Waiting for Vince

By Damian

Published on Jan 29, 2012



I waited to see if Adam would come before I went to lunch, and he did. I explained to him what the doctor had said about needing his permission to share any information with me. He agreed that would be a good idea since he wasn't able to be there himself very much on weekdays, and we got Patty to find the form that he needed to sign.

He sat with his dad for a while, and I left to get a bite to eat and to find my way over to the college. I was pretty sure I knew what I would find out, and I was right.


The Huntingdon campus was pretty deserted -- like it had been two months ago when Vince and I strolled around it during spring break while getting to know each other again after 30 years apart. I thought of that day as I parked and found my way to an information desk, where a bespectacled older woman directed me to the housing office. Now that school of out for the summer, there was only one person in the office -- a Mr. Young.

I explained to him that I was a friend of one of his college's students, Trevor Butler, who lived in Searcy Hall, and who was recovering in a local hospital from a sudden appendectomy. I explained that he still had his unclaimed possessions in his room. I said that Trevor wanted to know if he could possibly stay there until he had recovered well enough to take a bus home to Virginia for the summer.

A tall, thin bookish-looking man, Mr. Young was reserved but pleasant. He explained that all their residence halls were scheduled for immediate full-scale maintenance, including painting, and that Trevor would not be able to stay on campus while that was going on. Besides, there would be no food service or air-conditioning.

He offered to check on Trevor's possessions because he didn't know that he had not left campus yet. We walked together to Searcy Hall, and he unlocked Trevor's room with a master key. He was surprised to see that the room was as Trevor apparently left it on Saturday afternoon when he was taken to the hospital. One desk -- his roommate's, I assumed -- was bare, but the other one still had books, papers, and personal items on it, and there were clothes in one closet. A couple of small boxes had been packed up and left on one bed, as if Trevor's appendicitis attack had interrupted his moving out process.

"Oh, my," Mr. Young said, shaking his head. "I had no idea. This wasn't reported to me. I thought everyone had vacated the building."

"I could remove it all and store it in my car until Trevor is released from the hospital," I offered. I didn't see any other options, and I didn't want to subject Trevor's stuff to possible theft or disposal.

It was becoming clear to me that the only good option the boy had was to stay with me during his recuperation, but I didn't know how Adam would react to that -- or Vince, if he woke up any time soon. If necessary I was willing to put Trevor up in a motel for a week or so, but I thought that he needed something more than just a place to sleep. He needed someone to take care of him, and I knew in my heart that I was prepared to do that.

"Well, I suppose that would be in order, Mr. Mitchell, but I think I should speak with Mr. Butler to verify your story and get his permission to release his possessions to you. Not that I distrust you, but I just need to be sure that everyone is in agreement before we proceed with a plan of action."

Mr. Young was obviously a very by-the-book sort of guy. And very formal in his demeanor.

"Do you have a cell phone on you, sir? I have Trevor's hospital phone number here with me."

"Excellent. Let me have it and I'll try to reach him right now."

After getting Trevor on the line, Mr. Young explained to him that his room needed to be vacated and that a man by the name of Drew Mitchell had offered to pack up and store his possessions until he could get out of the hospital.

Trevor assured the man that I should be allowed to do that. However, I could tell from what I overheard Mr. Young say that Trevor was upset about not being allowed to return to his room during his recuperation.

I asked Mr. Young if I could speak to Trevor while he still had him on the line, and he passed the cell phone to me.

"Trevor, is there anything in your room that you'd like for me to bring you this afternoon?"

He thanked me profusely for being willing to help him out by emptying out his dorm room but said that he couldn't think of much that he needed. He did ask for some clean underwear and socks to wear when he was released.

"Drew?" I heard him say as I was about to hang up.

"Would you please check under my, uh, mattress when you're packing things up? I left a couple of magazines there."

"Sure, Trev. No problem. I think I'll go out now and look for a couple of boxes. With any luck, I'll be back up to see you...and Mr. Paulson of course...later this afternoon."

