Visiting Cousin

By Lucy Roberts

Published on Jan 15, 2003



"Visiting Cousin" by Lucy Roberts. If you like this story please let me know

Ian stood on the doorstep with his suitcases. Here he was going to see his cousin whom he hardly knew. Ian was 15 and during this holiday his parents were due to be away and so he had four weeks to spend with his cousin Jack. Jack was 17 and Ian had a sneaking feeling that Jack wouldn't want to know him.

Ian was not exactly the most robust of teenagers. Indeed he was quite slight and unassuming. He was happy with his own company and at home, as an only child, had plenty of time on his own.

The door opened and it was Aunty Sue.

"Hi Ian," she said, "come in and welcome."

She turned into the house and Ian took in her body.

Aunty Sue was quite slim and nicely dressed in a blue skirt And cream blouse. Her tan tights ran into black shoes and her Light brown hair came down onto her shoulders. Nice thought Ian but as much of the clothes Sue was wearing as of Sue herself.

Jack came into the hallway. "Hi," he said.

"Oh there you are Jack," said Sue. "Can you show Ian up to the bedroom and help him settle in. Supper will be ready in half an hour."

Jack showed Ian up to a bedroom. It was quite small with a single bed but, even at the first look, it was clear that it was a girl's room.

"Sorry about the room," said Jack. "It belongs to my sister Jen, who's away at the moment, which is why Mum agreed to you coming or there wouldn't have been room for you. I'm sure you can move some of the things around in her drawers to create some space."

Ian opened the top drawer and nearly fainted. It was filled with panties and bras. His cousin Jen was 20 and clearly liked nice undies. Ian closed the drawer and looked through the others finding all kinds of feminine things in them. Eventually he thought that perhaps he could clear one out to put some of his bits in and then hang the rest of his clothes in the wardrobe, which he found to be pretty full with dresses, blouses and skirts.

Ian was non-commital in response to Jack's apologies that Jen had so much stuff.

Ian began to unpack his clothes as he and Jack talked. It became fairly clear that they didn't have much in common. While Ian didn't mind sport it seemed to be all that Jack lived for, apart from girls and Ian had never had a girlfriend. Even on music Ian drew a blank. Jack seemed nice enough but it was clear that these two were not destined to be bosom buddies.

Ian unpacked his suitcase but left his small grip for later

he certainly didn't want Jack to see what he had in there.

When they went down to supper Ian's Uncle Simon was there.

They had a pleasant supper and Ian though that he would be all right here though he knew that he would be spending a fair amount of time on his own.

After supper Jack took Ian out down to the town to meet some of his friends. Again it was pleasant but Ian felt very much on the edge, not least because they were all drinking and Ian was clearly under aged. But he enjoyed talking to one or two of Jack's friends, especially the girls.

Back at the house Ian went to bed.

Once he'd shut the door he opened his grip. What was inside would have amazed everyone.

He was proud of his collection but would never show it to anyone because it consisted of women's clothes or to be more precise underclothes.

For several years now Ian had been a closet transvestite. He saw the opportunity of being away from home for four weeks as a good chance to indulge himself in some dressing, not least the chance to wear a nightie to bed and this was what he now drew out. It was pink and came down to the floor. It was sleeveless with lace round the edge and a lace panel across the bodice. It felt lovely and the colour and feel made Ian feel very good and very feminine, in it he became Lucy.

Ian sat at the dressing table and brushed out his hair, arranging it so as to look as femme as possible and so as Lucy he went to bed.

Next morning when he went down to breakfast he found that Aunty Sue and Uncle Simon had already gone to work. Jack made him breakfast and stayed with him for a while before explaining that he too had a part time job he had to go to but would be back just after lunch. He asked if Ian would be O.K. on his own.

"Yes fine," I'll just mooch around or perhaps walk into town." He knew though that he had no intention of doing either. He couldn't wait to try on some of Jen's clothes and even to have a little snoop through Sue's things.

Jack left and Ian made himself sit in the lounge for about ten minutes to ensure there was no immediate return for something forgotten. Then he shot upstairs.

Ian quickly discarded his clothes, even the pale blue panties he was wearing.

He carefully went through Jen's drawers pulling out items to wear.

He slipped on a pair of white panties with some delicate lace round the legs. A matching white bra was found into which Ian slipped some breast fillers he'd brought with him. They were fairly basic but they did the job. He found some dark brown tights, which he rolled with some skill up his legs. They felt good, especially as he kept his legs hair free. He found and nice slip with plenty of lace on it and let it slide down his slim body encasing everything in the nylon he loved so much.

