Wakeup Time

Published on Sep 6, 2022


Wakeup Time Chapter 11

Wakeup Time - 11

(A slave story by Randall Austin)

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

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Once Daniel was unplugged, somewhat calmed, and finally sporting a flaccid cock, Mr. Frontera took his new slave by the arm in a fatherly fashion, and addressed his sons, "Boys, it's time for us to get Daniel re-caged. You both need to accompany me downstairs to Daniel's holding area so I can show Daniel some of the amenities, lay out the behavioral ground rules for both you and for Daniel, and show you the entire re-caging process. This will include applying his special pubic lotion, doing an anal effleurage, and showing you how to attach Daniel's scrotum to the `tasser clamp' before we put him to bed for the evening."

Once the team had arrived downstairs and was at that part of the basement that was to serve as Daniel's quarters, Mr. Frontera addressed his freshly enslaved 25-year old charge, "Daniel, this area is sort of your bedroom. You will note that it has everything you need; a comfy bed, a chest of drawers, a desk, toilet, shower, a dual purpose bathing and procedures table, a punishment horse, and over in that corner your special servitor high chair."

Mr. Frontera was obviously proud of the large, steel, servitor high chair, which was full of restraining straps for every limb, and he raved about it, "The beauty of this chair is that it offers you fairly spacious movement of your butt, and allows even tethered limbs a fairly good range of motion. A thing like this little baby is really useful to us when one of us should have to be called away for a bit when no one else is around to monitor you."

"And of course we will use it to secure you if you are being difficult in any way, such as having a servitor tantrum. But the important thing is, once secured in it, you will feel like a king!"

Daniel's eyes began to glaze over at what he had just heard, and his gloom reached a new low.

Mr. Frontera also showed him a cabinet that contained some things that caused Daniel to feel queasy. The cabinet contained some things that Daniel immediately recognized, such as ropes and cords, straps, paddles, short whips, a leg-hobbling spreader bar, and an enema bag.

But it also contained things which Daniel was not sure about, and really did not want to know what they were for, such as various ear and tit rings, body clasps, bells, scrotum cups in various sizes, a long-handled genital clench, a human sized Elizabethan collar of the sort used around the necks of cats and dogs to prevent them from licking themselves, and various syringes.

Mr. Frontera noted the anxious look on Daniel's face, "These are things that hopefully never have to be used on you. But Social Services wants all of us who take in indentees who, like you, are on a trial basis to be stocked with these things."

"But also remember that these things can help you to avoid racking up demerit points. When you do mess up you have the option of either taking physical discipline, or receiving demerit points."

"The only offenses for which there is no punishment option and for which I must assign the required number of demerits are physical assault on any person, insubordination, deliberate property damage, and lying. So make sure you don't ever do any of those things and you should be a free boy in six months."

"But remember, should you end up with more than 30 demerit points after six months you will be sentenced to a 5 year sentence of servitude. If you rack up more than 40 demerits, you will in that case be sentenced to twelve years of servitude. If you manage more than 50 demerits you will be sentenced to a lifetime sentence of servitude. And anything more than 60 demerits will get you placed into a life-term of hard labor servitude."

Mr. Frontera directed Daniel to the `procedures' table, and had him get up on it and recline on his back. The table was forbidding looking to Daniel, with all of its straps and buckles, and retractable extensions.

The first thing Mr. Frontera did was to strap both of Daniel's arms to the sides of the table. He then extended some leg holders from the side of the table and placed Daniel's legs in them, and positioned the holders so that Daniel's legs were raised two feet and spread wide. Daniel was now secured in the classic diapering position.

Being secured in such a position in front of Mr. Frontera and his sons, with his arms strapped to the sides of the procedures table, highlighted for Daniel how the three Frontera males had complete control of his body, and he now had none.

If that was not shameful enough, Mr. Frontera then took two earplugs and inserted them into Daniel's ears so Daniel could not hear what he was about to say to his sons.

The earplugs were the most humiliating thing of all for Daniel, for he was now deprived by the Frontera's of not only sexual release, but of his sense of hearing as well. He was being treated like a family pet.

When Mr. Frontera began addressing his sons, Daniel strained his brain in an attempt to hear what was being said, but the earplugs prevented him from hearing anything.

"Boys, it's important to realize the importance of chastity in Daniel's life, for enforced total chastity will make Daniel a much more productive and pliant servitor. Because of the enforced chastity, Daniel will likely erect as we are shaving and bathing him, and he certainly will be once I start applying the protective lotion to his groin area. And he will certainly erect once I do the anal effleurage and attach the `tasser clamp' to his scrotum. So what that means is that you both have to be very careful of not stimulating Daniel to the point of orgasm. This is critical!"

"Now the important thing to know in dealing with a servitor under enforced full-chastity is that getting him aroused is a good thing! That, for example, is the sole reason we do the anal effleurage. We want Daniel to be dripping with desire as often as possible. As you shave and bathe him you will be edging him towards orgasm, but it is important that you know when to slow down any procedure and back off so that he NEVER achieves orgasm. Keeping Daniel dripping with desire is a good thing for him."

"And, sons, it is also a good thing for you!"

