Waiting for the Date

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 11, 2006




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



When the phone rang, I was watching television while stretched out on the couch. I could and did grab the phone by reaching over my head and bringing the receiver out by its cord, the receiver spinning madly, which I then caught with my other hand and levered it up to my face in the proper position. This all took about ten seconds, during which time I heard my sister's voice going, "Hello? Hello? Damn it, Kent, quit screwing around with the phone, for God's sake! Answer the phone, Kent, right now, do you hear me?"

And I had the receiver up to my ear at the end of that. "Yeah, I hear you, Phoebe. What do you want?"

"I'm running late at the office." my sister was three years older and had a job already at an office of some sort of other. She had told me about her job, but hell, who listens to his older sister yammer on and on? It involved a lot of time away from the house which was all I cared about.

"Yeah, so?" I asked, yawned.

"Has Alan got there yet? He was supposed to pick me up at six o'clock."

I looked at the clock on the wall. "It's only five forty-five now." I pointed out.

"Has he gotten there yet?"

"Of course not." I said.

"Well, when he gets there, you tell him I'll be home about six forty-five. I've got to fix a contract here at the office, but I will be there and Alan and I can still have a late dinner. I've changed our reservation at La Buccetta to seven-thirty, so we'll be fine. You tell him that for me, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah." I said.

"Kent! Kent, this is important, you don't forget to tell him to wait for me."

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" I moaned. "Sheesh!" How stupid did she think I was, anyhow?

Okay, my sister had asked me to do things for her in the past and I had forgotten to do them. It wasn't like I wanted to be her errand boy to start with! She was always ordering me to do stuff for her. She was...hey, the show was getting good! I settled back down and concentrated on the screen.

A knock at the door just as the show was ending. Damn it! I hate when that happens. I tried to ignore the knock, but the guy just hit harder the second and third time around. "Shit!" I said and got up to answer.

I opened the door and there stood a rather handsome, sandy-haired guy about twenty-five or so. He was wearing a nice dark-colored jacket and tie. Maybe some insurance salesman, at a guess.

"We don't want any." I said to him.

"I came to pick up Phoebe." he said in return. "I'm Alan."

"Huh?" Something about a guy named Alan. "Uh, no, she's not home yet, but come on in. She ought to be here soon." That didn't feel right, but I couldn't think exactly why. I got the guy inside and sitting on the couch, and I sat down beside him, started watching the television again.

About ten minutes later, Alan began to get fidgety. He had tried to talk to me, but I had answered in monosyllables (Yes, I was Phoebe's brother, my name was Kent, I was 18, nearly 19, I went to college, I was on break just now, my parents were visiting relatives so I was alone in the house with just my sister right now, yes, yeah, yah, uh-huh, uh-huh, umph!) and he'd given up.



"Do you know if Phoebe had to work late?" he asked me.

That triggered a bit of a memory, fuzzy and incomplete, but there. "Yeah, she did. She said to, uh...the Bucket at seven thirty." I used the slang name for the restaurant, a real snooty place only about four blocks from the house. Phoebe used it because it was a classy place and if the date turned bad, she could just beg pardon to go powder her nose, and walk home. That's why I knew Alan was a first-date for her.

"She wants me to meet her at La Buccetta at seven thirty?" he said. Looked at his watch. "It's only six-fifteen now. What I am supposed to do for another hour, just sit and wait for her?"

"You can hang here, man, it's cool." I said.

He settled back. "Thanks. Damn! This makes the third time she's done this to me!"

"This is your third date?" That wasn't the Bucket, third date was usually a movie and dinner plus maybe a hand-job in the back seat after for the guy if she liked him. My sister's sex life was pretty carefully planned like the rest of her so-perfect life.

"No, she canceled the other two, but she said this one was for sure."

"Well, she is going to be there at seven-thirty." I said. "Sis usually means what she says, anyhow."

