
By Alain Mahy

Published on Dec 3, 2020


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It was unbelievable how quickly and easy our lives adapted to each other. Nobody came first and no-one was last. We were three equals together. The other thing was, that we had absolutely no jealousy at all. Most of our lovemaking was all three of us, but at the same time it was possible to have lovemaking one on one. Outside the bedroom, our lives went on like before. We worked a lot, even too much.

We cancelled our official wedding. It seemed it would cause an imbalance as we included Flint in everything and we were equally in love. We were looking for a kind of Civil Partnership where the three names would be mentioned. Till now we have not found it. Accepting a marriage looked like we didn't accept Flint fully in our lives. We did accept him and that was why the wedding suddenly lost its meaning. It was all a question of respect.

The weeks and months passed by and we couldn't be happier. All our friends knew about our "marital" status and showed respect towards it. We never received an invitation that was only for Filip and me, without including Flint. There were a few awkward moments where people didn't know and tried to fix one of us up with a friend of theirs. We made the situation quite clear that we all three formed an item and that we didn't need a fourth one.

Even if we cancelled the wedding, we didn't cancel our honeymoon. We went on a holiday on a cruise and it had been hard to explain to the travel agent we wanted a cabin for three, but with only one kingsize bed. Our experience had been that we had , in younger years, to come out and we had the feeling we had to do it all over again as a throuple. A lot of people seemed to not understand our relationship. The cruise was in the Caribbean and we saw the most splendid places. The ship was absolute luxury to the point it was almost obscene. Could you actually justify so much luxury in a world where some people don't even can have a decent meal per day? I had a nagging feeling inside, but then again, enjoyed it anyway. As we had a superior luxury cabin, we were invited at the Captain's table the first night. Tuxedos were expected. Once again what they didn't expect was to have suddenly three people arriving at the big dinning room. Sometimes it seemed there was a lack of communication between the different services onboard.

The Captain's invitation was more than pleasant once they rearranged the table to have us seated. Our gaydar was functioning well and we had the very strong suspicion the Captain was as gay as we were, although he always had beautiful women at his arm. He was more than interested in what we did for a living and even thought he could do something for us, and for him as a matter of fact. The cruise company was making new promotional videos of each ship they owned and the Captain gave us a card, wrote a few informations on the back, telling us who to contact for the voice-over of the said videos. He gave another card to Flint telling him that his bosses would be more than interested in a documentary about cruise-ships and travels. It had been an interesting evening that opened a whole bunch of professional doors. After a few drinks at the bar, the Captain became a little more personal, forgetting for a moment his position on the ship. Our gaydar had not failed us although he insisted it was something that was not a subject to discussion in his professional career. The only thing he had imposed on the ship he was in charge of, was a total prohibition of discrimination based on race, religion or sexual orientation. A lot of people would consider it just "normal attitude" but within the crew, he assured it was not always the case as he had to deal with nothing less than seventeen nationalities. More than once he had had to ask the company to remove some guys who couldn't show respect for their co-workers. The company he worked for had always respected his judgement and removed the unwanted employee.

During that cruise we drank more Champagne than during a whole year. There seemed to be hundreds of occasions to let the bubbles flow. Each night, after dinner and show, when we returned to our cabin, there was always a bottle of the finest French Champagne and a box of Belgian chocolates, always accompanied by a card with the traditional "Compliments of the Captain". We had noticed that the Captain was a huge amateur of French Cognac and the last evening we offered him a bottle of it to thank him for all the nice attentions he had shown towards us. He thanked us profusely and assured us that that bottle would be in his cabin and nowhere else.

You could think that making love on a moving boat would add a bit of spice to our lovemaking. Nothing was less true as we didn't even feel that the ship was moving, not even when we had to sail through a tropical storm. We asked the Captain how it was possible and the very next morning, he sent one of his engineers to fetch us and have a tour where the passengers never came. We received all the technical explanation about the engines and security features with a special attention to the stabilizers of this huge construction. We were really impressed. Flint immediately thought about the possibility of an interesting series of documentaries on the subject and didn't hesitate to ask the First Engineer if that would be possible. Of course, he said it would be interesting, but that it was a decision that was not his. He said that National Geographic would have to introduce an official request to do so. He also said that if the Captain would write a recommendation, there was a high chance the company would accept. He said he would mention it. The same afternoon, Flint sent an email to his production team mentioning the idea. Not only had the cruise been enjoyable, it even had been productive if we could do the things that had been suggested.

