Wakeup Time

Published on Dec 8, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 29

Wakeup Time – 29

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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A household that is tended by one or more servitors is a household that is trembling on the edge of sensuousness for both servitor and overseer. In such a household both slave and master go about their day with constantly tingling dicks and perineums, for the relationship between masters and slaves is one that fuels the joyous power struggle between a top and a bottom.

Tops love to control; bottoms, eventually, love being controlled.

Expert tops/overseers know the importance of daily obedience training. Good training measures for servitors consist not only of strong disciplinary measures for wayward boys, but also of providing slaves with practical and common-sense duties.

Mr. Frontera and Mr. Thoroborough were putting such good sense duties to work when they called all the slaves into their spacious bedroom and had them engage in a full suckling session, which consists of having all three slaves spend time suckling on both of their overseer tits like babies, licking their arm pits, and doing a clean tongue washing of their balls and assholes.

The overseers began the suckling session by having the slaves strip, unpinning Robin and Daniel's dicks from their belly rings, removing Terry's chastity cage, and then ordering them to jack their fuck poles till they were sticking up nice and hard and leaking copious amounts of precum; but with a warning that there would be a very serious highchair punishment if they didn't stop jacking in time before shooting a load.

Once the boys were hard as rocks and as horny as fuck, the overseers pinned Robin and Daniel's dicks back to their bellies, replaced Terry's chastity cage, and then ordered them to get to work, suckling, licking, slurping, and sucking.

Once the overseers were satisfied with the servitors' mouth and tongue ministrations, they made them move on to the cock sucking. And they made sure all three slaves each got a good and long suck on both of them.

Once the overseers unloaded their Alpha protein-rich cum and were satisfied that the slaves were desperate for sexual release, they ordered the slaves back to their chores.


Taking care of three youthful slaves is always a handful for any overseer, but today Mr. Frontera and Mr. Thoroborough were finding it to be a particularly trying day.

Company was due shortly at the Frontera household and both Mr. Frontera and Jason were encouraging the slaves to hurry and get the house tidied up.

As Daniel was dusting a bookshelf, he suddenly remembered the person he had seen lurking in the yard several evenings ago who apparently was trying to peer into their windows.

When Daniel went up to Mr. Frontera and told him about it, Mr. Frontera asked Daniel if he knew who the person was, "No, sir, it was too dark, he was wearing a hoodie, and I couldn't make out his face."

"Daniel, this is a serious matter and you should have informed me of it immediately!"

"I'm sorry sir, I just wasn't thinking, it was late, and I had forgotten about it by the next day."

Mr. Frontera shook his head in dismay, "Okay boy, let's get you out of your uniform; undress!"

"What are you going to do to me Mr. Frontera?"

"I have no choice but to punish you, Daniel. Your failing to report such a thing was a serious offense. I'm dressing you in your servitor bra and panties, locking you in the highchair, and you will stay there on display for the duration of our company's visit!"

"No Mr. Frontera, please, not in front of Mr. and Mrs. Hobson and their three children! Please sir, no!"

No sooner had Mr. Frontera had Daniel stripped bare and dressed in his servitor bra and panties and locked in the servitor highchair, when the Hobson family rang at the front door.

Needless to say, Daniel's face was beet red for the entire duration of Mr. and Mrs. Hobson's family visit. The Hobson's children were especially amused at the sight of the 25-year old male servitor locked into a big steel highchair wearing nothing but a male servitor's bra and panties.

Sally aged 15, Casper aged 16, and Nathan aged 18, laughed, hooted, and took plenty of pics and videos of the teary-eyed, red-faced, wayward, servitor locked in his highchair.

Not long after the Hobson's had left and Daniel was released from the highchair, had his humiliating outfit removed, and was put back into his uniform, Jason overheard little Terry swear out loud, "Gawwdammit; fuck!" when a trash bag he was about to carry out to the dumpster tore and spilled some garbage.

Jason felt he did not need to explain to little Terry what was going on when he rushed over to him, grabbed him by his ear, led him over to the kitchen sink, yanked down his servitor slacks, had him face the sink, shoved his crotch against Terry's butt to force him against the sink, grabbed a bar of soap, pinched his nose in order to force him to open his mouth, and shoved the bar of soap into his mouth.

Once the soap was firmly in Terry's mouth, Jason let go of Terry's nose, and began pumping the bar of soap in and out of Terry's mouth to build up a nice lather.

Jason then reached for a large kitchen wooden spoon, ordered Terry to bite down on the soap, and began giving foul-mouthed Terry a severe wooden spoon paddling on his naked butt. "Mr. Frontera and I have told you boys repeatedly that foul language and swearing of any kind is not allowed in this house!"

