Visions from Hell

By moc.loa@yobynnado

Published on Nov 7, 2020


Visions from Hell - Chapter 2.txt

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Thank you for reading the ramblings of an older guy and I do hope you enjoy what I write. Comments are welcome at I hope you enjoy and look forward to any and all feedback. I did get a response wondering where this was going to go. Not really sure but as long as I get input I'll keep writing new chapters.

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I was soon to find out that this wasn't some drug induced coma dream. No, this was real and happening to me. As the Gorn, as i call them, led me away from the best looking Satan i could every have dreamed up i started to look around. The medieval castle type of setting turned into an office building then faded into a school setting. They drug me down a hallway lined with lockers and we passed by several classrooms. Guess everyone had their own hell after all. Thru a couple of swinging double door and we were in the gym locker room.

"It's interesting that while you thought a wide variety of disgusting things not once in that mind of yours did you seriously consider toilet games. Sure you thought about the skaters pissing on you, but not much beyond that. Well that's about to change. Your time in hell is going to start right here in the locker room, hooked up to one of the toilets. Anyone that comes in here and takes a shit, well it's going to go right into your mouth. You won't be able to stop it and will have to swallow all of it. Just before your stomach explodes we'll come and unhook you and clean you out. Have fun!"

All the while they were talking they were connecting me to one of the toilets. It was out in the main part of the bathroom and everyone would see what was going on as soon as they walked in. As i lay there i started thinking that maybe this wouldn't so bad. Having to serve as toilet for a bunch of guys could be fun. Before long i heard a bell ring and knew that gym was over and soon the guys would be filing in. But to my horror that isn't what was going on. I had just assumed that i had been taken to the boys locker room but instead i was taken into the girls locker room! High school girls at that.

"Oh look! We got a new toilet! How fun!"

There must have been about twenty girls around fourteen to sixteen crowding into the bathroom to get a look at me. As i lay there naked on the floor, connected to a toilet seat, i suddenly felt very afraid. One after one they took turns setting down on the toilet and making me lick their shit holes and then wait as some of them took a small dump and others just mainly pissed on me. This was hell for me! I had no interest in females and here i am being their toilet and toilet paper. After these twenty left then another group came in and it started all over again. After seven of these rotations i lost track but soon my stomach was starting to hurt. It felt bloated from all they had dumped into my mouth and made me swallow. After the last set of girls left the Gorn came back in.

"So how'd you like your first "taste" of hell faggot? Bet you didn't expect to have to serve a bunch of girls now did you? Ok, well let's get you drained and then you can serve the same duty over in the boys locker room."

They unstrapped me, helped me up and took me into another room. In the center of this room was a similar setup as to what i had been tied under, except under this toilet seat was a young boy. He looked to be maybe nine or ten and terrified. They'd put a spreader gag in his mouth so he couldn't close it.

"What did he do to deserve this? I'm guessing that you're going to put me on that seat and have me empty my guts into that poor kid's mouth. Why? What did he do?"

`Who said he did anything. Who said that he isn't here as a punishment to you. Knowing that you'll practically drown this kid when you let out everything you're holding in. How long do you think you can hold it? "

Just then my blonde haired, blue eyes stud of a Satan came into the toilet room.

"So how are you adjusting to your new life faggot? Did you like that first room? Haha! Never let it be said that I don't have a sense of humor1'

"Yeah i caught the humor over there, good one. What about this kid though? Why are you making me do this to him? Can't this be done some other way?"

"I'll let you in on something faggot. In this, your version of Hell, you will be given choices just as you were given choices when you were still alive. You can either let loose of everything you are holding inside you and in effect kill that boy under you. After which you will be transferred to the boys locker room and serve as their toilet for five cycles before you are allowed to let that mix go. Or you can beg to go back to the girls locker room and be used by another six cycles of females as their toilet. If you select this option the boy will be removed from under you and you can release your load. And also, this load that you expel, well you'll end up eating it all over again, at least a few times. The choice is yours faggot."

I looked down at a the boy laying there. So young and innocent. If i let out all this shit inside me it would cover his face in no time, cutting off his air. No matter how much he struggled he'd never be able to clear it off his face enough to get a gulp of air. I couldn't do it. I couldn't be responsible for his death.

"Let him loose and I'll go back to the girls and swallow more of their shit. Just please, don't make me kill this boy."

With a roar of laughter Satan directed the Gorn to let the kid up. After getting lose the boy ran up to me and threw his arms around my neck and thanked me for sparing him. Just the touch of his skin against mine made me start to get hard. Satan saw this and laughed again. The pressure was to much and in front of everyone I let loose and made one of the biggest dump in my life, well, you know what I mean. Soon i was empty and they were getting me ready to go back.

"This time faggot, you will be observed fulfilling your role as toilet for the girls."