When it came to top clothes he was spoilt for choice. Eventually he chose a blue and grey pleated skirt and a light blue blouse. He decided not to risk make up today but did brush out his wig and put it on. The longer hair, reaching down to his shoulders seemed to change his face completely and as he looked in the mirror he was satisfied with the girl, Lucy, he saw.

Lucy walked downstairs confident that she had the house to herself for a good few hours. She made some coffee and sat in the kitchen drinking it and reading the paper. But she couldn't keep her inquisitiveness down for long. So soon she found herself in the master bedroom taking a careful peek in Sue's drawers.

Sue had some quite nice things but they were pretty ordinary in comparison with what Jen had and so Lucy decided that she could confine her snooping to Jen's room.

Three hours later, when Jack returned Ian was sitting in the lounge reading and dressed as you might expect of a 15 year old boy, except of course for Jen's white panties that he was still wearing.

Jack suggested that perhaps they should go swimming and Ian, to acknowledge that Jack was at least trying to be nice, agreed. It was only when he stepped into the changing room that he had second thoughts because there were no cubicles to change in just one open area and Ian was still wearing Jen's white panties!

He did his best to remove them with his trousers hoping that Jack hadn't seen. But Jack saw at least enough to raise questions in his mind and when he saw Ian's hairless legs those questions grew.

When they'd swum and got changed back Jack was careful to watch and for all Ian's efforts at camouflage he got the distinct impression that his young cousin was wearing girl's knickers. He wondered why but thought he'd leave it.

The next day Ian again had time while everyone was out to dress and he took advantage of it again quite conservatively in tights with no make up.

Having got dressed he spent some time looking round his bedroom. He felt safer there than in the house. Being nosey he went through some more of Jen's things and found some letters. They were from a boyfriend and they were pretty strong. Ian lay on the bed stroking the nylon on his legs as he read them. Soon he began to imagine that they were written to him. After a while he let the letters drop and lay back giving flight to his imagination. In his mind he saw himself as Jen on a date with a boy and the boy soon became clear as Jack. He saw them kissing, undressing each other and slowly making love. As he thought, his hands ran over his body and especially over his prick until he brought himself to a climax.

The following day was Saturday and with the whole family around Ian had little chance, other than at night, to wear Jen's things. So by Monday he was pretty frustrated.

As soon as he woke up he went downstairs to check that every one had gone to work. They had. He ran back upstairs. The weekend hadn't been totally wasted as he had decided what to wear.

Having sprayed himself over with deodorant, he hooked his pink suspender belt round his waist. Then he sat down and carefully rolled first one and then the other black stocking up his legs. They felt very good especially as he had taken time to shave his legs the previous night. He stood up and pulled a pair of Jen's pink panties up his legs. They were satin and felt so good as he rubbed his hands over his soft round cheeks. Next came the matching bra in to which he placed the breast fillers. He was delighted that Jen seemed to like slips and had a good collection and so he could step into a pink half-slip, which went with a pink cami top.

So dressed he sat at Jen's dressing table. Carefully he applied a little eye shadow and some mascara to his eyes, some light blusher to his cheeks and pale pink lipstick. The result was to make him look undoubtedly feminine and so to cause a bulge in his satin panties.

He brushed out his wig and put it on, appreciating the way the hair tickled his bare neck. He walked over to the wardrobe sensing the pull of his suspenders on his stockings and found what he wanted. It was a lovely white summer dress. It was knee length in a floaty material through which, when he'd put it on, you could just about make out the hint of pink from his undies. At the bottom of the wardrobe he found a pair of black sandals that fitted O.K.

He returned to the dressing table and added to his appearance a necklace bracelet, watch, earrings and two rings. He gave his hair one final brush and there at last was Lucy.

Now dressed like this and feeling so good what would you do?

Lucy did what every similar "girl" would do -- she went for a walk.

She picked up a handbag and dropped into it keys, tissues lipstick and some change and went out. No one here knew her and feeling confident that she looked good she had no qualms about it.

It was great. The sun was warm the breeze just sufficient to ruffle the edge of her skirt and the sensual lingerie made her feel wonderful. There weren't too many people about and so she felt even more comfortable and enjoyed a half hour walk.

Arriving back she let herself into the house and went into the kitchen to make a drink.

