Waiting for Vince

By Damian

Published on Jan 9, 2012



"Drew, I never knew...just never knew what I've been missing. That was unbelievably fantastic, and I didn't know I had it in me anymore."

"Oh, you had it in you all right, my sweet Vince. And now you've shared it with me. You're part of me now."

We made our way over to the bed. I didn't expect Vince to reciprocate just yet, and he didn't. I was sure he would need time to work up to that, but it was enough just feeling his body next to me. He held me like I had held him last night, and we both drifted off for a long nap.


Dozing longer than we had planned, Vince and I had to scramble a bit to get ready for his grandchildren's arrival at 6 p.m. They arrived with both their parents, and we both greeted them at Vince's front door. I hung back a bit, but Adam offered me another handshake and introduced his wife Sarah and the kids -- 5-year-old Tyler and 3-year-old Todd -- who were already bouncing around the house like playful little otters.

Adam still looked at me a bit warily, but Sarah could not have been more gracious as she took my hand in both of hers and said hello.

"So nice to meet you, sir. Adam tells me that you've known Papa Vince for a long time," she said.

"Since we were six years old, Sarah," Vince piped in.

"Yes, we grew up together over in Oak Park and went to school together at Lanier and then 'Bama," I added.

"Why haven't I heard about you before, Mr. Mitchell? I don't believe Dad has mentioned you."

That hurt a little, I had to admit to myself.

"Call me Drew, Adam. I left Montgomery before you were even born. I've been living up in Indianapolis all this time. It's great to be back and reconnecting with your dad after all these years."

"I think my mother may have mentioned something about you one time -- that story sounds a little familiar."

"I knew your mother even before she and Vince were married, Adam. She was a wonderful person, and I extend my deepest condolences to you and your father on her passing."

"Thank you, sir. We miss her every day."

"The boys have been fed, Papa Vince. Would you mind giving them a bath and then putting them down by 8, like usual?" their mother said.

"Sure enough, if I can catch them," Vince said with a grandfatherly smile as the boys chased each other around the house, laughing and squealing. "You two just go and have a good time. Drew will help me corral them."

"Well, good luck -- you'll need it," Adam said with a wink. I already had the idea that he might be warming up to me a little, but I knew that could change on a dime if and when he learned that his ol' man and I were apparently now more than just old friends. I wondered if Vince would have the balls to come out to his sweet loving family. It would be a major step that I could only imagine.

We played with the boys for an hour or so. In addition to the toys that were already in the house, they had brought some toys with them that they were only too gleeful to share with us -- at that age, any excuse for attention would do, and these two little lads were absolutely delightful.

Later Vince ran a shallow tub of warm water, and we managed to get them in -- and then out 20 minutes later -- without soaking our clothing, or the bathroom floor, more than a little. After they streaked through the house for a couple of minutes, we managed to get them into their pajamas and settled down into bed.

I didn't know about Vince, but I was certainly ready for a drink after all that -- I hadn't been around little children lately and had forgotten how much energy they have. We sat down with our drinks on his den couch, like we had the previous afternoon, finally having a chance to catch our breath and enjoy each other's company.

For several seconds neither of us spoke -- we just enjoyed the peace and quiet. I reached out for Vince's socked feet and pulled them onto my lap so I could give him a gentle foot rub like he'd given me the previous evening. He set his drink down on the table and closed his eyes, savoring the touch of my warm hands.

"Vince?" I finally said to him.


"You know that thing you said earlier today about needing a man in your bed?"

"Um-hmm," he purred.

"I'd like to apply for that position whenever you're ready."

He looked over and smiled at me wickedly.

"Well, the position doesn't pay very much, and you'd have to be naked all night long and be willing to do things that some people would find downright lewd."

"I think that could be arranged, but I think you should test-drive me some more before you make up your mind. I'm not exactly a new model, you know -- I've been around the block a few times."

"So I hear, but spare me the details, young man. I'd love to test-drive you some more, but I think we'd better wait until after they pick up the kids. We've already been caught in just our bathrobes today."

Just then Adam called to see how things were going. Vince assured him that all was well and that the boys were sound asleep.

"Are you and Sarah having a good time, Adam?"

After they talked a bit, Vince said, "Sure, son -- no problem," and hung up.

"Adam wanted to know if we could keep the boys till morning. I think he and Sarah want to have a little alone time tonight, if you know what I mean."

"Makes perfect sense to me. It means we could start our own `alone time' right now and not wait up for them. What do you think?"

"Sounds good to me. Help me tidy up a bit and get the lights off, and we'll see what mischief we can get into in the shower tonight."

