Virgin at 22

By Nick Wilson

Published on Sep 1, 2008


Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic sexual language and actions between males. If material of this nature offends you, or it is illegal in your jurisdiction for you to view it, DO NOT READ any further. This is a work of fiction and any similarity between real people or events is purely coincidental. As this is fiction, safe sex practices are not always followed by the characters, but should be by you.

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My name is Matthew and I'm in my last year of a hospital diploma program to become a RN. After graduating high school 3 years ago I went into the same career path as my mother, who died when I was little. My dad, who is a construction worker, didn't like the idea all that much, but he got used to it, I guess. I'm 21 years now but will turn 22 in less than a month. I'm told that I'm not bad looking and some girls were eager to date me in high school, which makes it even more astonishing that I'm still a virgin.

Ever since I've fooled around with some friends at summer camp 9 years ago I knew I was gay. Unfortunately, I didn't do anything with another boy until 17. Still not "all the way" but during the summer a friend's cousin from Canada and I started with mutual masturbation and ended at blow jobs. If he would have been here longer, I'm sure we would have done more, but in two weeks we did pretty much a lot.

Back to more recently: I've gotten some new undies a while back. A few pair's of white boxer briefs aswell as some briefs, also white. (I personally prefer black one's, but wear scrubs and you know why I switched to white one's.) I just loved how the tight material made my butt and bulge look. I don't know if that's a normal "man thing", but to me it was.

The problem is though that my briefs must have shrunk in the washer or dryer or something. They were the same size and brand as the boxer briefs, which still fit perfectly. But the briefs looked really tiny on me, like when you wear something a size or two too small. It looked really weird but since I didn't have any other underwear left in my drawers, I had to put them on.

I always shower after my shift ends. Nursing students have 8 hour shifts, which isn't all that bad considering that normal nursing shifts are 12 hours or longer. Anyways, after my shift ended I went into the locker room. There was only one big locker room for all male staff in the hospital. Not that it was all too big since it's a hospital in a rural area, but with all the doctors, nurses and therapists and whatnots, it was a size able locker room.

So there I was in the locker room, with another nursing student and one other nurse. I'm not too shy or something, but my tiny briefs made me pretty reluctant to pull down my scrubs in front of them. The other nursing student changed and left while I pretended to type a message on my phone.

Pretty soon only me and the nurse were left. He had undressed completely and was heading for the shower. Damn, I thought, but at least no one will be here to watch me in my briefs. So I quickly undressed, put everything away into my locker and went into the shower room. It was one of those communal shower rooms, 5 shower heads on one side, 4 on the other (it was the side with the "door").

The other dude was on the side with 5 shower heads on the back, so I took the first shower next to the door. I didn't turn around and quickly showered. I never got those who take like forever to soap up and rinse off in the shower. If I wanted to be in water any longer, I'd take a bath.

So I finished first and went back to the lockers. I dried off some more and opened my locker and took out a fresh pair of those tiny briefs. I couldn't hear the water running anymore but the nurse was nowhere to be seen. I put them on and like in a bad movie the nurse came out from the shower just when I pulled them up.

At first, he didn't say anything, but when he went past me he said: "Not that it's any of my business, but you should stop buying at baby GAP."

Not that it's super funny or something, but I just had to laugh since it was something I could have said.

"Yeah, I know they are tiny, but since I'm really lazy with my laundry I only had those left."

The nurse had put on black briefs by now, same brand like mine. Just that his fitted him perfectly, especially around his cock. It didn't look like it was squeezed in like with me but still was of respectable size.

He looked over and said: "I hope you don't mind me saying, but those small briefs show off your butt and cock really well."

I blushed and said "Thanks."

Without saying anything until we both were completely dressed we continued putting clothes on. We grabbed our belongings and went out of the locker room at the same time.

"So did you text your girl before?"

"Ahhm, what?"

"Before you typed something on your phone."

"Oh that, actually I didn't write anybody. I just didn't want to pull down my pants with such smallish briefs on in front of anybody else."

"I see. By the way, my name is Peter."


"And you are in the 3rd year?"


"Pretty serious shit, right?"

"I guess. It never has bothered me, learning comes somehow pretty easy to me."

"And why didn't you go into medschool then?"

I don't know why, but this guy had something to him that made me answer honestly all the time.

"My mom was an RN but she died when I was young."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's okay, that was like 17 years ago."

We had reached the staff parking lot by now and without thinking, I had followed him to his car while we talked.

"You need a lift?"


"This is my car."

"Oh, no thanks, mine is over there - somewhere."

I started to walk into that direction I hoped my car was parked in when he shouted: "Wanna grab coffee or something?"

I don't know why but I quickly turned around and said: "Sure."

We agreed to drive separately since we had to drive home into different directions. He lived in the more "hip" area of town while our house was in the old part of town. When I got there I immediately went in as Peter's car was already parked. I've never been to this café or whatever that was but when I went in I knew what it was: a gay bar.

I don't know why I've never been here before. Heck, I didn't even know we had a gay bar in town! No wonder I didn't get laid so far!

I looked around and spotted Peter sitting at the bar. I sat down next to him.


"Hi again, Matthew. Ever been here?"

"Actually I haven't."

"Hope you don't mind me being that forward but you do swing this way?"

"Yeah, I'm gay if that's what you're asking."

I ordered Pepsi as I doubt they had great coffee here. Peter also had Pepsi.

We talked for a bit, mostly about nursing school and work related stuff. After a while, it turned to more personal questions.

"You got a boy?"


"But you had one before?"

"Yeah, kinda I guess."

"What do you mean?"

Don't know what it was again, but I had to be honest. "I've fooled around with a guy a few years back, not really all that serious. Actually he was a friend's cousin from Canada who was only here for two weeks. We had fun, but it never been much."

"And since?"

I just blushed. "Nothing."

"Wow, somebody needs to dust you off down there," replied Peter with a big smile on his face.

"I'm not..."

"I didn't mean right now!"

"Oh, cool. I mean, I haven't..."

"No worries, your secret is save with me." He ordered another Pepsi.

We talked about more general stuff now, like about age (he is 25) or where we were from (he's from Boston) and if we are out of the closet (he was but I guess I'm not).

"Don't you think your dad figured it out by now? I mean, you never brought home a girl and you went into nursing. Heck, your mom sure has told him about all the super hot male nurses who all just had eyes for other male nurses."

"Dunno really. My dad never talks to me about that kind of stuff. I mean, ever since mom died I haven't seen him with another woman neither!"

"Damn, not getting laid runs in the family!"

I must have had a shocked face as he immediately apologized: "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make fun of you or your dad."

"It's okay, I bet there are not many 22 year old virgin gays."

"Wouldn't be sure but I think you might be right."

"So how bout you, when did you have your first time?"

"At summer camp when I was 12. We had this hot cabin counselor who was like 16 or 17. I had eyed him all summer and finally during the last night it happened. We had sex at the beach in the boat house, pretty intense stuff."

"At 12? I'm such a late bloomer!"

"Trust me, it was intense but looking back at it, it wasn't all that great. After that I was pretty much a slut until after high school. I didn't have one single guy twice until I was 20."


"So I really dunno what's better, whoring around for 8 years or being a virgin at 22."

"Me neither, but I sure as hell wouldn't mind knowing what it feels like."

"Don't say that too loud or somebody will drag you into the toilets!"

"Eww, that's definitely no place for a first time."

"What would be?"

More coming soon, in the meantime please send your comments to

Next: Chapter 2

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