Not having any idea what he meant i was led to back to the girls locker room and got into position. As they were strapping me down about twenty boys ranging from thirteen to twenty three were led into the room. They were all sexy as fuck and my hard cock showed my thoughts. Once strapped down the girls were let back in and soon my mouth was filled with their shit and piss.

"Fuck but I wish we could use that toilet." One of the watching boys said.

"But that's a faggot dude. You'd be shitting into a fag's mouth"

"Doesn't matter to me. Sure I'd rather take a dump into come cunt's mouth, but fuck, a toilet hole is a toilet hole."

Several other comments like this were made by the watching boys. Thinking about being strapped down as the boy's toilet started to get to me and my cock started getting hard. Picturing those nice firm boy ass globes opening up over me and letting loose with what they held, that really got to me. Now i knew that when i was given the choice again that poor innocent boy was going to die. He was the only thing between me and these boys and my dick told me i had to have them. As soon as i started thinking about that it seemed like there were more girls in each cycle. I figured that was part of my hell. Knowing how badly i wanted to move on they kept me here, under this seat for the girls to use. All the while the boys were doing the "i gotta shit" dance and i so wanted my tongue up their holes. In time the Gorn came back in and got me up. Now was decision time. The boy seemed to know what was going to happen and he was begging me not to do this, that he would be a good boy from now on, that he was sorry. As i sat there listening to all of this a different group was led in. It was a mix of the girls I'd just been used by and the boys i hoped to be used by. All of them had swollen stomachs, ready to let loose into my mouth.

"Well my toy, have you made your decision yet? Are you going back to the girls for some five more cycles or will you kill the boy under you so you can go and be a toilet for these, and a few more, boys? What's it going to be?" Satan already knew the answer to these questions but making me say it out loud as just another form or mental torture. Instead of verbalizing my answer i just relaxed my asshole and let the mix start to come out. As soon as the first little bit had come out the rest flowed pretty fast. Again, Satan tilted back his head and let out a mighty roar of laughter.

"Very well then. Kill the poor innocent preacher's kid under you. Let him suffocate under the waste you are releasing. And why? Just so you can go feast on the waste of boys like these in front of you? What a sick person you are, but then we are only just beginning. As time goes on we'll see what other fun things you can do."

It seemed to take a long time to empty out but finally i did. The strange thins was that as i was letting go and covering the poor kid's face, he seemed to change. His body seemed to get bigger and he seemed to age a bit. I couldn't figure it out but then i really didn't care what was going on with him. All i knew was that i would soon be under this hot and sexy guys, where I knew i belonged. When i had finished the Gorn came over and unstrapped me. I looked around for toilet paper but of course there wasn't any. As i was led out of the room Satan started talking to me.

"Oh, and just so you know, that kid under you. The preacher's boy. The one you are killing so you can get what you want. Let me tell you his sin, the reason he's down here with us. For the last year he's been stealing money from the collection plates. He's also been fucking one of the twelve year old girls in his father's congregation. You see, I made you see a kid of nine when actually he's seventeen. He'd turned from God several years ago, about the time his father started raping him. But that's for another time. Right now all you know is you killed a nine year old boy with your load of shit just so you could eat the shit of big strong jocks like those that watched you. Remember faggot, this is hell and I can make you see and do anything I want. I can use your dreams and your fears against you. Now, before we get to the boy's locker room we have a stop to make."

As we were walking down the hall i could hear noises, loud like a party. I could almost hear music but the dominant sound was that of Men chanting just one word.

"Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump"

We stopped in front of a door decked out in Trump signs and flags. Satan turned to me and put a plastic Halloween mask on me, then opened the door. In front of me were about thirty Men of different ages, sizes and types. All of them had been drinking and getting worked up about the election.

"Gentlemen! I promised you a way to relieve your stress and tension during this troubled time and here it is. This liberal faggot has chosen to be an agent for your opponent. I can assure you that he voted against Trump and in his heart desires nothing more than to see him removed from office. We'll be back to get him after the election has been resolved and the winner declared. Use him like you'd use Biden or that cunt of his Harris. Have fun guys!"

The sea of red MAGA hats slowly moved towards me. I could feel the plastic mask melting and conforming to my face. Soon there was no real difference and my face had taken on the shape of the mask. To these Men i was now Joe Biden, here in hell with them, at their mercy. Which wouldn't be shown. It was going to be a long time before i got to the boy's locker room, but then again, this was hell after all.

So this ends the chapter. The next chapter is going to be about serving these MAGA Men so there will be more sex involved, which I think we are all ready for. Thank you for your indulgence in reading all of this. I'm still not sure how much more there will be of this story line, depends on the responses I get from you the readers. Remember to support Nifty and each other. I look forward to hearing your comments!

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