If there was anything better than sleeping with Vince, I decided, it was taking a shower with him and being able to run our soapy hands all over each other's completely naked body. We again nearly drained the hot water tank as we washed every inch of each other, including an inch or so up inside where the sun doesn't shine. Everything I did to Vince he did back to me without hesitation. Despite his inexperience at "man handling," it was becoming apparent to me that he had an innate sense of how to surrender his body to my loving ministrations -- and how to reciprocate in kind.

We slept together for a second night in the guest room, setting the alarm so we would be sure to be up and dressed when Adam and Sarah came to pick up the kids. While Vince nodded off to sleep in the same spooning position we were in the previous night, it took me a while to get to sleep.

If I hadn't already been in love with Vince for most of my life, I was certainly falling hard for him now. But could we really make it work? I had a good job and a nice apartment, not to mention some good friends up in Indianapolis, and he had his life here. How would he be able to explain me -- not only to his family but to his work colleagues, neighbors, and friends in this conservative heart of the Bible Belt? It wouldn't be easy. Maybe even impossible. I tossed and turned as I thought about it.

Vince woke up first the next day, which was a Sunday. When I finally did wake up, I was completely uncovered and a finger was making rings around one of my nipples, causing it to harden. Something else was hard, too, and I noticed my bedmate staring at it lovingly, while propped up on one elbow.

"Morning, sexy," he said.

"Umm, I'm not used to so much attention first thing in the morning," I replied. "It's kinda nice."

"Just `kinda'?"

"Umm, well, maybe more than just `kinda.' How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock. You?"

"Well, not at first. I was lying awake worrying about something."

"And what would that be?"

"You, if you must know. You're making me rethink a few things."

"Like what, my friend?"

"Like how could I ever live without you again now that I've found you?"

"What makes you think you're going to live without me? You left me once, and once was enough."

"Maybe we'd better get up and pee before we talk about anything heavy."

"That thing you pee through looks pretty heavy to me."

"I can do more than pee through it, you know."

"I'm anxious for you to show me what else it can do."

"Gladly, but let me up if you don't want wet sheets."

Vince and I did something then that we hadn't done since we were about 10 years old. We stood at the toilet and peed together, crossing streams like fencers cross swords.

We didn't have any more time to mess around, unfortunately, so we got ourselves dressed and went to the kitchen to grab some coffee. The little ones were now awake and joined us for a bowl of cereal.

"Grandpa, why are we still here?" Tyler asked, having expected to go home the night before.

"Your mommy and daddy called and said they would pick you up this morning, Tyler."

"Oh. Will you and Mr. Drew play some more with us?"

"Sure, boys. Just let me stack these dishes in the sink, and we'll come and play with you until your parents get here."

Adam and Sarah showed up precisely at 9 a.m., just as they had promised. Adam looked a little hung over, but Sarah looked like the proverbial blushing bride. It was clear they had had their fun last night.

"Mommy! Daddy!" the boys screamed, as they rushed into the arms of their parents.

"How did everything go last night, fellas?" Adam asked. I thought it was nice that he included both Vince and me in that question.

"We had a great time, didn't we, boys? They were very good and slept right through until morning, didn't they, Drew?" Vince said, looking over at me.

"You two have a couple of wonderful boys there," I assured Adam and Sarah. "It was a real pleasure getting to know them."

"Thanks, Mr. Mitchell," Sarah said. "I hope they didn't spoil your evening."

"Not at all, Sarah. And don't forget -- I'm Drew."

"How long are you staying, Mr....er, Drew?" Adam asked. Vince and I had not even discussed this topic, so I looked over at him and said, "Well, I think your dad needs to go back to work tomorrow, so I think I'll be heading out tomorrow morning."

Vince looked away.

"Well, I'm sure Dad will be happy to see you again any time you can make it back down this way."

"I've come to a new appreciation for my old hometown, Adam, so I imagine you'll be seeing me again before too long. Your dad and I still have some catching up to do after 30 years apart."

Vince's eyes briefly met mine, and Sarah glanced back and forth between us. I think she saw something that her husband might have seen, too, but probably wanted not to see at the same time. From her kind smile and the light in her eyes, I recognized a likely ally in my quest to reconnect with her father-in-law for more than just a weekend. Sarah seemed like one very savvy young woman.

After they left, I asked Vince why he hadn't ask them to come in and sit down a while.

"Oh, it's just not usually our habit when they pick the boys up. They're all anxious to get home. Besides, I'm still a little uncomfortable with this...situation of ours."

We returned to the kitchen, refilled our coffee cups, and went out on the patio to enjoy the flower gardens.

"I think we need to talk, Vince."

After we had sat down out on the patio, I began.

