Wakeup Time

Published on Sep 21, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 14

Wakeup Time - 14

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Mr. Frontera placed an affectionate hand on Daniel's shoulder, and spoke in a quiet voice, "Honey, you need to go downstairs now with Robin and Terry. They have some things they want you to do for them. I think you know what this is about. Then later this evening I will need to have you come to my room so you can help me as well."

When the brothers approached Daniel and asked that he accompany them down to his quarters, Daniel could sense that the two teens were as nervous and uncertain as he was about how this event would unwind.

Daniel, still naked except for his chastity cage, after having spent a day learning how to serve the Frontera household, was directed downstairs with Robin holding him by his upper left arm.

Once the trio had arrived at Daniel's bed, Robin asked, "Bro, do you wanna go first?"

Terry nodded eagerly, "Sure!"

Robin directed, "If you will remember, Terry, dad suggested that the best way for us to do this is for us to be sitting on the bed, and with Daniel kneeling between our legs. Are you okay with that Terry?"

Terry, embarrassed yet super horny, mumbled, "Yeah".

Terry took down his pants, pulled down his underwear, and sat down on the bed, with his young teen boner sticking straight up its entire five-inch length, he spread out his legs to make room for Daniel to get into the proper servitor sucking position.

Robin guided Daniel down into a kneeling position in front of Terry's two outstretched legs as he sat on the bed.

Soon after Daniel started sucking, Terry asked him to reach under him and finger his butthole as he continued his sucking. Daniel did as instructed and horny Terry shot his load after just about a minute and half. Daniel was getting very turned on by his effort in serving the young brat, and was somewhat disappointed that Terry shot his load so quickly.

Once little Terry recovered and pulled out of Daniel's servitor mouth, his cock was still hard and slimed.

Robin was impressed, "Wow bro, that was quick. Little Winkie must be a really good suck muffin!"

Terry stood up and pulled up his pants as Robin was taking his down. When Robin sat down on the bed in front of the kneeling slave, he pointed to his bobbing erection, "This is your master's fuck stick. This is prime alpha man meat you'll be working on, so you better appreciate it and do a good job."

Robin took both hands to Daniel's head and guided it to his rod. The moment Daniel took his master's rod in his mouth, Robin moaned, "Oh yeah, this is great! Too bad, Daniel, that you won't be able to experience anything like this for the next six months. Or if you get enough demerits it could be years before you ever cum again!"

Robin's barb didn't really register with Daniel, as he was wild with sexual desire as he slurped on Robin's eight-inch pole.

In desperation, and without thinking, Daniel reached his right hand to his hole and began fingering it in an attempt to find some relief as he sucked away.

Terry was quick to notice and called out to Robin, "Bro, he's fingering his hole!"

Robin pulled out of Daniel's mouth and gave him a severe face slap, "Okay buddy, when we're finished here you're getting permanently chastity plugged. Now get your fag mouth back on my dick!"

The heat in his face from Robin's slap made Daniel tingle all the more inside, and he went back to work on Robin with great energy, trying to please his master, along with the hope that his furious sucking on a piece of prime man flesh could somehow help get himself off.

When Robin shot his load, the taste and feel of his cum shooting into Daniel's mouth and down his throat amplified Daniel's wild need for sexual release. Daniel suddenly felt a totally new sensation; he found himself flush with a desire to be around his two young masters and wanting to serve them.

Once Robin had his pants pulled on, he ordered Daniel to hop up on the procedures table, secured him, and buckled his hands so he couldn't do any more hole fingering.

Robin instructed Terry, "Bro, I want you to stay here while I go and get dad. He's going to have to show us how to attach the chastity plug to his chastity cage."

Once Robin left Terry approached the secured slave with a smile, put his face down to Daniel's face, licked Daniel's lips, then plunged his tongue into Daniel's mouth. When he pulled out his tongue, he kept his face close to Daniel's and whispered, "Is this getting you all turned on? You're my plaything. I get to do to you whatever I want!"

When Mr. Frontera came down the stairs with Robin, he noticed Terry leaning over the secured Daniel as he was splayed out on the procedures table, "How nice of you Terry to help calm Daniel down."