"Yeah." Alan sighed, looked over at me, and dropped a real bombshell. "She told me you were gay."

I got mad. Hell, I had told my Mom and she insisted on sharing it with Dad and my blabber-mouthed sister! And this was the thanks I got! I knew I should have stayed hidden, I knew it! I babbled something like this out loud.

"Hey, hey, it's cool." Alan said with a hand on my wrist as I went by. "I just mentioned it so you'd relax with me. I mean, if we got to sit here another hour."

"Yeah." I sat down but I was still steaming. "Man, I'd like to really get her back! I mean, just really something that would make her jaw drop down. I wish I knew a secret of hers, something I could tell everyone like she told everyone about me."

"Well, Kent, I promise, if she tells me anything like that, I'll let you know, okay?" Alan said and his hand went back on mine again.

I can't call what I felt then as real lust. There was a strong element of revenge in it, and some opportunism, too. "You want to help me get her back?" I said, staring at him intently.

"Uh...yeah." Alan wasn't so sure with me glaring at him, eyes afire with vengeance. "Sure." he said further.

I moved my hand, the one with his hanging onto it, down into his lap and cupped his crotch. "I know just how you can do it." I said.

"How?" His eyes weren't looking at me, they were looking at my hand, now alone (he had snatched his own away when I contacted his basket of goodies), a white form on the dark gray slacks.

"You date her, first two dates, you won't get anything but a kiss good-night. But on the third date, you put the moves on her and she'll offer to give you a handjob. She always does with her dates that last that long. And when she does, you just tell her, `Well, your brother Kent sucked it on our first date.'" I snickered. "That ought to make the set go right out of her hairdo!" I visualized my sister like a cartoon character being surprised, eyes wide, mouth agape, hair pointing straight out in all directions.

"You want to...you want to suck my cock?" Alan asked me.

"Well...yeah." That was part of the plan I had just made. Was he going to say no to me? If he did, I couldn't pull that trick on Phoebe.

I was just about to try to argue with him, or coax him, or beg him or convince him, somehow or other, and Alan just sort of groaned and I felt his cock firm up under my hand. It wasn't a hard-on yet, but it was getting there.

So what I actually said was, "I figured you wouldn't mind helping me."

Alan didn't argue, just scooted forward in his seat a little so I could get at his fly.

He left it to me to take it out. I got his fly unzipped with a bit of effort (the slacks were wrinkled upwards in a high curve and the zipper doesn't like to go up and over that, it took some finagling on my part) and then there was the barrier of his briefs. I tried first to get to the elastic waistband, but that didn't work, I saw the thick white seam-line and experimented, found that below it was another seam that marked the overlapping flap that let me reach in and.... "Ahh, there it is!" I sighed as I felt the hot male meat.

"Yeah." Alan sighed. "There it is."

"Just need to pull this out." I said as I yanked on his dick. I wasn't able to be gentle, but I got him free and when I did, I said, "Now I'm ready to give my sister something to live up to!"

And I thrust my mouth down over his cock. I wasn't gentle again, but Alan didn't care as his throbbing prod slid deep down, into my throat and I hit my nose on his nest of pubic hairs, my chin contacted the tight material of his pants. I'd given him deep throat on the first try! Alan wasn't huge, maybe eight inches of nice-sized cock, but when you take a man's entire dick at any size, he just lies there and moans rather like a kitten purrs when you scratch its ears and for the same reason, because it feels so damned GOOD! "U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uhhh! Ahhhhh, uhhhhh, oh, man, uuuuuhhhhhh!"

Hell, he hadn't seen anything yet! I slurped my lips down tight around his base, and I pulled upwards again, slowly. I moved my tongue so it bathed his shaft with saliva all the way up, greasing him and laving him with my moisture, so that I had a smooth sliding ride up, up, up, ah, there was the glans' flare, the little bulge that makes a man's entire day when you pull that foreskin up over it like I was doing. I let the foreskin continue its wrinkle up over the glans until it was all up over his cock, and then I plunged back down again, hard and fast, and his cock kind of jerked as I rammed it back deep inside myself, ended up again at the very base of it, his entire manhood thumping away inside me.

