Wakeup Time

Published on Nov 27, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 26

Wakeup Time – 26

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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When Terry started to contact his friends in order to invite them to his little party, he was dismayed to realize that he really only had two close friends, Bentley and Stevo.

While it is perhaps not that unusual for any person to have only one or two best or close friends, to little Terry it was a disheartening thing to realize that should he ever need anyone to be there for him in tough times, he could really only count on two people at most. All of the other people in his circle, it now was obvious to him, needed to be classified as acquaintances.

Terry ended up either calling or texting eighteen people and inviting them to his party. Six of the invitees eventually accepted his invitation and showed up; Bentley and Stevo arrived, and four other classmates arrived who Terry was keen to impress, with each carrying either a six-pack of beer or bottle of vodka.

Terry started off the gala event with a loudly voiced order for Daniel and Robin to bring everyone a bottle of beer. The slaves did as ordered.

While Terry was somewhat dismayed that none of the attendees mentioned or even seemed to be amused by the slaves and by the faux Venetian sailor costumes they were wearing, he was more dismayed by the fact that all of his guests, except for Bentley, had gravitated towards the snack bar, which the slaves had prepared, and were all talking, eating, drinking, snacking, and apparently having a very good time among themselves.

And as the evening continued the guests, except for Bentley, remained at the snack bar and were opening and drinking the beers provided without so much as acknowledging the host or his slaves.

Eventually Terry, accompanied by Bentley, went up to the snack bar and asked his classmate guests how things were going. A 15-year old, a one-year senior classmate's of Terry, was direct, "Hey dude, this is some pretty shit beer to be serving here at what you called a `special event'. Just what are we celebrating here? Is this your birthday or what?"

Bentley understood the barb, and responded in the best way he could in order to help cheer things up, "We're celebrating both good times and good slaves!"

Another of Terry's invited `acquaintances', who had obviously been pre-`medicated', reacted with some frustration, "I didn't come here for cheap beer. I want `something' decent!"

Terry began to panic, yet managed to provide an answer, "Okay, Rodney. I think your name is Rodney, no? You're just a year or two ahead of me in class. Is that right?''

Rodney gave only a frozen stare to Terry's question. Terry, scared, responded to Rodney's out of line lack of a response with, "Just relax. I'm now going to have my slaves do a special dance for you."

Rodney gave a sneer, "Don't tell me to relax!"

Terry raised his voice and summoned the slaves, "Daniel and Robin, it's show time! Get over there in the middle of the room and start dancing to the music; and once the beat picks up I want you to start doing a slow striptease, and end up cunt-naked. I want my guests to see the way your slave cocks are pinned to your belly!"

It was an awkward moment not only for the slaves, but for all of the guests as well. Daniel and Robin looked at each other, and slowly started to sway to the music in a half-hearted attempt to please their overseer.

The awkwardness of the moment along with the presence of a potentially unstable guest put a cloud over everyone, possibly except Terry who was still trying his best to impress everyone as being a cool overseer.

The pre-medicated Rodney shook his head in anger, shouted, "This is fucked", grabbed one of the last unopened bottles of beer and tossed it against the wall, which managed to hit a framed art work and smash the framing glass of one of Mr. Frontera's art works, causing the painting and the frame to fall to the ground. Rodney sneered, "I didn't come here for some homo dance; I was promised smack!"

The slaves, Daniel and Robin, rushed to Terry's side in an attempt to protect him. Little Terry was too dazed to know what to do, so his friend Bentley took command, "Listen everyone; you all need to get out of here right now or else I am calling the police!"

Almost as soon as Bentley had ordered the command, the front door of the Frontera household was opened and Mr. Frontera, along with his lover, Jason Thoroborough, both lugging suitcases, entered the house.

Jason, on viewing the scene and having heard the last bit of Bentley's command, shouted, "Terry, why are the police being called? What's going on here?"

As Terry's acquaintances, along with Stevo, scrambled out the side door, Bentley remained. He went to Terry's side and offered an explanation to Mr. Frontera and Jason; "Terry was just trying to have a good time with some of his friends. He didn't know some of these guys he invited were on drugs."

Mr. Frontera froze on the spot, as he collected himself.

