Virgin No More

By Video Skills

Published on Jan 17, 2011



I had to move back in with my mom after my second year of college. I ran out of money for out of state tuition and the government tightened up on loans. I am fucked. I tried to enroll at my local college, but I was too late to matriculate so I have to sit out a semester.

My mom works full time and I am searching the Internet for a job. It's September, the worst time of the year to be unemployed. At 20, the only asset I have is my ass. I played soccer and swam all through high school. I made the swim team at my college and my roommate was a body builder so we were working out all the time. I am 6 ft tall and 180, all solid muscle. I do good with the girls for sure. They love my deep blue eyes and blond hair. But all my girl friends are at college. It's been three months since I hooked up because with no money, no car and no place, it is not easy to impress a chick.

Fuck it, I am going to go check out the gym here at this apartment complex. This place is a pretty big complex. There is a pool, tennis and basketball courts and a gym with a universal and some tread mills. I woke up late this morning and took a shower, but I didn't do laundry and all my jocks and underwear were dirty so I just have on my gym shorts and shoes and socks. I grab a towel from the bathroom and head to the gym.

It is a super nice day. Sun is hot and the breeze is cool. It's a perfect summer day. I have to walk past the pool; damn I hope there is a hot bitch out that is looking for some fast cock. I am pretty much a showoff in the cock department and with no underwear, this 4 inch soft uncut piece is bouncing all around. I have low hanger egg sized balls too. My last GF wanted me clean-shaven or she wouldn't blow me and since then, I just keep it clean. If there is a girl there, I am screwed because I know I will pop wood, my cock is almost nine inches long and really fat. I can't even touch my finger to my thumb when I am jacking off. Most new chicks have to ride it the first couple times to get used to the size, but it is all good. I like a slow and steady fuck.

Looking ahead at the pool I see one hot cougar, but she has her two kids with her. That won't work. There is an old guy and two old ladies; why do they wear swim suits that is a boner killer. Fuck it, no luck at the pool. Maybe some cougar will be working out at the gym.

Coming up to the courts, I hear the sounds of someone playing basketball. Yup two guys are into a little one on one. I haven't played basketball for years. I stop to watch for a second. Both guys are 16 or 17. One is black, but light skinned the other looks Latin. I always got shit from the black guys because my dick was bigger than theirs. I loved it.

These two were really going at it. No shirts and very hard, built and sweaty bodies. Damn, it has been so long without pussy, my cock is tingling a little bit. The black guy is like 6'2 and that really skinny waist only a black guy could have. He has powerful legs and just dunked the ball. The Latin guy is a little shorter, with a hairy chest and legs. He has a little thicker build, but he is still all muscle. I can't help but watch these two guys. I am not gay, but a good looking body is nice to watch.

I find myself looking down their bodies at their crotches. They both have a lot bouncing around down there. I can feel my own cock starting to go semi. I should go home and jerk off before I get busted out. Without thinking, I am kinda in a daydream just watching their cocks bounce around inside those gym shorts. You know the mess shorts that show off everything. Damn I am really getting into this.

The Latin guy takes a shot that goes over the backboard. The black guy goes to get the ball. I am just staring at the Latin guys cock. I would swear it is getting bigger. I am in a trance. I just can't stop looking at this hot guy. My eyes are watching that cock grow. I know it is growing now. I look up his body and to my horror; the Latin kid is smiling at me. Oh fuck I am busted. I haven't been this busted since my first high school swim practice. I can feel my face turning beet red and have to get out of here.

SLAM... A rock body pushed me full force into the fence that I am standing in front of. A huge black hand grabs my face and turns it he his. The basketball player is pressed full force against me. I can feel his rock hard cock against my ass; I can smell the sweat from his body and his breath in my ear.

"You like the show so far?" The voice in my ear is so deep and so calm, "Well, did you?". I can't talk. I am still a little scared and super embarrassed. By now, the Latin guy is right up on my face through the fence. My entire body is crushed against that fence. With no shyness at all the Latin guy reaches out and strokes my now rock hard cock.

"Holy shit Jamel, this kid is packing some dick".

"Stop fucking with my Jose, white boys don't have big dicks".

Jose laughs, "I think this one is almost as big as yours".

"Fuck that", Jamel grabs my shoulder and twists me around and pushes my back up against the fence. Without a thought to anyone seeing, he pulls my gym shorts down past my balls and out pops my pride and joy. I think for sure it is so hard now it may be ever ten inches.

"Holy shit", totally surprised Jamel is shocked. Turning my sideways, "Damn Jose look at the dick on this boy". Jose gasps some too, "I think he might be bigger than me too." Jose starts to walk to the gate to join Jamel and me.