"OOOOhhhhh, God, man, God, uhhhhh, uhhh, uhhhhhh!" Alan groaned. I had this hot stud purring for me, he was lying back almost helpless, the way a cat does when it wants you to rub its tummy for it, come on, purr, cat, purr! I did another one of those slow rises, and at the top, I held it there, made him stir and wonder if I was going to let go of him now, not now, I could hear him thinking, don't stop it yet, please, not yet, please!

Then I dove back down again and that moan came right up from his very heart, one long, loud sound of desire/pain, for those groans sound just alike if you do it right, a man in his rut will moan like he's suffering, and he is, suffering for more, more, give him more before he dies!

Now I moved faster, still making the long strokes, but at an even tempo, rising up to the glans, diving down to the base, up again, working his hot dong and hearing his sighs of rapture welling out of his depths, as he lay there upon the couch, my prostrate man, exposing his entire length so I could suck him any way I wanted to.

So I did, I tried out things on Alan in those minutes that I hadn't on my few other lovers before this. I was trying to find out just what makes a man excited when you suck his cock, but it didn't seem to matter if I was moving slowly, quickly, whether my tongue got involved or not, if I waggled my lips over the top of his glans (well, he reacted a little when I did that last one), all Alan did was lie there and groan in tones ever more appreciative and intense.

"Uhh, huh, uhhh, huh, uhhh, huh!" was what Alan was doing now. I read that as he was about to pop his cookies, so I steeled myself and began to bob back and forth like a madman, pump out all that hot man-spunk for me, Alan, give it all to me, I want to empty you out before my sister ever gets a hand on you, give it all to me, Alan, I want every last fucking drop!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, OH, OH, OH-HUHHH-HUHHH-GNNNNHHH!" Alan guttered out at last and I braced myself for the flood, because I didn't doubt for a second that Alan was about to bomb me with one really heavy load.

He did, too! I bet my sister had been teasing him along, she hadn't worked late much lately, she must have taunted him just to drive him crazy, my dear, perfect sister does that to men, just to feel them squirm, feeding her ego by giving them a case of blue balls. I'm sure that Alan's willingness to get sucked by me was at least partly born of the fact that he had been saving up for a chance to fuck my sister. Well, I was a damned good substitute!

So Alan dumped a load into my mouth I haven't matched in my lovers since. That hot, salty juice squirted up into me and I got a grip to drink it down and another load blasted in after the first and nearly choked me, I swallowed and the third hit me in mid-swallow and now I was choking, I held on grimly, not willing to let a single dribble escape me, and instead I snorted it and it got up into my nose and I was suddenly feeling like my nostrils contained the hottest snot you'd ever wish on your worst enemy, and I snorted it out and got a steaming drizzle of it down onto my lips and onto my chin and I couldn't stop because he was filling my mouth for the second time! I held onto it, this time, even though my mouth was bubbling with hot jizz and when Alan sank back, his come-load done or mostly done, only then did I swallow again and that hot slimy mouthful of Alan's spunk went down in one huge blob, and then I could suckle the last morsels out of his softening dong, and I did, I kept right on working him until I was sure I had gotten him all. I let go, letting his dick flop wetly onto his gray slacks where they made a blackish stain of moisture, and wiped my chin and lips with the back of my hand, then blew the last bits of Alan's come out of my nose into my palm and wiped it on my jeans leg in lieu of a handkerchief. Alan didn't care, he was lying back like some mortally wounded disaster victim, head thrown back and he was clutching air in heavy sobs of breath and he looked down at me (moving his head in what would have been a downward motion, that is) and smiled and said, "Damn, if your sister is half as hot as you, I'm going to marry her right away."