"Okay -- thank you SO much once again. You're a lifesaver."

I handed Mr. Young's cell phone back to him and asked him how I could get back in after getting some boxes. He said to meet him back in his office and he'd escort me back to the room.

It was kind of eerie going through Trevor's stuff and packing it up an hour later. I felt like I was invading his privacy, but on the other hand I knew I was doing the kid a huge favor. He didn't have a lot actually, so it didn't take me more than about an hour to pack it up and store it in Vince's car.

Besides the usual school-related books and papers, I found a photo of Trevor standing in front of a modest house with a woman who was apparently his mother. She looked small and frail standing next to him, and they had their arms around each other.

From the looks of his wardrobe, he wasn't a flashy dresser, but I had expected his possessions to be modest based on his statements about his home life.

There was an open box of condoms in one drawer and a dish of loose change. I thought it odd that there was no sign of a computer or any other tech gadgets. Perhaps he couldn't afford them. There was a cell phone cord plugged into the wall but no cell phone. I surmised it was in his pocket when he was taken to the hospital.

At the last minute I remembered what he said about checking under his mattress. I found two issues of Freshmen magazine, which didn't surprise me too much. He was such a gentle, sensitive kid that I knew it was highly likely that he was gay, and this was his way of letting me know. He probably had me figured out, too, but I'd cross that bridge later.

I was about to leave his room with the last load when my cell phone rang. The display showed a familiar Alabama number.

"Hello, Adam," I said. "Are you back at work now?"

"Yes, Drew, I am. I need to talk to you about something. Where are you?"

"I'm glad you called, Adam. I wanted to talk to you, too. I'm in Trevor's dorm room. He asked me to see if I could talk to someone here about his possessions and how long he could stay here."

"Yes, I know. He told me you were going to do that. What did you find out?"

"The college let me see his room. They didn't know he hadn't moved out yet, but they said he can't return due to maintenance issues. I offered to pack up his stuff, and I'm just finishing up here."

"That's very nice of you, Drew. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. Listen, I had a little talk with Trevor while I was at the hospital. To make a long story short, I know he's in a predicament and I was wondering how you would feel about taking him to Dad's house after he's released from the hospital. I really feel sorry for him now that his mother was not able to come down here. Would that be too much of an inconvenience for you?"

I breathed a sigh of relief. I hadn't been looking forward to asking Adam if I could do that, and now it turned out that it became his idea!

"I think that's a wonderful idea, Adam, and I don't mind at all. I could use the company during your dad's time in the hospital, and I know that Trevor really doesn't have any other viable options. But are you sure you're comfortable with this idea? He'd have to be left alone part of the time. How would your dad react?

"I've talked to Trevor enough in the past 24 hours that I'm entirely comfortable with it, and I think Dad would approve, too. It's the kind of thing he would do for someone in need."

"Well, it's really up to you, Adam, but I have to say that I was already thinking of asking you if we could do this for Trevor. I'm going to the house now with his stuff and I'll set him up in the third bedroom. Then I'll go back and check on him and your dad around 4. Are you coming back to the hospital?"

"Yes, I'll be back between 5 and 5:30 for a little while. See you then. I'm glad we're on the same page about what we can do for Trevor. He's really a likeable kid, isn't he?"

"He sure is, Adam. It was really nice of you to suggest it. See you later. Bye."

Wow! I simply couldn't believe that Adam had called me with this idea before I could call him. It really made me feel a connection to him that I hadn't really felt before.

By the time I had transferred all of Trevor's stuff to the small bedroom at the back of the house, I was sweaty and exhausted from the hot, humid weather that I wasn't used to yet. Indianapolis sure wasn't this hot in late May. I had to shower and change clothes before I could go out again.

When I got back to the hospital, Trevor was looking much better. I wished I could say the same about Vince, who was unchanged. But Trevor's eyes revealed a more positive feeling that had been missing this morning.

"Hi, Trev. How are you doing?"

"Hi, Drew. I'm a little better now, I think. I've been up three times now for short walks, and I feel a little more human now."

