Violating a Suit - Ch1: A Pussyboy is Born

By funky munky

Published on Mar 11, 2015



Disclaimer: this story is a work of fiction containing explicit sexual scenes between made up adults. The characters and situations are made up.

Copyright belongs to the author. Please do not copy or distribute this work.

Violating the Suit: a Pussyboy is Born

"This the cracka' motherfucker called Johnny a spic."

A group of beefy young toughs had caught up to a handsome clean-shaven white man. He looked like the kind of man who might sell insurance in a commercial. He had the thick thighs and shoulders of a man who was once athletic but having hit his mid-thirties had gone soft around the middle and ass. The younger men, in contrast, showed arms hard with muscle, covered in tattoos. Three brown as gingerbread men, the fourth one white, but even taller and broader than his buddies. None of them less than a half head taller than the businessman.

"Look, dudes, I'm sorry about that, I was stressed and I just blew up. Didn't mean anything by it, you know. I'm cool." The white guy was dressed in an expensive suit, perfectly tailored. His imported leather shoes were polished to a high shine. He offered a rakish half-grin, trying to charm them. He seemed to be saying Bros. Not a big deal. Chill.

"Is that supposed to mean something to us, asshole?" Peter asked, getting even more pissed off at the racist pig.

"L-look I-I'm not a racist. I'm not!" Nervously backing away.

"Look at him. He's gonna pee his pants." Manny pointed, trying not to laugh.

"H-how about a hundred b-bucks?" he stammered. "Each!"

"What the-" started Johnny, advancing on the shorter like he was about to do some damage. Peter grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"Hold up." He gave Johnny a long meaningful look and that settled him. He knew Peter had a sick mind and whatever he was up to would be far more satisfying than a quick beating. Turning back to the suit who stood nearly trembling, hands balled into fists. "Make that $200 each."

The suit nodded, visibly relaxing. "Awesome." breathing a deep sigh.

"You got it on you?"

"Uh, no. But I can get it!"

"How much you got right now?"

He fumbled for his wallet and produced what cash it held. "Uh... six. Six dollars." He held it out, offering.

"I don't want six motherfucking dollars, douche. Are you trying to piss me off?"

"N-no! No. I can get it. For you. I can."

"Look, pussy. You can't pay right now, you in for a world of hurt."

"Just let me go to an ATM. I swear I`ll pay you!"

Peter backhanded him and the white guy cried out in fear and pain, recoiling. "Shut the fuck up, bitch. You need to plug your hole and do everything I tell you unless you want me to break every single one of your soft girly fingers. Got it?" Peter snatched the wallet out of his hands while the suit nodded vigorously, gluing his eyes to the floor. His face was mottled and he was sweating so much his fine brown hair was plastered to his skull.

Manny grabbed his arm, barking "You're coming with us. Keep your mouth shut."

The suit knew he couldn't overpower the large muscled latino. Besides, there were four of them, he thought. He would never get away. What if they had guns? They probably did. They were probably gang members. And they had his wallet, which had his ID with his address. They could find him or hurt his wife and kids. Better to go along. If he didn't resist they wouldn't kill him.

As they marched him into a nearby shabby-looking brick building he held back tears and resolved to do anything it would take to survive whatever they were going to do to him. He would grovel and beg if he had to. Anything to make it back to his family.

They snaked back through several empty offices and florescent-lit corridors, down a flight of stairs, around several corners and finally through a heavy metal door to a large warmly-lit room. It looked like someone's secret love nest. A large bed was covered in velvet and satin pillows and blankets. A sweet smoky scent hung in the air, like incense.

Before he could react they grabbed him and tore his clothes off, ripping it all to shreds then throwing him naked on the bed.

The beefy white guy jumped on him and wrestled him into submission. He held the struggling pig, pinning both wrists to his chest with one arm, pulling one wide-spread leg back to expose his pink asshole.

Oh my god, they`re going to rape me! he thought. "No!" he cried, terrified.

Manny slapped him across the face. He went suddenly limp, stunned. "Don't fucking talk back, pussyboy."

The pussyboy flushed a deep crimson, utterly humiliated. Overpowered, humiliated and lewdly exposed. He started sobbing, tears running down his face.

"That's fucking hot!" crowed Manny. "Fuck!"

