Vulcan Charades

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Aug 4, 2023



This is a fictional story based on actors from the television series "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" (copyright by Paramount). The story depicts sexual activity between consenting adult males; it is no way based on true events or the sexuality of any of the persons mentioned. If you are underage or it is otherwise illegal to read this story where you live, please stop reading now.

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-------------------------------------------------------------------- July 2023 Quick-Write: Vulcan Charades Part 1: Does It Tickle? --------------------------------------------------------------------

Special Thanks to John for helping with this story.

Author's Note: This story is set during the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds episode "Charades".

~ ~ ~ ~

"Lieutenant, I...I would like to apologize for my..." Spock tugged at the collar of his uniform, his embarrassment making it a struggle to maintain eye contact. "...for my outburst during the briefing."

The corner of Sam Kirk's mustache twitched as he grinned. "Don't worry about it, Mister Spock. Water under the bridge." His grin grew wider as Spock's features screwed up with confusion, a noticeable change from his usual response of a single raised eyebrow or cocked head. "It means it's in the past and let it go."

"Okay..." Spock's eyes darted around, trying to make sense of the phrase before inhaling deeply and shaking his head. "Still, I shouldn't have threatened to, um..."

"Break me?" Sam bit his lip to keep from laughing as Spock blushed. "Didn't know that you were into wrestling, sir."

"Vulcans have several forms of...oh. Oh!!" Spock laughed loudly, the sound echoing down the corridor, joined by Sam's laughter as well.

"Feel better?"

"I feel much better, thank-you." Spock smiled broadly, full of relief.

"Speaking of which, I've been working on your DNA problem based on some of what we know about the Kerkhovs." Kirk held up a PADD with a display of his project. "I'm heading to the mess hall if you want to join and look over it."

"I, um..." Spock swallowed, the pink hue returning to his cheeks.

"You already ate?"

"No. I'm just..." The science officer's nose scrunched up as he thought about the mess hall and all the people that would be in there. "I don't really feel comfortable around large groups of people right now."

"Because of the outburst? Don't worry, ship's gossip will find a new target soon."

"No, it's not that. I just feel...awkward. It's like I can feel everyone looking at my ears. I mean, I don't think they are but it feels like they are and I'm just..." Spock let out a long sigh.

"That makes sense. How about my quarters then? I promise not to stare at your ears." Sam winked. "Not too much anyway." He chuckled as Spock rolled his eyes.

"If you do, I promise not to break you...not too much anyway." Sam's chuckle turned into a large laugh - he wasn't used to Spock making jokes.

"Alright." The pair turned and made their way towards the turbolift. "Fair warning though, I wrestled back at the Academy, so good luck."

~ ~ ~ ~

"This looks promising." Spock set Sam's PADD down on the table, placing the tablet device between their plates. "Have you shown it to Nurse Chapel?"

"Not yet. There's still some ideas I want to add, but I can send it to her with notes..." Sam trailed off, raising his hand to wipe his upper lip. Not feeling any food, he ran his thumb over his lip again. "Do I have food in my mustache?"

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, no, you don't. Sorry for staring. It's just that Vulcans...well, most Vulcans are clean-shaven. Which it would seem more logical to not shave every day to save time and effort."

"Thinking of growing one? Come, join the mustache club. I get a free shuttle if I recruit a bridge officer."

Spock laughed, trying to picture himself with a mustache like Sam's. "Is there actually a...?" He watched as Sam shook his head. "Oh - ha!"

"Oooh - or maybe a goatee. That would look cool, kinda like a pirate or something fiendish. Like a version of Spock gone rogue or something."

Sam got up and cleared some of the dishes, returning with refills for their drinks. "You're doing it again."

Spock's eyes darted up from the area of Sam's mouth. "Sorry. However, I'll work on not staring at your mustache if you stop looking at my ears."

Now it was Sam's turn to blush. "Ahh, you caught me. I'm trying, I promise, it's just...odd seeing you without the pointy ones. And here the whole goal was for you to not have your little round ears stared at all evening."

He chuckled as Spock raised his fingers to his ears, tracing over the top of them. "Are they - are they little?"

Sam tilted his head, getting a better look at his commanding officer's ears. "Nooo, they're not small. They just seem smaller than usual because, you know, no..." His fingers went up to his own ears, moving together in a triangle-shape.

"They don't look weird?"