"Good luck on that." I sort of sneered. My sister wasn't going to get married that easy, I felt sure. Not to a nice-looking nebbish kind of guy like Alan, anyway. I was using him to get to my sister, but he wasn't going to lose anything by helping me, he'd be lucky to get to the third date.

Which made me refine my original plan. "I said Sis would offer a handjob on the third date." I began. "But if she is about to blow you off before then, make a play for her and she'll tie into you but good when you do, and then you can go ahead and deliver your line. Okay?" I still smiled when I pictured my sister's face, more realistically this time, but still really, really shocked.

"Okay, but on one condition." Alan said to me.

"What's that?"

"You let me suck your cock now." Alan offered.

I grinned at that, and who wouldn't? "Sure." I said. I got my pants and briefs down to mid-thigh and sat down, lying back like Alan did, and Alan got onto the floor, his cock tucked back into his still-unzipped fly, and as he put my cock rather gingerly into my mouth (I don't think he knew much about it, just taking his opportunity to try it out while he could, it fit what I knew of his personality), I said, "What time is it?" I couldn't see the clock on the wall in this position, but Alan would be looking right at it over my head.

Alan looked up. "About fifteen till seven." he said. "We got another half hour, don't worry." He went back down, his lips closed over my cockhead. Nice. Very nice!

"I wasn't." I said. But that time sounded familiar. What was going to happen at a quarter until seven? Something was, but what? Quarter till. Six forty-five. Oh, yeah! That was when....

"Kent? Kent, is Alan in here with....oh, my God!"

Alan's eyes popped out wide as saucers, his mouth now holding my cock about halfway down.

And I looked around and sort-of behind me, because I had to get a look at this. "Hi, Sis! I was just keeping Alan busy until you could get here." And the look on her face was everything I'd thought it would be!

It wasn't quite the revenge I'd planned for my so-perfect sister Phoebe. But it would do just fine. THE END

Comments, complaints or suggestions? E-mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM Waiting for the Date -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM Artwork (c) 2005 by Voyeur. All Rights Reserved. When the phone rang, I was watching television while stretched out on the couch. I could and did grab the phone by reaching over my head and bringing the receiver out by its cord, the receiver spinning madly, which I then caught with my other hand and levered it up to my face in the proper position. This all took about ten seconds, during which time I heard my sister's voice going, "Hello? Hello? Damn it, Kent, quit screwing around with the phone, for God's sake! Answer the phone, Kent, right now, do you hear me?"

And I had the receiver up to my ear at the end of that. "Yeah, I hear you, Phoebe. What do you want?"

"I'm running late at the office." my sister was three years older and had a job already at an office of some sort of other. She had told me about her job, but hell, who listens to his older sister yammer on and on? It involved a lot of time away from the house which was all I cared about.

"Yeah, so?" I asked, yawned.

"Has Alan got there yet? He was supposed to pick me up at six o'clock."

I looked at the clock on the wall. "It's only five forty-five now." I pointed out.

"Has he gotten there yet?"

"Of course not." I said.

"Well, when he gets there, you tell him I'll be home about six forty-five. I've got to fix a contract here at the office, but I will be there and Alan and I can still have a late dinner. I've changed our reservation at La Buccetta to seven-thirty, so we'll be fine. You tell him that for me, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah." I said.

"Kent! Kent, this is important, you don't forget to tell him to wait for me."

"I'll do it, I'll do it!" I moaned. "Sheesh!" How stupid did she think I was, anyhow?

Okay, my sister had asked me to do things for her in the past and I had forgotten to do them. It wasn't like I wanted to be her errand boy to start with! She was always ordering me to do stuff for her. She was...hey, the show was getting good! I settled back down and concentrated on the screen.

A knock at the door just as the show was ending. Damn it! I hate when that happens. I tried to ignore the knock, but the guy just hit harder the second and third time around. "Shit!" I said and got up to answer.

