Waiting for Kyle

By Steve Johnson

Published on Mar 27, 2012



Waiting and getting ready are always the worst.

I was hoping that Kyle would stop by after work, but that was always a hit a miss type of thing. I left the key under the flower pot so he could let himself in if he could stop over. I knew it would be late so I watched a video "Captain and Destroyer" to help pass the time. Earlier I had shaved my butt and cleaned myself out so that in the unlikely event that we would have anal sex I would be ready. This had never happened before but I wanted to be ready in case the planets aligned and he would do me. I never wanted to beg, but damn did I ever want his beautiful cock massaging my inner sanctum. I know he would like it if he would just try it.

About midnight I decided to call it a night and go to sleep. Before retiring I took some lubricant and massaged it deep in my ass with the help of one of my larger dildos. I wanted to be slippery and relaxed just in case my dreams would come true. I had only been penetrated a few times and at that time the person was asleep as I fucked them with my ass. The person was a very deep sleeper and was a very horny young buck back then. It was honestly fairly painful, but the last few times I kind of liked it and have been trying for years to get Kyle to do it to me.. Several years ago he mentioned that he had done anal sex with a girl in college, but did not really like it because it was not very slippery. I wanted to make sure if Kyle tried it with me he would enjoy it and want to come back for more.

I stripped naked and prepared to sleep on top of my bed with my raging boner rubbing against the blanket. I fought off the temptation to jack off and eventually my swollen member relaxed as I fell into a restless slumber.

At about 2 AM I awoke as I heard the door being unlocked and then shut. My heart started to pound as I knew my chance of giving Kyle at least a blow job were pretty good. My bedroom door opened and he turned on the light, blinding me as it exposed my naked body. Kyle smirked as we exchanged greetings. I asked how his night went and he said it was OK but he was kind of tired and he could not stay very long. My heart sank a little but some how I found the courage to ask if he had enough time for me to give him a blow job. He reponded that he probably did , but it would have to be quick. My spirit soared upon hearing this great news.

I got off of the bed to give Kyle a space to lay down and I went in to the bathroom to get a quick drink of water. I always liked to have a little extra moisture in my mouth and often needed it when sucking Kyle's cock. It is a magnificent 7" ( though I have never measured and am just guessing) and is the ideal example of the male pleasure organ. Light pink/peach colored with a lightly veined shaft ending in a large reddish pink head with a tight piss slit . Damn how I enjoy sucking it and coaxing his tasty cum from his balls. How I wish I had a picture or ten of his cock and me sucking it. I would put it on my computer as a slide show and probably jack off 10 times a day watching it.

As I left the room, Kyle moved towards the bed. YES ! He was taking off his shirt ! Hopefully he would continue and take off his pants and underwear which would give me full access to his balls, taint and ass. As I entered the bathroom I heard him undo his belt and heard his pants being removed. I started to shake as it became apparent to me that Kyle was getting naked and my own cock begins to swell as I realize the possibilities. Even though we have known each other forever, it is always awkward for me to ask if I can give him a rim job and I assume it is awkward for him to ask for one. When he takes his pants and boxers off it gives me free access and he usually spreads his legs and gives me freedom to enjoy his body. I especially like that his ass is spotlessly clean and has little taste. I wish I knew what to do better back there. He is the only person I have done it to and am woefully lacking in practice.

I return to my bedroom just in time to see Kyle lay down on his back and pick up my computer. He often surfs and lookes at my pics as I blow him . Perhaps he imagines someone else is sucking him as he pans through endless porn sites. His penis is just slightly chubbed as I sit down beside him and start to massage it and waken the beast. While still not hard I put it in my mouth and suck till it reaches it's maximum size. It is just so cool to feel if enlarge and swell up in my mouth.... almost, but not quiete as cool as feeling it expand and throb as it delivers its thick load of semen in my mouth as he achieves orgasm.

Once he is fully hard I remove it from my mouth and massage it as I admire it's masculinity, so large, powerful yet tender and needing to be loved. I use my tongue to swipe around the tender head and spread the little piss lips to try to find a pearl of precum. I stroke the shaft and milk it and am rewarded with a droplet of tasty dew. I start sucking and going up and down as my right hand keeps rythm and gently jacks off his shaft. I think he likes it when I pull the skin down tight and suck it in that position. I keep trying to find more and better ways to stimulate him.

After several minutes of sucking, I remove his organ from my mouth and work my way down to his twin orbs. They are peach pit sized and roll around easily in their loose sack. Personally my testes are not overly sensitive so I assume other peoples are the saame. When I ask how it feels when I suck Kyles balls I usually get a non committal "OK". Not such a ringing endorsement, so I usually do not spend much time on them. I really apprectaite the fact that Kyle shaves, or at least keeps the pubes well trimmed back so those pesky pubes are not a factor when I go down on him. As I release his last ball, I reposition myself and Kyle spreads his legs just a little, but it is enough for me to be able to move lower and use my tongue on his taint, a very sensitive area for me so I spend extra time here licking and trying to make him feel great.