She'd hardly been in there a minute when she heard the front door slam and was almost immediately faced by her Uncle.

His face registered a whole heap of emotions from uncertainty through puzzlement to questioning to understanding of a sort as he mouthed various words such as "What? who? how and why."

Lucy was trapped.

"Oh Uncle Simon, I'm so sorry you had to find me like this. I'll go and change immediately.

"No don't." he said, "come and sit and talk to me."

So they went through into the lounge, and Lucy told her Uncle all about her dressing. As she did so she was conscious of him looking her over.

"I must say," he commented. "you do make an incredibly attractive girl. Come and sit beside me," he added patting the seat next to him. Lucy got up and, smoothing her skirt out under her, sat next to her Uncle.

"You really do look good," he said as he rested his hand on her knee. His other arm went round behind her shoulders and she found herself being pulled towards him.

"Have you ever done this with a man Lucy?" he asked.

She shook her head allowing her long hair to flap round her shoulders.

"Well a beautiful girl like you should experience what it's like to be with a man."

With that he pulled Lucy to him and kissed her.

For a moment Lucy simply let it happen but then her feminine nature seemed to take over and she began, very naturally, to respond. She opened her lips to allow his tongue to enter her mouth. Her hands went to the back of his head to hold him to her. Their kiss went on for some time.

"Wow," said Simon when they eventually broke the clinch. "You certainly are one heck of a kisser. You sure you've never done this before."

"I've never kissed any one or been kissed before," she answered.

"Look," said Simon. "I'm sorry for what has just happened. I shouldn't have forced myself on you and taken advantage of the fact that I've caught you out a bit. I think I should go back to work."

"Don't worry on my account," Lucy said. "I haven't ever been kissed but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it or that I feel forced into anything." She hesitated and then dropping her eyes she said, "in fact I'd like to do it again."

That was all the encouragement Simon needed and he kissed her again. His hand was still on her knee and now it began to trace its way up under her skirt. Lucy could feel her prick almost bursting out of her panties.

As they finished kissing she leant her body into his so he could hold her as he gently rubbed her leg through her nylons. It was bliss and she felt every inch a woman.

Simon took her hand and placed it over the bulge in his trousers.

"Would you be able to help me with that Lucy?" he asked.

"I think so but you may have to tell me what to do."

Simon let go of her and unzipped his trousers and pulled his prick out his pants. It was quite thick and about seven inches long. Lucy put out her hand and held it. So far so good. This was just like her daydream of a few days ago only with Simon instead of Jack. She looked up at him and saw he was smiling and so she began to rub her hand up and down his prick. It seemed fine and she knew what she had to do next. Without thinking she licked her lips. Simon saw that sensual act and it made his prick pulse. Letting Lucy do things in her own time he waited for her to lower her head over his lap. Slowly Lucy bent forward and let his hard prick slide over her lips and into her mouth. It tasted good and Lucy was surprised that she was enjoying it. It all seemed so natural. Lucy knelt up on the settee to make it easier and set to with a will to suck Simon's prick. Simon meanwhile eased up her skirt and began rubbing her rounded bottom through her pink satin panties. Lucy was on fire. This was so exciting and soon it was rewarding as well as Simon shot his load into her mouth. Lucy swallowed it all down. Simon lay back on the settee gasping as Lucy knelt by him with a definite smile on her face.

"Wow Lucy," Simon gasped. "That was immense. It has never felt that good before. I'm not going to pressure you or blackmail you but could we do it again sometime."

"Oh yes definitely," Lucy said. "I'd love to suck you off again."

Simon reluctantly put his prick away and got the papers that he had come back for. He was just going out of the door when Lucy said, "Don't I get a goodbye kiss?" It was all the encouragement Simon needed and her took her in his arms and kissed her passionately and left. Lucy stood for a moment at the door and waved him off.

Then she went back inside and sat on the settee and with her mind still in whirl replayed the events of the last few minutes. As she did so she reached inside her panties and played with herself until she came.

A couple of days later Ian came down in the morning, still in his dressing gown, to find his Auntie Sue sitting at the kitchen table. She had obviously been crying.

"Is something wrong?" Ian asked.

"Only that two timing louse of a husband." Sue croaked.

"How do you mean?"

"Oh a "kindly" neighbour saw another woman in the house as Simon left. I'm surprised you didn't see her. Anyway, it is clear he's been seeing another woman. I just don't know what I'm going to do. I thought we had a good marriage."

