Vulnerable People

By Mike Loggerman

Published on May 4, 2016



Vulnerable People

By mike loggerman

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I'm a middle-aged guy who has always lived alone. I don't go out much since I work from home. My main sex partner is my hand.

One of the only people I talk with on a regular basis is the 18 year old guy who lives next door. His dad died when he was 12. His insurance paid off the house, but not much else, so his mom works. He came by one day and asked if he could mow my lawn. I hired him, and he started hanging out with me. His name is Dan.

Dan missed a year of school when his dad passed away so he's a high school senior, even though he's 18. I liked when Dan came by. We talked about whatever interested him, and it gave me a chance to check out his dark hairy legs.

He mentioned that he wanted to try working out, so I went online and bought a used set of weights. When he came over after school, I said I had a surprise for him. I led him to the basement, and when he saw the weights, he got excited and lay back on the bench. I put some light weights on the bar, and he peeled off his teeth shirt. I sat on a chair and watched him, which gave me a great view of his cock looking up his shorts leg. It looked big, and he had a lot of hair.

He saw me looking, so I said I didn't want to alarm him, but his cock was showing. He said it was okay with him because we are friends.

As he watched me watch him, his cock started getting hard. I commented on how big it was, and he smiled. I asked him how often he jerked off. He said about four times a day. He asked if I still jerked off. I laughed and said yeah, two or three times a day. He asked if I'd jerk off with him. I said the thought of seeing that big cock erupt would probably make me cum.

He lay back on the bench and pulled off his shorts. I took off mine and stood along side him. His cock was about eight inches and thick. Mine is a standard six inches. We stroked our cocks, and I asked if I could feel his. I could barely close my hand around it. I stroked his cock and felt his big heavy balls. He reached over and stroked my cock as I stroked his. As he stroked me, he asked if I ever taste my own cum. I said yeah, and I like the taste. He said he does too. I told him I'd really love to taste his cum. He said he'd love to taste mine too. I had him get up and we lay on the floor in a 69 position. He stroked my cock, and I opened my mouth and sucked his cock. He moaned. He watched in awe as I moved up and down his shaft, and took him down to his pubes. I felt him lick my cock, and then take it in his mouth. We kept sucking each other and feeling our balls, and then I felt his ballsack harden and his cock throbbed in my mouth as he shot a huge load in my mouth. I swallowed it all. His cumming set me off and I shot my load in his mouth. When we were both done, I tongue kissed him, mixing our cum in our mouths.

He was covered in sweat, and said that was hot. I told him I'd been wanting to do that for a long time. He said he did too, and thought about it whenever he jerked off. We grabbed our shorts and I took him up to my room.

I said we should probably shower, so we stepped into the large shower stall and he letter me soap him up. I paid special attention to his hairy pits and his cock and balls, and finally to his hairy ass crack. He took the soap and did the same to me.

When he soaped my ass, he slid a soapy finger up my ass and asked if I liked it. I told him I liked it a lot. He said he had seen a jerk off video where guys fingered their asses while they stroked their cocks. He stroked my cock while he fingered me. He asked what I was thinking. I said I was thinking I wish it was his cock instead of his finger inside me. He was surprised and asked if I'd really let him fuck me. I told him there was no one I'd rather have fuck me than him, if he wants to. He said he really wanted to.

I leaned against the wall and spread my legs apart. He held my hips and thrust his hard cock deep inside me. I groaned loudly and he said how good it felt. He wrapped his arms around me and thrust in and out of me, while I enjoyed the feel of his pubes against my ass and his balls banging into me. He kept thrusting until he shot his load deep inside me.

After we rinsed off, we got out of the shower and dried off. I was looking guy for signs that he regretted what we did, but there were none.

Dan lay in bed with me and played with my chest hair while I played with his hairy pits. I asked if he regretted what we did, and he said he loved it. He said he never felt so close to anyone in his life. He started to look nervous and asked if I liked it. I told him I hoped it would be a regular thing. I liked feeling him so close to me.

He texted his mom and said he was sleeping over a friend's house and said we had all night. As we lay in bed, Dan started telling me how lonely he felt, and that he was attracted to guys, but was afraid to tell them. He said he was always attracted to me, and was really glad I liked him too.

