
By Alain Mahy

Published on Dec 10, 2020


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I was at the mall, shopping, not even remembering what I was looking for. It was strange because I had the feeling to be surrounded by gays. I didn't notice any women, with or without children. I was looking at the fully decorated windows, offering beautiful things that I didn't need at all. Passing a clothes shop, I saw a shadow of a familiar face. I stepped back and observed through the displays in the windows. Yes, indeed, it was Filip. What was he doing here ? I entered the shop and I saw him moving to the back of the shop where there were the fitting rooms. He was not alone, but it was not Flint. Nonetheless, even if I saw only the back of that man, it was not unknown to me.

Filip had his hand on the lower back of that man. I was surprised. On their way to the fitting rooms, he even put his arm around the stranger's shoulder. The fitting rooms were not equipped with doors, but with curtains and they both disappeared in one, closing the curtain. I didn't know what to think. My curiosity was in full alert. I got closer and as the curtain was not closed a hundred percent, I could peek inside. I was horrified ! Filip was passionately kissing the other man. I was really tempted to open the curtain and ask what was going on, but my arms and hands seemed paralyzed. I saw Filip's hands move to the guy's crotch, opening the trousers and pull out a hard dick that he stroke. I couldn't believe my eyes ! It was obvious my lover had an affair with someone else. I wanted to run away, but once again, I couldn't as my legs didn't obey me. I saw Filip getting lower and lower and at one point I could see the other guy's face. This was a total nightmare.

It was Fernando.

Filip dropped to his knees and engulfed Fernando's cock. Fernando had his eyes closed and had a face-expression that was of pure ecstasy. He had his hands on Filip's shoulders and started to breath heavily. Suddenly he opened his eyes and saw me. He had a smirk on his face, one of utter triumph. I felt the tears in my eyes and my vision blurred. I could see Filip was fumbling with his belt and trouser buttons . He came upright, turned his back to Fernando and according to his face, he was impaling himself on Fernando's cock. Fernando didn't stop to look at me over Filip's shoulder and that devilish smile didn't go away from his face. His hips were moving and it was obvious he was fucking Filip, there, in front of my eyes.

I was devastated and wanted to cry out, but not a sound came out of my mouth. Just above the fitting room there was a red horn that started a deafening and annoying sound. It was clearly an alarm, but Filip and Fernando didn't stop what they were doing. That little red horn made such a noise that my ears were hurting. It continued on and on, till I felt a hand on my shoulder, lightly shaking me.

I opened my eyes and was in my bed. Filip was bent over me and smiled and then kissed me softly on the lips.

-Good morning Sunshine! Didn't you hear the alarm clock ?

What a relief ! I had only been dreaming and it was a scary dream ! I wrapped my arms around Filip's neck and started to sob. Those vivid images had affected me enormously. Filip took me in his arms and softly rocked me. I told him what I had seen in my dreams and the mere fact of remembering it, I was shaking all over. Filip kissed me all over my face.

-It was just a bad dream my Love, you know I would never do that to you.

I needed to hear these words and bit by bit calmed down. These images affected my mood. Filip pulled me out of bed and dragged me to the shower. His soft hands were all over me and his lips covered mine. I was crossing my fingers that it had not been a premonitory dream. He soaped me all over and with some shampoo gave me a scalp massage he had the secret of. I relaxed and moaned. It felt so good. With the years we were living together, he had learned to know what to do in which circumstance and I couldn't be more grateful for it. He knew me almost better than I did myself.

When his hands roamed over my buttocks, I pushed my back to him. He knew what that meant and soon his fingers glided in the crack between my butt-cheeks, softly caressing my rosebud. My entrance tingled in anticipation. The first finger passed my sphincter and jiggled till it found my prostate. The second finger followed immediately after that and the third finger made me feel so full. All three jiggled inside my ass and the feeling of them excited me, but I craved his cock. My left hand pushed his fingers out of my butt while my right hand grabbed his hard cock and guided it to where his fingers just left some space. I didn't give him a chance to switch to teasing-mode and pushed backwards till I could not go further. I moved my ass till his cock rubbed my prostate full force. Filip withdrew completely and his cock left a gaping hole that he re-entered forcefully. He did it several times in a row. I urged him to go on and on, harder and faster. With each thrust he abused my joy-button and without touching myself, I ejaculated so strongly that the shower wall was coated with my sticky cream that smeared down.