"Weird? Naw. Hell, I can think of a few people who might think they're adorable. Should we go to Sickbay and deliver this report in person?" Sam grinned again, noting the blush on Spock's cheeks as the other man caught the subtle reference to Nurse Chapel.

"I think sending it as a message would suffice. Does it tickle?"


"Sorry." Spock shook his head to clear it. "I'm still trying to deal with..." He waved his hand in the air in a circular motion. "...all this. It's like trying my train of thought keeps getting interrupted by random thoughts. Or saying them without thinking."

"That...yeah, that sounds pretty human." Sam rose an eyebrow. "Does what tickle?"

"Oh. Your um, mustache. I'm trying to figure out what it'd be like to grow one. Maybe join your club if this DNA problem can't be solved."

Sam laughed again, trying to picture Spock on the bridge with a mustache...and the crew's reaction. "Well, they wouldn't be looking at your ears much if you did, that's for sure!" He caught Spock's eyes drifting down to his mouth again. "But to answer your question, no. Maybe if I grew it out longer and it hit my lip, but then food would get stuck in it and stuff, so naw, keep it short. Usually the other person says it tickles though."

"The...other person?" Spock's eyebrows twitched, trying to figure out Sam's comment while observing that the lack of pronouns in the other man's response.

"You know, kissing. Usually the other person thinks it tickles." Sam winked at Spock, wagging his eyebrows. "You really should have more fun on away missions and shore leave."

"I have a fiancee."

"And I have a wife. But we're out on long trips from home, so she and I arrangement."


"Mmhmm. Next time we're on a planet with an Orion pleasure house, I'll take you with me. You'll be exhausted for a few days after but it's soooo worth it."

"Vulcans..." Spock cleared his throat, which suddenly felt tight. "Vulcans don't...we suppress our emotions and our urges."

"Ahh, but if you're still human the next time we have shore leave..." Sam leaned back, raising his glass and winking. Something in his peripheral vision caught his attention. Glancing down, he noticed a large lump in the front of Spock's pants. "Sir, it's not polite to point a phaser at a fellow officer. Regulation 20-L."

"Phaser?" Spock followed Sam's eyes as they glanced down. "Oh!" His cheeks went bright red as he moved his hands to cover his crotch. "I'm sorry...damn, sorry, I'm just - "

"Getting used to human feelings and urges?"

"Yes." Spock's already-pink cheeks turned a darker shade. "How do you do it? It's like a swirl of many of them at once, it's...bewildering."

Sam leaned forward, his blue eyes staring into Spock's. "Depends. How do you feel right now?"

"Embarrassed. Frustrated. Intrigued. Confused."


"The, um, Orion...thing."

"Oh man, you'd have so much fun." Sam's eyes darted down and back up again. "Any other emotions stirring around in that not-Vulcan mind of yours?"

Something about Sam's voice propelled Spock to speak in a more frank manner, wondering how he might respond.

"Strange. Curious."

"Curious?" Sam raised his glass to his lips and took a drink, licking whiskey from the hair covering his upper lip, watching as Spock's eyes tracked his tongue's movement.

"Yes, curious."

"Curious about what?"

Spock felt hypnotized by those piercing blue eyes. He took in a breath and then spoke. "If it tickles."

"If what tickles?"

"Your....your mustache."

"Scientific curiosity, eh?"

"Yes, scientific curiosity."

"We could..." Sam tilted his head back and forth. " an experiment." The corner of his mouth pulled up in a sly grin.

Spock shifted on his chair, moving closer towards Sam. "I love experiments." His grin matched Kirk's.

"Of course. We're scientists." Sam leaned forward, his lips brushing against Spock's. The movement was tentative at first, barely touching. Spock tilted his jaw, bringing their mouths together, lips working against one another. Sam's tongue ran against his lower lip which Spock lowered instinctively, allowing the other man inside his mouth, their tongues dancing as their breathing got heavier.

Sam broke the kiss, pulling his face a few inches away. "So, did it tickle?"

Spock ran his fingers across his upper lip, analyzing the sensations from the kiss. Smiling, he looked back to Sam. "A little, yes."

"Bad tickle or nice tickle?" A gleam of mischief shone in Sam's eyes.

"Nice. Really nice."

Sam's lips met Spock's again, small teasing kisses, their noses bumping against one another. He broke the kiss again, resting his forehead against Spock's.

"And what emotions are you feeling now?"

Spock pulled away, looking into Sam's eyes with a large smile. "I feel...horny. Extremely horny." He lunged forward, hungrily pressing his lips to Sam's, thoroughly enjoying the way Kirk's mustache rubbed against his lips.