I opened the door and there stood a rather handsome, sandy-haired guy about twenty-five or so. He was wearing a nice dark-colored jacket and tie. Maybe some insurance salesman, at a guess.

"We don't want any." I said to him.

"I came to pick up Phoebe." he said in return. "I'm Alan."

"Huh?" Something about a guy named Alan. "Uh, no, she's not home yet, but come on in. She ought to be here soon." That didn't feel right, but I couldn't think exactly why. I got the guy inside and sitting on the couch, and I sat down beside him, started watching the television again.

About ten minutes later, Alan began to get fidgety. He had tried to talk to me, but I had answered in monosyllables (Yes, I was Phoebe's brother, my name was Kent, I was 18, nearly 19, I went to college, I was on break just now, my parents were visiting relatives so I was alone in the house with just my sister right now, yes, yeah, yah, uh-huh, uh-huh, umph!) and he'd given up.



"Do you know if Phoebe had to work late?" he asked me.

That triggered a bit of a memory, fuzzy and incomplete, but there. "Yeah, she did. She said to, uh...the Bucket at seven thirty." I used the slang name for the restaurant, a real snooty place only about four blocks from the house. Phoebe used it because it was a classy place and if the date turned bad, she could just beg pardon to go powder her nose, and walk home. That's why I knew Alan was a first-date for her.

"She wants me to meet her at La Buccetta at seven thirty?" he said. Looked at his watch. "It's only six-fifteen now. What I am supposed to do for another hour, just sit and wait for her?"

"You can hang here, man, it's cool." I said.

He settled back. "Thanks. Damn! This makes the third time she's done this to me!"

"This is your third date?" That wasn't the Bucket, third date was usually a movie and dinner plus maybe a hand-job in the back seat after for the guy if she liked him. My sister's sex life was pretty carefully planned like the rest of her so-perfect life.

"No, she canceled the other two, but she said this one was for sure."

"Well, she is going to be there at seven-thirty." I said. "Sis usually means what she says, anyhow."

"Yeah." Alan sighed, looked over at me, and dropped a real bombshell. "She told me you were gay."

I got mad. Hell, I had told my Mom and she insisted on sharing it with Dad and my blabber-mouthed sister! And this was the thanks I got! I knew I should have stayed hidden, I knew it! I babbled something like this out loud.

"Hey, hey, it's cool." Alan said with a hand on my wrist as I went by. "I just mentioned it so you'd relax with me. I mean, if we got to sit here another hour."

"Yeah." I sat down but I was still steaming. "Man, I'd like to really get her back! I mean, just really something that would make her jaw drop down. I wish I knew a secret of hers, something I could tell everyone like she told everyone about me."

"Well, Kent, I promise, if she tells me anything like that, I'll let you know, okay?" Alan said and his hand went back on mine again.

I can't call what I felt then as real lust. There was a strong element of revenge in it, and some opportunism, too. "You want to help me get her back?" I said, staring at him intently.

"Uh...yeah." Alan wasn't so sure with me glaring at him, eyes afire with vengeance. "Sure." he said further.

I moved my hand, the one with his hanging onto it, down into his lap and cupped his crotch. "I know just how you can do it." I said.

"How?" His eyes weren't looking at me, they were looking at my hand, now alone (he had snatched his own away when I contacted his basket of goodies), a white form on the dark gray slacks.

"You date her, first two dates, you won't get anything but a kiss good-night. But on the third date, you put the moves on her and she'll offer to give you a handjob. She always does with her dates that last that long. And when she does, you just tell her, `Well, your brother Kent sucked it on our first date.'" I snickered. "That ought to make the set go right out of her hairdo!" I visualized my sister like a cartoon character being surprised, eyes wide, mouth agape, hair pointing straight out in all directions.

"You want to...you want to suck my cock?" Alan asked me.

"Well...yeah." That was part of the plan I had just made. Was he going to say no to me? If he did, I couldn't pull that trick on Phoebe.

