
By Alain Mahy

Published on Dec 8, 2020


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Ferdinand's funeral could only be done after a thorough autopsy and that the police released the body. For Clara's kids it was a devastating event. They loved their father. The truth had been kept from them. Officially he had had an accident. The trauma of his death was more than enough for these young children that there was no reason to add the truth about their father and even less that he had been murdered, with or without reason.

Filip's mother's heritage was soon resolved, thanks to Ralph who did a splendid job about it. He also convinced and even proved that Clara was not the author of the crime on her husband. How he did it, we had no idea. Probably it was just by telling the truth.

Clara sold the house Ferdinand had purchased. The last few weeks of their marriage had left some bitter tastes and she didn't want to be reminded of it every time she was in that house. Filip and Clara agreed on selling Filip's mother's house as well. With the heritage, all the existing problems disappeared, most of all the financial ones. Clara found after a thorough search, a house to rent not too far from where we were living, that had the required four bedrooms. We helped her as much as we could to make that house as cosy as possible so she could create new memories together with the three kids.

Flint, Filip and I finally met the three nephews. At first they were a little surprised they had an uncle they had never met and quickly adapted to the new person in their lives. Adam (10), Barry (9) and Charlie (8), Filip's nephews, were lively and well educated boys. Clara had done a very good job with them. They soon became regulars at our house and we loved it to have them around. It was not a surprise they loved to come over : we were spoiling them. We often went to get them from school when Clara couldn't because of her work. One of us would get them to their home and wait till she got home.

We soon had a special bond with Clara and we even met her parents who were adorable. Her father, Zach, was a bit reluctant at first as Filip was, after all, Ferdinand's brother, but he soon realized that they were absolutely not identical at all. We also discovered that Frederic, who had followed self-defense while he was at the rehab center, actually had followed it with Clara's father. They knew each other well. Zach soon talked us all in following self-defense lessons, including the nephews who were thrilled to be more time around their grandfather. Self-defense lessons would always come in handy. We never knew in what kind of situation we could get.

Life slowly got back to normal, if we excluded the fact we were full-time uncles of three boys who were full of life and energy. Fortunately they worked out some of that energy with their grandfather.

We had promoted Fabio to manager of the recording studio. It was only a title (with the according raise of salary) because he already organized everything. He had to take in account that Filip had patients with whom he needed the sound-proof room, but also the recording I had to do for Flint's bosses and my audio-books that were having quite some success. He was very meticulous and one day he announced that we had to expand or refuse jobs. The agenda of the studio was full and he had to start to make a waiting list. We knew we couldn't expand as there was simply no room for that. We had never expected to be so successful. Expanding the studio meant we had to find another place, something we didn't look forward to. It would also directly imply to contract another person and to invest in more technical equipment. Our accountant pushed us that way because otherwise we would have to pay more taxes.

Frederic, Fabio, Flint, Filip and I had a meeting to discuss the whole problematics.

Flint assured that National Geographic was already searching for a second studio because they had quite a lot of programs on the list and that his bosses didn't know if we could face the amount of work. They also wanted to have a feminine voice for certain programs that were specifically oriented towards women.

Filip had more work as well as his name and fame became well known. He had already mentioned several times that he would have to find a colleague or even an associate to face the constant demand of speech therapists.

Fabio was member of an association of technical geeks and was sure he could find someone in that group who would be willing to join our team.

For my part, except the National Geographic programs, I had had to stop all other translations as I just didn't have the time to do them. The audio-books were having an increasing success and even more since we had an association of blind people who asked for more and more audio-books.

It looked like we quickly had to find a new place or refuse new clients. It was a big dilemma. When our accountant showed us what we would have to pay as taxes at the end of the year, it was a serious eye-opener. We had to do something. We had to invest if we didn't want all our earned money disappear in taxes. He even said it would be good to have some debts. It was Frederic who came up with a possible solution. He was a very social man and knew everybody in the neighborhood. He had been silent most of the time during our meeting but we couldn't be happier when he opened his mouth.

-You know our neighbors are selling their house ?

What the f*** ! How he got such an information was a mystery to us. The neighbor's house was almost identical to ours and that meant that we knew what kind of space it would offer. That space was more than enough to expand the studio and even Filip's practice. I looked at my watch and thought it was not too late to ring the neighbor's bell. Frederic, who apparently knew him and Filip went next doors. About an hour later they came back.

-The house is not sold yet and the price is fair. The house has a lot of potential, just like ours had when we bought it. The configuration of the house is such that we could even have a glass tunnel connecting the two houses, but that will depend if town-hall allows it. We only need the ground-floor which means that the first and second floor, as well as the attic, would stay free. We can think about that later. We can found a company that would include al our activities and have that company buy the house. We will have to ask the accountant what he thinks of it. There would also be a huge investment for a new sound-proof room and the technical equipment. The first floor, the second floor and the attic will need some refurbishments.

-OK, I said. What about the technician ?

-It will all depend on the contract you offer, said Fabio, but if it is what you offered me when I started with you, I am sure I can find someone quite quickly to accept it.

