Wakeup Time

Published on Nov 10, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 23

Wakeup Time – 23

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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The Frontera household had to wake up early to catch their flight to Winnipeg, Canada. Once the two slaves were dressed in their normal, free-person, street clothes, Terry did his inspection, shaking his head in a disapproving manner, "Once we get to Winnipeg's Super Servitor Emporium, we can get you boys some decent servitor uniforms!"

On the drive to the airport Terry gave his slaves some instructions, "Once we get on the plane I don't want there to be any talking from you two boys. It's a small plane and I'm certain that the other passengers don't want to by bothered by overhearing slave chatter!"

The constant referring to Daniel and Robin as `boys' from their young overseer always tingled Daniel's dick with glee. Every time Robin heard the reference his dick also tingled, but it was a tingle mixed with increasing annoyance.

Once they arrived in Canada, they took a taxi, but the two slaves were surprised that instead of stopping at a hotel, it stopped at Winnipeg Servitor Clinic.

Mr. Frontera explained, "We're dropping you off here for your procedure. Terry and I will be going to the hotel, and we will pick you up in 5 hours. They just need to keep you here a bit to make sure that no problems develop."

Robin was concerned, "Dad, what are they going to do to us?"

"Don't worry, son, it's minor."

Terry jumped in, "Don't tell them dad; let's let it be a surprise for them."

Mr. Frontera smiled, "Keeping it a secret and letting Daniel and Robin be surprised by their new body modifications once they are completed sounds like that would be fun for both of them!"

Once Mr. Frontera and Terry were checked into the hotel, they had a light lunch at the hotel's café.

Terry asked his dad, "How do you think they will react to their new chastity control method?"

"I don't see them having any problem with it. I think it is a novel method, and it sure will be easier dealing with than that bulky cage which South Dakota's Social Services supplied us with."


Five hours later Mr. Frontera and Terry returned to the Winnipeg Servitor Clinic to pick up their slaves.

When Robin and Daniel were escorted into the reception area, Mr. Frontera asked, "How did it go boys?"

Neither slave knew how to answer, so Robin asked, "What are they for dad?"

"What do you mean?"

"Dad, what are those things they put on us for?"

"You mean they didn't tell you?"

"No one would talk to us, Dad. They treated us as if we were dogs at a veterinary clinic and wouldn't talk to us!"

Mr. Frontera was concerned, "I'm sorry about that boys. But other than not speaking to you were you treated okay? Did the procedure hurt, are you feeling any discomfort now?"

"It was just their not answering our questions and making us feel like shit that bothered us. It didn't hurt dad, they used some local anesthetic and gave us a pill to help relax us."

Daniel nodded in agreement, "I think it will just take some getting used to those things they put on us."

Mr. Frontera was annoyed by the treatment that his slaves had received, so he led his boys to a nearby park bench to where he and Terry could offer an explanation of their new body modifications.

Mr. Frontera explained, "What they did to you was fit you with your new chastity control device."

Both Robin and Daniel looked confused, and Daniel asked, "How is what they did to us a chastity device? What they did to us was put a ring with an attached clip through our foreskins, pierce us with a ring about four inches below our belly buttons, and pierce us with a ring through our perineum at the point that is just at the base of our balls."

Mr. Frontera, "That's the beauty of it. It is a very unencumbering chastity device. I'll let Terry explain."

Terry was only happy to do so, "The rings give me the options of clipping your foreskin piercing to either your belly ring or your perineum ring; so it makes it very easy for me to put you in chastity or remove you from chastity."

"This method of chastity, adopted from devices used on Roman slaves, allows for ease of movement; and without such a bulky chastity cage as Daniel had to wear, it will allow you greater fluidity of motion, and thus be more productive in your chores."

"I've read some comments from slaves who have this method of chastity, with their cocks pinned to their belly, complaining that it made them feel like some animal in a zoo. But the majority of servants report that they are proud to have their cocks pinned, whether to their belly or perineum, for it made them feel very much like they were in the grand tradition of dutiful slaves from every place and time. They considered it to be a badge of honor."

"You will find this model of chastity especially beneficial while doing your daily exercises, for when your cock is pinned to your belly it won't be flopping all about in an embarrassing fashion as you do your jumping jacks and jogging."

"And you will also find, just as the Roman slaves found out, that when I have working naked in the garden on your hands and needs tending to the plants, your cock won't be dangling down and getting tickled by the weeds and plants."

"As far as chastity goes, I will, of course, be deciding if and when you are allowed to sperm. There will be no sperming if you don't meet your work quotas; however if you do, your penis will be unclipped and I shall dictate by what method, and with whom if by anyone other than yourself, you shall be allowed to unload your slave `sacks'."

Once the boys' new chastity device was explained to them, the group made their way to Winnipeg's Super Servitor Emporium. It is one of the largest servitor supply stores in North America, and it would take hours to go through all the huge aisles of every department. But Terry made sure that they hit the departments from which he felt he could use some extra supplies. So the group first went to the uniform department, where Terry selected two sets of four different uniforms, all of which made the slaves cringe.

And though Mr. Frontera's home was stocked with most of the main servitor control items, Terry nevertheless wanted to hit the Servitor Control department where he just wanted to look around and see if he could find something new that might be `fun' for him to use on his slaves.

He did. Terry found a full body harness that allowed one to attach accessory weights of various sizes to various parts of the harness, thus impairing the servant's agility.

Finally Terry wanted to hit the Accessories department, which sold unusual items of every sort. Terry purchased two different sets of particularly humiliating earrings for his slaves, two sets of tit bells, and two pairs of bra and panties specially designed for male slaves.

Once the group had finished their shopping they made their way back to the hotel where Terry wanted to get the slaves dressed in their new uniforms for their trip to Winnipeg's big Maple Syrup Festival.

Terry dressed his slaves in the outfit he had chosen which was modeled on the slave uniforms of ancient Rome. It was a belted tunic, with frilled short sleeves, and sandals.

Terry did not allow his boys to wear underwear under the tunic; and to the boys new perineum ring he attached one of the tit bells, so that the slaves would jingle as they walked about at the festival.

Finally Terry attached a unique set of servitor earrings to the slaves. On Daniel he attached a rather large set of three-inch earrings of a cute bunny design, and on Robin he attached the saucy `naked pony slave pulling a cart' earrings.

Terry also wanted to butt plug his slaves for the festival, but Mr. Frontera suggested that they needed to get going as they didn't have that much time before the festival closed for the day.

Needless to say, neither Robin nor Daniel enjoyed their trip to the Maple Syrup Festival. For it was in reality nothing but an opportunity for Terry to strut about and display his two chichily costumed slaves to the festival attendees.

End of Part 23

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 24

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