"What's your name anyway?" Jamel asks with my shorts still below my balls and his hand is now on my cock.

"Justin, ah, do you mind?" I reach down and pull my shorts up to my waist, but Jamel doesn't let go. By now Jose is standing behind me and he slides his hand down my ass crack and I feel a rough dry finger trying to force it's way in my ass.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" I say as forceful as I can without being too loud. The last thing I need is more people to see this show and tell my mom.

"You were the one staring" Jose says into my ear.

"You're the one with a big hard cock, aren't you", Jamel whispers with a little squeeze on my cock. The finger trying to break into my ass is really hurting now so I try to push Jose's arm away. He just grabs my arm and pulls his hand from my ass. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"I think he's a virgin", Jose announces; "No one has cracked this tight ass yet".

"Is that true white boy? Are you a little virgin?"

"Fuck no", I defend myself; "I have been fucking bitches since I was 13".

Jose and Jamel both laugh, "Not bitches", they say together.

To Jose, "Is your momma at work?" Jamel asks.

"Till 7 tonight, we could have a little fun".

My head is spinning, but my cock is hard as hell. I don't want to get fucked, but I know I need to get off. "Are you guys just talk'n some head or something like that?" I asked boldly.

"That's a start," Jamel says and he takes my hand and puts it on his cock. Fuck it is like a baby's arm. At least ten inches long and thick, I mean really thick. "You want to play with that for a while and see what happens?" Jamel says in a sexy voice. I feel my other hand being pulled around my back and placed on another hard stick. I can't tell if it's bigger than Jamel's cock, but it is not smaller. I can't speak. I kinda feel weak at my knees. I look into Jamel's eyes. Damn, I can't hide my desire. He just smiles and we all start walking back to the apartments.

I am the first to go into the apartment quickly followed by Jose and Jamel. The curtains are open so I can see everything. It is a typical place. I hear the door close and a hand on my shoulder turns me around. Standing before me are two of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. Both have already shucked their gym shorts and are standing in front of me in just their Jordon's. Jose's hairy chest and ripped abs and his cock is a full ten inches, but it looks like a banana: very thick in the middle but tapers at both ends. I can't see the head of Jose's cock the foreskin is completely covering it. Jamel's body is completely smooth. The only hair he has is under his arms and is crotch. His cock is like a policeman's club. It just sticks out from his body almost 11 inches now. I must have been staring cause I hear some snickering.

"I think he likes them", I don't know who said that, but all I could do was fall to my knees and take a cock in each hand. Damn, up close these monsters are so hard and full. Jamel's piss slit is like an inch. I feel a hand on the back of my head guide my mouth to the big black cock. The head is as big as a small peach. I have never sucked dick before. I just let the head rub against my lips. I can taste saltiness. The head of that cock is so soft. It just slowly moves back and forth across my lips. The pressure on my lips increases a little and they begin to part. I slowly open my mouth to give access to this huge tool. Nothing in the world matters at this moment but opening up my body for this boy. I can only feel the head of his cock passing my lips and my own cock throbbing. I come out of my daze to look up and see Jamel looking right into my eyes. Jose is stroking his cock. He moves it toward my mouth and pulls the skin back. The head of his cock is ten times redder than mine. The skin just eases back with his stroke and then slowly recovers the glands. God that is so hot. I hear Jamel gasp a little and the pressure from his hand, which is still on the back of my head, pushed my face forward. I look up again to see Jose and Jamel passionately kissing. I never thought the sight of two guys kissing would be hot, but it was almost making me cum. My thoughts were brought back to reality when Jamel's cock hit the back of my throat. I wanted to cough or throw up, but the pressure from Jamel's hand held my face on his cock. There were still at least 5 more inches to go. I couldn't breath, but he didn't let up. He was so intense in his kiss to Jose. I pulled back hard and broke the hold Jamel had on me. I caught my breath only in time for Jose to grab my blond hair and with a Latin furry; he shoved my face down hard on his cock. This time when his dick hit the back of my throat the natural curve in his cock just continued into my guts. I felt the cock break way into my throat and then I felt Jose's pubes on my nose.

"Fuck, he took it all. What a cocksucker. I have never seen anyone take all your cock," Jamel with surprise in his voice said to Jose. Jose just moaned with a carnal pleasure you only hear from Latin guys.

I guess cause this was only my second cock to suck, I thought it was about over. Jose lined himself up squarely in front of and took my whole head in his hands. With total authority, he pulled his cock from my face. I gasped for air, but before I could get much, he fucked that whole fat cock right back down my throat, but this time he didn't hold it there. I heard a moan as if it were some primal animal from above me and the face fucking began. Jose used my head like a flesh jack. He started to furiously pound my entire head back and forth on his cock. I caught gasps of air before each downward thrust. I should have been crying from pain, but I was crying for more and more is what I got. Just when I thought this was the best sex ever, I felt a warm wetness engulf my cock. I could not believe when my entire cock was down Jamel's throat and I could feel his tongue on my balls.