"As we have discussed before, you can use Daniel for sexual release by having him suck you off. And I want you to use him as much as you desire because it will help you better focus on your school studies if you don't have sex on the mind all the time. And by using Daniel with frequency, you will drive up his longing for sexual release, which will help turn him into a great servant."

"But I do want to emphasize that there is only one form of sexual activity you can perform with Daniel, and that is having him give you blow jobs. Daniel is to be chastity caged at all times when he sucks you off. You are never to fuck him or play with his genitals in a deliberate fashion. And remember, the more you use Daniel's blowjobs for sexual release, you will not only be helping yourselves, but having Daniel suck you off with frequency will drive Daniel's desire for sexual release through the roof; and that is what we want. Remember boys, we want to keep Daniel in a constant state of `dripping with desire' for sexual release!"

Mr. Frontera then proceeded to start applying the protective lotion to Daniel's private parts that the South Dakota-mandated chastity cage requires. As he rubbed the lotion into Daniel's shaft and the entire area covered by the large chastity cage, Daniel's server-boy `man rod' quickly erected to a he-man sized cock that Robin and Terry both envied.

Terry's was quick to turn his jealousy over Daniel's cock size to derision, "Look at that! He is like that monkey we saw at the zoo, that was running around with a big erection in his cage, unable to control himself, and unaware of the fact that everyone was laughing at him."

Robin and his father smiled along as they recalled their visit to the zoo; all the while Daniel had no idea what they were laughing about, ear-plugged as he was.

Robin patted Daniel on the head, "Daniel is our little monkey boy!"

Once Mr. Frontera had completed the application of the protective lotion to the slave's groin, he pushed a button that caused the leg clamps to raise Daniel's legs higher into the air. "We put him in this position to gain full access to his anus and perineum for the effleurage."

"An anal effleurage is a form of massage involving making circular stroking finger movements all about the anus and perineum. Its purpose for an enforced chastity slave like Daniel is to drive up his sexual longing and desire. You will notice after I finish the treatment Daniel will be as pliant and obedient as a little lamb."

As Mr. Frontera did the effleurage treatment his sons moved in closer to carefully observe how to perform the treatment. "As you boys perform this procedure you need to keep your eyes on the tip of his dick. We want to keep the massage going until we get several beads of precum oozing from his dick. Once the precum starts flowing, it is important that you not continue the treatment for too long, or else you risk effecting an orgasm, which is the last thing we want!"

Once Daniel's dick tip was slimed with precum, and had risen to a steel-hard and purple-headed dimension, Mr. Frontera stopped the massage.

As Mr. Frontera went to his cabinet to fetch the `tasser clamp', his sons remained staring in amazement at the tabled, buckled, ear plugged, slave as his cock oozed precum.

The tasser clamp resembles a miniature Elizabethan collar. As Mr. Frontera attached it to Daniel's scrotum, he explained its purpose to his sons, "The tasser clamp is basically a skirt for Daniel's balls. It is secured at the very top of his ball sack, and it keeps his scrotum separated from his penis. And the reason we do this is, again, to up Daniel's desire for sexual release."

Once Daniel was all lotioned, anal massaged, and tasser clamped, Mr. Frontera fitted Daniel with his molded carbon filament chastity cage.

Once Daniel was secured in chastity, Mr. Frontera released him from the table, and put a hand on his shoulder, "And now we have some nice surprises for you Daniel."

Mr. Frontera instructed Terry to fetch Daniel's pajamas and put them on him. As Terry started to dress Daniel in the pajamas, which made Daniel feel like a toddler, Mr. Frontera sang the praises of Daniel's pajamas. "I wasn't going to have you wear the state issued servitor night wear. I went and got you these nice fluffy flannel pajamas so you could be all warm, cozy, and comfy, at night."

Daniel felt he should show appreciation, so he mumbled, "Thank you, Mr. Frontera."

Mr. Frontera appreciated the `thank you'. "Now Daniel, go to your chest of drawers and open the second drawer."

Daniel opened the drawer and saw a laptop. "It's yours Daniel, to use in the evening. You can use it for anything you want, use your personal email, go to any website, keep a diary. I have no restrictions on what you use it for. However, one thing you cannot do, and this is a state law, is password protect any document, and you have no option to clear your tasks and your browser history."

Despite the restrictions, it was the best thing that happened to Daniel since he was torn from his bedroom by Miles and Josh from the Investigative Services division of Social Services.

Mr. Frontera attached an ankle cuff to Daniel's leg, and snapped a leash onto the cuff, and then locked the other end of the leash to the base of Daniel's bed.

Once Daniel was leashed like a little puppy, Mr. Frontera put a hand on his shoulder, "We will leave you here for the rest of the day. But it would be wise if you get to sleep early, because Terry will be coming down to wake you up at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

As Terry, Robin, and their father started up the stairs, Mr. Frontera noticed a book on the floor, "What's that book doing way over there? That's one of the books that was in your chest of drawers. Daniel, how did it get there?"

End of Part 11

Wakeup Time

(To Be Continued)

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please visit the Randall Austin Archive Group.


Next: Chapter 12

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