Waiting for Vince

By Damian

Published on Jan 1, 2012



The guest bathroom was connected to the bedroom I'd been assigned to without me having to walk through the shared hallway. I took my clothes off in my bedroom, walked naked to the bathroom, and let the water run for a while to get hot. I was just finishing washing my face when I turned and was stunned to see an equally nude Vince come into the shower stall with me. My heart leapt.

Apparently he had not had to think about it for very long.

I hadn't seen his body since our senior year at UA, but it was just as stunning to me now and I felt myself getting hard already.

"If we're going to re-enact a sleepover I suppose we should do what we used to do beforehand and bathe together," he said, looking my body over from head to toe. "Get your hair wet and let me give you a shampoo."


I closed my eyes and let Vince massage my scalp with the sudsy shampoo. No one had done that to me since I was a little boy, and it felt heavenly. I tried to keep from getting all the way hard as our bare cocks danced against each other. I didn't want to scare him away now that he'd been brave enough to join me in such an intimate setting, but I couldn't help it.

As if aware of my growing erection, Vince turned me around to face the wall as he carefully washed my back, starting with a sensuous soapy shoulder rub that caused my nipples to harden and raised goose bumps up and down my arms. Then he washed the rest of my back, stopping just short of my butt. I took over washing my lower half as he watched.

"Let me return the favor," I said, after I rinsed my hair and body and stood aside from the showerhead. I let him get good and wet while I admired his splendid body like I had done so many times before in our younger years -- whether he ever knew it or not.

As I washed his hair, he closed his eyes and leaned into me far enough for me to know that he was now as hard as I was. When I was done I lifted his chin, and I kissed him gently on the cheek. He didn't pull away or even open his eyes, so I ever so gently touched my lips to his for the very first time, sending shockwaves pulsing through my body. I had often dreamed of this moment but never thought it would ever happen.

He responded by opening his lips slightly, and I grazed my tongue on them momentarily before I continued the kiss, with increasing urgency.

"I shouldn't..." he started as he pulled back slightly, but then -- as if he was reconsidering -- he stroked the side of my face with his hand. I'd heard of approach-avoidance conflicts before, and this was clearly a classic -- it was written all over his face. In the very house he'd shared with his beloved wife Anne for 27 years, he had just kissed a man for the first time in his life and he didn't honestly know how to react.

No words came out of his mouth, but his cock said it all. I looked down to be sure he was still hard, and he was. I let my hands roam down his chest and felt the firmness of his nipples with my thumbs. His eyes were still closed, indicating his complete trust in me. I thought I heard a soft moan, but I wasn't sure -- the sound of the shower water had almost drowned it out.

I took the bar of soap from the ledge and got my hands as sudsy as possible before washing his chest. I swear I could almost feel his heart beating.

"Raise your arms," I said and proceeded to wash his pits as he spread his feet apart to keep his balance.

"Now turn around."

I washed his back as carefully as he had washed mine, but I didn't stop at his waist. I let my soapy hands drift down over his hips and then bent down to wash his legs, one at a time. I was hard as a rock, and I knew he was too. He gasped as I tentatively reached around to wash his dick and balls with my left hand while I washed his butt with the other -- very thoroughly, but oh so gently. I had him on the brink for a minute or so as he leaned against the wall of the shower on his upraised arms. Soon he let loose against the wall as his ass muscles tightened against my fingers, savoring the feeling of a man's hands on his body for the first time.

"Oh, God, it's been so long..." I heard him say.

On the brink myself, I slipped my soapy dick between his ass cheeks and came hard against the back of his scrotum as I kissed the back of his neck and held him tightly around his waist. We both were breathing heavily as we came down from our highs.

I washed my liquid love from his private parts and turned him around so we were facing each for the first time since our near-simultaneous climaxes. We had come through a huge turning point in our relationship and just looked at each other in wonder and disbelief.

"Are you okay, Vince?" I timidly asked, almost afraid of what his reaction might be.