Once Jason had finished with the paddling, he told Terry to keep the soap in his drooling mouth as he unzipped his slacks and pulled out his huge overseer sex tube and guided it into the teen slave's ass.

Jason was not simply fucking Terry for his own sexual pleasure; he was doing it as part of Terry's punishment because he knew Terry would be getting mighty turned on by an Alpha male fucking, thus turning up the volume on Terry's desperate need for sexual release.

Jason taunted, "I'll bet your little twink wiener is bone hard in that chastity cage of yours, isn't it?"

Terry did not respond; "I asked you a question, boy! Is your dick nice and hard yet?"

"Yes sir!"

With Terry's reply Jason slowly pulled out of Terry's ass; he didn't want to give Terry a prostate ejaculation. What he wanted was for the lad to be sexual frustrated, for as a knowledgeable overseer he knew that sexual deprivation was one of the best ways of obtaining dedicated and focused behavior from a servant.

Jason then pulled up Terry's slacks and told him he could rinse out his mouth.

Terry was determined to never swear again.

Mr. Thoroborough, in short, was a man who knew how to use a slave, how to humiliate a slave, how to punish a slave, how make a slave feel sorry for his mistakes, how to bring a slave to submission, how to make slave desire perfect obedience, how to bring a slave to tears with words of admonition alone, and, best of all, how to make a slave feel proud of himself and his status as servitor.


The following day was shaving day, and it began for the slaves as usual, under the watchful and stern yet loving eye of Mr. Jason Thoroborough, Robin and Terry's father's lover and chosen overseer.

"Today boys I have to do an extra extreme tight shave on you boys, as you are going to be working in the yard all day today totally naked, and I want you looking smooth and spiffy should any guests, neighbors, or passersby, happen to see you. Terry will be working the most exposed area of our yard, out in front, but he will be all locked up in his chastity cage, so it shouldn't be too humiliating for him when passersby's stop to take a photo of a real slave laboring away."

Jason began by unclipping Daniel's and Robin's plump dongs from their belly rings and removing little Terry's chastity cage. He then applied shaving lotion to the slaves' private areas. Noticing that all three of their dicks were especially hard and screaming for release, he hollered up to his lover, "Hey Ambrose, these boys are ripe for a super fuck!"

Mr. Frontera was quick to respond and joined his lover. The two Alpha Prime male overseers then proceeded to give the slaves the fucking they deserved. It provided the perfect start to two busy overseers' day.

The slaves, of course, were allowed no released and were then shaved smooth while wallowing in desperation and longing for cock-juice release.

Once the boys were shaved and fucked, Daniel and Robin's dicks were repined to their bellies, and Terry's little member was sealed back into its chastity cage.

They were then sent out into the yard to perform their duties.


For Terry, with his ass and young body on open display to all passersby's, and his private area encased in an embarrassingly large groin chastity cage, informing all passersby's that he was a slaveboy who had no control over his most private parts and was now nothing but a lawn-boy slave it was the most embarrassing day of his life.

Daniel and Robin, in their backyard and more hidden duties, had a little bit more fun. They were able to sneak kisses with each other, do tongue to tongue mouth fucks, and give quickie thigh massages to each other.

It was a hot day in South Dakota, and all three slaves were sweating heavily by the end of the day; sweat which Mr. Frontera and Jason would be eager to lick off before bedtime.


Later that afternoon, at 4 PM, Mr. Frontera went out into the backyard to inform his gardening slaves that it was time for them to come in and begin preparing dinner.

He then walked to the front yard to summon Terry, but Terry was not there.

Mr. Frontera then went back into the house and called out for Terry, but there was no response. He called again and again, and soon his calls grew frantic.

The two senior slaves ran to their `father', as did Jason. They wondered of the whereabouts of their littlest family slave member. They searched the house from top to bottom, and they searched every bush, nook, and cranny, of the yard.

After less than an hour of searching Jason told his lover that he needed to contact the servitor patrol, commonly referred to as the `slave police'. He explained to Mr. Frontera that it was his duty as a social services employee.

Mr. Frontera countered that Terry would be the last person to run off in public wearing nothing but a groin cage. Jason informed him again that he still had no other choice, that he needed to contact the Social Services patrol. Mr. Frontera agreed and in less than half an hour later after Jason filed his report, Mr. Frontera, desperate, filed his own `missing person's' report with the Aberdeen police department.

There was no supper served that evening, and no one cared about eating, for they were all too worried about little Terry.

Without regard to servitor protocol, Mr. Frontera poured wine not only for his lover, Jason, but also gave a glass full to Daniel and Robin.

It was only in tears over the missing little Terry that everyone eventually went to their beds; to their beds that in sorrow would not allow anyone of them to fall asleep.

End of Part 29

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 30

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