I told Dan I was very attracted to him, and loved being close to him. We held each other for a long time. He asked if he could fuck me again. I said please. He got on top of me and tongue kissed me. I parted my legs and he lay between them cock to cock. I lubed his cock and pulled my legs up and felt him sliding his thick cock deep on my ass. He held it there and said he loved being so close to me. He started thrusting in and out of me slowly. We both were moaning. I lay there enjoying the feeling of my 18 year old lover's cock deep inside me. He started pounding me harder, and shot his load deep in my ass. He kept his cock inside me. He said he didn't want to lose the feeling of closeness with me. He kissed me tenderly. He whispered that he loved me. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

For the next few weeks, Dan was at my house as much as possible, and I enjoyed the pleasure of his cock inside me several times a day. My ass was always sore but I was getting used to it. We experimented with different positions and he fucked me in every room in the house. I enjoyed being on my back with my legs wrapped around him while his cock was thrust deep inside me. I could play with his pit hair, and nipples or he'd kiss me while he pounded me. Dan also liked fucking me doggie style, or in the shower.

Dan started spending the weekends with me, and as much as I was enjoying it, I started worrying about people knowing, but then I realized that even though he was considerably younger than me, he was legal. We could fuck with the windows open and it was still legal. I started to worry that he might want someone younger. I voiced that concern to Dan, and he said he didn't want a younger guy, He really wanted me. I asked him why. He said before we started messing around, he was just a kid with a big dick. He felt like a kid, and he was a lonely kid even when he was with other kids. He said that when he was with me, he never felt lonely, and when he was fucking me, he felt more like a man, and like he belonged to me.

I told Dan that was why I was concerned. The more he fucked me, the more I felt like he belonged to me, and I didn't want it to be one sided. He assured me it wasn't.

I had real feelings for Dan, and honestly, I didn't know what to do with them. I went for a long drive to visit some gay friends who owned a Bed and Breakfast. It was owned and run by Mike and Mikey, who had been together since high school, and had a long term relationship. We met for lunch, and I told them the whole story. Mikey said it seemed to him that Dan was attached to me partly as a surrogate for his father, but that wasn't necessarily bad. Mike said that if Dan wasn't with me, he'd be sleeping around with older men who would just be using him for sex, with no commitment, and he'd just feel used and not loved. At least with me, he was with someone who really cared about him, and even loved him. I had thought of that, but it felt better coming from someone else. They invited me to come with Dan some weekend, and they'd give me the "family" rate. I thanked them, and went home.

When I got home, Dan came by. He kissed me and slid down my shorts and boxers. He sucked my cock and then my balls. He got undressed and said he needed to feel me inside him. I asked if he was sure. He was sure. We went to the bedroom and I took some lube and slid my finger up his ass. He moaned, and his cock was rock hard. I sucked his cock as I fingered his ass. He moaned as I slid my cock inside him. I slid my cock in and out of him as I played with his hairy pits. He groaned as I continued to pound him, and he asked me to fuck him harder. He stroked his cock and said he loved feeling me inside him. I told him I was going to cum. He asked me to cum in him. I thrust harder and faster, and shot my load inside him.

As we lay in bed, Dan asked if he could call me Dad. I said yes. He hugged me and said "I love you dad." I said "I love you too son." I asked him to fuck me, and he slid his hard cock inside me. As he pounded me, I said "I love your cock inside me son." He said, "I love fucking you dad," and pounded me hard. It only took a couple of minutes for him to shoot a huge load inside me. I sucked his cock clean and he hugged me saying I was the best dad a guy could have. We showered together, and he went home.

The next day, Dan's mom knocked on my door. I let her in and offered her some coffee. She started telling me that Dan told her he was gay and in a relationship with me. I froze. I didn't know if she was going to call me a child molester, or worse, or was going to go ballistic. The fear must have showed on my face. She was calm, and said she knew her son was gay since he was a teen. She was concerned when he started spending so much time with me. She didn't want him to be used or hurt. I said we didn't start messing around until he was over 18. She said she knew that, and appreciated that. She accepted that Dan liked older men, probably making up for missing his dad. She just wanted to know my intentions, because some men would just use a kid and toss him away when he was done. She looked at me with a very concerned expression.

I told her I liked Dan for a long time. I wasn't using him. I really cared for him. I just have never been with many men, and never someone so much younger than me. I wanted to love him, but never hurt him. I had even checked with friends, a married gay couple, for advice. They told me if we love each other, we should care for each other, and not just use each other.