Wrapping his hands behind my head, he pulled me forward and planted another kiss on my lips.

"That was amazing, Drew. But you look a little like a drowned rat, you know? Don't you think we should get dried off and go to bed now?"

"In the same one?" I asked, pretty sure that I knew the answer.

"What do you think?" he said with a big smile, turning off the water and handing me a towel.

Vince must have been exhausted by his first foray into gay sex because he was asleep almost as soon as he crawled in beside me -- still naked. I was all those things, too -- exhausted, naked, and very, very happy. I spooned the hind side of his body up against the front of me and held him tightly.

"Good night, my sweet Vince," I whispered in his ear, but he was already dreaming.

I woke first and was aware of my morning wood snuggling in between Vince's buns. He was still curled up in the same position and breathing shallowly. I ran my free hand down his side and one thigh, marveling at the sheer beauty and closeness of the friend I had loved for so long.

This was something we had never done in bed as boys sleeping over or as older teens sharing a dorm room, but I had often wondered what it would be like if it ever did happen. The reality was even better than my dreams and fantasies.

I kissed the back of Vince's neck and let my wandering hand slide up the front of his thigh until it reached his cut penis. Like me, he was engorged to the max, and I took the opportunity to examine it with my fingertips, giving him gentle little squeezes. Before long, I felt little droplets of his precum, and I rubbed them all around the head of his six-inch erection.

That did it. He awoke with a start and rolled over on his back, exposing his manhood for my visual as well as tactile examination.

"Umm, what a way to wake up," he mumbled, stretching and still groggy from having been sound asleep only moments earlier. "There seems to be a hand on my private parts and I'm going to give you just ten minutes to cut it out."

He slapped my wandering hand teasingly and gave me that smug little Vince Paulson smile that I remembered so well. He didn't seem at all remorseful about our shenanigans in the shower last night.

"I could put more than my hand on it if you have no objections, sir."

"What do you mean?"

The guy looked genuinely puzzled and I remembered how inexperienced he was in the ways of man-on-man sex. I stuck out my tongue slightly and ran it over my lips and wiggled my eyebrows up and down. He caught my drift.

"Hmm...well, I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet. Let me up so I can take a leak and I'll think about it."

"With any luck, you won't think about it any longer than it took you to think about having a sleepover with me last night -- which I think was about a minute and 37 seconds if I remember correctly."

"You're wrong, you devil -- it wasn't a second more than 45 seconds. The thought of being naked with you in that shower stall was all it took for me to make up my mind. Now if you'll excuse me I have a bladder to drain."

I watched his ass as he hopped out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. I used to watch that perfect little ass more often than he realized when he was my roommate in college and getting dressed in the morning and undressed every night before we went to our separate beds. I wondered now if he had ever sneaked peeks at my bare butt. After our dialogue on his den couch the previous day, I think it was certainly a distinct possibility.

He had left the bathroom door open, so I gave him a moment and then walked in to take the same opportunity to relieve myself. I noticed he was still about half hard as he shook off the last drops. I took his place in front of the toilet and let loose with a long stream as he watched. I was in the same semi-turgid state as he was, made all the more turgid by his open staring at my nakedness.

"Haven't you ever seen a guy take a leak before?" I teased.

"Not really. You don't mind, do you?"

"Whatever turns you on."

We washed our hands together. Then without saying a word, we both headed back for the bed for some more snuggle time -- this time fully awake.

About an hour later, after taking turns lying on top of each other and exploring every body part God had given us, Vince suggested we make our way into the kitchen for some coffee. He threw a robe on and gave me a spare one, and we slipped some socks on to keep our feet warm on the cool tile floor.

As we sat talking at the kitchen table, we heard a door open in the front of the house, and Vince's eyes got big as saucers as he drew his robe tighter around his chest and turned ashen.

"Hey, Dad, where are you?"

The young man then spotted his father in the kitchen, but he couldn't see me yet as he said, "There you are -- I thought you'd be dressed by now. Whose car is that in the dr...?"