-Good Fabio ! What about a supplementary voice-over specialist Filip ?

-Taking into account what Flint says about what his bosses are looking for, I guess we have someone who could fill that position : Clara. She has a wonderful voice and I could teach her what I taught you Al. She is a determined woman and when she puts her mind to something, she goes for it. I guess it is just a question of asking her.

-OK ... Flint, can your bosses wait for a bit before contracting another studio with the promise we will expand and face their needs ?

-I guess they can, he answered, I'll have to submit the idea and see their reaction. Knowing them like I know them, there is a lot of chance they will accept a little delay. It will all depend on how long the delay will be.

-Creating the company, Filip said, buying the house and refurbish it, installing the sound-proof room and technical needs... I cross my fingers that we could say it would be three to four months.

-OK ! I'll check it as soon as you give me the green light.

The following morning I went to see our accountant. He looked carefully at all the figures I spread in front of him. He analyzed the whole situation as he perfectly knew what kind of money we had in our bank accounts. He strummed furiously on his calculator.

-Creating a new company is a splendid idea. It will reduce taxes compared to your being self-employed. You would be administrators of that company but as well employees with whatever salary you decide. You have the means to do the necessary refurbishments and install the technical needs. If I were you, I would go for a full mortgage to buy the house as that will be deductible from your taxes.

I didn't need more information than that. My mind was set to go for it. At noon I met the guys for lunch and exposed what the accountant had told me. Filip came up with a good news as well. Clara was hesitating a bit but was not against it at all. Just like I was not convinced to have the necessary voice, she had the same problem. Filip had already arranged to do a test recording with her. Fabio said he had launched the idea in his group and already had a few serious candidates for the job and Flint said his bosses would agree if it was not exceeding the four months.

It was all too good to be true. All the pieces of the puzzle came into their appropriate space. Filip who was THE negotiator, immediately went to see the neighbor to tell him we would buy the house if he reduced his price a little. They agreed on a fair price and signed a basic contract to seal the deal. That basic contract would be hundred percent valid as soon as the neighbor would see a ten percent deposit in his account.

The engine was in motion. That afternoon I sent an email to the company who had installed the sound-proof room and the technical equipment. Another email went to the constructor who had done the refurbishing in our house, asking for a detailed budget. Yet another email went to Flint's bosses, promising a complete and functioning studio with the necessary personnel, including a female voice. Filip and I knew perfectly well Clara would do a wonderful job. Fabio made an appointment with the technician he knew so that we could meet him and eventually contract him. That technician would start immediately so that Fabio could train him in his specific tasks. A last email went to our bank manager, asking for an appointment but also explaining him the reason of it.

At dinner, Filip came up with a new idea. As Clara was renting her place, why wouldn't we refurbish the first and second floor of the house next door for her and our nephews ? It would make it all so much easier to organize the kids lives and combining it with her work-schedules. We knew what kind of rent she paid and would offer her the first and second floor a little cheaper. We didn't know yet what we would do with the attic and left all possibilities open.

I won't give you all the details of the hectic three months after concluding the purchase of the house next door. Hectic is actually an understatement. With the amount of work we had with our current jobs, Filip training Clara and the refurbishments of the house, we had to juggle with our respective times and availabilities. The final result was absolutely spectacular, specially the glass tunnel that connected the two houses. Clara and the kids were delighted with their new living space. The boys ran over from one house to the other and sometimes it was difficult to find them at the hour we ate or that they had to go to bed.

Clara's voice was a tremendous success. Flint's bosses were on cloud nine with her and we were, too. Soon enough she helped me with the audio-books. She came up with a fantastic idea.

-Why don't we make recordings of bed-time stories for children ? A lot of parents don't have the time to stand still and sit down on their children's bed to read them such a story.

We thought it was a splendid initiative coming from her. She had a lot of these kind of books and we did a trial to make it listen to our editor. Believe it or not, he fell asleep while listening to her soothing voice. She was a natural and soon she had her own audio-book series that sold like warm rolls on a Sunday morning. She even had an interview on television and after that, she was left with almost no time at all. Freddy, the new technician, dedicated all his time in making hundreds of copies of the CD. The series of "Clara's Stories" could be found everywhere. Freddy couldn't follow the demand and we had to contract an outside company to make the copies of the CD. Automatically, we were asked to have the stories on MP3 devices, too. That opened a whole new market.

At the first anniversary of our company, we couldn't be happier. We worked hard and much, but we also earned nice money. We didn't have much time to spend it and our saving accounts grew well. The main problem was to give everybody his deserved holidays. In the summer months, work slowed a little, but not enough to be able to close the company for a few weeks so that everybody could do as he pleased. It was obvious we gave absolute priority to Clara as she had to take her vacations during school holidays.

The first Christmas after that we were reunited under two roofs, was spectacular. Filip wanted to celebrate it in style. We had to move furniture to put the biggest tree Filip had found. On December 6th, everybody came in to decorate it. It was a total chaos and it as really fun to do it. Hundreds... no, thousands of colored LED lights illuminated the tree and the room. During the whole month packages in colored papers were put at the foot of the tree. Most of them were for the kids of course as Filip wanted them to feel they were loved and that he felt guilty he hadn't been there for their other Christmases.

