Wakeup Time

Published on Oct 1, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 16

Wakeup Time - 16

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Even though Daniel was not informed what the `ammonia discipline' entailed, it nevertheless caused him fearful worries and a sleepless night.

At 8 AM Daniel was stirred from his drowsy state by Mr. Frontera, who handed Daniel his cellphone, "Your father wants to speak with you."

Mr. Frontera stood with his arms folded as Daniel took the call, "Hello Dad."

"Son, you have disappointed me once again. I am so ashamed of you! How could you ever have been so stupid as to plan an escape from the Frontera household? I hope you realize what this stupid act means for you."

"It was hard enough on me having to tell friends and acquaintances that my son had been placed into the state's trial indenturement program; but now, for you to have done this, simply means that my son is now, in fact going to be indentured for at least 12 years. And at the rate you're going I won't be surprised if you end up racking another 20 demerits in the next two months, meaning a lifetime sentence of servitude!"

"This all pains me too much, son. It is too much for me to stay in touch with you. Please, stop sending me emails telling me how sorry you are. You're not sorry at all! Do you not know the pain you have caused our family, do you –?" Daniel's father suddenly broke into heavy sobbing.

"Dad? Dad, are you alright?"

The connection closed. Daniel's father had hung up on his son.

A lost Daniel closed his eyes, and without looking at Mr. Frontera, handed him back his cellphone.

Mr. Frontera grasped what Daniel had probably just heard from his father, was sympathetic, yet he remained silent.

When Daniel eventually opened up his tear filled eyes and looked at Mr. Frontera, Mr. Frontera spoke, "As you know I will be leaving shortly for Ortonville and will be back later this evening. Terry is off grocery shopping so he won't be undressing you today; Robin will do that for you when he comes down soon to administer the ammonia procedure. He is gathering the things he needs for the procedure as we speak."

"I want you to do everything Robin tells you to do, and to take your punishment like a proud and dutiful servant."

With a pained expression Mr. Frontera made his way back upstairs.


About half an hour later Robin came down the stairs carrying a tray full of tubes, syringes, lubricant, a bit block, head clamp, frenulum clip, and flesh grips; and in his left hand he carried a bottle of servitor nitrogen hydride solution, with an attached pump.

Daniel was terrified, but more by the look of glee in Robin's face than by all of the frightening looking supplies.

"Okay Daniel, it's time for me to get you undressed, uncaged, unplugged, and readied, for your special corrective treatment: some good ol' ammonia discipline."

Robin set the supplies on the counter, went up to Daniel and started to remove his pajamas. Daniel could feel the warmth of Robin's body as he was being undressed. The warmth gave Daniel comfort, even as the smile on Robin's face over what he was about to do to him gave him a chill.

Once the pajamas were removed, and with Daniel remaining in a standing position, Robin knelt down and removed Daniel's anal chastity plug, and the chastity cage.

Once Daniel was slave-boy naked, Robin instructed him to stand as he was with his hands at his side, and to not move.

Robin next moved to the overseer worktable and instructed his virtual assistant, Maximillian, to play his favorite Punta rock dance hits.

Robin turned to face Daniel, and then began to do some slow dance moves to the music. Robin's dance moves were sensuous and suggestive, and soon he began to stick out his tongue at Daniel and waggle it.

Daniel was confused. Once Robin began licking his lips as he swayed in time to the music he began unbuttoning his shirt in slow-stripper fashion.

As the music grew more heated so did Robin's dance moves. He unbuckled and unzipped his trousers and slipped them down as he wiggled his hips.

Once he was in nothing but his undershorts Robin's dance moves became more energetic. Daniel's cock, now as mesmerized as was his brain, began to firm up. And it was evident to Daniel, through Robin's undies, that Robin's rod was already nearing its hilt.

Robin turned his wiggling butt towards Daniel and slowly began letting down his undershorts. Once he had kicked his shorts off, and with his backside still towards Daniel, Robin began to wiggle his prime 17-year old butt. Soon his butt wiggling turned into some energetic dance hops along with his arms semaphoring to the beat.

When Robin finally turned to face Daniel as he continued his fevered dance, Robin's cock was fully hardened, bouncing wildly about, and sloshing slender threads of cock juice.

When Daniel saw the fully exposed Robin doing his wild and salacious dance, his cock completed its rise to its full height as it throbbed with a desire for release.

Robin danced his way next to Daniel, continued swaying to the music, and allowed their two dick tips to touch and joust. Each touch of their dick tips against each other, as their precum comingled, sent electric shocks through Daniel's body.

Robin put his arms around Daniel, put their lips together, and kissed him passionately. The intense kissing lasted for several minutes.

It was only when Robin felt that both he and Daniel were within reach of a sexual explosion that he pulled his lips away from Daniel's, licked Daniel's cheek and ear, and then looked him in the eyes with a smile, "Now it's time for me to get to the fun part; to give you the punishment you deserve!"

Daniel was crushed, but, more, he was profoundly resentful of how Robin went from an act of loving lust to one of apparent glee in the pain he was about to inflict.

End of Part 16

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 17

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