~ ~ ~ ~

Spock's shirt went flying off...somewhere. His usually-analytical mind was focused on other matters at the moment as Sam's mouth worked at the corner of his jaw, eliciting a long moan from the science officer. As if Kirk's lips and tongue weren't enough, he kept purposefully brushing his mustache against Spock's flesh, enjoying the way Spock responded with little gasps, his fingers digging at Sam's shoulders.

Sam's mouth moved further down, lips planting small kisses over the swell of Spock's chest. "Damn, you've got big nipples."

He felt suddenly self-conscious. "They are? Are they too big?"

The other man grinned, tracing a finger around the dark pink circle. "No, they're perfect. Big juicy nipples."

"They don't - ahhh!!!!" The sensation of Sam's lips sucking sent a jolt down Spock's spine, causing his back to arch up into the air as he cried out. Sam redoubled his efforts - licking, sucking, and chewing on the teat while his hand caressed the large hard lump in Spock's pants. The former-Vulcan continued writhing under Sam's attention, causing him to look up as his face moved over to the other side of his friend's chest.

"You okay?"

"I...ahhhhh...I'm great. Really REALLY great. I've just never...mmmmmm."

"Never what?" Kirk's tongue moved in a teasing circle.

"No one's ever...done that."

"Really?" Sam's eyebrows rose up, curious and surprised. "No one's ever played with these beautiful nipples of yours before?"

" Vulcan's don' that."

"Mmm, that's a shame." Sam's lips found the hard nub and sucked on it, earning more moans from the other man. "I love doing that."

"Then perhaps we should add it to your duty responsibilities. Unofficially, of course."

"Yes sir." Sam's mouth closed on the dark pink circle of flesh and sucked hard. After playing with Spock's nipples until the other man was left panting, he began lapping his tongue across Spock's chest, his tongue moving in long slow strokes. "I love your chest,

by the way. I have a hard time not staring at it during meetings."


"Oh yeah. Hell, it looks like it's grown over the last year, really filling out that uniform of yours nicely. I've been dying with curiousity, wondering what it would look like." Sam's words and constant licking distracted Spock as Kirk began moving downward. Fingers at his waistband caught his attention, prompting Spock to lift himself up a little onto his elbows.

"I um..."

"Haven't been blown before? Vulcans don't do that either?"

", they don't. But I have." Sam grinned as that adorable blush reappeared on Spock's cheeks.

"Oh really? Fascinating." Both men grinned as Sam used Spock's catchphrase. "On Vulcan?"

"No, at the Academy. With a Deltan."

"Oh damn - Deltans know what they're doing." Both men closed their eyes and hummed as memories of their own encounters with the sensual species ran through their minds. Sam's fingers went to the buttons on Spock's trousers again and stopped when he felt the other man's body stiffen. He looked up with one eyebrow raised.

"Sorry. It just...looks...weird."


"Well, different."

"Ah - I haven't seen a Vulcan dick before." Sam smirked as he undid the pants button.

"That's the problem - it's...human. Not Vulcan."

"Ohhhh." Sam nodded, having forgotten about the DNA incident for a moment. "Hey, what's wrong with a human dick?"

"I - um, nothing!" Spock looked embarrassed.

"It's okay Spock. I'm a xenoanthropologist - I've studied the anatomy of a lot of different species." He slowly pulled down the zipper. "Studied some rather intimately. I've seen a lot of different types of cocks..." He grinned as he looked up. "...and I don't get surprised by it anymore. But human meat - I'm an expert on that. I'll be gentle, I promise." He slid Spock's pants off, leaving the stud in just his underwear, the grey fabric tenting with a large wet spot. Sam presses his lips to the damp part of the bulge and began sucking, enjoying the taste of Spock's juices.

His fingers curled into the waistband and slid it down, releasing Spock's member which slapped down against his belly with a heavy sound. "Damn dude, nice." Sam took the rod of flesh in his hand, appraising it. "Really nice. So what does a Vulcan piece look like?"

"A little longer..."

"Longer?" Sam looked up - the cock in his hand was already a good length.

"I lost a few centimeters with the...incident. And a little bit of girth." Spock blushed, embarrassed.

"Well, you were left with...a pretty nice size. A really nice size, actually." He squeezed it tenderly.

"And ridges."

Sam's thumb slid down the smooth shaft. "Ridges? Where?"

"Mmmmm." Spock moaned as Sam played with his rod. "The head. Humans have one ridge, Vulcans have three."