Even with the contraction of my ass-muscles, Filip hadn't cum yet. He pounded my ass like a jack-hammer. I moved forward till his cock left my ass, turned around quickly and sank to my knees to welcome his hard-on in my mouth. I clenched my lips around his shaft and sucked like never before, pulling on his balls. Filip didn't go over the edge... he flew over the edge, rewarding me with his juices that shot in my throat. I happily swallowed his load, keeping part of it in my mouth to share it with Filip in another passionate kiss. He cleaned my mouth out with his tongue.

We dried each other off and dressed. Flint was long gone to his job, dropping Frederic off at his. At the rehab center, Frederic was loved by everybody, colleagues, bosses and patients and he was doing a great job. Since Fabio had moved in with him and that they shared the rent, Frederic could afford to follow some courses of psychology and obtained his title. On the side, he found the time to follow another course of social worker and all his hard work was rewarded when the sub-director of the center retired and he was offered the job. He was as proud as a peacock when he told us the news, although he was a little hesitant about accepting it. He loved his job and knew that if he accepted the sub-director position, he would have other responsibilities that would take him away from patients and colleagues. The salary raise was important. Nonetheless he refused the position. An outsider got the job and nobody was really happy with the new guy, who seemed to be quite arrogant and full of himself, bragging about his university titles. The general atmosphere at the center got bad. As everybody was complaining, The manager had no choice to fire the guy and so, the position was vacant again.

The manager of the center called Frederic back in his office. Frederic had clearly explained why he had refused in the first place and after a long conversation they came to an agreement where he would do half-time the job he was doing now, and half-time assuming the position of sub-director. That suited Frederic much more. The manager was so happy that he granted Frederic the same salary raise as if he assumed the job of sub-director full time.

One afternoon, Clara was called to Adam's school to meet the principal. She wondered what had happened as her kids had never caused any problem. The principal received her in his office. One of Adam's (who was 12 now) classmates, had been bullying him about living in a house full of "poofs" and then attacking him physically. Adam had, according to some witnesses, peacefully accepted the verbal abuse and even a few pushes form his classmate. As he tried to get away, he stumbled and fell. He got quickly on his feet again and that was the moment his classmate wanted to punch him in the face while screaming he was a faggot. Zach's self-defense lesson kicked-in. The bully was very soon out of order. But... the parents of the bully wanted to press charges and that was why Clara had been called in the principal's office.

-Mr Fenworth, Clara said clearing her throat, I want to make a few things clear here. First of all I live in a house with my three children. The ground floor is occupied by a business that is indeed run by gay men, and not "poofs" like you said. These men teach my sons a lot about respect, something that bully-boy seems to totally ignore and that is his parent's fault. If they can't instill respect to their own son, the problem is their's and certainly not mine. I know my son and you should listen to the witnesses of the quarrel. If you can't manage your own personnel, being it teachers or taskmasters, then I would say you have a problem as well. So... I would appreciate it that you put your concerns and complaints on paper. I will then immediately give it my lawyer and sue the bully, his parents and you Mr Fenworth, because it will tell me you are not on the right place in this school. Did I make myself clear ?

The principal didn't utter a word. Clara got up and at the door of the office she repeated her request.

-I'll be waiting for your written complaint Mr Fenworth. Have a good day and by the way... if I hear that my son has been boycotted in anyway, I won't wait for your letter. I'll drag you in court as soon as possible.

When we heard her telling what had happened at the school, we couldn't be more proud of her. We knew Clara had character and personality and she just proved it. When Adam came home after school, she made him sit down. Filip and I were witness of the scene. She told her son that she had been called to the principal's office and that she heard what had happened on the playground. Adam was looking at the floor.

-Adam, she said, look at me.

He did. He knew better than disobey his mother.

-I heard you were pushed several times before you reacted. I think that is very brave of you and shows that you know what respect is even with people who don't know what it is. I've put the principal in his righteous place and even threatened him. I am very proud about your behavior Adam, but I would appreciate it that when something like that happens, you come and tell me immediately so that I can be prepared. Do we agree ?

Adam had a smile on his face and nodded that he had understood.

-Now, I want you to tell me without delay if any of your teachers, taskmasters or the principal himself say anything to you, push you backwards or that you have the feeling they are boycotting you. Is that clear ?

Adam nodded again.

-How is your classmate now?

-He came to school this morning with a serious black eye and I heard that he even has a broken nose, but he is avoiding me and my other classmates, except for a few friends of the bully, are all behind me.