Mr. Frontera looked down at Daniel, "I'm sorry we have to chastity plug you, but don't feel bad about it. Most boys who have to be kept permanently chastity caged, eventually end up having to be chastity plugged as well. It's going to help you in the long run. I also think what I want to do to you is keep you permanently ball banded; it will give you an extra measure of protection and well-being. So I will have to remove the chastity cage in order to do that."

The boys watched in silence as their father removed the chastity cage, and the tasser clamp, a skirt-like piece of leather that covered the balls and kept Daniel's scrotum separated from his penis.

Daniel was super hard, and there was precum on his tummy. Mr. Frontera commented to his sons, "I think it's pretty clear that if Daniel were now to be stimulated in any way, he could shoot off like a rocket. That's why it's so important that you be super vigilant when bathing him, shaving him, wiping his ass, lotioning him, giving him his anal massage or any other procedure, that you never stimulate him to the point of orgasm. Servitors under enforced chastity simply must never be allowed to get their rocks off! It's keeping them full of pent up desires for release that turns them into good slaves."

Mr. Frontera selected an appropriately sized scrotal band from his implements cupboard, and warned Daniel before putting it on, "This is going to hurt for a few minutes once I get you banded. But once the pain goes away, after about 10 minutes, you will find that it will enhance your sense of dignity, and help remind you that you should be proud to be an obedient servitor.

Daniel winced and let out a yelp once Mr. Frontera applied the scrotal band to the topmost part of his scrotum, right under his cock.

He then pointed out to his sons how the tasser clamp, or tasser skirt, was attached right next to the scrotal band, just below it.

As Mr. Frontera fitted the chastity cage back on Daniel, he complimented him, "This cage looks good on you. When summer rolls around I can have you do yard work in nothing but your cage, and it will be sure to impress the neighbors."

Mr. Frontera next showed his sons how to lube the chastity plug and insert it, "You work it up by slowly twisting it. It works and acts like the common servitor comfort stop in that it helps pacify indentured boys."

Mr. Frontera then showed how the chastity plug was secured to the chastity cage's perineum guard or cover.

Daniel, secured on the procedures table, felt like an animal under a veterinarian's care. He had no right to object to anything that was done to him.

As Mr. Frontera released Daniel from the restraining straps, he reassured him, "There, now you're all protected and safe."

He helped Daniel stand up, and patted him on his naked back, "I hear that all of this chastity gear can really help boys like you feel especially good about yourselves, knowing that it will help you to be an `eager to please' and obedient servant. You should always regard your chastity cage as a badge of honor, and a reason to be proud!"

Mr. Frontera looked at his watch and addressed his sons, "Okay boys. You can go now. I need to spend some time alone with Daniel."

The boys dutifully left their father alone with Daniel, as Mr. Frontera guided Daniel to his bed. When Daniel realized he was now going to have to service the handsome Mr. Frontera, he became flush with excitement, and his cock began once again to tingle.

Mr. Frontera let down his slacks and undies, sat down on Daniel's bed, and had Daniel kneel in front of him, in the same way he had instructed his sons to get their blowjobs.

Mr. Frontera's cock was flaccid but was clearly big. And once Daniel began sucking on it he found out just how big it was. His master's erected unit couldn't fit all the way into Daniel's mouth.

Mr. Frontera gently patted Daniel on the head, "You're doing a good job, son, but I want you to really tighten your lips around my shaft as you do the upsuck."

Daniel did as instructed, and he was able to enjoy a rather big meal of Mr. Frontera's cock juice in under five minutes time.

Once Daniel had swallowed every last drop, Mr. Frontera gave him a gentle `good night' kiss.

Later, at 3 AM in the morning Daniel was awakened by Terry, who wanted another suck-off job. But before Terry had Daniel start to get to work on his member, he gave Daniel a long round of kisses, occasionally darting his tongue into Daniel's mouth; so overcome was he by his youthful sexual fever.

It took Terry a little longer to release his load than it did the first time, but when he did he could not hold back his moans of orgasmic ecstasy.

By the time Daniel was finally left alone that morning, after having given four blow jobs to the Frontera males, Daniel was a mess of sexual frustration. He was wild with desire. All three Frontera males were hot in their own way. But Daniel's cock and balls could do nothing more than ache for release.

But Daniel was now nothing but a fully chastity-caged slave. His cock, butt, and balls, no longer belonged to him. Robin, Terry, and their father, now fully owned and controlled Daniel's most intimate parts and desires.

End of Part 14

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 15

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