"Oh fuck, I bet that feels amazing." Eagerly, Sam opened his mouth and engulfed Spock's manhood, sucking hungrily on it, enjoying the way that the head kept throbbing and depositing pearls of precum on his tongue. Before long, he was bobbing up and down the spit-coated shaft, savoring both the taste and feel of it in his mouth and the way that Spock's hands clutched at Sam's scalp, encouraging his efforts at the

same time that it seemed like Spock was trying to hold back. Soon, the cock was jerking in his mouth as Spock groaned, shooting his seed down Sam's throat which worked quickly to get every drop.

Sam crawled up on the bed, his lips finding Spock's. "You taste great, by the way. For a human." Both men giggled, Sam's turning into a cry of surprise as Spock rolled the other man onto his back.

"Can I...?"

"Hell yeah." He watched as Spock moved quickly, almost ripping Sam's pants off with his eagerness to play with his new toy. He soon had Sam stripped down nude, staring as he took in the sight of his friend's hard cock. A veined shaft rose up in the air, curving slightly to the side, ending with a long bullet-shaped head. Something shiny caught Spock's eye and he noticed a bead of precum emerge, growing larger before it broke free and began running slowly down the head. Instinctively, he leaned forward and caught it with his tongue, moaning lightly at the taste. Wrapping his lips around the head, he suckled on it as he pumped the shaft with his hand, soon rewarded with more of Sam's nectar.

It'd been long enough since his Academy days - Spock found he struggled to work much further than halfway down the shaft before he started coughing. Instead, he worked fervently on the top half of Sam's dick while stroking the bottom half with his hand.

"My nuts..."

Spock pulled off and looked down. "Are they okay?"

"Yeah. But they'd be great if you...ahhhhh, that's it." Sam's head rolled back and he grinned as Spock's tongue began caressing his balls, one hand still stroking his meat. The science officer went back and forth, analyzing Sam's member with his mouth and fingers, looking for the best ways to get moans out of the other man, seeing which movements caused his body to quiver with delight.

"I'm going to....oh...ohhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Sam groaned as Spock's lips wrapped around the end of his cock again and sucked hard, swallowing his load as it erupted. Spent, he rested against the sheets, feeling Spock snuggle up next to him.

"You taste great too."

"Thanks." Sam's finger and thumb found Spock's chin and pulled him in for a kiss, tasting himself on the other man's lips. Their kiss deepened. Sam pulled Spock on top of him, enjoying the weight of the stud's body, feeling his muscles under Sam's hands as they roamed around. Something hard nudged into his thigh. "Someone's awake again."

"What now?" Spock wasn't sure if he should return to his own quarters, now that they had both gotten off. 'What do humans do after sex?' he asked himself.

"Well, I'll need a little time to recover..."

"Ah." Spock shifted upward - and found his movement stopped by Sam's palms against his back, the other man's legs wrapping around Spock's waist.

"...but you seem ready to go again." That sexy mustache twitched as Sam grinned, causing Spock to dive in for another little kiss.

"Do you want me to...?" He looked down, licking his lips.

"You can, if you want. Or..." Sam lifted his hips and rocked their bodies.

"Oh. OH!"

"Hmmm?" One eyebrow lifted over a pair of bold blue eyes.

"Yes. Hell yes." Spock thrust forward, trying to push against Sam.

"Woah - easy tiger. I don't know about Vulcans but humans need..." He reached over and grabbed a bottle from a shelf near the bed. "...lube."

Sam tried not to chuckle as Spock quickly and eagerly slathered the clear fluid onto his length. Squaring his shoulders, the head of his cock nestled against Sam's entrance.


"Yea--ahhh!" Sam's eyes went wide open as half of Spock's member pushed inside.

"Oh fuck - I forgot, humans have a lower tolerance for pain. Sorry!" Spock began sliding out, which felt just as uncomfortable to Sam's hole. He flexed his legs, using them to pin Spock in place.

"Hang on. Don't...move." Sam took deep breaths, taking a few moments to recover from the quick intrusion. "Okay, start again. But slow this time." His chuckle turned into a moan as he felt Spock slowly slide back in. He realized he should have given better instructions as the cock kept going, rather than sliding back and forth and easing in...going...and going...until he felt Spock's large balls pressed against his rear. Sam swallowed, his guts howling.

"Ready?" He looked up to find Spock's eyes wide open, full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah. Just...ahhhh..." Sam groaned as Spock pulled back, all the way, until he was nearly fully pulled out...and then pushed forward again, burying himself.