-Good ! Now you see why your grandfather wanted to teach you self-defense, don't you?

He nodded again.

-Now... get over here and give me a hug. I am so proud of you !

Mother and son hugged. Then she messed up his hair and sent him to do his homework and keep an eye on his brothers.

Filip and I were beaming of pride. She had mastered the situation perfectly. She looked at us.

-I think it is the best way to have my sons grow up and not be afraid of telling my anything. It is so important. I have to thank the three of you for teaching him what respect is and to show that he doesn't have to accept whatever comes his way. I know now that his grandfather''s lessons have been very useful and that, even at 12 years old, my son knows how to defend himself. I hope that Mr Fenworth won't be that stupid to put his complaints on paper, because I know Ralph will be more than interested to do his job and have that stupid principal removed from where he is.

To make a long story short, the principal was indeed THAT stupid and Ralph was more than happy to take the case on and... won, of course. Mr Fenworth disappeared from one day to the other and Ralph even sued the parent's of the bully for moral damages. They received a serious admonishment from the judge who advised them to learn the significance of the word "Respect". Adam told us later that the bully had had to apologize in front of the whole class, but he knew that guy didn't mean a word of his apologies. The whole thing had brought something very positive and that was that once a week, in every classroom, some time was dedicated to learning the concept of Respect. The new principal wanted to have a school with zero tolerance for bullying and all the teachers stood behind the idea. Clara was more than happy about it.

The success of our company grew every day. We were literally submerged in work. Fabio mentioned (not complaining) that as manager of the studio, he didn't have time enough to do his job and organized the schedules at well. Filip and I were slowly getting behind with our administrative work, too. It was time to have someone more, a kind of secretary or personal assistant to get all the work up to date. We didn't have to put an add in the papers. It was sufficient to spread the word among clients, providers and friends. Soon enough we had a pile of resumés. We sat down at the table with everybody. Frederic's psychology degree came in quite useful. We reduced all the candidates to three people who, in our opinion, were the most suitable for the job and invited them over for an interview. We sat down again after the three interviews, analyzing carefully their resumé and the recorded conversation. The voice of that person would be very important as he/she would have to answer the phone as well.

Our final choice fell on Candy, and African woman with great personality and tremendous voice. She came over for a final motivational conversation where we made her an offer. Candy was almost in tears of happiness when she learned she was the elected person. She got to our hearts. She was a single mother of a boy and when she mentioned she would have restrictions in the hours work, we told her that she was welcome to bring her son, Dorian, with her whenever the circumstances needed it. Dorian had a similar age to Clara's boys and that was an advantage.

Candy was a very well organized woman and in no time at all she was the absolute leader of the studio. She had authority, but knew her place. On top of that she had an incredible memory and knew exactly each and everyone's schedules. She was very dedicated and more than once we had to insist that she had to leave and go home. If we didn't say anything, she could easily be found at her desk around 7pm whereas she normally finished around 5:30pm.

Clara's boys kind of "adopted" Dorian immediately. Raised by a single mother, he was very well educated and polite and soon found his place with his three white brothers. It was a pleasure to see them interact and play together. We suspected Clara had lectured her boys on the fact Dorian was black and remembered them what respect was.

Candy and Clara soon became best friends. They were both very professional women and we felt fortunate to have them with us. Their contagious laughter was often heard in the two houses. Thanks to Candy's efficient work, the company ran like a well oiled machine. We couldn't be happier. The steady flow of requests was, this time, limited to the jobs we really wanted to do. Yes, we had to refuse new clients.

Fabio and Frederic looked so happy together ! With time they had made the attic as their real home and didn't want anything more. Clara was a tremendous success with her audio-books for children and her three boys were wonderful to have around. They did well at school and the house next door was often filled with a lot of children their age. It seemed they were quite popular. We noticed that Freddy was quite a lot around Candy. We obviously couldn't see her blush when he was around, but her general attitude was different. We wondered what would come out of that !

Flint had, just like Frederic a few months previously, refused a promotion. He had the same philosophy as Frederic, meaning that he loved what he was doing and didn't want to change a thing. Filip was submerged with work and even if he had a colleague that came three days a week to help him, he still had to refuse some patients.

And I... I had abandoned most of the translation works as my voice became my main source of income. I was happy with my two husbands (although not officially married).

Life was beautiful and I couldn't thank the Universe enough for it.

The End.

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

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