Wakeup Time

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 30

Wakeup Time – 30

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Terry stood terrified in the large, sheltered, yard as he was addressed, "Welcome to our special little community. It's special because everyone here is special, just like you will be special once we initiate you and infibulate you with the golden triangle. My name is Brave Dog, and I will be taking care of you and instructing you in the days ahead, before your formal initiation."

The jock alpha male addressing Terry was dressed in a leather vest, leather jockstrap, and leather chaps. The chaps have no seat and are not joined at the crotch, thus leaving Brave Dog's leather jockstrap the center of attention.

Gathered around to witness Terry's greeting into the community were about 25 males, along with a few females. Everyone circling about Terry was holding a flask and clearly drinking something that put them into a quite celebratory mood.

"But before I go any further, I'm going to have Cougar come up here on the stand with his metal clippers and remove that ridiculous cage you're wearing that is hiding your precious teen jewels."

Terry, terrified beyond belief, let out a meek protest in support of the chastity groin cage he had so hated until now, "You can't do this to me. Only the state can allow it to be permanently removed."

Everyone laughed boisterously as Cougar started clipping through the bindings of Terry's chastity cage. It took some effort, but when Cougar finally removed the cage and held it up for all to see, the crowd hooted, howled, and applauded.

Brave Dog grabbed the now naked little Terry by his arms and pulled him up for all to see him in his nakedness, "Just look at this little cutie pie! He's for all of you to enjoy and do with in whatever way you so please!"

The crowd yelled in excitement and started to whistle and whoop it up upon seeing Terry's little shriveled up teen tackle.

Brave Dog cradled Terry's face in his hands and showed it to the crowd, "Now look at this cute little puppy dog, all afraid." Everybody oohed and aahed.

Brave Dog next picked up Terry by the waist and placed him on pedestal, put a spotlight on him, and began to address him, ignoring the fact that Terry instinctively covered his privates with his hands.

Brave Dog addressed Terry, aware at the same time that he was entertaining all those gathered around, "Welcome to our community little fella. You are no longer Terry Frontera. You have a new name: Kolous."

Brave Dog held up a three and a half inch metal equilateral triangle for Terry and all to see, "This, Kolous, is what will mark you as special. For on your initiation day in four days, during the celebration of Carneia, this sacred triangle shall be attached to your penis ring, marking you as a Helot! For you see, we are Spartans, and it is a Helot's duty to serve us in the extreme."

"But you will not be alone! Come forward Marpor, Symbia, and Atheno!"

Coming forward from the midst of the crowd came three naked, oiled, boys with the large metal triangle dangling from the penis ring which pierced the head of their penises. They were fitted with ornate earrings and dangling tit rings, as well as wreaths in their hair.

The three Helot's oiled bodies and jewelry gleamed in the late afternoon South Dakota sun. To Terry they appeared to be super obeisant rather than terrified.

Brave Dog continued, "Every year at the feast of Carneia we collect a lad from those who do not live by the rules of Sparta, so that means, of course, that we have an awful lot of boys to choose from. You, Kolous, need to feel honored that you were chosen from almost every other boy in this and all the surrounding areas!"

Terry broke from his stunned state, "You can't do this. This is kidnapping, and you can't torture me by putting that thing on me!"

The crowd again roared with laughter, as Cougar went up to Terry and gave him three severe ass swats with the snake whip. Terry gave a young-boy `loud and squeaky' howl and quickly shut his mouth.

Brave Dog grabbed Terry by his cock and balls and shouted out to the crowd, "How should we decorate, tattoo, and train, little Kolous?"

The crowd had lots of suggestions, "Band his balls", "Give him jug ears", "Put a pig ring through his nose", "Keep him in leg braces", "Mohawk that schoolboy hair", "Tattoo his ass with spanking targets", "Make him eat all of his food from a trough", "Put him in a body clench", "Fit him with a permanent choker", "Keep his ass prodded 24/7", "Thong his arms", "Rack him if doesn't wiggle his ass enough during a fucking", "Fit him with a harrow bra", "'Electrode' that little peepee!"

As the shouting continued, Brave Dog chuckled in joy along with the crowd, thanked them for their great suggestions, and thanked Terry's captor, as Terry shivered in fear.

Brave Dog patted Terry on the back, "You need to relax little Kolous, as this is going to be your home for the rest of your life!"

With that Cougar went up to Terry, grabbed him by an arm, guided him off the podium, collected the other three Helots, and led all four of them off to their sleeping quarters, where he chained them to their beds.


After Terry had spent almost an hour chained down on a bed and wondering what world he was in, having been afraid of making any sound or movement, he finally called out to the Helots in desperation, "Marpor, Symbia, and Atheno, what is this? Where are we?"

Symbia whispered his answer, "Be quiet, if they hear anyone of us talking, we all have to get spanked. The Helots of Sparta were treated like shit, and that's the way we are treated if we do the smallest thing they dislike."


While Daniel and Robin were preparing breakfast on the second day of Terry's absence, Robin stopped what he was doing, plopped himself on the floor, and began to cry out loud. Daniel knelt down beside him and put his arms around him in a giant hug.

Mr. Frontera and Jason, hearing the cries, entered the kitchen, and seeing the boys weeping on the floor, knelt down beside them and enfolded both of them in their arms.


On the afternoon of Terry's third day in captivity, after his daily exercise training and muscle building exercises under the whip of Cougar, Brave Dog collected the naked and sweating Terry and took him to his quarters.

Cougar had Terry sit down next to him on a large divan, and put an arm around him. "You probably noticed some of the guys erecting a stage in the main yard. They are doing that for you, for that is the place where tomorrow, on the feast of Carneia, you will be initiated, branded, ringed, and invested, as a Helot in service to our Spartan community. And because you are so special, we have also decided to castrate you so that you can then become the first eunuch to serve our community!"

Terry started weeping.

"Now now, little one, no need to cry. I know a good fucking would soothe you and calm you down, but we Spartans can only play with you once you are initiated as a Helot with the golden triangle. The only one who can do that before your initiation is your lead captor, and he will be collecting you later tonight."

"Tonight, before tomorrow's feast of Carneia, our community has it's `Carneia Eve' celebration. And you and the other three Helots will be locked in your chamber in the same way that brides, in your world, are not allowed to see their husbands on their wedding day until the marriage ceremony. The only exception is your lead captor, and he will join you in your bed tonight after you drink the sacred potion of Gymnopaedia, the Greek festival of `naked youths'."

Cougar gave Terry a flask and ordered him to drink the contents. Terry was hesitant. Cougar tried to ease Terry's concern, "Relax, it's just some very special wine. It will make you feel good."


The following morning Little Terry awoke from his drugged condition drowsy and unaware of where he was or what he was feeling.

He blinked his eyes repeatedly in an attempt to clear his thoughts, and once he was able to recall who he was, he realized he was on a strange bed.

When he made a move to get off of the bed, he realized that he was chained to the bed by his right ankle.

He looked about the strange room as he lay on his back dazed.

And when he finally looked to the other side of the bed, he was startled to see the person who was lying on the bed next to him.

Little Terry was now more terrified than he had ever been before in his entire life.

End of Part 30

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 31

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