She asked if I wanted to marry Dan. I told her I thought Dan had to graduate from school and show some responsibility as an adult, but when he did, yes, I would love to have him as my spouse, but I hadn't spoken to Dan about it. She said she knew Dan was in love with me, and if he wanted to marry me, he could do a lot worse. She squeezed my hand and hugged me. She said it was okay with her to be seeing her son.

Dan came by after school and I told him about his mom's visit. He was smiling and said he knew she'd be okay with it. He started taking off his clothes and his big hard cock sprung up. I sucked his cock, enjoying his musky scent. He slid down my shorts and had my lay on the couch. He thrust his big cock inside me and started fucking me hard, saying this was the first time he was fucking me with his mom's approval. I groaned as he pounded me. He said he'd wanted me all day, and now he was doing it with permission from mom. My cock started dripping as he pounded me. He held me as he thrust deep inside me. He kissed me and said he loved me. His cum shot hard inside me. When he was done, he held a small cup at my ass, and I pushed out his cum into the cup. I drank his cum. My cock was still hard. He got on top of me and rode my cock. He moved back and forth and up and down. I shot my load inside him.

As we held each other, he asked if I'd really want to marry him. I explained what I told his mom. That I would want to marry him, if he wanted to marry me. He said he wanted to. I said marriage is more than fucking. Its love and responsibility. He would need to graduate, get a job, maybe go to college, if he wanted. He said he understood. He asked if we were engaged. I said no. We were boyfriends. he was good with that.

The next weekend, he came over on Friday, and we drove to Mikey and Mike's B&B. They gave us their nicest room, and hung out with us while we were not messing around. Mike showed us around, and how the operation ran. Dan liked the kitchen. Mike did most of the cooking, and he invited Dan to help him. Dan had a few ideas, and Mike let him make a few of the menu items. Dan put his own spin on what was there, and the food came out great. Mikey took him out and showed him the gardens he developed.

While they walked around, I told Mike how much I appreciated this. Mike said he and Mikey never saw me like this with anyone before, and they wanted to meet this guy. He thought Dan was a sweet guy, and he was good for me. He also said if he liked cooking that much, maybe he should go to culinary school.

In the afternoon, Mike and Mikey shared their own story with us, and the problems they had, and how they eventually overcame them. Dan was really interested, and asked questions about gay relationships. Mikey said that for a time, they messed around with a lot of guys, but they found it almost destroyed their relationship, and it just wasn't worth it. Its not just commitment, its what messing around with other guys who don't care about you does to the relationship with the one who you do love and care for. Its just not worth it. Mike said just because you think someone is cute, doesn't mean you have to have sex with them. Dan put his arm around my shoulder.

Later, I went with Mikey to pick something up in town. Mike talked to Dan, and asked what his intentions were toward me. Dan said he loved me, and wanted to be with me always. He asked if he had told me that yet. Dan said he told me he loved me, but he didn't talk about long term. Mike told him that I'm a nice guy, but I'm sensitive, and he didn't want to see me hurt. Dan asked what he was talking about. He told Dan that men had used me and hurt me in the past. That was why I lived alone and almost never socialized with anyone. Dan said he didn't realize that I had been hurt.

When we got back from town, Dan was especially affectionate toward me. I liked it but I didn't know why. When I asked what was going on, Dan told me what Mike told him. I got quiet. I told Dan I had been hurt, many times. Dan said he would never hurt me. I said relationships always carry the risk of getting hurt. The fact that I let him into my life, meant I believed he was different, and I was willing to take a risk of getting hurt. He hugged me and kissed me. I was expecting him to undress me, but he just held me. He said I mattered more to him than just sex.

Dan finished High School. His mom and I attended his graduation. After graduation, he moved in with me which was no big deal since he lived next door. His mom was a frequent dinner guest. Dan decided to go to culinary school and was making us amazing meals. His course lasted two years. He got a job as a chef in a local restaurant, until two patrons recruited him to be the head chef of a bistro they were opening. He became a 1/3 partner. He didn't need me anymore. He could have moved on, but he wanted me.

My worst fears didn't happen. Dan became an adult, and he still loved me. He asked me to marry him. I asked why he wanted to marry me now. He said he always wanted to marry me, but he wanted to make sure I knew it was because he wanted to, and not needed to. We were married at the B&B. Dan's mom came, as well as our friends, and Dan's restaurant staff. We are still together, and we are happy.

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