle of the Helots. Tears and sweat of fear rolled down Terry's face as he surveyed the room.

Once Terry finally had the stomach for it, he finally again looked back at the drugged-out Rodney and had the thought of going through his pockets in an attempt to find a key that might be able to unlock his ankle cuff. As he was about to begin looking through the pockets on Rodney's clothing when he noticed the edge of a cell phone on the bed sticking out from under the area near Rodney's butt.

As slowly and deftly as he was able, Terry pulled the cell phone away from under Rodney's bottom. Once he had the phone the first thing he did was call his father. His father answered and Terry whispered in a rasped voice hushed with fear, "Daddy help me. Please daddy. I don't know where I am. Rodney is here; they're gonna hurt me..."

Mr. Frontera cut him off in an instant, "Son, if you think you are able to, hang up and dial 911 emergency services as fast as you can; it makes no difference if you speak with anyone, just dial that number as fast as you. They have wider tracking capabilities than our phones can offer. I love you, love you so much, son! Hang up and dial 911 now!"


Soon after Terry had made his call to emergency services, Cougar entered the room, "Hey little guy, wake up, because today is your special day! As you may know, we have decided to not only initiate you with the golden triangle, but also to castrate you. It was your captor Rodney's decision. We are delighted to welcome you as you become the first eunuch in our community!"

"And once we get you on the sacrificial table, remove your balls, and triangulate your penis, every one of our community members will be greeting you personally, with either a piss bath, a cum facial, a fucking, or in whatever other way they please. This is going to be the most special day of your life, little guy!"

Two members of the community soon entered the room, freed Terry from his leg shackle, and then began removing his clothing. As they did so, community member Christopher spoke in a soothing, though slurred voice, as he rubbed Terry's buns, "Hey little fella, you are now going to be one of our most special little Helots. Our community's first eunuch! We will be making you feel really good if you obey our every command."

Christopher's very drugged and mellow tone did not assuage Terry's fear, but rather intensified it.

Little Terry closed his eyes and began to cry like a helpless baby.

And almost as soon as he began to cry, like a lightning bolt from heaven, he heard the noise, from the first floor of the house, of police battering down the front door and entering in full force: "Don't anyone move, you're all under arrest!"


Terry and the three Helots were delivered to Aberdeen General Hospital, where they were examined, treated, and kept for observation. DNA tests confirmed that Terry had been raped by Rodney Caulfield, a person with a long police record.

When Terry was finally released from the hospital and returned by the police to Mr. Frontera and his family, the hugs and tears of joy were long lasting.

That evening, when it was bedtime, Jason and Mr. Frontera did not take Terry to the servant quarters with the other two slaves. Instead they took him to their bed where they spent much of the night hugging and cuddling their little guy.

They rubbed his tummy, massaged every part of his body, tickled his little boy nipples, played with his tinkler and `sackie poo', and kissed every part of his body; all in an effort to remove the terror of the previous four days.

Once Terry was fully relaxed and comforted, and his prick had grown to its entire four and three quarter inches, Mr. Frontera asked his son if he was ready to go to sleep. Terry moved his head from side to side in the negative, "No daddy."

"What do you want son?"

"I want you and Jason to take deep care of me, help me to feel really safe once again."

Ever so slowly Mr. Frontera probed his son's hole with his dad prick, as Terry cooed in little-boy wonderment as his father slowly worked his dad-rod into his son's hole. Jason caught the drift and soon put Terry's entire little-boy unit into his mouth and began slowly sucking and slurping. Terry oohed, aahed, and moaned, in ecstasy as he was fucked and sucked by the two most important and loved men in his life.

Once all three cocks had creamed, Mr. Frontera and Jason, with Terry in between them, fell into one of the most peaceful and wonderful sleeps in all of their lives.


The following morning at the breakfast table a glow of peace and happiness was in the air. Conversation was quiet and reflective.

The three slaves were all dressed in their normal daily servitor light tan uniforms, of a light cotton/linen blend. Underneath their uniforms Daniel and Robin's cocks were pinned to their belly rings.

The procedure of pinning a ringed cock to belly ring is a moderate chastity procedure. It is usually given to chastity slaves by overseers who sense a certain commitment to obedience from their slaves, but most overseers are aware that such a modest procedure cannot insure against genital manipulation, which could easily lead to masturbation followed by ejaculation and orgasm.

Terry on the other hand was without his large carbon filament chastity cage, (which is state mandated for boys in the trial indenturement program), since it was destroyed by members of the cult that had abducted him. And frankly both Mr. Frontera and Jason didn't care how many times Terry jacked off before his replacement cage arrived, after the trauma he had endured.

The breakfast conversation eventually surprised both Mr. Frontera and Jason when a meek-voiced Terry asked, "Daddy, when am I gonna get my new chastity cage?"

"Son, it will be a few days because those cages are custom made in order to fit your body measurements."