It would have been nice for us to make love in the sun. Unfortunately the terrace of our cabin was not secluded enough and during the various stops at different islands, we had not the time to find a kind of "private" beach to do so. We were not complaining though and enjoyed the pleasures of gay sex to the fullest in our cabin, still discovering new things in our young throuple. We so found out that Flint's nipples were directly connected to his cock. Jeez... just pinching them with the right strength at the right moment would make him ejaculate a huge amount of sperm. We enjoyed immensely the taste of Champagne on cock. The bubbles subtly tickled the bathed cock. When one afternoon I had been exploring the shops onboard while Flint and Filip were having a nap, I had been cruised by several young and beautiful men. Their disappointment could clearly be seen on their faces when I didn't follow their advances. But... it made me horny as hell ! Returning to the cabin, Flint and Filip were in a hot 69 and I just sat down at first, to observe them and get a real kick seeing them please each other. I couldn't help myself to undress quickly and join them.

That cruise ended far too quickly as we had enjoyed it to the fullest. After that luxurious ship, our house was going to look and feel dull, but it was not only our house, it was also our home and we longed to be there again. We were back on having to do the things ourselves instead of being served. Flint immediately started the laundry while Filip went to listen to the messages on our voice-mail and I went to do some grocery shopping. When I came back, Flint and Filip were sitting in the living room. They were not showing happy faces. Something had gone wrong and I didn't know what yet. Filip told me to listen to message #3 on the voice-mail. I pressed the button.

"Hey guys, Fernando here. Just to let you know I opened the studio again. Can you contact Flint as phone says he restricted the incoming calls."

It was a short message indeed, certainly after about nine months of silence. He clearly needed to work (and money) if he called us.

-Are you nervous Flint? I asked.

-Not really nervous, I am rather fuming from pure rage. How dare he call like that as if nothing happened? Does he really hoped to just pick-up where he left? That people were waiting for him during months without having any news? It just tells me I am better off without him. God! If you two hadn't been there for me, I just don't know where I would be today. I am happy now and then I hear such a message ! Sorry guys, it makes me furious.

-There is no reason for you to say you are sorry, Filip said. You have done nothing wrong. Don't let it get to your heart, it's not worth it. He left and lost. He had to know that his biggest client wouldn't wait months and months. The only thing I would do is warn your bosses, your team and even the receptionist who accepts all the phone calls. On this side we will warn Fabio, because sooner or later Fernando will know we have the complete equipment he has (and even better) and that now we assure the service to what was his biggest client.

Filip was right and Flint looked at his watch. There was still time to call his office and tell them what Fernando was probably going to try. He first had Alicia (the receptionist) on-line and she immediately told him that Fernando had already tried to come back as provider. Jeff, the team-leader of the production department had him on-line and told him clearly that he was not happy with Fernando's disappearance and that they now worked with someone else that gave them complete satisfaction. Flint asked to talk to Jeff and they were clearly good co-workers and even friends. Jeff reassured him that Fernando wouldn't stand a chance to regain the trust they had. For Jeff it was totally unacceptable the way Fernando had acted in his business. When Flint asked him if he needed to warn the bosses, Jeff told him they already knew and that there was a clear veto on Fernando.

While Flint was on the phone with his company, Filip went to see Fabio who was still in the office. Fabio told him that indeed he had had a call from someone that didn't even introduce himself, but from what Filip told him, he was sure it was Fernando, but he couldn't be sure a hundred percent. Filip gave him clear instructions if that guy ever called back, to immediately switch him through and that he would handle it. In all the months Fabio had worked with us, he had become a very reliable employee and even a friend so to speak. He was very professional and loyal to us.