As he turned the corner into the kitchen, I locked eyes with one of the handsomest young men I'd ever seen. He had his father's slim build, mop of hair, and vertical shaped head and his mother's sparkling friendly eyes that I remembered so well.

"Um, Adam, I want you to meet an old friend of mine -- my best friend ever. This is Drew Mitchell -- we grew up on the same block and were college roommates. Drew, this is my son Adam."

"I'm pleased to meet you, sir," he said in his soft Southern drawl, almost identical in tone to that of his father's, as he shook my hand firmly. Despite his politeness, he looked genuinely curious at the sight of his father and his friend sitting in the kitchen in our bathrobes at 9:30 in the morning.

"Drew is visiting here from Indianapolis, and I invited him to be my houseguest for the weekend. We're a little slow getting up and dressed, as you can see. Still enjoying our morning coffee."

"That's okay. I didn't mean to disturb you, but I did mention that I'd be coming over this morning to borrow that navy sport coat I need for a party that Sarah and I are going to tonight."

"I'm sorry, Adam. It slipped my mind. You know where my clothes are -- help yourself to whatever you need."

"Okay, I'll be right back."

As Adam was walking down the hall to his father's bedroom, Vince suddenly winced, apparently remembering something.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He's going to see the pile of clothes I took off before our shower last night -- and the fact my bed is made and yours isn't."

Vince's concern seemed to be warranted when we saw Adam's face as he returned with the jacket he wanted. He looked a little baffled but didn't say anything.

"Would you like some coffee, Adam?" Vince said, stalling for time.

"Um, no, I'd better get on home. I promised Sarah I'd watch the kids while she went shopping this morning. It was nice to meet you, Mr. Mitchell. I hope you have a pleasant time with my dad."

If he only knew how pleasant it had been!

"Nice to meet you, too, Adam. Have fun at the party tonight."

Vince walked his son to the front door, leaving me in the kitchen but still able to hear a little of what they were saying. I only heard a few phrases like "clothes on the floor" and "bathrobe this late" and "made your bed already" and "watch the kids tonight." There may have been a hint of anger in Adam's voice, but I couldn't tell exactly whether it was that or just bewilderment.

I heard Vince tell Adam that he'd see him later. Adam was getting the bum's rush from his father, but I understood why. He was clearly embarrassed by the situation and didn't want to deal with it in front of me.

"Your son is very handsome, Vince. Not only that but also very polite. He reminds me of you when you were younger. How old is he now?"

"Adam is 27 -- almost 28," Vince said, looking distressed and not holding eye contact.

"Did I hear something said about kids tonight? Are you babysitting for them?"

"Yes, and I completely forgot I had agreed to that. Seems I've been a little distracted for the past few days."

"Pleasantly so, I hope, if you're referring to me."

"Of course. I haven't been able to think of anything else since I got your letter a week or so ago."

"Would you like for me to disappear before the kids get here tonight, Vince? I could do that. I don't want to cause any more awkwardness here."

Vince looked out the window and seemed to think about it for minute. Looking back at me over the table, he stretched his hand and put it over mine.

"Drew, I'm tired of living a lie, and I've been doing it now for 53 years. I don't regret my past in any way -- I had a near-perfect marriage that produced a wonderful son and two lovely grandchildren -- but the past two days with you has made me realize that I don't want to be alone anymore. Anne is gone, and she's not coming back, and sleeping alone is not my idea of a good time."

"Tell me about it," I interjected. "Been there, done that, way too much myself. So what are you going to do about it, my friend?"

"It's time I had a man in my life, Drew, and I'm going to have to talk to Adam about it. It won't be easy, because he has absolutely no idea that I feel this way, but I've got to do it."

"I still need to know if you want me to disappear tonight, Vince. What do you think?"

"I want you here, Drew -- as long as you don't mind spending your evening with two little kids and their grandpa."

"It would be an honor, Vince. I'd love to meet them. But I promise not to do or say anything to embarrass you."

