Wakeup Time

Published on Nov 3, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 22

Wakeup Time – 22

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Directly after the signing ceremony, Mr. Frontera drove the two newly indentured domestic servants, Robin and Daniel, along with Terry, to the home of Mr. Lester Clark, Daniel's father, to collect Daniel's belongings.

Daniel informed Mr. Frontera that he was only going to collect a few things he cared about, and that Robin and Terry were free to take anything of his that he no longer wanted or needed.

As they pulled into the driveway of Mr. Clark's home, little Terry gave his first official order to the two new slaves, "I want you two boys to be fully respectful towards Mr. Clark. He was rather harsh the other day, but he was probably under a lot of stress."

Terry's order surprised Mr. Frontera and the two new slaves in a way they did not expect to be surprised. They knew Terry would probably be trying very hard in his first few weeks as lead overseer to act in an adult-like way, and would likely be overly officious. And it was clear to all that Terry very much enjoyed giving the order just now; but they did not expect him to give an order that included a call for some amount of compassion.

Mr. Clark graciously invited the three Fronteras and his son into his home, and told them they had free access, and to take all the time they needed in gathering Daniel's belongings.

Daniel looked at his father, "I'm sorry dad. I let you down."

"No son, I let you down! Please forgive me for the way I behaved. I was overwhelmed. I want you to know that you will always be welcomed here. But I am so grateful that my mistake in agreeing to have you put into the trial indenturement program led you to find out what you truly wanted in life."

Mr. Clark gave his son a brief hug, in silence.

Once Daniel led Robin and Terry to his room to gather his things, Mr. Clark put out a hand to Mr. Frontera, "You saved my son! Thank you."

Daniel knew exactly what he wanted and gathered them within minutes, mainly personal notebooks, letters, a few of his favorite books, and some items of sentiment.

What really did not surprise anyone was the fact that Terry wanted almost everything that Daniel no longer desired. Terry wanted most of Daniel's music CD's, Blue Ray movies, his remote control drone, comic books, his game systems, several room banners, his autographed photo of one of South Dakotas most famous athlete's, Chad Greenway, and just about everything else in Daniel's room.

Daniel and Robin smiled at each other as Terry danced with excitement at all his new stuff.

Once they arrived back home, Terry ordered Robin and Daniel to unload the car of all his new things, and bring them to his room.

Robin and Daniel were swiftly getting a better idea of Terry's overseership style. As the slaves began unloading the car, Terry went to his room and printed out the recipe for poutine which he had found online.

Once the slaves had finished bringing in all of Terry's `new' things, Terry handed Daniel the poutine recipe, and told them it was time for them to get into the kitchen and start making the evening meal. And he explained that the table was to be set with four large pitchers of water at each place setting, with each holding 52-ounces of water.

And he had one last order for the new slaves as they were about to leave his room, "And I want you both dressed in nothing but a pair of my whitey tighties!"

Terry handed them both a pair of his undies, and ordered them to strip on the spot and put them on.

The slaves did as ordered as Terry watched. The slaves had a little trouble getting them on since Terry's underwear size was a good bit smaller than the older slaves.

But Terry liked what he saw. The tightness of the undies clearly outlined the bulges in the slaves' undies.

Once the slaves exited, Terry rubbed his own bulge, and was only able to control himself from jacking off on the spot because he wanted to save all of his teen goo for the evening's later festivities.

Once the meal was prepared, Robin informed everyone to gather at the dining table. On seeing the slaves, Mr. Frontera asked Terry why they were dressed in some very tight briefs. Terry replied that having undies on would enhance, for the slaves, the after dinner welcoming ceremony that he had planned.

Terry then offered a fuller perspective to his response about the slaves dressed in briefs, "It's important that all of you are aware that things will not be going on as they necessarily did in the past; things are going to be a little different around here from now on!"

Once everyone was seated and began to eat, Terry instructed all that everyone was to drink the full contents of their water pitchers.

As the meal came to an end, Mr. Frontera complimented the chefs, "The meal was wonderful, boys! Thank you Daniel and Robin for doing such a great job!"

Terry followed his father's compliment with a comment and a command, "The meal was okay, but the potatoes were not cut into small enough strips. Next time I give you boys a recipe, you are to follow it to a tee!"

Noticing that everyone had emptied their pitchers of water, Terry gave his father a nod. Mr. Frontera addressed the slaves, "Daniel and Robin, I think this is the moment when Terry would like us all to follow him into another room."