We didn't have the time to think about a strategy on how to handle that situation as the doorbell rang. I didn't have to open the door to know who it was and my intuition was right (once again). It was Fernando indeed. First of all, I planted my feet firmly on the ground and crossed my arms, making him understand I wouldn't invite him in although he did the first step to do so, but I blocked the entrance.

-Hello Al... aren't you going to let me in?

I tried to look as stern as I could when I told him no.

-I thought we were friends...?

-Friends? You are really using that word, don't you? You just disappeared without giving the slightest explanation, jeopardizing our work, closing your studio with no possibility to contact you at all, leaving behind the one you called your lover, devastating him ... You really think that the way "friends" act?

-I made a mistake, I admit, Fernando answered, but that doesn't mean it has to end our friendship...

-Before using the word, you should know its meaning. There are ways to do things and we can't say you handled it very well. You were just rude and inconsiderate over the phone and didn't give any news in almost a year time and you really want us to just open our door and welcome you again? You should know that every action causes a reaction and it is time you grow up and learn to assume the consequences of what you did.

If his eyes had been machine-guns, I would have been dead right there and then. He realized his mistake had taken him to be alone from what I understood. He tried to stay calm, but I saw his fists clenching and his knuckles were white.

-Where is Flint? He will understand me...

-I am afraid you are mistaken once more Fernando. He is the one you almost destroyed completely. He used to love you and please note that I am using the past tense. You destroyed him and put his job and word in real danger as he had endorsed your professionalism. He did things for you that no-one has ever done. You left him all alone to run away with Frederic...

-Frederic was a mistake and I stopped any contact with him...

-Oh... you left him devastated as well with no explanation? I see... that's the way you manage things, without taking in account the harm you do and not caring who you leave bleeding after your passage.

-That's not fair...

-What's not fair is the way you act and are!

That was followed by a tirade of insults and he called me all sorts of names except nice ones. He was fuming ! It downed on him that he wouldn't get anything from me and least of all where he could find Flint. From what Jeff had told Flint, the door to National Geographic was definitely closed for him without any chance that it would open again. He was really alone and without resources. The pity was that he didn't understand that it was not what he did that brought him in that situation, but how he did it. He would need time to realize that, if he ever did.

I didn't want to spill more words on him. I just told him to leave and not coming back and closed the door. Filip asked me how I had done it to stay calm and polite and added that he had recorded the whole scene with his smart phone.

-That was easy my love because I knew I was right.

Filip and Flint both came over to me and hugged me. Yes, I knew that together we were strong. The only question remaining was to know what Fernando would do. We had rejected him as a friend and in such a way there was no doubt possible.

That same night, after we had made love and fell asleep, Flint's nightmares returned. The whole situation had affected him more than he would admit at first. We calmed him back to sleep but my night was over. I looked at the alarm clock and it was 4:28am. I got out of bed. I was angry, yes, not so much by Fernando's doing, but by the results of it. The nightmares Flint had, were a direct consequence of Fernando's visit. I had a very hard time to accept that Flint's night rest was disturbed by it. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again and went naked to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I then went to the living room and sat down, obsessed with the situation. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that suddenly Flint was standing next to me.

-I missed you against me in the bed...

-Filip is sleeping?

-You know how he is... yes, he is sleeping. You want another cup of coffee. I could use one...

And he went to the kitchen to fetch two warm cups. He came back and sat down next to me, putting his hand on my naked thigh. I pulled him to me, taking him in my arms. We talked quietly for a moment and as his hand moved slowly towards my crotch, my cock automatically came alive. He looked at me with a sheepish smile on his face. He was adorable and I couldn't help myself: I had to kiss him. What was meant to be a simple peck on the lips, turned into a full mouth on mouth kiss with dancing tongues in them. My cock was not the only one responding. Flint stroked my cock slowly till it was rock-hard, stopped kissing me and started a travel down my body. He paid extra attention to my nipples till they were completely erected. Happy with the result, he travelled lower and engulfed my hard manhood in his mouth. His tongue swirled around my cock-head and I started to moan. He had a way to service my cock that even Filip didn't have. I wanted his cock in my mouth as well, but didn't move as to not break the spell.