I was just about to try to argue with him, or coax him, or beg him or convince him, somehow or other, and Alan just sort of groaned and I felt his cock firm up under my hand. It wasn't a hard-on yet, but it was getting there.

So what I actually said was, "I figured you wouldn't mind helping me."

Alan didn't argue, just scooted forward in his seat a little so I could get at his fly.

He left it to me to take it out. I got his fly unzipped with a bit of effort (the slacks were wrinkled upwards in a high curve and the zipper doesn't like to go up and over that, it took some finagling on my part) and then there was the barrier of his briefs. I tried first to get to the elastic waistband, but that didn't work, I saw the thick white seam-line and experimented, found that below it was another seam that marked the overlapping flap that let me reach in and.... "Ahh, there it is!" I sighed as I felt the hot male meat.

"Yeah." Alan sighed. "There it is."

"Just need to pull this out." I said as I yanked on his dick. I wasn't able to be gentle, but I got him free and when I did, I said, "Now I'm ready to give my sister something to live up to!"

And I thrust my mouth down over his cock. I wasn't gentle again, but Alan didn't care as his throbbing prod slid deep down, into my throat and I hit my nose on his nest of pubic hairs, my chin contacted the tight material of his pants. I'd given him deep throat on the first try! Alan wasn't huge, maybe eight inches of nice-sized cock, but when you take a man's entire dick at any size, he just lies there and moans rather like a kitten purrs when you scratch its ears and for the same reason, because it feels so damned GOOD! "U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-uhhh! Ahhhhh, uhhhhh, oh, man, uuuuuhhhhhh!"

Hell, he hadn't seen anything yet! I slurped my lips down tight around his base, and I pulled upwards again, slowly. I moved my tongue so it bathed his shaft with saliva all the way up, greasing him and laving him with my moisture, so that I had a smooth sliding ride up, up, up, ah, there was the glans' flare, the little bulge that makes a man's entire day when you pull that foreskin up over it like I was doing. I let the foreskin continue its wrinkle up over the glans until it was all up over his cock, and then I plunged back down again, hard and fast, and his cock kind of jerked as I rammed it back deep inside myself, ended up again at the very base of it, his entire manhood thumping away inside me.

"OOOOhhhhh, God, man, God, uhhhhh, uhhh, uhhhhhh!" Alan groaned. I had this hot stud purring for me, he was lying back almost helpless, the way a cat does when it wants you to rub its tummy for it, come on, purr, cat, purr! I did another one of those slow rises, and at the top, I held it there, made him stir and wonder if I was going to let go of him now, not now, I could hear him thinking, don't stop it yet, please, not yet, please!

Then I dove back down again and that moan came right up from his very heart, one long, loud sound of desire/pain, for those groans sound just alike if you do it right, a man in his rut will moan like he's suffering, and he is, suffering for more, more, give him more before he dies!

Now I moved faster, still making the long strokes, but at an even tempo, rising up to the glans, diving down to the base, up again, working his hot dong and hearing his sighs of rapture welling out of his depths, as he lay there upon the couch, my prostrate man, exposing his entire length so I could suck him any way I wanted to.

So I did, I tried out things on Alan in those minutes that I hadn't on my few other lovers before this. I was trying to find out just what makes a man excited when you suck his cock, but it didn't seem to matter if I was moving slowly, quickly, whether my tongue got involved or not, if I waggled my lips over the top of his glans (well, he reacted a little when I did that last one), all Alan did was lie there and groan in tones ever more appreciative and intense.

"Uhh, huh, uhhh, huh, uhhh, huh!" was what Alan was doing now. I read that as he was about to pop his cookies, so I steeled myself and began to bob back and forth like a madman, pump out all that hot man-spunk for me, Alan, give it all to me, I want to empty you out before my sister ever gets a hand on you, give it all to me, Alan, I want every last fucking drop!