"Like sitting around in just a bathrobe, you mean?" Vince said with a grin.

"Or holding hands with you or kissing you -- even though I'll want to, of course."

"No more than I will -- I can assure you, Drew. But why don't we get ourselves dressed now before someone else shows up at the door?"

I took Vince out for a hearty brunch at Sinclair's, and then we went for a walk on the Huntingdon College campus. The weather was spectacular, and we enjoyed being out.

"I miss Montgomery, Vince," I said, as we sat next to each other on a bench. It was spring break on campus, so we had the whole place to ourselves. "I should never have left."

"Amen to that, my friend. I already told you that. You took a good piece of my heart with you 30 years ago when you did that."

"Well, if it's not too late, I'd like to return it."

"All I want back is you, Drew. My heart will follow if you just come back here where you belong."

We looked at each other for a long time, saying nothing.

"What would happen if I did, Vince? Is there really room for me in your life -- I don't want to come between you and your family."

"I can find a place for you in my life, my friend. It's right next to me in my bed."

A warm feeling came over me, and it wasn't just from the afternoon sun.

"I don't know, Vince. That's such a big step for both of us. You shared that bed for 27 years with Anne. Maybe it isn't respectful of her memory."

"I know what you're saying, Drew, but I feel Anne looking down on us now and smiling. She knew even better back then than I did how much your friendship meant to me, and it was a long time before she gave up needling me to write to you. I could be at peace with the situation, if you could. I need you, Drew."

Two men don't kiss and hug on public benches in Montgomery, even on a deserted college campus, so I suggested to Vince that we go back to his place, where we would have all the privacy we needed -- until the grandkids arrived, that is.

"Come lie down with me," I said, as we re-entered his house. I took him by the hand, and he didn't resist. When we got to the guest room where we had slept together the night before, we embraced tightly. Leaning him up against the wall, I kissed him with all the passion I could muster and started unbuttoning his shirt.

He returned the favor with equal enthusiasm, and we were soon both naked with our bodies pressed together -- nose to toes. Dropping slowly to my knees on the floor, I kissed his wonderful body, savoring the sight and smell of it until I was in position to gently lick his hard cock. It was time he learned more of the pleasures that two men could give each other.

He moaned loudly when I took his firmness into my hungry mouth and sucked on it eagerly. This was something that I had waited a lifetime to do, and I was going to do everything I could to be sure that both of us would not only remember it but crave it over and over.

Mr. Hair Trigger didn't last as long as I had hoped, but the sweet taste of his semen made up for it as I gratefully took it deep inside myself. I had loved and wanted this man since we were little boys bathing each other and sleeping naked next to each other in our old neighborhood. Vince was my soul mate -- pure and simple -- and I knew I had to do everything in my power to stay close to him, and keep him close to me, for as long as he would have me.

"Drew, I never knew...just never knew what I've been missing. That was unbelievably fantastic, and I didn't know I had it in me anymore."

"Oh, you had it in you all right, my sweet Vince. And now you've shared it with me. You're part of me now."

We made our way over to the bed. I didn't expect Vince to reciprocate just yet, and he didn't. I was sure he would need time to work up to that, but it was enough just feeling his body next to me. He held me like I had held him last night, and we both drifted off for a long nap.

(To be continued)

Thanks to all who have written to me so far, especially those who have shared a similar reminiscence from their own personal past and have been moved by this semi-fictional one. Please don't reproduce any part of this story without permission, but do write to me if you're so moved. I answer every e-mail, but I don't accept invitations to link to social networking sites. Please put "Vince" in the subject line so I know your message is not spam. Mention your location, if you don't mind. Thank you.

To see a clickable list of my other Nifty stories, please click on the "Authors" tab on the Nifty site. Then scroll down and click on "Damian" (but note that "Damian Chandler," just below my name, is a different author). I encourage you to make a donation to Nifty to support the work they do to make these stories available.

Damian (nvtahoeus@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 4

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