"Oh wow. You tight..." Spock's hips pumped back and forth, feeling Sam's fingers clutch at his shoulders and back. " fucking hot. So good. Soooo good." He closed his eyes as he increased both in power and speed. At the same time, he tried tilting his hips to different angles until...

"OhhhhHHHH!!!" Spock smiled as he found what he was looking for. Holding his back at the same angle, he began pounding into Sam, watching as the other man's eyes rolled back in his head, his cock having gotten hard again as it slapped between their bodies. Sam's heels dug against Spock's ass, urging him on as his fingers raked against the other man's arms and backside.

"Fuck me. Fuck me...Fuuuuuuck!!!"

" Should harder?"

"Huh ohhhHHHH!!!" Sam was surprised when Spock shifted forward, pushing Sam's legs up and out, allowing his cock to burrow even deeper into Sam's insides. His thrusts got faster and harder, causing the bed to rock against the wall.




"Yeah Spock?"

"I'm...getting...should I...?"

"Don't you dare stop!" Sam clung to Spock's body and pulled him closer, moaning as the other man began fucking him even harder. With a long low howl, Spock rammed forward one last time, his thighs quaking as he bred Kirk's ass.

~ ~ ~ ~

"Sorry, I should have been more gentle."

"No, I loved it, every moment. Although I'm a little afraid of getting 'the full Vulcan' treatment now." Sam winked, flicking Spock's nipple with his finger.

"I would be...a little more restrained." Spock grinned, imagining the telepathic bond that Vulcans created during sex, which would allow him to feel exactly what Sam might be feeling if they...

The thought brought a hungry desire to their kissing. Sam found his hand wandering over Spock's body again, finding his half-hard cock, his weighty balls...and as Spock spread his legs...this. Sam felt Spock moan against his mouth as his finger pushed into the knot of flesh, feeling it open up for him. Sucking on his fingers to get them wet, he went back to work, opening Spock up with one and then two, now three fingers.

"Yeah, you like that?"


"And this?" Sam brushed his upper lip over Spock's nipple as he continued sliding his fingers in and out down below.

"Ohhhhhh yessss."

"Who's got a hungry little hole?"

"" Spock's words came out hesitantly, unused to speaking much during sex.

"Yeah? What are you hungry for?"

Spock reached down, grasping Sam's rigid dick. "This."

"Mmmm, Spock baby..." Sam's lips teased at a nipple while his fingers drummed against Spock's prostate. "'s all yours." Sam rolled onto his back, pulling Spock with him so that the other man was on top. Reaching over, he found the small bottle and lubed up his length, rubbing it up and down Spock's crack. "Ready?"

"Yes ohhh ohhhhhhh." Spock moaned as the tip of Sam's cock pressed inside, opening up his hole further. Sam watched Spock's response as he pressed further in, getting about a third of the way in before Spock's eyebrows twitched. Pausing, he pulled back and began slowly rocking forward again, easing in a little more each time until he felt that big sexy ass resting against his thighs.

"How's that?"

Amazing. OhhhHHHH." Spock moaned as Sam slowly pumped in and out. Hands on his hips silently prompted him to move as well, until Spock found himself bouncing up and down, riding Sam's length. The hands slid up, squeezing his pecs.

"Fuck, I love this chest of yours. I could stare at it, feel it, all damn day."

"Yeah? Perhaps we should have our briefings in your quarters then. Without shirts."

"I'd love that."

"We wouldn't get any work done."

"Who cares?"

"Good point." Spock moaned as Sam worked over his chest and nipples, playing with them while he rode up and down. He hadn't known how much pleasure that part of his body could have...and he didn't want it to stop. A series of long moans rolled out of his throat.

smack A hand came down on his ass.

"Who's a naughty little Vulcan?"

"I' longer Vulcan?"

The hand came down on his rear again, sending a shiver up Spock's spine. "Who's a naughty little earthling then?"


"Me?" Sam grinned. "Riding like crazy, moaning non-stop, unable to get enough of this dick." He pumped his hips up to make a point. His hand came down on Spock's butt again. His eyes twinkled with lust. "Who's my naughty Spock?"

"Me. I am."

smack "You're what?"

Spock felt his already-hard cock get even harder, almost painfully so. Grinning from ear to ear, he flexed his ass, tightening its grip on Sam's cock. "I'm your naughty Spock."