"Vince, I don't think I have to tell you that this has been an amazing weekend for me. All I had really hoped for was a chance to see you again and to rekindle our former friendship, but you've given me so much more -- as well as quite a lot to think about."

"I feel the same way, Drew."

"But, buddy, I have to tell you that I'm getting some mixed signals from you about where we might go from here."

"I know -- I'm aware of that, Drew, but if you could walk in my shoes for a while I think you'd understand where that's coming from. Your unexpected visit has turned my life around in less than 48 hours. On the one hand, I feel happier at this moment than I ever thought I'd feel again and I want it to continue, but on the other hand I've got my family to think about."

"I don't have a family myself, Vince, but I can certainly see that you're close to yours. All of them are just wonderful, and I'd never want to get in the way of that. But you have to know that I'm committed to doing whatever I can to see to it that we don't ever lose touch again like we did 30 years ago."

"I don't want to lose touch with you either, Drew. In fact, I meant what I said about needing a man in my life now, and I want that man to be you. Aside from my family, no one else could possibly matter as much to me now as you do."

Another prolonged silence ensued as we stopped to absorb what each other was saying. Finally Vince continued.

"Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"

"Well, I don't have to, but you're working and I should get back to my job by mid week."

"Can you come back sometime soon?"

"Well, I don't have a lot of vacation time, but I could come back down for Memorial Day weekend. Would that be okay?"

"Sure, Drew, but that's still two months away. You've spoiled me now, and I want much more of what we've shared this weekend."

Another pause ensued as Vince and I seemed to be reluctantly coming to terms with being alone again. We were both used to it, but that didn't mean we liked it. I reached over and put my hand on his and squeezed it. He smiled at me, but it was clear that he was in pain over my imminent departure.

We decided to go out for a long walk in a local park and for some lunch. Afterward, we went back to his house for another "nap," but this time not much sleeping got done. It was becoming clear to me just how much Vince had missed me and how glad he was that I had come back into his life.

This little gamble of mine had paid off big time, and I silently thanked my lucky stars over and over again that I had risked contacting him again. As late as Friday evening, I had despaired of Vince ever showing up in that bar, and now -- less than two days later -- we were talking about our mutual need for a new life together. It was mind-boggling, but oh so exhilarating!

That evening he prepared a mouth-watering barbecue farewell dinner for us. I could cook, but I had never learned how to "cook Southern" like he could. If he was trying to set the bait for my return visit, he was doing a heck of a job.

We spent the evening talking openly about ways in which we could possibly plan a future together. It was clear that the only viable option we had was for me to relocate to Montgomery. He wasn't about to leave his family behind, and I understood.

"If I do that, Vince, you have to be willing to be open with Adam and his family beforehand. I couldn't come here and just pretend to be only your friend. Do you think you could do that?"

"I don't know how I'm going to do it, Drew, but I want you here badly enough that I'll find a way."

"Well, let's give it some time so they can get to know me and get used to the idea. The other stipulation I would have is that I couldn't live in this house with you, and I don't think you would want me to try. This is your and Anne's house, and that needs to be respected. I don't think it could ever be mine."

"That would be even harder than telling my family, Drew. I've lived here for 30 years."

"Yes, but you lived here with Anne and Adam. We would need to start fresh in some other house -- I can visit here for now, but eventually I'd want us to find our own place to live."

"You're giving me lots to think about, Drew."

"Yeah, but I'm worth it, aren't I?" I teased.

"You got me there, my friend. You're definitely worth it, and you always have been. I just wish I could have proven it by writing you a few letters over the years."

"I wish you could have, too, Vince, but that's water over the dam now. I'd settle for an occasional e-mail now."

"I think you can count on that, my friend. That wasn't an option 30 years ago."

When we said our tearful goodbyes in his living room early the next morning, I was sad on one hand but elated on the other. I had found what I had come to Montgomery for -- and much, much more. But now it was time for us to part again.

As I left, promising to return in two months, I felt a certain irony. I had waited 30 years for Vince. Now it was his turn to wait for me.

(To be continued)

Thanks to all who have written to me so far, especially those who have shared a similar reminiscence from their own personal past and have been moved by this semi-fictional one. Please don't reproduce any part of this story without permission, but do write to me if you're so moved. I answer every e-mail, but I don't accept invitations to link to social networking sites. Please put "Vince" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam. Mention your location, if you don't mind. Thank you.

To see a clickable list of my other Nifty stories, please click on the "Authors" tab on the Nifty site. Then scroll down and click on "Damian" (but note that "Damian Chandler," just below my name, is a different author). I encourage you to make a donation to Nifty to support the work they do to make these stories available.

Damian (nvtahoeus@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 5

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