Manny lunged at the bitch, who yelped and cringed. "I'm gonna own this bitch." He declared, grinning. "Look at that." He said, pointing at the meaty ass spread open before him. "What a fine-ass booty!" He brought his nose close to the furry crack, sniffing like it was fine cheese.

Peter and Johnny smirked at each other. They had long suspected Manny liked his bitches chunky and hairy. Preferably with a bald spot.

In that moment, the pale quivering pussyboy realized that his life would never go back to the easy wealth and comfort he had always known. When he accepted that there truly was no escape, that he was going to be used and violated, a strange peace came over him. Naked and spread open for the pleasure of these men, he felt a growing hunger warming his body.

Manny put two fingers in his mouth, coating them with saliva. He stroked the pussyboy's hole, spitting to lubricate it further, then teasing it open despite resistance. He dipped the tips of his fingers in, slowly going further. He occasionally fluttered his fingers around the tender opening, causing the bitch to gasp and sigh. He seemed to calm quite suddenly, succumbing to the attentions on his hole. After a while Manny managed to slip in a whole finger, then he had two buried in the pussyboy's slick hole. The bitch was panting and making noises halfway between whimper and moan. Still a little teary-eyed but with his own cock responding enthusiastically to the penetration.

The bitch that was once a man was held in place by a blue collar kid, legs akimbo, and getting finger-fucked by a muscled, tattooed, Mexican with a beard. And he loved it.

Manny wiggled his finger's against the slut's prostate and the bitch's hole clamped down like the jaws of life. The bitch squirmed and bellowed, the fingers in his anus waking a desperate itch for more. Finally Manny added a third finger, making the pussyboy grunt and lick his lips lasciviously.

Sensing the bitch's readiness, Manny withdrew his fingers and immediately thrust his steel-hard length into the virgin asshole.

The pussyboy was shocked. He gasped deeply, struggling, but the men held him firmly in place. The massive Mexican meat filled and stretched him completely.

He hated himself for loving it, but he'd never felt anything so good. And he'd never felt so profoundly filthy. He wailed in ecstasy, surrendering himself to the depravity of the scene, his irredeemable degradation. The white pig whimpered as Manny slowly withdrew his fat brown cock. Wailed as Manny shoved it back into well-stretched asshole that took him like clutching butter.

Again and again, fucking the white bitch's hole like a piston.

"Let me up." said Peter, who no longer saw any reason to continue to hold the slut down. He wasn't going anywhere.

Manny told the pig to get on his knees and spread his legs wide. Coming up behind him, Manny took a bottle of oil that had been left on the bed. He coated his cock well and squirted a stream onto the white man's fat ass. He massaged the oil in, making the big pale cheeks shine in the warm light. His large appreciative hands stroked the pussyboy all over, making him shiver. He took hold of slight love handles and pulled the big ass onto his hard cock, sinking to his nuts.

The pig thrust his ass back, desperate for more of the overwhelming sensation that had struck him like a revelation from God. Manny slapped his pale smooth buns while the white bitch impaled himself on his dick. "The bitch wants more cock than I got!" He laughed, reaching around to pinch the pig's pink nipples. The older man moaned uncontrollably, face bright red with shame and remorse yet unable to stop himself from reaching around to spread his ass further. He put his hairy chest and face to the floor, clutching at his meaty buns, whimpering like a tortured puppy.

"Yes!" he gasped. "Oh yes!" then sobbing, deep moaning then sobbing, "...ohhhh yes!"

Johnny had been recording everything on a GoPro. The slut hadn't noticed. Probably too scared earlier and now totally lost in pleasure. He went is for a close-up of the slut's face.

"Say, I love spic cocks!"

"I love spic cocks!"

"Say, I love spic cum up my ass."

A momentary hesitation until Manny slowly sank back in.

Moaning, "I love spic cum in my ass! I love it!" Moaning again, "I love spic cocks! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

"I don't believe this shit." muttered Johnny to Peter.

"Didn't I tell you? I can smell a pig slut a mile away." he continued to film the fucking.

"You gettin' a piece?"

"After Manny that pussy is gonna be way too sloppy for me. Look at that."

Manny had started pulling his entire cock out then plunging back in while the pig squealed and begged for more.