Ian could feel himself blushing. It was clear he'd been seen as he waved Simon goodbye. Now what should he do? He had a feeling that Simon wouldn't give him away and risked losing his marriage because of that.

"Look," he finally said, "why don't you make us some coffee. I'll go and get showered and dressed and then we can talk about it.

Ian dashed upstairs and had a quick shower. He knew what he had to do. He quickly dressed, putting on the same white dress he'd worn when Simon had found him, and made up. Then plucking up his courage he made his way downstairs. It was the longest walk he had ever made.

As he walked into the kitchen his Aunt had her back to him.

"Aunty Sue I think I can explain about Uncle Simon," Lucy said.

Sue looked round and her mouth dropped open.


"I'm afraid Uncle Simon caught me dressed like this. He was very nice and understanding and we chatted for a few minutes (best leave out the rest) and then I saw him off at the door. So it was me your neighbour saw."

"Well I don't know whether to be relieved or what." said Sue. Then in a flash of understanding she said, "isn't that Jen's dress you're wearing." Lucy nodded.

They sat and drank coffee while Lucy gave her the same run down on her life and dressing that she'd given Simon just a couple of days before.

"I feel a lot better knowing that my Simon doesn't have another woman," Sue said and Lucy decided it was better to leave it that way.

"I know," Sue added, "I've already rung work to say I can't come in why don't we have a girl's day together? I have some old clothes I can't get into if you want to try them. If they fit you can have them and have your own clothes rather than just Jen's."

Lucy agreed and the two women went upstairs together into Sue's bedroom.

Sue dug out some suitcases from the back of the wardrobe. "I keep the things I've grown out of or no longer wear in here," she said as she opened the first case. It was like an Aladdin's cave as clothes spilt out. Sue picked some up and looked at them. She began sorting through looking at Lucy as she did so.

"I'd love to tog you out completely in my clothes Lucy if you don't mind."

Mind, Lucy couldn't wait.

Sue held a blue mini-skirt up against Lucy.

"I could never wear this but I bet you could," she said.

Finally Sue had everything ready.

"Right let's have you out of Jen's clothes," she said.

Lucy did as she was told and stripped down to just her panties.

First Sue clipped a cream bra round Lucy. It was quite tight and very lacy. She allowed Lucy to drop her breast forms in.

"Right young lady off with your panties and put this on," Sue said handing Lucy a cream lace thong.

Lucy felt quite embarrassed as she stepped out of her panties and allowed Sue to see her prick. The thong was quite small but Lucy managed to arrange everything so it was out of the way. Then Sue gave her some tan tights, which Lucy expertly smoothed up her legs. Next was the cream blouse, short sleeved and with a shiny finish. It fitted very well and made Lucy's breasts stand out. The blue skirt, when Lucy put it on was short and she was glad to be wearing tights not stockings for it would never have hidden her stocking tops. Lucy suddenly realised she was wearing a shorter version of what Sue had been wearing the night Lucy had arrived. Clearly cream and blue were Sue's colours.

Sue stood back and looked.

"You look great Lucy. I wish I could still wear something like that."

"But you can if you want surely." Lucy replied. "You don't have to go outside in it do you? I tell you what you've chosen for me why don't I choose for you."

Sue agreed and Lucy spent a lovely few minutes searching through the cases.

She found a beautiful strapless dress in a deep green. To find a bra to go under it was a bit more difficult but Lucy found one in black and then a suspender belt and a tiny black g-string.

"Right your turn to strip down," Lucy said half thinking that Sue would object but no she simply began to undress.

Lucy watched with open mouth and great interest as Sue undid her blouse to reveal her white bra then as she slid out of her trousers and stood there in just her bra and blue panties. Sue hesitated and Lucy felt that she was giving her a show as she reached behind her back and undid the bra to show her nice full breasts and then as she hooked her thumbs in each side of her panties and slid them down over her hips. Sue stood there totally naked and looked very good her bush was trimmed to a nice triangle. It was all Lucy could do to tear her eyes away and give Sue the clothes bit by bit to put on. To see her dress was almost as exciting as watching her undress, especially when Sue finally stood there in her black undies with black stockings on. Eventually both women were dressed.

"I haven't worn this dress in years," said Sue.

It came down to just above her knees and she looked great in it and Lucy told her so.

They went downstairs and made some more coffee and sat in the lounge drinking it and chatting. After a while Lucy said, "Can we go upstairs and change?"

