Wakeup Time

Published on Oct 25, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 20

Wakeup Time – 20

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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The all-around warm squishy feelings in the Frontera household were suddenly interrupted by very loud, angry sounding, knocks at the front door of the Frontera home. A concerned Mr. Frontera gave a hand-up pause signal to the boys as he made his way to answer the knocking at the door.

At the door was Daniel's father, Mr. Lester Clark, who immediately apologized to Mr. Frontera for his disturbing, out of control, wild door knocking, "Please forgive me, Mr. Frontera, but I'm sure you will understand my frustration with my son, Daniel, at this time. I have just found out what he did to your son, so you must be as angry with him as I am right now."

Mr. Frontera asked Mr. Clark how he knew about the situation, and Mr. Frontera explained that his son, Terry, had texted him soon after he had arrived home earlier in the day and discovered Daniel in an obscene position on top of his son, Robin, forcibly holding Robin down against his will as Robin struggled to free himself.

Mr. Frontera led Daniel's father to the living room, where their two sons were still standing, locked in a tender embrace.

The moment Daniel spotted his father he broke off his embrace of Robin, and once Mr. Clark spotted his son, he immediately made clear the reasons for his anger, "Daniel, you disgust me! You have lost any respect I ever had for you!"

Before Mr. Frontera had a chance to explain, Mr. Clark continued in his outrage, "I never want to see you again Daniel. You are no longer my son!"

Daniel wondered, "Daddy, what are you saying?"

"What I am saying to you is that you no longer have a right to be my son, because what all of this means is that you now qualify as a lifer servitor, and no son of mine would ever end up as a lifer slave! At the end of your term of service with Mr. Frontera, in just three weeks, you will be delivered to the servitor training center in Sioux Falls, and there you will find out just what being a lifer servitor entails."

"And the first thing I am going to do when I get back home tonight is toss out all of your belongings! Everything! Because as a lifer servitor in the state of South Dakota you are not allowed to own any possessions."

Mr. Frontera, taken aback by Mr. Clark's vehemence, just as were Daniel, Robin, and Terry, soon recovered and confronted Daniel's father, "Hold on there, sir! Don't you dare toss any of Daniel's belongings!"

Mr. Clark was indignant, "Who are you to confront me? Daniel is nothing now but a homo slave. And he is about to get what he deserves!"

Mr. Clark's anger woke Mr. Frontera up, and spurred him on at that instant to decide on Daniel's future.

Mr. Frontera was firm, "Don't you dare destroy any of Daniel's possessions, for in three week's time Daniel will be a free man, and from that point on he can chose any future for himself that he desires!"

"And the first thing Daniel and my son Robin will be doing on that day is coming to your home and collecting all of his things!"

Mr. Clark eyed Mr. Frontera with scorn, "I should have known better; I never had any real faith in South Dakota's system of trial indenturements! It just allows `touchy feely', do-gooder, guys such as yourself to act as judge and jury over the lives of punks like Daniel who in fact belong in either prison or serving as slaves!"

Mr. Frontera only stared at Mr. Clark, and at the moment he had no interest or energy in explaining the current situation regarding Daniel's so called `rape' and escape attempts.

Mr. Clark, after giving a look of disgust to everyone in the room, simply shook his head and made his way to the door, making sure to slam it on his way out.


In the days that followed Robin's confession, and Mr. Frontera's decision to free Daniel and allow both his son and Daniel to serve his household under South Dakota's Domestic Indenturement Program, things were quieter than usual in the Frontera household, as all four family members dealt with the changes that would soon be coming.

Daniel was finally at peace, of course, but also somewhat apprehensive. And he was now in a super dutiful, hard working, polite, `eager to please', mode as he awaited the changes that were coming.

Robin sort of avoided all of his duties as overseer over Daniel as he awaited the signing of his Domestic Indenturement agreement.