"You sure we should be doing him raw?"

"This fool has never cheated on his wife. They were probably high school sweethearts. He needed us to teach him what he was made for. And we're fucking clean, aren't we?"

"Yeah. Guess I just feel a little bit bad about the wife and kids."

"Look at it this way. Now that poor woman is free to find herself a real husband."

Manny rolled the white man onto his back, spreading and lifting his hairy legs to expose his pink gaping hole. He held spread legs open for a long moment, devouring the lascivious sight of this exposed white bitch with his eyes. He was eager to pump a load into the man's jiggling ass. He'd never had pussy so good. So tight and so eager to receive him. Manny dropped his weight onto the slut`s body, drilling untapped depths of his open asshole, stifling cries of ecstasy with his mouth, kissing the pussyboy deeply. The pig wrapped his legs around Manny's waist, bucking his ass into Manny's crotch while moaning into his mouth.

"Looks like love." teased Peter.

"Manny broke the wet kiss, gasping. "You might be right, shit." He pumped his cock out and back in a few times, back to sucking face. Then broke away again, "This is the best pussy of my life!"

"Oh shit."

"You know that's too much pussy for one man." remarked Peter.

"That's fine." he growled. "I can share. It's mine he'll crave."

"Ohhhh no!" Johnny was laughing.

"You motherfucker. Waving your size privilege around at us. We have perfectly beautiful cocks. They have thousands of Xtube fans." laughed Peter. "You can have that bitch, I need a younger one. Small and smooth with a virgin hole you haven`t made useless"

"Holy fuck, you mean it."

"Shit yeah, these piggies are nasty. I have plans." To Manny, "Dude, let's roast him. I want my dick sucked."

"You want to suck some cock, pussyboy?" Manny asked between kisses.

The pussyboy, formerly a PTA member and president of the local Toastmasters chapter, reddened but nodded shyly.

"You horny bitch." pounding the married slut mercilessly for a minute before withdrawing and maneuvering the former marketing executive into position. Peter approached from the front, his handsome cock swinging, poking it at the former straight man who opened his mouth and lunged for it. He missed but kept trying to capture the head in his mouth. Peter was laughing while he recorded everything on the GoPro.

Eventually he stopped playing around and plunged his hardon into the waiting mouth. It grasped him, taking his entire length easily, sucking him expertly. "Motherfucker!" he wailed. "Fuck! This bitch has natural talent! Whew!! I need a harem of these cunts, telling you. One to suck my cock. Two to suck my toes. One to lick my pits. What woman is going to give you all that? For free?!! But these pussyboys will take it all and LOVE it. The more you put em in their place and make them serve you, the more they like it. This one is ours already and we didn`t even break a sweat." He hollered and pulled out of the slut's mouth, pumping his cock in his fist. Geysers of cum erupted, streaming over the pig's face. Not thinking, he licked his lips and opened his mouth to catch more cum.

Peter obliged him, squirting two more volley's into the slut's waiting mouth who moaned and swallowed.

Manny grabbed the shorter man up in his well-muscled arms, pulling him back against his thick body. He grabbed at the pig's soft chest like a pair of tits while hammering his cock home, getting ready to orgasm. The bitch's appreciative squealing, and the dancing he did on the end of his cock, put him over the edge and he roared as he buried his bone, blasting his sperm into his formerly married white bitch. The white bitch had cum as well, hands-free.

They fell to the bed, boneless and gasping. When they caught their breath they got dressed. The slut, whose clothes were torn, was given a small pair of jersey shorts that stretched over his plump ass obscenely. That and a too-tight t-shirt and pair of flipflops to wear.

Not another word was needed. They all new exactly what was going to happen. The pussyboy was going to go with them and surrender all connection to his old life, even his name. He was going to cook and clean for them and be a sex slave, submitting to their depraved fancies. Taking any cock they wanted in his slutty holes. But he was going to sleep with Manny who he belonged to now with all his heart. It felt a little frightening, but exhilarating as well, to have the stocky Mexican put his hands down the back of his shorts, slip a finger into his loose hole and lead him to his new home.

Next chapter: the pussyboy needs to raise some extra funds for a very special gift. Getting a job is out of the question, but he finds a way to put his natural talents to good use!

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