Sue agreed and in a trice they were back in the bedroom both stripped to their undies looking for other things to wear. Lucy found a really cute pair of nylon panties in a deep pink so she slipped out of her tights and thing and put them on. Sue looked at her.

"Your bottom looks so good in those," she said and reached out and touched it.

"Gosh that feels so good," said Sue and before either knew what was happening they were kissing and their hands were rubbing over each other's panties.

Lucy felt Sue taking the upper hand and found herself pushed back onto the bed with Sue on top of her, not that Lucy was complaining. Sue continued kissing her as she molded Lucy's breasts. Then Sue began to slide down the bed kissing Lucy's body as she went until she came to her panties. She eased the pink nylon aside and let Lucy's throbbing prick out.

"Most girls don't have a clit this big Lucy," Sue said before engulfing Lucy with her warm mouth. Lucy gasped. This was unbelievable. Sue licked and sucked Lucy's prick with great relish as Lucy groaned with pleasure then in a quick move Sue was up straddled across Lucy and Lucy's prick was embedded deep in Sue's vagina.

It was all too much for a young inexperienced person like Lucy and it didn't take long with Sue riding her before she came.

Sue slid off Lucy and they lay side by side in each other's arms. Lucy enjoyed the opportunity to touch Sue's body, gently stroking her breasts and enjoying the feel of her nylon clad legs.

"That was wonderful Lucy. It was so different to making love to a man. But I'm not sure we should have done it. I began the day bemoaning a cheating husband only to find he hasn't done anything and now look what I've done."

"Well it isn't quite true to say he hasn't done anything," said Lucy and explained to Sue what had happened with Simon.

"So we've both used you Lucy," Sue said.

"I wouldn't say used me because while I haven't been the instigator I have been a willing partner to both of you and, if it is not speaking out of turn would be happy to do it again."

"Well, well this is an interesting turn up," muttered Sue. "There's no doubt that I would love some more lesbian sex with you Lucy and if what you say is true it sounds as if Simon would be interested in some more sex with you as well."

Perhaps we could have a threesome," suggested Lucy.

Lucy and Sue spent sometime together in bed simply enjoying

each other's bodies and clothing.

"Time to get up and get dressed," said Sue, "because Jack will be home soon."

As they got out of bed Sue said "why don't you keep the bra and panties on Lucy? It will be our little secret and I'll enjoy the thought that you are wearing my undies."

Lucy was happy to comply and she knew that if she had a jumper on the bra wouldn't show and she did like the panties.

When Jack came home it was as if nothing had happened. But throughout the rest of that day as Sue passed Ian she would pat his bottom and once even twanged his bra straps.

As Ian prepared to go bed Sue whispered, "Are you going to be wearing a nightie tonight?" "Yes of course," said Ian.

"Give me a few minutes to find you one of mine to wear."

Ian did as he was asked and it was only when Sue came back downstairs that he went up.

On his bed he found a lovely baby doll nightie in a light green colour very frothy with lots of lace and some lovely panties with ruffles round the leg holes. Ian knew he had t o do something with his prick before he could put this on. Under the baby doll he found a beige bra and pantie set with a little note saying "wear these for me tomorrow."

Lucy lay in bed that night hardly daring to believe what was happening. Talk about hot she felt so excited and randy. The thought of having had sex with Sue and Simon separately was just mind boggling. The idea that it might be possible with them both at the same time. Well it certainly made her prick stand up.

The next day apart from wearing the bra and pantie set Ian took it easy. Even though Jack was at home when Sue came back from work she still found a way to get him on his own and ask if he was wearing her undies. When he said he was she put her hand down the back of his trousers and felt his cheeks. "Oh so lovely," she said.

That night during the evening meal it seemed quite warm in the dining room. Little did Ian know Sue had turned the heating up high. He felt very warm with his jumper on but dare not take it off in case his bra should show through the t-shirt he was wearing. But after a while Sue suggested that he looked hot and should take his jumper off. Ian hesitated but when both Jack and Simon agreed he did it. Conversation carried on as before but Ian thought he noticed both Jack and Simon looking at his chest. Could they see the shape of the bra through the material? With Simon he didn't worry -- he already knew but with Jack? But then did he mind if Jack knew? Actually no he didn't. Having decided that he even sat back against the back of his chair so that his bra, even without fillers, could show a little more. Sue noticed the action and gave him a knowing smile.

After the meal Ian went up to his room and waited to see if anything would happen.