"Yeah?" Another swat, lighter and more playful this time.

"Yeah. I'm naughty Spock." Now Spock's eyes were also flashing devilishly. He felt flushed.

"Prove it." Sam rested his arms behind his head, waiting.

Chewing on his lower lip, Spock rested his hands on Sam's chest, gaining leverage so that he could lift himself up and down...up and down, faster and faster. Soon, he was riding Sam with a vengeance, his loud moans filling the cabin, accompanied by Sam's lustful groans of pleasure. When Sam's hands found his chest again, Spock was nearly howling with lust, his body covered in sweat. "I'm a naughty Spock...naughty Spock...fuck me fuck me FUCK ME!"

His back was arched, hips grinding down, head thrown back, relishing the way Sam's hands pressed against him, tugging on his nipples, caressing his chest.

"Going to give you some more human DNA," Sam growled.

"Yes. YESSSSS!!!!" Spock moaned, riding even harder. "Give it to me - all of it."

~ ~ ~ ~

Sam's growled lightly as his lower lip was lightly tugged on by Spock's teeth before the science officer's tongue found its way back into Kirk's mouth. Spock let out a sound that was half-moan and half-whimper as two fingers played with his cum-covered hole.

Sam broke the kiss, staring into Spock's deep brown eyes, enjoying this new and unexpected side of his friend. Reaching down, he grasped the hard cock that was poking against his belly and gave it a squeeze. "Ready for another round?"

"Hell yeah." Spock nodded, grinning wildly.

"Anything you want to try?"

"There..." Spock paused, clearing his throat. "Um, I did come across something while doing a study of human courtship rituals."

"You were watching porn?" Sam's eyes lit up with amusement.

"No, I was, uh, it was part of my research on human behavior."

"Spock..." Sam tilted his head, raising one eyebrow and grinning. "You need to work on lying - just say that you were watching porn."

"Anyway." Spock paused, waiting.

"Okay." Sam chuckled, slowly rolling his eyes. "So, what did you come across in your...research?"

"It was a position where one person was on their hands and knees and their other was upright, resting on their knees behind them."

"Oh, doggystyle."

"Doggy...?" Spock's eyebrows scrunched together, confused for a moment before his mouth dropped into a small o-shape, his eyebrows raising back up. "Ohhhh. I see. Because they - "

"Yeah." Sam cut off the analysis, focusing on the enjoyment at hand...or rather, 'in-hand', as he was still lightly stroking Spock's dick. "So, you want to try that?"

"Yes." Spock nodded enthusiastically. "It"

Sam curled his lips together, biting on them in order to suppress a laugh. Swallowing, he regained his composure. "Yeah, that would be fun." With a wink, he wiggled out from below and crawled off of the bed, settling onto his hands and knees on the floor.

"Why did you move down there?" Spock leaned over, still on the bed, observing Sam's bare backside.

The other man pointed towards the wall, where a long mirror hung on the wall. "So you can 'observe' better."

"Oh. Excellent!" Spock sprung down from the bed, quickly getting behind Sam. His palm wandered over the smooth lower back, down along the curve of Sam's rear, enjoying the feel of his friend's skin. He was even enjoying the scent in the room. While normally Vulcans struggled with the smells that humans gave off, Spcok was finding the musky sweaty scent in the room to be invigorating and intoxicating. His hard member throbbed, waving in the air.


Spock looked up to find Sam watching him in the mirror. "Sorry. I'm just really...excited. I've never..." He looked back down at Sam's body.

"Vulcans don't do it on all fours?"

"No, never. I mean, Vulcans are very passionate during sex, but the positions are very..." Spock struggled to find a word.

"Vanilla?" Sam smirked a little as Spock tilted his head, confused. "Basic."

"Ahh, yeah, they're very basic."

"Well, time to try something neWWohhh." Sam's word trailed off into a moan as the thick head of Spock's cock worked its way into his entrance.

With his insides greased up with lube and cum and already stretched from his earlier session bottoming for Spock, Sam hummed with enjoyment as he felt the girthy member burrow inside. Opening his eyes, he watched in the mirror as Spock stared down, apparently mesmerized by the sight of his cock sinking into Sam's rear, his lower lip hanging open slightly, eyes staring intently. Spock's eyebrows twitched and he let out a long sigh as he bottomed out, his hips coming to rest against Sam's ass. Soon he was thrusting away, skin slapping against skin as he pounded into Kirk's hole.

Sam encouraged him on, asking through heavy breaths for Spock to give it to him harder, faster.

