Wakeup Time

Published on Sep 16, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 13

Wakeup Time - 13

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Like any 14-year-old teenager Terry hated having to get up early in the morning; and 6 AM was usually way too early for a randy boy like Terry. But this morning was different; today would be the first full day their new slave, Daniel, would be in service to the Frontera household. And best of all, Terry, along with his older brother Robin, would be in charge of Daniel under the supervision of their father.

As Terry made his way downstairs to Daniel's quarters, his body quivered in anticipation of being able to command a servitor, a human male older than himself, to do almost anything he asked.

When he reached Daniel's bed, Terry looked the handsome slave over, quite overwhelmed by the fact that he had control over a 25-year old slave.

Terry gave a few shakes of Daniel's shoulder, "Time to wake up! It's your first full day on service duty!"

Daniel woke up and, dazed as he was, it took almost no time for him to recover from his drowsiness and realize the circumstance he was in. It was not a happy moment for Daniel.

"Okay, stand up Daniel, nice and tall, so I can get you undressed!"

Daniel did not like either the command or the tone of the command, but he did as ordered.

Terry started to unbutton Daniel's pajama tops. Having a servant stand still and tall as ordered gave Terry a thrill such as he had never before experienced.

With his left hand on the front of Daniel's chest, Terry removed the pajama tops.

Daniel resented being undressed by the young teen in such a fashion; it was humiliating being treated like a little kid.

Next Terry knelt down and pulled the pajama bottoms down to the floor, and instructed Daniel to step out of them.

Daniel was now completely bare except for his bulky chastity cage, a device that, in Daniel's eyes, made him look and feel like some kind of robot.

Terry looked Daniel over with sly smile, and gave a whistle, "How does it feel being locked up in chastity? I bet your shlong is as hard as a rock under that thing!"

Terry gave his chin a rub, "I think what I am going to do is have you spend your first several hours in servitude wearing nothing but that cage. It will help remind you of your new position; of your place and duties in this house, and of the importance of strict obedience."

With his dick throbbing, Terry enjoyed the sight of Daniel's naked and bubbly butt cheeks as he led him up the stairs.

As Terry instructed Daniel on the layout of the kitchen, and the first of his morning duties (washing leftover dishes, pots, and pans, preparing breakfast, and setting the table), he was joined by his older brother Robin.

Robin was quick to ask Terry, "Is our little knob gobbler behaving?"

Terry laughed, "Yeah, I think that the groin cage really may be helping little `Tweezers' here to do as he's told! He hasn't given me any trouble yet."

Daniel, annoyed, quietly continued to perform as ordered, worried that the two teens' callow natures could turn ugly if tested.

About 30 minutes later Mr. Frontera entered the kitchen, surprised to see Daniel nude except for his servitor chastity cage, "Dressed only in his cage, why is that, son?"

Terry answered confidently, "Dad, I felt that having Daniel work in nothing but his chastity cage for his first several hours as a state ordered servitor could help him to accept his new position in life. Help remind him of his place and of his duties in our house. And most important, I think, remind him of the importance of strict obedience."

Mr. Frontera gave Terry a hug, "Son, you are wise beyond your years! I am so proud of you."

Terry beamed, Robin smiled, and Daniel felt like a subhuman beast of burden.

The rest of the day continued in much the same way. Despite occasional taunts from Terry and Robin directed at Daniel as he went about his duties, the boys' father approved of his sons' quick command of their overseer duties.

Daniel was quick to notice that Mr. Frontera seemed to not mind his sons' occasional sophomoric behavior as overseers. It seemed clear to Daniel that Mr. Frontera was aware that his sons were taking delight in being able to control a slave, but simply considered his sons' taunts to be normal and harmless teen boy mischief.

At about mid afternoon, with Daniel diligently trying not to annoy or upset the whims of his new overseers throughout the day, Robin proposed that he be allowed to put Daniel though some exercises to help wake him up.

Robin's father agreed with him, "Yes, that's a good idea. Daniel has been looking pretty glum and some exercises might help get him into a better mood."

Robin ordered Daniel to start jogging in place. Daniel, who had been dusting a bookshelf was annoyed by the seeming frivolous order, and continued dusting a bit more.

Robin looked at his father and threw his arms up in the `what gives?' stance.

Mr. Frontera was quick to take charge of the situation, "Daniel, get over here!"

Daniel did as ordered, and was then told to put his hands together in back of his head. Mr. Frontera grabbed a paddle and proceeded to deliver very fierce and rapid swats to Daniel's buttocks. In no time Daniel was sobbing and pleading for the paddling to stop.

Mr. Frontera did not stop the paddling, as he addressed the slave, "Let this be an important lesson for you Daniel. When we order you to do something, you do it, pronto!"

As Daniel's sobbing and pleading turned into heaving sobs and screams, his cock grew to maximum size from the serious vascular activity to his behind. Daniel was at least grateful that the chastity cage kept his cock's reaction out of the Frontera's view.

The severe paddling went on for almost five minutes, and once it stopped, Daniel continued sobbing from the serious pain in his ass.

The paddling had its intended effect; Daniel now knew that he would have to obey on the spot if he wished to avoid another such severe punishment.

And when Robin taunted Daniel, "Did our little slave boy learn his lesson?" Daniel thought it best to answer, "Yes sir!"

The spanking aroused both Robin and Terry, who soon afterwards approached their father in private.

Robin spoke, "Dad, Terry and I are wondering how or when we can get Daniel to sort of help us out? Do you know what I mean Dad? Like give us some `relief'."

Mr. Frontera gave a laugh, "I thought you boys would never ask. There's nothing to it. When you need release just go to Daniel and tell him it's blowjob time. You can have him do you wherever you'd like, and if you both want to be present as he sucks each of you off, not a problem. That's what he's for."

"And remember sons, the more blowjobs you need the better it will be for Daniel as well, for it will feed into his own need for release. And remember that is what we want: Daniel dripping with desire for release - a release which he must never be allowed to achieve during his six months with us."

Afterwards, Mr. Frontera confronted Daniel, placed an affectionate hand on his shoulder, and spoke in a quiet voice, "Honey, you need to go downstairs now with Robin and Terry. They have some things they want you to do for them. I think you know what this is about. Then later this evening I will have you come to my room so you can help me as well."

Daniel swallowed hard. The bleakest day of his life just got a little brighter, or at least he hoped it would.

End of Part 13

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 14

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