Sure enough about half an hour later Jack came in. For a while he sat on the bed and chatted as if this was natural but eventually he came to the point.

"Ian can I ask you something that's been bothering me since you first arrived?"

"Sure go ahead ask away" Ian said.

"Well it's a bit difficult but do you wear girl's underwear?"

Ian decided to string him along a bit.

"That's a heavy question. What makes you think that?"

"Well the day after you arrived we went swimming and I thought you were wearing girl's panties and your legs were hairless. Then tonight at tea I was sure you had a bra on under your t-shirt."

"That's why I didn't want to take my jumper off."

"Do you want to tell me about it?" Jack asked and Ian certainly did.

When he given him the long story of how he'd got started and the sort of clothes he liked but leaving out Jack's parents, Ian said 'so what do you think?"

"I think I'd like to see you fully dressed."

"Why?" asked Ian.

"Look I don't want to worry but seeing as it is confession time I'm not sure about my sexuality. I think I like girls but just recently I've been wondering about boys and to be quite honest since I caught a glimpse of those white panties I've been thinking of you in them and that leads on to what I'd like to do to you in them."

"And what might that be?" asked Ian innocently.

"I think I'd like to make love to you." Jack looked down somewhat embarrassed at having let his secret out but when he looked up he saw Ian was smiling.

"I think that might be nice," said Ian.

"Great when?" asked Jack.

"Well not tonight," said Ian but what about when you get home from work tomorrow? I'll get dressed and we can see how we go?"

Later that evening when Ian was making a drink in the kitchen Sue came in. "Nice to see you were wearing my bra at tea. I've turned the heating back down now. I've also put some more things in your room for you to wear tomorrow. You won't let me down will you?" as she spoke she ran her hands up his chest to feel that the bra was still there.

"We'll have to find time for another dressing up session won't we?" she said with a wicked smile on her face.

When Ian finally went to bed he found a little pile of clothes on his bed. There was a black bra and black panties, the ones he'd picked for Sue the other day and a pair of trousers only they were women's trousers. He put them aside wondering whether he would wear them, got into Sue's baby doll nightie and went to sleep.

The next morning he awoke to find everyone, as usual had gone to work. Ian showered and wondered what to wear. The reality was he could in a sense wear what he liked because they all separately knew about his little secret. He just couldn't do it when they were all together. So he simply slipped a silky robe over his baby dolls and went and got breakfast.

Breakfast was followed by a shower in which he removed what little hair there was on his body. He then donned some panties, a bra and camisole, put his robe over this and went and sat downstairs reading some magazines. He didn't want to get ready too soon.

The morning seemed to drag but eventually he thought it was about time and he went upstairs to get ready.

He'd already found out Jen's white panties that he'd worn the first day and along with it a white bra and camisole. long with them he was going to wear a suspender belt and black stockings. She'd spent a long time thinking about what else to wear and had decided on the good old favourite, the little black dress. It was pretty short but just hid her stocking tops, though wouldn't for long when she sat down!

She took an age over her make up and accessories but at last she was ready.

She went downstairs and stood by the window to watch for Jack coming. Her heart was pounding and her mouth was dry. The excitement was building and she was glad her prick was tightly held out of the way.

Finally she saw him and went and stood in the middle of the room for when he came in.

And when he came in he was clearly delighted with what he saw.

"Oh yes Lucy, you look great."

"Why don't you come and show me how great you think I look," she said.

Jack was across the room in a few strides taking Lucy in his arms and kissing her. His tongue went deep into her mouth as the raw passion began to build between them. His hands roamed over her back settling on her bottom as she felt him firmly

holding her cheeks.

"Mmmm," said Lucy, "you do like me." With that she put her hand on the front of his trousers and said, "I think you like me a lot."

"You come upstairs and I'll show you," said Jack leading the way.

In the bedroom they kissed again and as they kissed Lucy felt Jack undo the zip on her dress. She allowed him to ease it down over her shoulders and hips without breaking another deep kiss. Now she was very conscious of her femininity and vulnerability. There she was with a strong guy dressed just in her delicate lingerie. There was no doubt she had no control over what was happening. There was no doubt that she felt very much a woman. There was no doubt she was enjoying it and there was no doubt that she was excitedly anticipating what was coming next.

In fact she did more than anticipate she initiated.

She dropped to her knees in front of Jack and opened his fly. When she eased out his prick she was pleasantly surprised. It was not as long as Simon's but had a nice foreskin. Already it was very hard. Lucy held it gently in her hand and gave it a little kiss. She snaked out her tongue and licked the end. She looked up and made eye contact with Jack before opening her mouth and letting his prick slide into it.