"Oh yeah, give me that big daddy dick!" The words came out of Sam's mouth instinctively, fully enjoying the way that his guts were being railed. Except the fucking stopped. He looked up, finding that Spock has paused from confusion.


"It's..." Sam let out a long breath, trying to bite back frustration, wanting Spock to keep going and feeling that the mood of the moment had been broken. "It's just a thing, you know? When you're really into sex and you call the other guy daddy."


"I don't...I don't know."

"Hmmm." He glanced down at his cock, half-buried with Sam's hole clenching around the shaft. Looking back up, he caught Sam's bold blue eyes in the mirror. "Perhaps it has something to do with a position of authority and power."

"Spock..." Sam swallowed, struggling to be patient.

" want me to be your...daddy?" Sam looked up again to find one eyebrow raised...but it was a look of sexiness rather than curiosity.

"I - " He was cut off as Spock rammed his cock in to the hilt.

"I expect an answer. Do you want me to be your daddy?"

A shiver went down Sam's spine as the mood in the room took a turn - he hadn't expected Spock quickly to the situation. 'Damn Vulcan intelligence,' he thought with amusement and lust.


Spock pulled out and slammed his cock back in. Some of the videos he'd seen during his 'research' made more sense now. "Yes what?"

"Oh gods...yes sir." Sam was rewarded with another powerful thrust.

Spock's palms tightened their grip on Sam's waist as he began forcefully fucking the other man, ramming his cock in and out with strong thrusts, noticing the way that Sam arched his back, pushing his ass up into the air, his moans growing louder.

"Am I your daddy now?" Another slam of Spock's hips. The corner of Sam's mouth twitched into a grin, enjoying the new development as well as being amused by Spock's almost-but-not-quite-right phrasing.

"Yes sir. You're my daddy...mmmmm." Damn, was Spock gyrating his hips, grinding his dick into Sam's ass, teasing him?

Spock looked in the mirror, watching Sam's reactions as he tried to recreate moments from those videos, although he couldn't quite remember the dialogue. Granted, his focus had been elsewhere. ''I'll have to go back and take another look,' he thought.

"And are you enjoying daddy's dick...son?" Sam visibly shuddered at the question, moaning as his hole clenched against Spock's cock.

A pair of blue eyes, shining bright with lust, drilled into Spock's through the mirrors. "Yes sir. Very much...daddy."

"Good. That's...that's my good boy." The clumsy phrase earned another shiver and moan from the stud on his hands and knees. Encouraged, Spock kept it up, talking as he continued pounding. One hand worked its way up to Sam's shoulder, getting a grip there while his other hand stayed at Sam's hip, guiding him back onto Spock's dick as it continued power-fucking its way into Sam's guts.

By the time that Spock felt his balls boiling, Sam's shoulders had sank down to the ground, his forehead rubbing against the carpet, begging for 'daddy' to keep fucking him.

"I...I...fuck, here it comes Sam, son, are you..."

"Yes. YESSS!!!!!!"

A roar filled the cabin as Spock's nuts unloaded deep into Sam, flooding his insides with another heavy round of cum.

Spock's body wilted, drenched in sweat, his hair plastered to his forehead, resting against Sam's backside for support. The pair tumbled down to the carpet, panting for breath. Sam's fingers were dragging slowly against Spock's chest, caressing it, hormones racing through their bodies.

"Your turn." Spock looked down at Sam's member which appeared to be hard as a rock. Reaching down, he could feel it throb under his touch.

" you try?" Sam struggled to catch his breath.

"The same thing, but with you on top? Or is it behind?" Spock's already-flushed cheeks went a darker shade.

"It's...the same idea. I think you're getting the hang of it." Sam winked as he pulled himself up to his knees and shuffled back, his hands working to roll Spock over and guide his friend into position.

Spock found himself on all fours, facing the mirror, noting the difference in perspective. His analysis was cut off as he felt Sam's manhood pressing inside, enjoying the feeling of his hole being stretched open. He let out a happy sigh as Kirk's hips swung back and forth, working deeper and deeper.

A swat to his ass broke Spock out of his blissful reverie. He looked up to find Sam smirking at him.

"Am I receiving a spanking because I'm...a naughty Spock?" His grinned wickedly.

"Uh huh. Who's my bad, naughty Spock?"

