Wakeup Time

Published on Oct 19, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 19

Wakeup Time – 19

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Mr. Frontera led Daniel into the living room and called his two sons to assemble. With Daniel standing at his side, he addressed his sons, "Boys, I thought we were all getting along together pretty well here; but now I have learned that things have not been too great. Daniel has been trying to escape and, most recently, with no regard for Robin's well being, he forcibly raped him and left him torn apart."

"I have brought Daniel here before you because I want him to apologize to the both of you before I call Social Services and have him removed."

Mr. Frontera looked at Daniel, expecting him to apologize. Daniel, taking the cue, did the best he could, "I'm sorry for not being a better servant. I just want to – I just want – to say I'm sorry. I, I..."

Mr. Frontera understood why Daniel was emotional at the moment and why he probably found himself unable to continue speaking.

But something else happened at that exact same moment; something that Mr. Frontera could not understand.

Robin began shuddering as if were trying to say something, but before he could say a word, he broke into tears. Mr. Frontera and Terry didn't know how to react. When Robin recovered his voice, he sobbingly muttered, "Dad – I'm sorry. I have lied to you! I have been bad!"

Robin then put both of his hands to his face in an attempt to cover up his remorse. His father, confused by his son's obvious distress, and because he was crying like a little boy, offered comfort, "It's okay Robin; just try to explain. You know I love you and will always forgive you."

Robin's younger brother, Terry, seated on the couch near Robin, looked at his older brother with his eyes and mouth wide open in confusion.

When Robin was able to collect himself, he continued, "Dad, I was not raped by Daniel! I led him on! I have been luring him on to do just such a thing to me ever since his first day here when I first laid eyes on him. When he put his arms on my shoulders earlier today, in an attempt to take me down by force, I let him. I put up no resistance whatsoever. I wanted to be fucked by Daniel, dad; and I invited him to do so by doing a lewd dance in front of him. I wanted to be raped and fucked by Daniel like a whore sissyboy more than anything else in the world, dad. Ever since I first laid eyes on him, I have been begging for it all along in subtle ways!"

After a stunned silence by all, Robin continued, "Dad, when Daniel first arrived here you told him that his time with us was intended to be a wakeup call for him to abandon his carefree life of partying and getting involved with petty crime. And you also told Terry and me that this was to be a wakeup time for us as well; that it was time for us to wake up and become adults and responsible citizens. Well dad I have finally awakened!"

"I have awakened to accepting the fact that I was born to be a slave. I have been envious of Daniel's position and the way he was being controlled by all of us, especially by Terry and you. Now, at last dad, I can admit that servitude is what my heart has been crying out for. Please dad, let Daniel stay, give him no demerits, let him remain as your servant, and let me serve you and Terry, along with Daniel, as your household slave!"

Robin's father tried to interject, but Robin was now finally feeling free enough to say the things he had been longing to say, and he interrupted his father just as he was about to speak; "Also, not only was I not raped by Daniel, but he never wanted to or attempted to escape."

"Dad, I heard Daniel on the phone joking with his friend Paul Cannon and I heard them laughing about the `escape'. It was all nonsense Dad; they were talking about having a helicopter hover above our house and letting down a ladder, with our house surrounded by a swat team of his schoolmates, and once he was on board the helicopter he would be shuttled off to sanctuary in Paraguay. It was all just crazy talk Dad. Daniel never had any intention of trying to escape!"

Mr. Frontera wanted to believe everything his son Robin had just said about Daniel; but he was unable, at the moment, to comprehend Robin's personal request that he become a slave to his household, "Son, Terry and I cannot just go ahead and treat you as a family slave; there are serious legal problems with that. One can't use normal servitor control procedures on free citizens. You and Daniel would both have to sign a `term of servitude' document with the Social Services' Domestic Indenturement program."

Daniel's lips trembled as he heard something sounding like the first sign of hope as Robin continued, "I know all about the Domestic Indenturement Program, Dad. I have researched it. It is an agreement to accept servitude for a given period of years, at the conclusion of which either party is free to end the arrangement."

"Dad, I want to be a slave just like Daniel. I want to be treated the same way we have been treating Daniel. I'm a slave dad, and I know it; it is what I am. It's all that I want. I was born to serve, and as a servant I need control and discipline in my life."

"I need weekly maintenance spankings, dad, just like we have been giving to Daniel; along with all the other regular guidance, correction, and control procedures, we now use on him. I am a slave dad, and am happy, at last, to admit it!"

With nothing to lose, Robin looked at Daniel while declaring to all, "I love Daniel; I love him so much!"

Still, with only stunned silence coming from his father and his brother, Robin went up to Daniel and hugged him.

With Daniel and Robin locked in a tearful embrace, Mr. Frontera put his hand to his forehead, as Terry, excited, desperately hoped that his father would affirm Robin's request. The thought of having full control over his older brother and Daniel made little Terry's mouth run dry.

Mr. Frontera, trying as best he could to understand his son's revelations and declaration, spoke with caution, "Daniel's term of `trial indenturement' ends in three weeks. By the end of that time, and after having consulted with Social Services on Robin's request for a term of domestic servitude, I will then be able to make a decision."

But Mr. Frontera's concern was also for his youngest son, "You must understand, all of you, that I will be traveling a lot in the new season, and Terry would, in that case, become your chief overseer. I can't entrust such a responsibility to Terry without assurances from him about his abilities to act as your chief overseer. He will have to prove to me and to Social Services, that he, at his young age of fourteen, is capable of serving in the capacity as senior overseer under the auspices of South Dakota's Social Services system."

Mr. Frontera looked to Terry, "Would you be willing to take on such a responsibility?"

Terry, with his little teen dick erected to the max and already leaking precum, nervously replied, "Yeah dad, I'm pretty sure that I can do it."

Suddenly realizing that he was sounding insecure, and knowing that such a tone was not the way to achieve such a dream position as senior-level overseer, Terry re-responded with much greater assurance, and emphasized it with a more manly voice, "Yes dad, I KNOW that I can do it!"

Mr. Frontera, unaware of the cum-leaking boner pulsing in Terry's pants, asked more of him, "Terry, honey, you will need to write up a plan of action, on how you would feel taking on the role as being Robin and Daniel's chief overseer. Do you think you can write that up for me and get it to me within the next few days?"

Little Terry, with his doe-like eyes, looked up to his father, "Yes, daddy, I can do this. I can write up an overall plan of action that includes the servitor's duties, details of daily servitor and physical training regimens, scheduling of weekly lectures, along with reviews of the servitors' behaviors, provide an `implements requested' list to the state for any corrective measures that need to be emplaced, and provide regular updates on general servitor protocol..."

Mr. Frontera was astonished at his young son's command of overseer terminology, as at the same time Terry's teen brain raced to recall more of the code phrases he had discovered during his Internet searches on `effective servitor control'.

As Terry's still-young teen pricklet started to involuntarily ejaculate, he was able to recall the final phrase from the Young Servitor's Manual's most recent issue, and blurted out, "I would be able to do all of this along with keeping myself up to date on the `best and safest current practices in servitor control'."

The warm squishy feeling in little Terry's pants matched the warm and squishy feelings Robin and Daniel were having as they continued to hug each other.

The all-around warm squishy feelings in the Frontera household were suddenly interrupted by very loud, angry sounding, knocks at the front door of the Frontera home. A concerned Mr. Frontera gave a hand-up pause signal to the boys as he made his way to answer the knocking at the door.

End of Part 19

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 20

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