For Christmas Eve we had invited all the people we were working with as well as Zach and his wife and a very few very good friends of ours. Suddenly, the dining room table was not big enough to all sit down at. With some wood planks we extended it and then had the problem of a big enough table cloth. We found the solution with ... bedsheets ! They were washed, clean and ironed. The mere idea of what these sheets had witnessed during the year, made Flint very horny. He started to grab Filip and me each time he was close enough. From grabbing came kissing and it was no wonder that we all three sported massive bulges in our jeans. I was just about to start dressing the table when Flint pushed me on it so that I was laying on my back with my legs hanging off the edge. To no avail I told him we had not time for that. With the speed of light, he opened my jeans, took my cock out and directly put it in his mouth. It was undeniable he was horny as hell. As Filip saw what was going on, he came over, took his jeans and underwear off, climbed on the table and fed me his manhood.

OK... OK... we could use a little break and making love was certainly something we loved to do. The excitement rose. How could it be different ? I had a mouth on my dick and a dick in my mouth and it was fabulous. We couldn't make it a long session as there were too many things that had to be done. The lack of time had to be made up by enthusiasm and active sexual activity. Flint felt restricted in his access to my genitals and pulled of my trousers and briefs. His expert tongue went to work, lavishing my balls , my taint and when he lifted my legs high in the air, Filip grabbed my ankles to keep me in that position. Flint didn't need a formal invitation to eat my ass out and he munched on it with gusto. As my cock was free, Filip bent over and replaced Flint's mouth with his own on my cock. That 69 position suited me fine. I sucked on Filip's cock and he pushed it in my throat, his balls covering my eyes. I couldn't see a thing, but surely could feel it. Filip twirled his tongue on my cock-head and as he had hooked his arms behind my knees, he kept me in a way that my ass was available for Flint to do what he wanted. It was already wet and slippery. He added fingers to my rosebud, stretching my ass-muscles to the maximum. I clenched my muscles a few times, winking at Flint with my ass.

Flint took that as an invitation and it was. He stood on both his feet and at the perfect height to point his cock right on target : my hole. I craved his cock, I needed it deep inside of me and he knew it. He thrusted his cock in, in one powerful go, reaching deep inside while his pubes tickled my ass-cheeks. Filip bent forward even more so he could partially lick Flint's cock each time it came out of my ass. He licked Flint's cock, then my taint and balls, covering my shaft with his spit till he reached my cock-head that he engulfed till his nose was on my scrotum. He did that several times while Flint went in and out of me. I saw stars and angels as they both took me to heaven. I caught Filip's balls in my mouth, pulling on them while my free hand stroked his rock-hard cock. It had an immediate effect on him as he coated my chest with his warm and sticky cream. His cock didn't go back to its flaccid state and he took advantage of that to jump off the table and stand behind Flint. I heard him spit a few time in his hand to coat his semen covered cock into Flint's ass, who thrusted even deeper into me. Filip pinched Flint's nipples hard with the desired effect that he went over the edge and filled my bowels. The spasms in my ass had the desired effect as well as I shot load after load on my chest and belly where it mixed with the remains of Filip's seeds.

We were out of breath but oh so satisfied and fulfilled. It hadn't taken long but it had been very intense, The newness of having sexual activity on the dinning room table certainly added to our excitement. The bedsheet/tablecloth had to be removed and dumped in the washer and replaced by another bedsheet. It was only then that I could dress the table after pulling up my pants.

Despite the very enjoyable break, we were ready in time for our guests. We gaped when Clara came in. She had found the time to go to the hairdresser, put up some make-up and wore a beautiful red evening dress. She was stunningly magnificent. Frederic, Fabio and Freddy were almost in uniform with their dark blue formal pants and nicely ironed light blue button down shirts. In fact, everybody was dressed to the occasion, even our three nephews and we could feel the festive ambiance in the air. Apart from the Christmas tree, there was no electric light, only candles everywhere. We had Champagne, even the kids although theirs was alcohol free.

The kids were as excited as flees on a dog when they discovered all the presents at the foot of the tree. In a desperate attempt to calm them down a bit, we already gave them a present and the first colored paper flew through the air. The brand new Playstation 4 was immediately connected to the television. After that, we didn't hear them anymore. Knowing how boring it could be for kids to sit at a table full of adults, Clara had suggested to feed them first, before we sat down. While we were enjoying the Christmas dinner the children were once again playing with their new toy. They abandoned the PS4 just for dessert and soon after that when Filip announced it was "present time".

Thank-you-kisses and smiles were all you could see. It was so nice to see Clara happy and smiling. She deserved it after all she went through in the last year. The most impressive gift came from Clara to Filip, Flint and I. It was a small box and when we opened it, we found three identical golden rings. One was adorned with a sapphire, the other with an emerald and the last one with a ruby. We slipped them on our fingers and they were a perfect fit and we proudly showed them to all our other guests.

It was truly Christmas.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 17

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