"How long will it take before it arrives, Daddy?"

Jason replied, "It should not take much longer than a week or so."

After a silence during which both Mr. Frontera and Jason pondered the meaning of what Terry had just wondered, Mr. Frontera asked, "Terry, why are you so curious to know when your new cage will arrive?"

"Because it will make me feel safe, Daddy."

Mr. Frontera threw an arm around Terry's shoulder and pulled him close, "Don't you worry, your cage will be arriving here soon enough; and in the meantime you have Daniel, Robin, Jason, and me, here to protect you!"


In the months that followed Terry's rescue, Terry grew ever more obeisant and submissive. And because of his new, more humble, compassionate, and loving, demeanor, Terry grew ever more dear in the eyes of Robin and Daniel. Their fondness and concern for Terry grew to the point where both of the `domestically indentured' slaves eventually asked Mr. Frontera and Jason if little Terry, who was in the `trial indenturement' program, could be relieved of his weekly maintenance spankings.

Mr. Frontera and Jason smiled at the two eldest servitors' request.

Mr. Frontera responded, "Guys, don't you have eyes to see? Surely you must have noticed that the weekly maintenance spankings are when Terry's eyes are gleaming and happiest, and his little member is standing at its tallest. And surely you must have noticed how he shoots a load of sperm midway during his spanking?"

"In fact both Jason and I are so tired of getting our trousers `spermed' during spanking time, that from now on we intend to ask one of you two to come and take hold of Terry's peepee and aim it at the floor during his `over the knee' spanking. Our laundry bills are getting outrageous!"

"What has happened, boys, is that the horrible events Terry has been through has allowed him to wake up, open up, to his true nature, his better part, his submissive part, the part he really longs to be, just as you two boys have done! This is something all of us need to celebrate."


And celebrate they did. Well before the end terms of Daniel's and Robin's `Domestic Servitude' agreements, and Terry's `Trial Indenturement' agreement, drew to a close, both Mr. Frontera and Jason, under Jason Thoroborough's expert guidance, drew up a new behavior schedule that included ritualistic maintenance procedures for every day of the week!

Sunday – Naked haircut and shaving day

Monday – Exercise and Hard Labor day

Tuesday – Mouth soaping and ass-strapping day

Wednesday – Costumed and public outing display day

Thursday – Enema day

Friday – Maintenance spanking day

Saturday – Milking day, when the boys are locked in milking stalls like herd animals and edged to the point of sexual desperation - but only ever milked and creamed if they have been on especially good behavior.

Being treated almost as if they were cows, knowing that their cock and balls were now nothing more than training handles, helped to bond the boys as brother slaves.

And being kept on a very strict `sperm release' schedule helped guarantee that the dicks of the Frontera slaves were in a constant state of shivering, tingling, throbbing, and begging, for release.

The three Frontera slaves loved their new daily maintenance schedule; but they especially loved their `ass-roddings'; those times when either Mr. Frontera and/or Jason were in especially serious need of man-dicked sperm release, and would use the three slaves' boy holes for the purpose slave holes were intended.


The Frontera boys were not slaves because of some legal documents that proclaimed them to be slaves. Rather, Daniel, Robin, and Terry, all knew that they were slaves because that is what they truly were. They had awakened to the fact and accepted the call that came from the deepest desires of their hearts; they were born to be slaves and only found true and deep happiness when they admitted and accepted that fact.

When, eventually, Daniel's and Robin's Domestic Indenturement Program one-year agreement term had ended, and Terry had passed his `trial indenturement' period with an A+ grade, all three servitors signed up for renewed service in the Domestic Indenturement Program.


The power, magic, and charm, of servitude and obeisance was shown most dramatically in the Frontera household with Terry's conversion. Terry, not so long ago, had dreams of becoming an alpha male overseer; but under life's normal testing ground of personal trials, Terry eventually succumbed to his deepest inner need to be controlled instead of controlling, and finally allowed himself to be overcome and ruled by that special `slave feeling'.

Little Terry lived the rest of his life with a wide-smiling twinkle in his eye.

In the daily episodes that life offers there is often no single defining narrative or connecting theme to be found. Rather it so occurs that we find lives twined into a fabric of random events, both quotidian and extraordinary. And so it was with the Frontera household: a family that lived what seemed to be, from the outside rather uninteresting lives, turned out in the end to be lives that were lived in a most extraordinary and wondrous celebratory fashion.

History, as is common, had repeated itself in the Frontera household. In the Cimitero degli Angeli, in Genoa, Italy, on a tombstone from 1822, is inscribed the following: "Chi giace qui, giace qui in pace - perché ha accettato ogni parte di sé che gli altri gli avevano negato". ("He who lies here, lies here in peace – because he accepted every part of himself which others had denied him.")

End of Part 31 – Story Conclusion.

Wakeup Time


For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


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