It was only her second prick but already she was a devoted cocksucker. She could feel her own prick bursting in her panties at the excitement she was experiencing. The moans from Jack suggested he was also having a good time.

Lucy stood up so she could kiss Jack again but he led her to the bed and laid her down on it.

"Gosh Lucy you look just like a woman. I can't believe that you have a prick in your panties. Why don't you take it out and let me see it?"

Lucy did as she was asked. She lay there with her prick framed by her white thighs and the black stockings.

"That is such a turn on," said Jack. He came and sat on the bed beside Lucy and took hold of her prick and began to rub it. Then he leant forward and took it in his mouth. Lucy groaned with this new sensation as Jack sucked her while his hands roamed freely over her stockings and panties.

Jack stood up and stripped off his clothes and then came and joined Lucy on the bed. For what seemed ages they lay together kissing and exploring each other's bodies.

Finally Jack said what Lucy had inwardly been longing to hear, "can I make love to you Lucy?"

Lucy had been hoping this would happen indeed had even prepared herself earlier by finding some lube and using it inside her virgin pussy. Now she simply turned on her side so that Jack could come up behind her.

She felt his hard prick between her cheeks and he found first her slit and then the little opening to her love nest. She pushed back a little to help him in and suddenly he was and it hurt. She gave a little whimper and Jack froze.

"Don't stop," she said, "but go slowly and gently."

Jack eased a little way further in and then withdrew a bit and like that slowly built up until he was nestled completely against her bottom his prick deeply embedded inside her. Then he began to really fuck her and for Lucy the pain ebbed away as a totally new and wonderful feeling swept over her. It was hard to describe how she felt. The only way to describe it was feminine. She felt she was a woman being loved by a man. She felt wanted, desired and this very intimate act was making her feel more of a woman than she had ever felt before. In all the joy and excitement soft tears ran down her face.

Jack continued to thrust in and out and Lucy moved her body to meet him as she responded to his efforts. She felt Jack's hands go round her and begin to rub her prick. This was so much better than she had dreamed when lying on Jen's bed reading her letters.

All of a sudden she found she was spurting streams of cum over the bedclothes and a few moments later she felt Jack climax inside her.

The feeling and emotion was all too much for a teenage girl and she began to quietly sob.

Jack asked her if she was O.K.

"I have never been better. It was just lovely but it has come so suddenly."

She turned too him and gave him a big kiss and then snuggled up against his strong warm body.

The next thing she knew was the front door slamming -- it was clear Sue had arrived home. The bed was empty - clearly Jack had slipped out of the bed at some point during the afternoon.

Lucy got up and showered.

She looked around the room for what to wear and saw the black bra and panties that Sue had left for her and the women's trousers.

Lucy put on the bra and panties and some black tights and then slid into the trousers. They were quite tight and when she had then done up there was no doubt that they were girl's trousers. She wondered whether she dare wear them and then thought that everyone in the family had seen her as a girl so why not in fact she decided that she would wear a white blouse with it. She went downstairs some what uncertainly.

"You look very nice," Sue said when Lucy appeared in the kitchen. "I'm glad that you can get into those slacks. Aren't you afraid that you look very girly and that the men might notice?"

"Not really seeing as they both know already."

"What you mean, Jack has seen you as Lucy?"

"Well you were the one who turned the heat up last night and Jack noticed the bra as he had noticed various other little signs over the last week. So I don't think anyone will say anything. In fact it might help to bring everything out into the open."

Indeed it did. When Simon came home he saw what Lucy was wearing and commented how nice her blouse looked to make the point that he could tell she was wearing girl's clothes.

Jack's reaction was to come up beside her and say, "what a lovely bottom Lucy those trousers show it off to perfection. But you know I can see your bra through your shirt."

"Blouse," Lucy corrected.

Sue having overheard both conversations said, "If everyone is happy why don't we ask Lucy to get dressed properly?"

The men agreed and Sue took Lucy upstairs to get changed.

To the black bra and panties she was wearing Lucy added a black suspender belt and stockings and a lovely black full length slip.

At this point Sue returned holding a gorgeous red dress. It was very light with a satiny sheen, sleeveless and, as Lucy held it against herself, would come to just above her knee. It was size 10 and Lucy wondered whether she could get into it. With Sue's help she did and was delighted with the result. It made her look very slim and the feel was so good.