"Holy shit bro," came blasting through the air from Jose and he stopped his assault on my throat long enough for both he and I to look down. Jamel was on his back with my cock completely down his throat. I could see the outline of my cock under his Adam's apple. Jamel completely swallowed my entire cock. Just when I was getting into the show below, Jose lined his cock up with my mouth again and started using me.

I lost all track of time. I completely submitted to my new friends. My balls started to ache. It had been three months and I knew they were not going to last long. Jamel was coming all the way off my cock and then back down on it. Jose was working up to a fever pitch. I only needed a couple more strokes and that was it.

Jose's entire body tightened up and with the roar of a lion I felt the first shot of precum blast from his cock. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and started jerking it as hard as he could. He aimed it right at my mouth an unleashed 9 volleys of creamy white boy joy. It must have measured a full cup. There was so much cum in my mouth it was dripping out. There was cum on my nose, cheeks running down my chin and throat and he was still going. He was so hot. His face was all contoured as if in pain, but I could feel the pure pleasure radiating from his body, esp. his cock. His abs were a ripped eight pack and my hands were on his ass which was squeezed tight. He just kept jerking and shaking. I didn't think he would ever stop cumming. I started to swallow that gallon of salty bliss and kept swallowing.

I was so lost in Jose, when I came back to me there was a huge void on my cock. It was cold and in the air. Jamel had moved forward. I felt two huge hands on my ass and a hot wetness attack my ass hole. FUCKING JESUS that felt like nothing I had ever felt before. Jamel was eating out my hole. He pulled my cheeks apart and it felt like 2 inches of tongue was invading my guts. I started to shake so violently that Jose had to grab me to keep me for falling backwards. Without any warning, the sensation in my whole lower body that was centered around the invading hot wetness on my hole shook me to my core and my entire dick exploded. I could not stop shaking or moaning. Jose kissed me hard on my mouth and I kissed back. Our tongues entertwined as my body rocked with a pleasure I had never felt. My cock pulsed, my balls pumped, my body shook, I was in heaven. Finally the wave of pure pleasure began to pass. I looked down expecting to see my cock in ten pieces, but there is was still hard and swimming in an ocean of hot creamy cum. With one last deep breath, I was back in reality. But it was not over.

Jamel never stopped eating my ass. I was literally riding his face. Jose moved behind me and I could see him, but I did see Jamel's huge cock. I bent forward and took as much of that cock into my mouth and throat as I could. I felt a need, a desire, to give him as much pleasure as he was giving me. I started sucking that cock in earnest. I was using my hand like my girlfriends did and stroked and slathered that 11 inches of pure black steel with all the spit I could muster. I had to open so wide so not to drag my teeth on it. It was so thick. And the whole time I could feel that tongue touch terrorizing my virgin hole.

It couldn't have been five minutes and my mouth was getting tired but I wanted to taste that sweet jizz from the man who took me so far into sexual bliss. I felt a large smooth object working my ass with that tongue from the gods. It moved forward very slowly. After all the rimming, my ass was so relaxed whatever it was just slid in. I stopped sucking long enough to look over my shoulder and when I did, I got the shock of my life.

Jose was kneeling over Jamel's face. His balls were all over Jamel and his cock was a good three inches up my ass. Jose saw me looking and smiled. He told me to relax and that this will take me back to the ecstasy that I was just experiencing. Slowly and without any pain Jose's cock moved forward. I felt really full. When he was about a third of the way in, his cock was getting to the thickest point. It started to hurt. I leaned forward on Jamel's cock hoping to feel less of the stretching. Jose sensed my discomfort and stopped. He pulled back out an inch and then started in again. He did this like four times. All of a sudden, as if a dam burst, Jose's cock hit something. Once again my legs started to shake and my body trimmered. Jose pushed more and more cock into me. I could feel the fullness of him but the spot that his cock found was driving my crazy. My cock was rock hard again. Jose finally hit bottom. I could fell those wiry pubes up against my smooth ass. A moment of quiet and stillness swept over all three of us. I had Jamel's monster cock in my hand, he stopped eating my ass and Jose laid his body down on top of me. I could feel the warmth of Jamal below and the heat and sexy hairy chest of Jose on top of me. My ass was just all tingling now. Then like a train starting into motion, Jose began to fuck me. Just like the face fuck he put on me, he started to fuck.