"That's good -- I'm glad."

I showed him a plastic bag I'd brought that contained the clean underwear and socks he had requested and then put it in the cabinet next to his bed.

"Come here," he said, patting the side of his bed and reaching for my hand. "Sit here a minute. I just want you to know that I really appreciate what you did for me today. That was really nice of you to talk to the college housing guy and pack up my stuff. I can't thank you enough."

"You're welcome. I was happy to be able to do something for you -- I could tell you needed a hand."

I kept looking over at Vince and praying for some sign of movement, but I didn't see any. He didn't look like he had moved a muscle since I first saw him two days ago.

"Trevor, I've got some news for you. I think you'll like it."

"What could that be?" he said, looking puzzled.

"I'm staying in Mr. Paulson's house while he's in the hospital -- I'm just visiting here from Indianapolis until he recovers. His son Adam said I should do that, and I'm also using Vince's car. What this all means for you is that Adam and I are inviting you to stay in Vince's house with me until you feel well enough to take the bus back home to spend the summer with your mother. I was going to ask Adam if I could make that offer, but he suggested it to me first, based on your conversations with him over the past couple of days. So what do you think?"

Trevor looked at me like he'd just won the lottery, smiling broadly but also with a tear running down his cheek.

"I can't believe you guys would do that for me -- you hardly even know me," he said squeezing my hand tightly.

"Well, it'll be no trouble at all, and I'll be glad to have some company around the house. You're going to need someone to look after you for at least a few days until you get your strength back. I'm not the world's greatest cook, but if you can stand TV dinners and simple meals, I'll try to see that you don't starve to death."

"What I've been starving for is for someone to care about me, Drew, even if only temporarily. This just blows my mind."

"Well, it's not like you had a lot of options, is it?"

"It sure isn't. Without you -- and Adam -- I'd be out on the street in a few days."

He opened his arms and I bent over while he gave me a tight appreciative hug.

"What did you do with all my stuff?"

"I've already moved it into a spare bedroom in Vince's house. We'll have to share a bathroom, if you don't mind."

"Mind? How could I `mind' anything you're offering me? I'd sleep in the back yard if you wanted me to. I don't want to be any trouble."

"Well, I'll put your cute behind to work helping me clean house once you're feeling better."

"Drew...did you find the magazines I asked you to look for under my mattress?"


"Then you know, don't you? I'm gay. Is that going to be a problem for you?"

"Not at all. I am, too."

"I kinda thought so," he said with a smile. "You and Mr. Paulson are more than just friends, aren't you?"

"Very perceptive of you, Trevor. But it also means that he and I are committed to each other. This arrangement is going to be strictly platonic -- understand?"

"Yes. You're the boss. I'll do whatever you say. Does Adam know about you and his dad?"

"He knows, but it's new information to him. We haven't had a chance to talk much about it, but I know he knows. His dad told him fairly recently. He's still getting used to it."

"Does he have to know about me?"

"I think it's best to keep that information just between us, unless he asks -- and I doubt that he will."

"Will Mr. Paulson approve of this idea when he wakes up?"

"Adam assures me that he'll be fine with it -- he likes helping people, too. If you stay out of my bed and I stay out of yours, I think everything will be just fine."

"I read Freshmen magazine for a reason, Drew. No offense, but I'm not into older guys."

"No problem. I'm not into young ones -- even though you are cute as a bug."

He blushed and grinned, and I felt a surge of affection for him.

"Thanks. I think you're pretty handsome yourself -- for an `old man'!" He smiled teasingly.

"Easy on the `old,' my lad. Someday you'll be my age, too, if you're lucky."

"All I want right now is to get back on my feet."

"I'm here to see that you do. Looks like nurse Patty is here to get you up again."

Trevor took his fourth walk of the day while I sat with Vince and told him over and over how much I loved him and wanted him back to normal. I could only hope that he heard me.

The boy returned shortly and went into the bathroom still tethered to his IV pole. Apparently he didn't need the pee bottle anymore. About then Adam appeared at the door.