Flint went on and on, while grabbing my balls and pulling on them. That hardened my cock even more and consequently made it more sensitive. I opened my legs to give him better access and he took advantage of it to get on his knees on the floor between them. He lavished my genitals that were soon shining in the dim glimmering light of a new day that was about to start. He sure had a lot of energy that early in the morning and I made a mental note to have more morning lovemaking. Flint was worshipping my cock and I couldn't move, or rather I didn't want to move. Leaving my cock for a moment, he took my balls in his mouth and gave me the same enjoyable sensation he had given my cock that he continued stroking lovingly. His hand glided easily thanks to his spit that coated it. His tongue licked my shaved scrotum and sending shivers all through my body.

I let myself fall in a laying down position on the sofa. Flint followed me, still on his knees but not on the floor anymore, but as well on the sofa. He pushed my legs to my chest and so opened my ass. I squeezed my ass-muscles a few time and my rosebud was winking at him. He smiled and softly kissed my winking hole. Oh yes, I was more than ready for him and let him prepare my entrance with tongue and fingers. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feelings he was creating, using his tongue between the two fingers that were already opening my ass expertly. That French kissing of my rosebud made me moan even harder. I asked him to fuck me, more imploring than asking, but Flint went on at his own rhythm, driving me completely crazy.

Flint came up for more kissing. Laying on me, his cock found its way between my thighs and reached my ass. He was hard... very hard. He spit a few times in his hand and coated his cock with it. He didn't need his hands to guide his cock right on target and I could feel it close to entering me. I relaxed my muscles, feeling ready for his invasion. Flint entered me with loving care. Searching for the best angle as to not give me any pain. His hips pushed forwards, forcing my muscles to open and let his cock in. He felt so good in me. His hips started the classical in and out movement. Long, slow and deep thrusts that rubbed my prostate and took me to heaven and back. Sometimes I wondered if I could live without having a man deeply buried in me. I was lucky to have two of them wanting my ass on a daily basis. They were equally happy when I invaded their asses.

Suddenly, Flint stretched his arms and lifted himself from my body, while trusting forward and got even deeper in me and throwing his head back and looking at the ceiling. First I thought he was already shooting his load, but I could see that Filip had joined us in silence. Flint's sudden thrust was due to Filip pushing his hard cock in his ass without warning. Flint kept still for a while, adjusting to the invasion in his ass. He recovered quickly and flexed his arms again so his chest was again pressed on mine and consequently kissing me with new found energy. I could feel Filip going in and out of Flint's ass because it pushed him each time deeper in me. Damned! It was so hot and were started to sweat profusely. Filip laid down on Flint's back and our bodies were rubbing easily with our sweat. The moans were loud. The kissing was intense and what I felt in my ass was close to a miracle. The friction of Flint's body on my cock that was trapped between our bellies, speeded up my way to heaven under the form of an enormous ejaculation. Nature being what it was, my ass muscles spasmed according to the spurts of semen that came out of my piss slit, milking Flint's cock. He couldn't endure that treatment for very long and followed my example by depositing his juices in my bowels. Yes, his ass-muscles clenched as well and sent Filip over the edge.

I tried to recover a normal breathing, something that was not easy with the weight of both my lovers on me. I was not complaining, on the contrary. As long as Filip didn't get up, Flint's cock stayed in me and I was grateful for that as I hated that empty feeling in my ass after the lovemaking. We disentangled. I stayed on my back while Flint sat on the sofa between my still open legs. Filip sat next to him and I enjoyed the view of them kissing passionately. I expected Filip to say something sexy or romantic.

-Anybody wants coffee?

That was not what I expected. Flint and I gave our empty cups to Filip who went to the kitchen for a refill. He hadn't said anything sexy, but seeing his naked ass going to the kitchen was sexy as hell.

It had been an early start of the day and that had the big advantage that we could do everything more quietly, without the usual hurrying when we got up at our normal hour.

To be continued...

All comments welcome at amahy1957@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 12

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