From under me, Jamel took my legs on either side of my cock and lifted me into the air. Jose now had a better angle to drive all that Latin love stick into me. The shape of his cock was driving me crazy. It was so thick in the middle and thin on the ends. It just easily stretched out my guts and stroked my prostate in to fever pitch again. Jose adjusted his legs on either side of my body and the true Latin fuck machine began. Jamel was doing well to hold me in place so his friend could pound me home. The sound from Jose's crotch hitting my ass had to be heard down the hall. I didn't realize it, but I was moaning like a schoolgirl. This was the most incredible feeling of my life. Jose was ruthless.

Without warning, Jose jumped off my body. My hole was left gapping and empty. A shock of disappointment came over me. Jose lifted my off of Jamel. Jamel moved to the couch and sat down. That huge cock was standing straight up. I knew what he wanted. Time to repay him for the pleasure he gave me.

Facing Jamel, I lined up my ass to his peach sized head cock and slowly lowered myself down. It was the best ten second of my life to date. Jose loosened me up and Jamel fit in like a hand in a glove. I had three more inches to go. But my ass would not take anymore. I came off the dick and went back down. My cock was so fucking hard again. Jamel had his head back and was just in total pleasure. I felt so good for doing that for him. I started to ride that cock with all my might. I slammed my ass down on that pole so hard that finally his cock broke through and completely filled my guts. I could feel my balls rest on his abdomen. He was completely inside me. Feeling himself completely in me, Jamel jumped back into reality. He looking down and saw that his cock was totally burred up my ass. He smiled up and me and took my hips in his black hands and started to fuck up into me viciously. The pounding was without mercy. I think he wanted his cock to explode out my head. Jose could fuck hard, but Jamel was even more intense. I could feel my body loosing out to the pleasures of my ass. I was loosing sense of reality and passing into pure sexual abyss.

Jose came up from behind and held my limp body up for Jamel to conquer. Jose pushed me forward and at this point I was in ecstasy. I would do anything these two young boys wanted. Jamel took my head in his hand like a basketball and guided my lips to his. I was lost in a kiss that I have never had. His lips were so big and soft, his tongue played with mine; I was fucking so turned on.

I was so turned on that I didn't feel the movement at my ass. Jose was behind me again with his chest pressed to my back. I turned my head to look at him and he bit down on my ear with all his might and rammed that fucking thick penga up inside me with Jamel's huge cock. I completely blacked out. I know the pain must have been so intense, but my brain just shut down.

Next thing I know I am laying in Jamel's arms and I can feel both of these guys fucking for all it was worth. I am covered in sweat from top to bottom. I don't know how long they have been abusing my hole, my body. That fullness inside my guts started to give way again. The spot up in there started to send out signals of joy to my brain. Once again my body came alive. Jamel was slow fucking me with long strokes and my Latin animal was fucking me the only way he knows how: like a fucking tiger. The combination of both was too much again.

I looked directly into Jamel's eyes and my body started to shake again. I could feel that intense wave of pleasure rush over my balls and start to push this joy up. I could not move when Jamel pulled my down to kiss him. Our lips touched at the same time Jose bit into the back of my neck. My body was on fire. There was nothing that could make this any better, but then Jamel took my nipples in his hands and twisted with a power that I thought was going to pull them from my chest.

The connection was complete. With my nipples stimulated, my legs shaking, kissing Jamel, bitten my Jose and two of the biggest cocks from a black guy and Latin fucking me into a new sensation, I felt Jamel's cock pulse. Oh God he was cumming. He was really fucking cumin inside me. His face went into an intense pleasure and his cock was filling me full of hot boy love.

I felt it at that moment. The wave of carnal pleasure washed over me and my entire body exploded through my cock. The first shot hit Jamel in the chin. The other seven covered up in a pool of pure animal joy. My ass was squeezing down hard on Jamel's deflating cock and Jose's animal fucking and that must have set Jose over the edge. With a huge roar and one final powerful thrust, Jose push forward with all his might and screamed as he bit my neck again. His cock pulsed and pulsed as his teeth tore into my neck. I could feel the cum from my two new friends dripping down my balls and legs. Jose held me with all his force and every ounce of his energy was expended into my body. I could feel that heat, that lust.

We all collapsed. I have a hot black teenager under me and a perfect Latin teenager over me. Both their cocks are now limp but still inside me. My cum is drying on Jamel and me, but none of us could find the power to move. We just lay there in cum and sweat.

I woke up sometime later in the same position. I moved a little to feel Jamel take my head in his hands and start kissing me. Jose started to lick my neck and both those cocks started to grow inside me.

Oh shit, I thought my virgin experience was over....

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