Everyone got up from their chairs and followed the head overseer into the main spacious bathroom, where Terry instructed the slaves to get into the large bathtub and ordered them to sit down facing each other at opposite ends of the tub.

With Terry and his father standing, looking down at the seated slaves, Terry addressed the slaves, "Boys, to mark a new era in your lives as slaves, I have decided to follow a wonderful practice of initiation that is very popular in Europe these days, but not followed so much here in the United States. It is a ceremony designed to welcome you into servitude. It is baptism of purgation, meant to seal your commitment to accept servitude in its fullest sense."

Terry then instructed Daniel to stand up facing Robin, and Robin to recline, stretching out his full length on his back.

"Needless to say, all four of us really need to piss right now, so Daniel I want you slip your dick out of the side of your undies and aim it at Robin's undies, and Robin I want you to keep your gaze on Daniel's face the entire time. The first thing I want you to do, Daniel, is to drench Robin's undies with your piss. The undies will help to keep the piss tight against Robin's crotch and prevent rapid evaporation. Once Robin's undies are drenched I want you move on and piss-wash the rest of Robin's body. You may begin."

Once Daniel was able to release, his piss came out with great force in a wide golden stream. The degradation of the moment immediately and fully hardened Robin's cock as he was getting piss-washed by Daniel with his father and younger brother watching. And needless to say, the piss stream lasted a good while, with Daniel fully able to drench all of Robin's body with his Mandingo juice.

Next, Terry instructed the boys to exchange positions, and for Daniel to keep his gaze on his pisser's face the whole time.

Robin had a hard time getting his piss stream to start due to his slave boner, but once he did his stream exited with as much force as had Daniel's.

Daniel loved the warm feeling of his undies getting drenched in Robin's homemade lemonade, and once Robin turned his hose onto the rest of Daniel's body, Daniel loins danced with pre-cum tingling.

When the two slaves had completed their mutual douching of each other, Terry instructed the boys to recline in the tub in opposite directions, and then instructed his father to piss on the slaves before he did.

With Mr. Frontera standing over the tub, unzipping and whipping out his 35-year old daddy stick, both slaves were breathing heavy.

Mr. Frontera first re-drenched both boys' undies. Feeling his dad's piss hit his crotch was ecstasy for Robin. It was a moment that in the past he had harbored in his most hidden dreams.

As Mr. Frontera moved on to wash the rest of the slaves' bodies, both slaves could feel that Mr. Frontera's more manly piss stream was stronger in force than was the other slave's.

Once Mr. Frontera was fully relieved, Terry instructed both slaves to turn their positions so that their heads were back to back, "I'm going to be concentrating my stream on your heads. First I will be washing your hair and faces; and then to finish off I will have you open your mouths wide so that you boys can drink the rest of my liquid nourishment."

Terry's face and hair washing of his two slaves was a most joyful experience for him; and once he instructed the boys to open their mouths and he started pissing in them, both slaves were eager to swallow as much of their new overseer's piss as they were able.

As Terry shook his dick over the slaves to release any last drops, he ordered the slaves to kneel in the tub facing him and his dad, "It's time for you slaves to now partake of what is to be your primary duty in life – to serve others! Daniel, you will be taking care of my dad, and Robin you will be servicing me."

With both of the overseers' dicks still sticking out of their trousers, Terry ordered the slaves to begin sucking. They did so eagerly.

With the feel of his older brother's mouth working on his `four and a half inches', it didn't take long for Terry to shoot one of the biggest cum loads of his young life.

Daniel savored the flavor of his new owner's cock much much more than the poutine. Although Daniel had helped to relieve his owner's stress several times in the past, now that he was a real Domestic Servitor, the sensation of helping Mr. Frontera feel good made it seem as though Mr. Frontera was now his daddy.

And when Mr. Frontera finally shot his man load in an explosive fashion, it felt to Daniel as if Mr. Frontera, too, was feeling things in a new and more fatherly way.

Once the grand ceremony was over, Terry fetched the servitor cuffs, and cuffed both servitors' hands behind their backs, "You are to remain seated in the tub, piss drenched, relishing your status, until I come and fetch you in about an hour and give you your baths. The cuffs are so you boys can't go doing any naughty stuff together."

"And remember, the excitement isn't over with this piss baptism ceremony; tomorrow we're off to Canada for your special body modification procedures!"

End of Part 22

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 23

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