Jason addressed the slaves and their overseer; "This is a serious situation, guys!"

Daniel spoke up, "Mr. Frontera, both Robin and I warned Terry that he would be in violation of his overseer status if went through with this planned gathering."

Jason, as an official with Social Services, acknowledged the slaves' offering of caution to Terry, and of the problem at hand, "Daniel and Robin you have displayed exemplary servitor behavior. But unfortunately laws have been violated and crimes have been committed here, both by Terry and some of his guests."

Jason looked to Mr. Frontera, "Ambrose, Terry, unfortunately, has outstepped the terms of his junior overseership certificate. He has violated the terms of his status by making a public display of his authority to command and discipline a slave; he, as a minor himself and certified junior overseer, has allowed alcohol to be present and consumed among minors; he was careless in regards to the safety and well being of the servitors under his control by allowing the culture of illegal substances into the servitor habitat; and property damage has occurred under his overseership."

Jason took his lover aside, "Ambrose, Terry's actions constitute felonious behavior, and as such we need to contact the police, which of course will result in a police record, which would very likely limit any future job prospects, especially in the field of Social Services, which Terry had his heart set on."

Mr. Frontera was upset almost to the point of tears, "Poor Terry. He's just a kid. Doing something so stupid."

Jason put a hand on his lover's shoulder, "Of course, there is an option; the same one Mr. Clark used on his son Daniel. I can begin the process of issuing a court order for Terry to be admitted to the trial indenturement program. If Terry gets through the six-month trial indenturement with under 20 demerits, he will be a free boy with no police record under South Dakota Social Services law."

Mr. Frontera shook his head, "It will break his heart to know that he can no longer serve as an overseer and must himself face indenturement."

"No, Ambrose, Terry can come through his trial indenturement with flying colors and still be eligible to serve as an overseer. He is young. He has a lot to learn. I think, from what I know about him, he can recover from this and become the overseer he wants to be."


Mr. Ambrose and Jason sat Terry down and revealed to him the grim reality he now had to face in his life. Terry started crying like a little boy, "Daddy no! I don't wanna be a slave! Please daddy, no!" I didn't know my friends were on drugs!"

"They were not your friends, son; and you knew that you were not allowed to invite guests over for the purposes of showing off what a great overseer you were and making a display of Robin and Daniel."

Jason was proud and pleased of the way in which his lover, Mr. Frontera, handled the situation forcefully yet lovingly, "No Terry, you are my fourteen year old son, you have abrogated your rights as an overseer. Jason will shortly be making an appointment for you for tomorrow with Social Services, where you will be placed in the trial indenturement program. At Social Services your trial indenturement papers will be signed, you will be given the state's physical exam, photographed, and be fitted with a permanent full-groin carbon filament chastity cage."

"Since you, as junior overseer, already know the rules of servitor conduct, you will not have to go through the program's usual three day training session, and will be coming home with us after the papers are signed."

"And since I am your father, and you are underage, I have the right to discipline you, and I intend to do so right now, with a punishment enema followed by a spanking."

Mr. Frontera began unbuckling Terry's trouser belt, unzipping him, and letting down his pants; "What are you doing daddy? Please daddy, don't do this. I don't want an enema or a spanking. Not in front of Danny, Robin, Jason, and Bentley!"

"I am sorry I have to do this, Terry. I would prefer to have Jason do this, but he will not be able to partake of your discipline until after you are legally indentured tomorrow."

Once Mr. Frontera had Terry completely bare, Terry felt like he could die on the spot, with his less than two-inch prick shriveled up into snail escape mode, dragged into the bathroom by his ear like a little kid, given an enema that left him bawling in humiliation, and then hauled over his father's lap and given a walloping session that no one present would ever be able to forget.

Both slaves felt sorry for little Terry, as he screamed, dribbled, howled, hollered, wailed, bucked, begged, hooted, and squealed, as his dad gave him the spanking he deserved. After the spanking was over, and Terry was stood up in front of all, looking like a sniffling naked lawn goblin statue, with his little teen prick dribbling out drops of baby-making juice, his image of himself as an overseer stud were shattered, like the glass in his father's destroyed art work.

End of Part 26

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 27

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