"Oh, God, oh, God, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, OH, OH, OH-HUHHH-HUHHH-GNNNNHHH!" Alan guttered out at last and I braced myself for the flood, because I didn't doubt for a second that Alan was about to bomb me with one really heavy load.

He did, too! I bet my sister had been teasing him along, she hadn't worked late much lately, she must have taunted him just to drive him crazy, my dear, perfect sister does that to men, just to feel them squirm, feeding her ego by giving them a case of blue balls. I'm sure that Alan's willingness to get sucked by me was at least partly born of the fact that he had been saving up for a chance to fuck my sister. Well, I was a damned good substitute!

So Alan dumped a load into my mouth I haven't matched in my lovers since. That hot, salty juice squirted up into me and I got a grip to drink it down and another load blasted in after the first and nearly choked me, I swallowed and the third hit me in mid-swallow and now I was choking, I held on grimly, not willing to let a single dribble escape me, and instead I snorted it and it got up into my nose and I was suddenly feeling like my nostrils contained the hottest snot you'd ever wish on your worst enemy, and I snorted it out and got a steaming drizzle of it down onto my lips and onto my chin and I couldn't stop because he was filling my mouth for the second time! I held onto it, this time, even though my mouth was bubbling with hot jizz and when Alan sank back, his come-load done or mostly done, only then did I swallow again and that hot slimy mouthful of Alan's spunk went down in one huge blob, and then I could suckle the last morsels out of his softening dong, and I did, I kept right on working him until I was sure I had gotten him all. I let go, letting his dick flop wetly onto his gray slacks where they made a blackish stain of moisture, and wiped my chin and lips with the back of my hand, then blew the last bits of Alan's come out of my nose into my palm and wiped it on my jeans leg in lieu of a handkerchief. Alan didn't care, he was lying back like some mortally wounded disaster victim, head thrown back and he was clutching air in heavy sobs of breath and he looked down at me (moving his head in what would have been a downward motion, that is) and smiled and said, "Damn, if your sister is half as hot as you, I'm going to marry her right away."

"Good luck on that." I sort of sneered. My sister wasn't going to get married that easy, I felt sure. Not to a nice-looking nebbish kind of guy like Alan, anyway. I was using him to get to my sister, but he wasn't going to lose anything by helping me, he'd be lucky to get to the third date.

Which made me refine my original plan. "I said Sis would offer a handjob on the third date." I began. "But if she is about to blow you off before then, make a play for her and she'll tie into you but good when you do, and then you can go ahead and deliver your line. Okay?" I still smiled when I pictured my sister's face, more realistically this time, but still really, really shocked.

"Okay, but on one condition." Alan said to me.

"What's that?"

"You let me suck your cock now." Alan offered.

I grinned at that, and who wouldn't? "Sure." I said. I got my pants and briefs down to mid-thigh and sat down, lying back like Alan did, and Alan got onto the floor, his cock tucked back into his still-unzipped fly, and as he put my cock rather gingerly into my mouth (I don't think he knew much about it, just taking his opportunity to try it out while he could, it fit what I knew of his personality), I said, "What time is it?" I couldn't see the clock on the wall in this position, but Alan would be looking right at it over my head.

Alan looked up. "About fifteen till seven." he said. "We got another half hour, don't worry." He went back down, his lips closed over my cockhead. Nice. Very nice!

"I wasn't." I said. But that time sounded familiar. What was going to happen at a quarter until seven? Something was, but what? Quarter till. Six forty-five. Oh, yeah! That was when....

"Kent? Kent, is Alan in here with....oh, my God!"

Alan's eyes popped out wide as saucers, his mouth now holding my cock about halfway down.

And I looked around and sort-of behind me, because I had to get a look at this. "Hi, Sis! I was just keeping Alan busy until you could get here." And the look on her face was everything I'd thought it would be!

It wasn't quite the revenge I'd planned for my so-perfect sister Phoebe. But it would do just fine.


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