Wakeup Time

Published on Sep 25, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 15

Wakeup Time - 15

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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After the first several weeks of Daniel's trial indenturement, both Daniel and the Frontera males learned the special quirks of each other.

The sons were given more responsibility for the oversight of Daniel than Daniel thought was wise. The main reason he felt this was because when alone with them they would delight in teasing him about being a `chastity slave', `no better than a eunuch', a `cock goblin', `dick nibbler', and similar such demeaning epithets.

And the father had now allowed his sons to administer both maintenance and disciplinary spankings to Daniel without the need of his being present. The maintenance spankings were something of a sporting event for the two teen overseers.

Whenever the boys would spank, shave, bathe, lotion, or accompany Daniel to the bathroom so they could remove his chastity plug to let him take a shit, and afterwards wipe his ass (so he couldn't give pleasure to himself by playing with his hole), they would take devilish delight in edging poor Daniel to the hilt.

And by this time Daniel had a very good idea of the Frontera's sexual needs. 35-year old Mr. Frontera would usually need a blowjob about five times a week. 17-year old Robin would usually seek service on average of ten times a week, and 14-year old Terry pretty much needed relief twice a day. Daniel was kept very busy in the Frontera household.

Also during the first several weeks Daniel made successful email contact with some of his friends, all of whom expressed sympathy for the plight of Daniel.

When Daniel's friend, Paul, wrote to Daniel, "I miss you so much bro," Daniel wrote back, "If you really mean that you would come and rescue me; help me escape."

Paul gave a nervous laugh.


After Daniel would prepare lunch for the Frontera's, he would be locked into his big steel servitor highchair that was seated next to the kitchen table, where the three Frontera's sat and ate, and would be served some of the food that he had just prepared by Robin, in portion sizes Robin judged to be adequate for a servitor.

Robin often would give Daniel small servings, thus often forcing Daniel to ask for more food. Robin would almost always give Daniel more food, but he delighted in making Daniel beg him for more.

At one afternoon lunch, with the Frontera's at the table and Daniel secured in the servitor high chair, Terry spoke up, "Dad, I was at the Aberdeen Social Services website and they had this neat catalogue of products for use in servitor control. And I saw something really neat."

Mr. Frontera and Robin looked up, interested.

"It was another method of chastity control that doesn't need a big carbon filament groin cage, and I think it would look really neat on Daniel."

"What did you find son? I'm very interested."

"Like his current rig it takes care of securing his genitals and his butt hole. With this combo the penis is ringed which is then attached to a body piercing ring near his navel, a bit below his belly button. That way his penis is ringed to his stomach and is kept constantly in an upright position. And that way his willy would no longer be so much of a dangling temptation to him."

"The catalogue says that it helps remind the servitor of his status in a special way, because whenever a servant needs to pee he will have to do so in a seated position, and thus will almost always be sloshing his stomach, chest, and maybe even his face. Of course, afterwards the servant will then have to hose himself off after every piss; but that is the part that helps a servant learn to accept his status."

"And for the chastity anal plug, it is pretty much like the one he has now, except through remote control we can make the plug either vibrate or else send an electrical shock. That way if Daniel is being a good boy we can reward him with a short vibration. And if he's not performing up to speed we can zap him!"

"That does sound very interesting, Terry. I'll write my Social Services contact person over in Aberdeen and find out if he thinks that option would work for us."

Terry was beaming, Robin was smiling, and Daniel was humiliated being discussed about control options as if he were a farm animal.


The Frontera teens had found many fun ways to taunt and humiliate their slave, and one of their favorites was to secure him to the exercise machine and make him run until he was near exhaustion and covered in sweat.

Once the machine was turned off, Daniel surmised, from the way in which the brothers would come and rub their hands all over his sweaty body and lick his pits, that their efforts were not intended to just edge him to the point of wild desire in order to help make him a more dedicated servant; but that they were in fact turned on by his man sweat.


During the start of Daniel's fourth month of service, a very serious Mr. Frontera took Daniel into his study. "Son, I can't tell you how sad I am. As you know your computer is monitored by the Department of Social Services. The head of the Investigative Services Department of Aberdeen Social Services contacted me to inform me that several weeks ago you had contacted someone by the name of Paul Cannon and asked him to help you to escape. Daniel, do you have any idea what this means?"

Daniel was stunned into silence.

Mr. Frontera continued, "It means that for boys in the trial indenturement program any attempt to flee must result in 30 demerits. You already had racked up 10 demerits. So a total 40 demerits means that you will in fact be committed to twelve years of servitude."

Daniel was frantic, "Mr. Frontera, I was only joking. Honestly. I know all about the demerit system. I wouldn't do something so stupid!"

Mr. Frontera shook his head in despair, "Unfortunately, son, Social Services contacted the person who was the subject of your email. They asked him just such a question, whether or not he felt you were serious. Mr. Cannon replied that he felt you were serious in your request, and that he was surprised at the request, and didn't know how to respond to your request. He was confused because he said that you and he had been such good friends for so long, and he was surprised, and quite overwhelmed, that you would ask him to perform such an illegal activity. He said that he did not verbally reply to your request."

Daniel put his hands up to cover his face and began to weep; "That's not the way it was, Mr. Frontera. I was only joking with Paul, but clearly he didn't get it. I never wanted to escape, Mr. Frontera. You have to believe me!"

Mr. Frontera was as upset as Daniel, and was hesitant to tell him what was in store for him. Eventually he broke the silence, "Daniel, I have to leave tomorrow for an all day trip to Ortonville, and I have no choice but to have Robin administer the ammonia procedure on you tomorrow."

"It pains me to think about it, but the state mandates that escape attempts result not only in demerits, but must also include corporal punishment."

Though his tears, Daniel asked, "What is the ammonia punishment, Mr. Frontera?"

Mr. Frontera thought it best not to cause Daniel any more anxiety, "Now now, Daniel, I think it best that I not reveal it to you. I don't want you staying up all night long worrying about what's going to be done to you tomorrow. But the good news is that the procedure only lasts for about four hours."

End of Part 15

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 16

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