Kyle spreads his legs just a little more and I can see his pink rosebud. I move lower and swipe my tongue across the tenderr virgin sphincter and Kyle leans back further to give me easier access to his private pleasure spot. I highly doubt if he ever has given himself pleasure back there with either his own fingers or a small probe. He seems to enjoy my tongue lashing but seems hesitant to acknowledge the sensitivity back there. I wish I could penetrate that tight little pooper muscle, but Kyle is so tense he could probably shit diamonds out of that little opening. After a few minutes my tongue is getting dry. I want to do more and get him to relax so I can penetrate him with my tongue. I hate to , but have to stop, as I tell Kyle my tongue is dry....... I could do more if I used one of my flavored lubes. To my surprise he say "go ahead".

I reach over to my toy box and grab the watermellon flavored lube. I apply a little to my fingers. Kyle jumps as I spread it around his pucker but soon relaxes as he begins to enjoy the slipperyness as my fingers carress his shuttered opening. I move my head back down and now use my tongue to work his incredibly tight hole. Kyle wiggles a little and thrusts his hips up to give me easier access. My left hand now has a firm grip on my own boner and I slowly wank myself as Kyle mews as he can't help enjoying the sensations. I apply a little more lube to my fingers and start working his hole with my fingertips while at the same time I go back to the head of his cock. He must have really like is as I a greeted to a precumm covered cockhead. Nothing tastes finer than this and I suck hard on the head and milk out a few more drops as my fingers gently probe his backdoor. I can feel him relaxing and it even seems like my fingers are massaging a little past the opening. The skin feels like a slippery mucus membrane and I know he ready. I stop sucking and go back to his asshole. It winks at me and is a little bit more open. My tongue swirls around and then I roll my tongue tight and aim for the center as I try to achieve pentration. There is a little opening and I work my tongue hard to get it in. I achieve maybe a qurter inch penetration, but I am definitly in and the skin is so silky smooth there. Finally my togue is to tired to continue and I return to his cock. Next time hopefully he will be more relaxed and I can get inside......maybe even getting a finger in to massage his prosate as I suck his sensitive cock.

I so enjoy sucking Kyles cock and am jacking myself off as I take him deep and slow, then work the head and then jack it a little before atacking again with maximum suction. Kyle never really likes to say when something feels good or better so I have to use a wide range of techniques to make sure something feels good enough to make him cum. Sometimes Kyle produces so much precum I think he is cumming. In fact,the very first two times I sucked him I swear he shot off, but I was wrong. The first time I sucked him he did not cum despite my best efforts, but he certainly did the second time and everytime after that. I'l never forget swallowing my first load from him. I had never sucked a cock to completion and had not tasted anything other than his precum. When he pumped his first load into my mouth I did not realize it till my mouth was almost full and I had to swallow. It tasted just like his precum but here was tons more. I loved it and can blame him for liking cum so much.

As I continue to suck Kyles cock I can hardly wait till it pumps out it's creamy load. The last couple of times I sucked him off the loads weere huge and his cock throbbed many times as his manly eccenss was ejaculated into my mouth. Kyle continued to surf and look at pictures as I service him. I could feel my own orgasm approaching and got an idea.

Withdrawing his dick from my mouth, I stood up and the sat on his cock so our cocks were touching. This was incredibly exciting to me, but Kyle seemed a little pissed as he asked me what I was doing. I told him it was called frontage as I rubbed our cocks together. He did not seem too impressed.Actually we had done this one other tme. It was at his families cabin the first time I sucked him off. He was the one who initiated it and climbed into bed to "wrestle " me after we had stripped down. I almost had a heart attack when the naked little stallion climbed on top of me. We ignored each others boners that night till he fell asleep on top of me. Now , many years later I was the one on top.

When I sat on his mid section I could feel his rock hard cock at my ass crack. I knew it would not take much effort to make a dream come true so I went for it.

Reaching around as I grabbed his cock while simultaneously sitting up a little, I guided his missle to my horny hole and sat back. My previous preparations worked well and the head of his cock easily entered me. Kyle put the computer down and asked me what I was doing. He had to know , but I was incapable of saying anything as I slowly sat back further as his cock entered me to the hilt. My breathing was ragged as I raised up and sat back down. My eyes were closed and I can only imagine the look on Kyle's face as I started to fuck him. I was so horny and his cock was hitting my prostate just right that I knew I would not last long. A few more probes and I grabbed my own rock hard cock and jacked it till I sprayed his abs and chest with my cum. My ejaculation and orgasm were intense and I do not think Kyle was prepared when my ass spasmed as I cummed. It gripped and massaged his own cock and he started to raise and lower his hips as the feeling obviously felt good to him. We rode each other till my dick started to wilt . At that point he told me that "if that's the way you want it"...... He withdrew his still rampant cock from my now relaxed hole and told me to roll over. I obediently complied as he stood up and got behind me and raised my hips. I felt a little sharp pain as he stabbed me with his fuck meat and plowed me hard. There was no doubt who was in control as he plunged balls deep, withdrawing till just his cockhead remained in me and then buried himself balls deep again.

" Is this what you want?..... is it?" he asked again and again as I could barely answer YES ! It did not take long before I felt his body stiffen and his pumping became frantic and erratic. I felt his cock swell a few times and knew it was delivering his pent up load. As he slowed to a stop he pulled out and it felt like my hole was a mile wide. The feeling of emptyness was unreal. He rolled off me and went and took a quick shower as I layed in bed. I had to get a towel since a large anmount of his cum was seeping out of my tired ass.

I fell into a sound sleep as my dream had finaly cum true.

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