Wakeup Time

Published on Oct 13, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 18

Wakeup Time – 18

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Once Robin had seemed to recover from the trauma of his forced fucking by the family servant, and felt he was once again able to regain control of the wayward servant, he reattached Daniel's chastity cage, re-inserted his chastity plug, and leashed him to his bed.

The brother's then retreated upstairs where they pondered what they should do with the slave until their father returned home later that day from his trip to Ortonville.

Terry was eager to punish the slave immediately, suggesting that Robin continue with the ammonia discipline procedure, but suggesting that they turn it into an eight hour procedure rather than the four hours originally scheduled.

Robin, despite his having been `raped', urged restraint, "We have no authority to do that Terry. Besides, rape is a serious offense and we need to hold off from doing anything; we need to let dad decide what happens next."

Terry, who was eager to stretch his young overseer muscles, next suggested that they give him his regularly scheduled maintenance spanking a day ahead of time, but this time whip his ass until it was raw and bleeding.

Robin shook his head in the negative; as he did so the servitor's `help needed' button rang.

Both Robin and Terry made their way downstairs and confronted Daniel, who was sitting up on his bed; "I need to take a shit, so I need to have my chastity anal plug removed."

Terry smiled, "Robin, let's not remove it! Let's keep the anal plug stuffed inside of him until dad comes home and see how much he likes being raped by his own impacted shit!"

Robin reminded his younger brother of legal restraints, "If we do that to him, then we would be as guilty as he is of abuse. We can't do that bro."

Terry dejectedly made his way back upstairs, leaving Robin to take care of the slave's shitting needs.

Robin directed Daniel to recline on the bed and get himself into the diapering position, with him reclining on his back with his legs spread wide and pulled up to his chest. Robin then unlocked the butt plug's connection to his chastity cage, and removed it from Daniel's hole.

Robin assisted Daniel into a standing position and, holding him by the arm, walked him to his toilet, which was at the far end of Daniel's leash's reach.

As was his duty, Robin stayed in the bathroom with Daniel as he did his `business' to make sure that Daniel would not attempt to diddle his hole for self-pleasure; even as he was aware that Daniel had just an hour ago pumped 5 months of cum up his behind and probably had no immediate need for sexual release.

Once Daniel had completed his business, Robin made the standard toilet paper `flower', and wiped the slave's ass. After the third wipe of the toilet paper, Daniel's butt appeared to be clean.

But Robin did not stop. He pulled more toilet paper and gathered it into another clump, the `flower', and slowly and gently kept rubbing Daniel's asshole with it.

With his index finger Robin wiggled the clump of toilet paper slowly, and seemingly lovingly, into Daniel's hole, and continued with the wiping action for much longer than Daniel knew was necessary.

Once Robin had completed his finally wipe of Daniel's server hole, and having caused Daniel's bare-shaved cock to stick pole-hard straight up, he re-lubed and reinserted the slave's chastity butt plug.

Robin looked his slave over for a few moments before making his way back up the stairs; leaving Daniel to wonder about the `look over' and the `longer than was needed' ass wiping - especially after he had so "brutally raped" Robin.


When Mr. Frontera returned home in the early evening and was informed of Daniel's assault on Robin he was furious with his sons, "You should have called me! This is a serious matter."

Terry, in an effort to show his father that he and Robin were in control, offered up his punishment plan for Daniel; the plan that he had assured Robin their father would agree to and accept.

Mr. Frontera hushed Terry almost as soon he started in with his grand punishment plan for the slave; "Boys, you don't understand the seriousness of this situation. At this stage there is no punishment that we can trust to guarantee compliant behavior from Daniel."

"The crime of rape automatically calls for 50 demerits, and that means a lifetime sentence of servitude. And if we couple that with the demerits he has already earned for his escape attempt, that puts him at over 60 demerits, which means not just a lifetime of servitude, but a lifetime of hard labor servitude."

"And Social Services guidelines clearly recommends that if an on-trial indentee should rack up 50 demerits or more that we inform them and have the indentee removed from our home."

"There is a reason for such a recommendation from Social Service's. When a person who is serving a period of trial indenturement racks up more than 60 demerits it becomes a dangerous situation for its caregivers. Such a servant has nothing to lose. There is no telling what he will now do, because no matter what infractions or crimes he commits, his sentence can't get any worse than it already is. To put it bluntly, we are now in danger with Daniel being in our household."

Robin, haltingly, wondered, "But dad, you said the state's guidelines on demerits for given crimes were recommendations only. You, as his on-trial overseer, act as a citizen juror, and you can chose whether or not to assign the demerits."

"Yes I can Robin. But Daniel has already tried to escape, and now a sexual assault on you, one of his overseers, makes me worried about what else he will now try to do. Daniel now no longer has anything to lose. It's a dangerous situation for all of us, son."

Robin winced and looked down at the floor. His father offered comfort, "Robin, I know what you went through must have been awful; that is why I need to call Social Services right now and have Daniel removed from the premises."

Mr. Frontera, concerned about the welfare of his children, made his way down to Daniel's quarters in the basement.

When he saw Daniel lying on his bed, crunched up in a fetal position, his heart was saddened but confused, "Daniel, I need to speak with you."

Mr. Frontera kept his calm, for he cared about Daniel, but nevertheless explained to Daniel why he had to call Social Services and have him removed from the household.

Daniel tried to speak, but was unable to as his eyes filled with tears.

"This pains me so much, Daniel, that I have to do this. I loved you and cared about you."

Through his sobs, Daniel began to speak, "Mr. Frontera, when I came here you told me this was going to be a wakeup time for me. Time for me to wakeup and start behaving like a model citizen."

"Please Mr. Frontera, do not send me away; because I have awakened. I have awakened to the fact that I am a servitor, a slave. If you send me away, Mr. Frontera, I will end up serving in some other household or factory; but the fact is that I love you, Mr. Frontera, and I love Robin and Terry. I would never do them harm. I love serving all of you. I have awakened to the fact that I am most alive when I am serving. I am a servant, I was born to be a servant, and want to be servant for the rest of my life."

"But Daniel, you raped my son and you attempted to escape from here; how am I to know what else you are capable of doing?"

Daniel did not answer Mr. Frontera's question directly, "What I am capable of doing is staying here with you and Robin and Terry, and serving you for the rest of my life. I have nowhere else to go. My father has disowned me. Please, do not give me any demerits. Let me be free and I will voluntarily be your slave for as long as you want me."

Mr. Frontera thought a bit and finally shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I can no longer trust you, Daniel, after what you did to Robin."

Mr. Frontera unleashed Daniel from his bed, "This is a sad day for me Daniel. Come upstairs with me. I have no other choice but to call Social Services and have them collect you."

Mr. Frontera led Daniel into the living room and called his two sons to assemble. With Daniel standing at his side, he addressed his sons, "Boys, I thought we were all getting along together pretty well here; but now I have learned that things have not been too great. Daniel has not only been trying to escape but now, with no regard for Robin's well being, he forcibly raped him and left him torn apart."

"I have brought Daniel here before you because I want him to apologize to the both of you before I call Social Services and have him removed."

Mr. Frontera looked at Daniel, expecting him to apologize. Daniel, taking the cue, did the best he could in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry for not being a better servant. I just want to – I just want – to say I'm sorry. I, I-..."

Mr. Frontera understood why Daniel was emotional at the moment and why he probably found himself unable to continue speaking.

But something else happened at that exact same moment; something that Mr. Frontera could not understand.

End of Part 18

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 19

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