"How's Dad?" he asked. "And where's Trevor?"

"Your dad is still the same, and Trevor is in the bathroom."

"Did you tell him about our offer of a place to stay?"

"Yes, and he's over the moon about it. Thanks again for suggesting it."

Trevor appeared just then and spotted Adam. Before Adam could say anything, Trevor threw his arms around him.

"Thank you sooo much, Adam, for letting me stay with Drew in your dad's house when I get out of here. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it."

A little flustered, Adam hugged the boy back tentatively. I don't think he was used to man-to-man hugging.

"You're welcome, Trevor. We're glad to be able to help you out."

After Trevor got back in his bed, I was suddenly aware of being profoundly tired. While I had been more than happy to empty out Trevor's dorm room, it had been a chore in the Alabama heat and no air conditioning there. Of course, it was cool in Vince's air-conditioned house and in the hospital, but I was beginning to feel like a wet noodle.

While Adam sat with his father and kept one ear on Trevor and me, I told the boy that I was going to have to head home for the night. I made sure he had my landline phone number in Vince's house and told him to call me if he detected any change in Vince. Adam wrote down his home phone number for Trevor as well and asked for the same thing.

"How soon do you think they'll spring you out of here, Trev?" I asked. "Do you know yet?"

"No, they haven't talked about that with me yet, but I'm sure feeling better today than I did yesterday. I'll ask and let you know tomorrow if I find out."

"Well, your room is ready and Nurse Drew is prepared to be sure you get the best of care. Do you mind if I go ahead and start washing up your clothes tonight? I didn't see much that looked clean frankly."

"Yeah, I know. With finals this past week I didn't find time to get to the laundry room. I'm surprised you found any clean undies and socks for me."

"There weren't many -- that's for sure. Even your hanging clothes looked like they could stand some freshening up."

"You're an angel-man, Drew, but don't spend your whole evening doing that."

"Believe me, I won't. I need some dinner and a little R & R tonight. It's been a long day."

"Good night, fellas," I said after patting Vince on the hand and searching futilely for any sign of improvement.

"Good night, Drew," Adam and Trevor said in unison, but it was Vince's voice that I longed to hear again.

After I got home I sorted Trevor's meager clothes into two piles and started a load of his white laundry in the washer. I heated up my dinner, such as it was, in the microwave and ate it in Vince's TV room with a drink and with my feet up in his recliner. I could envision a time when there might be dual recliners in that room, just for the two of us.

There were not enough dishes to wash, so I put Trevor's clothes in the dryer and settled in for an evening of reading. I must have dozed off, because the dryer buzzer startled me. I looked down and saw that I had read only two pages during that 45 minutes. I folded his underwear, socks, and some T-shirts on his bed and put them into an empty drawer. I nearly cried when I saw how worn they all looked. It was obvious that the kid hadn't had any new clothes since starting college last fall. He was living on a shoestring. Either that or his tastes were very simple. He did apparently manage to find enough money to buy two copies of Freshmen. We all have our priorities, after all!

I hadn't paid that much attention while boxing up his stuff in his dorm room because I was in such a rush to get out of the heat, but now I had more time to assess his situation, and I found it grim. I had found only two pair of shoes and only enough clothes to last about a week to 10 days.

I tidied up his room as best I could but left the stuff from his dorm desk boxed up for him to deal with. The sheets on the bed seemed clean. I wanted him to feel at home right away, assuming it would not be long before he was discharged.

I tried not to snoop too much in his stuff, feeling that I was already finding out more about him than I had a right to know. But what I did know tugged at my heartstrings and made me better understand Vince's connection to Adam. I'd never had a son, but I had a better inkling now as to what it would feel like to care about a young man like I was starting to care about Trevor. I'd known him for only two days and already I was consumed with a desire to make a difference in his life. By offering him a temporary place to live, I had already done that, but I knew he needed more. Much more.

(To be continued)

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Damian nvtahoeus@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 8

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