She did her make up, brushed out her wig and put it on and she was ready.

When she made her grand entrance into the lounge both men were suitably impressed.

Jack, not wanting his parents to know his true feelings for Lucy, was a bit reticent, but as they sat there chatting Lucy could feel his eyes on her and knew he had a bulge for her in trousers. But she also knew that would have to wait for a while as Jack was off for the weekend with friends.

It was a reluctant young man who, the next day, left for a weekend that he had before been eager to attend.

Once he had gone Simon opened a bottle of wine and said, "Well it looks like just the three of us for the weekend then."

"Oh and what does that mean?" asked Sue.

"Well I thought perhaps we could have a good time together if Lucy is up for it."

"As long as it doesn't cause any problems between you two I'm happy."

Simon looked at Sue who simply stood up went and sat by Lucy and gave her a deep passionate kiss. Then she went over to Simon and did the same. As they kissed Simon's hands went up under Sue's skirt affording Lucy a lovely view of Sue's pantyhose and panties. No matter how much of a girl Lucy felt she was she could never catch a glimpse up another woman's skirt without getting turned on and she was turned on now as she saw Sue's legs covered in tan tights, the darker area at the top of the tights and the whiteness of her panties showing through. Lucy longed to be able to see more and to touch those legs and nuzzle her face into those panties. So she went over to them and knelt beside Sue and began to rub her hands up Sue's legs. Sue pulled away from Simon just long enough to give Lucy an encouraging smile and then turn back to their kisses. Lucy pushed Sue's skirt right up to see fully her womanly body. She put her face down into Sue's lap and her hands under her bottom and began to rub her face against Sue's crotch. Sue began to moan gently and Lucy lifted her head for a moment. Her eyes caught Simon's who looked down at his crotch and Lucy knew what he meant.

Keeping a hand on Sue's pussy Lucy edged across to kneel between Simon's legs. While she was rubbing Sue, Lucy used her other hand to undo Simon's zip and release his prick. In a flash it was in her mouth. Now it was Simon's turn to moan a little as Lucy began to suck with long firm movements. Then she licked up and down the rod paying attention with her tongue to the purple head. Lucy felt Sue lift her bottom from the settee and pull her tights down. Lucy put her hand back this time onto Sue's sticky cunt. Her legs splayed open to allow Lucy's hand access. So Lucy slid a finger into Sue's slit. Sue began to buck against Lucy's finger and Lucy slid a second finger deep into moist cavern bringing a delighted squeal from Sue.

Meanwhile Simon was pumping hard into Lucy's face and clearly getting quite close to cumming. Lucy decided to take charge.

She slid her finger out of Sue's cunt and lifted her head from Simon's lap.

"Lie down on the floor? she said to Sue, " and I'll slip my prick into you."

"But what about me?" asked Simon.

"Well why don't you fill me with your prick while I fill Sue?" suggested Lucy.

Sue stood up and got rid of her tight and panties and lay down. Lucy knelt between Sue's thighs and eased her stiff prick into the Sue's dripping love nest. As she did so her bottom rose very invitingly and Lucy felt Simon flip the black slip up over her hips push her black panties to one side and gently push a lubricate finger into her tiny rosebud. Several times more he did it as Lucy slowly pushed in and out of Sue's gorgeous hole. When Simon grabbed Lucy? hips she stopped moving and felt him position his prick against her cunt. He forced the head inside making Lucy gasp with pain. It felt so big in her, much bigger than Jack's had. Simon began to push in and out very slowly and very gently. Lucy felt her own prick get even harder and she began to pleasure Sue with it again and the joint action meant that she came in a very short time.

Some how with Lucy having cum Sue managed to extricate herself from the bottom of the pile and the knelt beside the other two and, as Simon fucked their house guest, Sue was speaking words of encouragement, "Go on Simon fuck her harder she is loving it. She wants it right in her. Give it all to her Simon."

And Simon did as Lucy pushed back against his prick their moves matching and their pleasure escalating her finally shot his cum deep into Lucy, stream after stream of his juices shooting up inside her girly body.

Lucy collapsed with Simon on top of her. As she lay there she could see Sue sitting in a chair with her legs wide open and her slit gaping and ready for more action. Simon's prick slowly slid out of Lucy and she could feel his cum dripping out and down her leg.

This was wonderful and there were still two more weeks to come or was that cum.

Lucy Roberts

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