Wakeup Time

Published on Dec 1, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 27

Wakeup Time – 27

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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When Mr. Frontera and Jason brought Terry, the family's new slave, home after he was officially indentured into the state's trial indenturement program, Terry did not want to be seen by Daniel and Robin. He was too embarrassed by the huge bulge showing in his trousers from the large molded fiber chastity cage he had been fitted with.

He tried running to his room to hide, but his father stopped him, "Hold on Terry. You no longer have a bedroom of your own. We will be putting a bed downstairs in the servant quarters for you to sleep in along with Daniel and Terry. No more going behind closed doors for you, and that includes the bathroom."

Mr. Frontera informed Terry that he wanted to gather all three servitors so that he and Jason could lay out some changes that were going to be made now that he was indentured and that Jason was now residing with them.

Once Mr. Frontera gathered everyone into the living room, with Terry keeping his head hung down low when Daniel and Robin entered the room, ashamed at being seen as a slave in front of them; a slave who was now fitted with a big permanent chastity cage.

Mr. Frontera brought up the elephant in the room first thing by putting an arm around Terry, who was seated next to him, and addressed Robin and Daniel, "This little guy is a little sad right now, understandably, and very embarrassed to be seen by you two as not only a slave, but as a slave fitted with a big chastity cage, just like the one Daniel had to wear during his trial indenturement. I think once we get him out of his free boy clothes and properly uniformed, he will start feeling a little more comfortable with himself and his situation, and start settling into his new life."

"It will be hard on Terry these first several weeks, but he knows he has this coming; and Jason and I will not be showing him any special treatment. He is a servitor now and will be treated like one."

"And I do not want you boys teasing Terry. Remember he is a little slave boy just like you two, and will be subject to all of the same rules as the both of you. The only difference, of course, is that he is under a different form of chastity than you two; Terry will not be allowed any sexual release whatsoever for the next six months of his trial indenturement – just the way Daniel was when he was in his trial period."

"You two boys will be allowed release from chastity on the occasions as Jason and I see fit."

"As you all know, Jason is not only an official with Social Services, but before he became head of his department, he was one of the county's top rated overseers. So naturally he will be your chief overseer for the foreseeable future. As your overseer he is to be treated with the highest respect, and you are to obey his every order. In fact, he will be making all of the final decisions on the matters of your treatment, schedules, discipline, chores, and daily regimen."

"I have filled Jason in on your daily schedule as it has been, but he does intend to make a few changes."

Mr. Frontera looked at Jason, "Jason, is there anything you would like to say?"

Jason nodded, "There will be changes coming, but for now things will continue as usual. There will continue to be weekly maintenance spankings, infractions will be punished on the spot, chastity will be strictly enforced, and work duties around the house and yard will be assigned on a rotating basis."

"The only exception to that will be the yard upkeep and gardening. For that Daniel and Robin will always be in charge of the back yard, and Terry will be taking care of the front yard. The reason for that is that the backyard has a protected view from the neighbors, Daniel and Robin will be working nude in the backyard with their cocks pinned to their belly rings. And Terry will work the front yard in nothing but his chastity cage because, as you know, the state issued molded chastity cage is considered acceptable public dress."

"And you need to know that I often prefer to keep my server boys cunt-shaved and pig naked!"

"There will be other important new procedures during morning chastity inspections and bath times. I won't go into detail now, but I do want you to be aware and be prepared for the fact that changes will be coming."

"I think it best that for the first few days of Terry's indenturement if you two, Robin and Daniel, continue your daily schedule as it has been, but have Terry at your side to help remind him of what his duties and proper behavior are now that he is a slave."

"And to help Terry wake up to the reality of indenturement, I want the three of you boys to strip out of all your clothes right now, and get ball-pussy naked. So you can all see yourselves for what you really are, server boys who have to do as you are told!"

The three slaves removed all of their garments. Once stripped, Robin and Daniel were nude and on display with their cocks pinned to their belly rings. Terry was nude except for his prison-locked chastity cage.

On seeing the two handsome older slaves naked, with their large cocks pinned to their bellies like slaves of old, Terry got a happy erection which no one else could see, because his twinky-sized, pre-cum leaking, teen boner was entirely encased and hidden from public view by his South Dakota issued chastity cage.

Jason continued, "Your daily work schedule, as usual, will be posted in the hallway."

"As you know, boys, in South Dakota inter-family sensual relations are not classified as a crime or incest if any of the family members are indentured."

"So with that in mind be aware that one thing will not be posted on your daily work schedules, and that's dick-slurping time! Because Ambrose and I are gonna call it as we need it! It's not going to be on the schedule because your dad and I don't know when we are going to need to either be sucked off by you, or need to fuck you. But when we do, when we call out that it's time for you boys to get on the fucking table, you boys need to hop to it!"


During Terry's first week as a servitor, Jason ran into Robin and Daniel while they were preparing breakfast. Noticing that Terry was not helping them he asked them where Terry was, and Robin told him that he was still downstairs playing a video game.

Jason immediately went downstairs, followed by the two older slaves, and ordered Terry to get out of his pajamas, and he then removed his chastity cage. "Okay you little runt, get over my lap for a spanking you'll not soon forget!"

Terry did as ordered, and both Robin and Daniel were surprised at the ferocity of the spanking Jason gave to Terry.

Watching Terry get a thrashing harder than any they had ever witnessed before, all three slaves quickly understood that they were now dealing with a real overseer, a manly overseer, one who was not shy about making slaves feel real pain in order to help correct errant behavior.

And that realization was hit home even harder to the slaves that very same day in the evening. It was maintenance spanking day, and when it was Terry's turn to go naked over Jason's lap, Jason did not go any easier on Terry than he did Daniel and Robin, even though Terry had received a major thrashing earlier that day.

The sound of Terry's moaning made both Daniel and Robin wince and worry.

End of Part 27

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 28

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