Terry spent over a week in his room working on the

`plan of action' report which his father had requested, detailing exactly what his style of overseership would entail. That left him with only enough overseer duty time to make sure that Daniel was regularly locked in chastity, and making sure that his brother steered clear of Daniel so they wouldn't be spending all their time hugging and kissing.

All of these changes left Mr. Frontera with having to administer Daniel's weekly maintenance spankings, along with any other tending Daniel needed; in all it was quite a bit more overseer duties than he had been doing in the last four months, and he looked forward to the day when his 14 year old son, Terry, would take on most of the household's overseer duties.


A week and half after Mr. Frontera had informed his sons, Daniel, and Mr. Clark, that he was assigning no demerits to Daniel, and that Daniel would be a free boy (if he so desired) after his trial term of servitude, Terry presented his `plan of action' for servitor control to his father.

Mr. Frontera was so pleased with little Terry's proposal, and so proud of the work he had done on it, that he decided to gather the two soon-to-be Domestic servitors, together with Terry and him.

"Daniel and Robin, I have good news for you. I can assure you that you will be in good hands under Terry's overseership. He has written up a very thorough proposal, one that is quite lengthy, and one on which he has obviously spent a lot of time working on. Of course, he was guided in all of this by his contact person from Social Services, Mr. Jason Thoroborough."

"So I thought it would be good to have Terry give you a sort of overview of his overseer philosophy, have him give you a sense of what to expect from him and what he expects of you, and a hint at some of the things he considers to be important in terms of servitor control."

Terry began with a serious and a bit more adult tone than was his usual style, and one which Robin immediately found slightly annoying; "First of all, there will be some important changes made in your schedules, daily routine, expectations, and control procedures, from the way in which we have been dealing with Daniel."

"And there will be something new as well; as long as you remain on good behavior, there will also be lots of fun activities for you to partake in!"

"As an example of that, in a week and a half you two boys will be signing your Domestic Services agreement with Social Services. Right after that signing, Robin and Daniel and I will be attending Mr. Clark's home to collect Daniel's things. And the best part of all; later that day you boys will be preparing the evening meal for all of us which will consist of poutine and at least four tall glasses of water which we must all drink."

"The reasons we will all be drinking lots of water at that meal is because I have planned, with Dad's approval, a very special opening ceremony for you two new household slaves. I can't say much more about it now because Dad and I want it to be a big surprise for you!"

"Now the reason for having poutine on the menu on your first day as domestic servants is that it is a favorite dish of the Canadians; and on the following day all of us will be making a trip to Winnipeg, Manitoba, in Canada, where we are having a special body modification procedure performed on you. The reason we are having it done in Canada is because not only was it a good bit cheaper to have it done in Canada than the US, but also the Canadians allow a special addition to the procedure which is not allowed in the US."

"It's a minor surgical procedure, and Dad and I want to keep it as a surprise for the both of you. But it will require that we spend the night in Winnipeg to make sure that there are no complications. And, for extra fun, while we are in Canada we will be attending the maple syrup festival!"

"And that is not all the fun we will be having on our Canada trip; while we are in Canada we will be visiting Winnipeg's huge servitor emporium where we will be purchasing all kinds of goodies for you. And best of all, I'm going to let you boys choose your uniforms from among the ones I select as options for you!"

Terry's officiousness, along with his constant addressing Robin and Daniel, both older than Terry, as "boys", was seriously annoying to his older brother; although Daniel found such demeaning talk from a fourteen year old to be quite heady.

"Terry, smiling proudly as though he was an experienced overseer addressing some lowly slaves, continued, "Discipline, if needed will be swift and fair. Good behavior, on the other hand, will be rewarded!"

Bringing his hands together in front of his neck, like a seasoned orator, Terry generously asked, "Now are there any questions?" 

Robin was pissed, and sat with his arms folded, unsure of how, now that the day was fast approaching, he would eventually find being controlled in every way by his younger brother; while Daniel could hardly wait for Terry to take full control.

End of Part 20

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 21

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