Another swat and a thrust brought a cooing sound from Spock's throat. "I am. I...was late recalibrating the deflector dish this week." The admission earned another swat. "And not all of the tricorders have been updated yet. Ahhh." A smacking sound as Sam's hand came down. Spock continued listing off 'offenses', some real, some made up just to keep Sam's hand going. He hadn't imagined that the act of spanking could be so...erotic. It wasn't long before he found his cock growing stiff again, swinging between his legs as Kirk fucked his ass.

"And I yelled at an officer for being messy." Another swat, this one a little harder than the rest.

"Was that nice?"

"No. I shouldn't have yelled. I'll have to think of a nice way to apologize."

"Mmmm. That'd be nice." Spock felt his torso pulled up, so that he was on his knees with his back pressed to Sam's chest. Hands came around and teased his pecs and his nipples, a nose caressing his neck.

"Although the junior officer was messy, so maybe he should be punished too." Spock their positions reversed, with him spanking Sam. His words must have excited the other man, as he felt the hard rod twitch excitedly in his guts.

"Spread your legs...there you go, let me deeper into that naughty, tight, hot hole of yours." Sam's breath was hot against Spock's neck, and those fingers...what they were doing to his chest kept sending waves of pleasure through his body, let alone the experienced maneuvers of Sam's cock as it worked in and out. Spock got lost in a series of moans, the ship around them disappearing, their bodies being the only thing that existed in the universe.

He felt Sam's body go stiff, the hard dick inside swelling as it throbbed and injected more human DNA deep into his body. One hand reached down and wrapped around his own rod of flesh ,pumping up and down, the other hand continuing to tease Spock's nipples, rubbing and flicking, tugging and pushing. With a whimper, he was pushed over the edge His cock throbbed painfully as he came yet again, eager for release and relief.

He slumped back, exhaustion began to take hold. He felt Sam guide him back up into the bed, the sheet pulled up to cover them, Sam's body pressed against his back, one arm curled against Spock's chest, their legs intertwined - the last sensations Spock knew before everything faded away to slumber.

~ ~ ~ ~

"So, sir, I'll be sure to get this data over to Nurse Chapel as soon as possible."

Spock smirked, amused by Sam's attempt to behave normally. The pair were dressed, getting ready to leave Sam's quarters - Spock on his way to the bridge, Sam heading to his science lab.

"Thank you, lieutenant." Impulsively, he leaned in, his lips finding Sam's for another kiss. And then another.

They finally broke apart, hands sliding down to smooth out their uniforms. Sam reached down and adjusted himself, willing his cock to go back down.

"I uh..." Sam's forehead furrowed. "What does it..." He cleared his throat, regaining his posture. "What happens if it works? And you get your Vulcan DNA back?" He struggled to maintain a neutral face, but Spock could see the concern in his eyes.

"Lieutenant. Sam. What is Newton's First Law of Motion?"

Sam shook his head, surprised by the unexpected question. "Um, a body at rest remains at rest...and a body in motion remains in motion. Sir?"

Spock nodded. "Once something has been put into motion, it stays in motion unless actions are taken to stop it." He reached up hesitantly before allowing his knuckles to graze against Sam's chin. "Do you want to stop?"

Sam shook his head. "No."

"Then the, um, logical thing to do would be to stay in motion, correct?"

Kirk grinned at the way Spock emphasized his trademark word. 'Damned if he isn't learning humor pretty quickly,' he thought. "Yes sir."

"Besides, you're a xenoanthropologist. It would make sense to help you with your...studies...of aliens, including their anatomy?"

"Yes sir." The two men wore devilish smiles.

They met for another kiss, deeper and longer this time.

"Sir. You might want a mint or something before you get to the bridge. I can, um, taste myself on your lips." His mind went back to the sonic shower, where Spock had made a thorough investigation of Sam's body with his mouth, finishing by swallowing another load of Kirk's juices.

"Mmm, thank you. And Sam..." Spock stepped back, allowing the doors to Kirk's quarters to open. "Maybe we can explore Newton's Second Law of Motion together. Son." Winking, he made his way into the corridor, heading towards the turbolift. Sam watched, noting the little bounce in the science officer's step. As the lift doors closed, cutting off his view of that sexy blue-clad torso and muscular legs...his mind drifted back to Spock's last comment.

'Second Law of...oh. Ohhhh." Swallowing, he ducked back into his quarters, adjusting his rapidly-inflating cock. Glancing at the bed with its sheets still in disarray, he wore a lopsided goofy grin. "Looking forward to exploring those ridges," he muttered, his grin growing as he turned to exit his quarters.


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