Vintage Thrills

By Anthony Palazzo

Published on Jan 9, 2013


Beach Flashes

Sitting on the deck of a Hemingwayesque beach bar in Puerto Rico, I look around at the cocktail hour crowd as I sip a rum punch. It is primarily a gay crowd, and liberally laced with young men for rent. One lean, dark young man lifts his shirt in an innocent gesture, as if to stretch and to cool his body. Then he looks at me meaningfully. Oh. Selling it, are you, dude? I look down at the sand below the deck, where late afternoon sunbathers continue to loll on the sand, some alone, but mostly in small groups. My eye catches the back of a tall, tanned man of perhaps thirty. He is wearing a small tight bathing suit of an odd faded maroon color. The suit clings. He leans over and I get a glimpse of asscrack. I feel a sexrush. He turns, as though feeling my eyes on him, and our eyes meet. He is kneeling on a blanket with three other friends, perhaps twenty feet from where I sit at the outdoor bar. He smiles. He has a handsome face with regular, chiseled, Latin features and black hair, wet and combed straight back. A hustler? Just an exhibitionistic young man who enjoys being admired? Someone on the lookout for a sugar daddy or an American lover? For twenty minutes or so we exchange glances.

He moves this way and that, treating me to a glimpse of crotch bulge, of muscled thighs, of hairless chest. And then he bends over again to reach into a cooler. Big time asscrack. More than lovely. Highlight of my day.

Another flashback. Reis Park in Brooklyn. Walking back toward the boardwalk my attention is captured by an outstanding sight. At the very edge of the sand sits a handsome young blond man. He is muscular, probably a body builder, and is tanned a perfect golden brown. He is wearing a nearly absent g string, shocking pink in color. He has pushed the fabric toward the center on the string it hangs from so that just the genitals are covered. A plump bulge of cock and balls. His brown pubic hair stares lewdly at me; the swell of his ass cheek invites further inspection. Sand clings to one ass cheek and the top of his thigh. The beach is a gay nude beach (this part of the beach anyway) and there are several men totally nude in the water and sunbathing. But this partially covered man is like a magnet. I slow my step to stare, and notice two other passersby joining me in admiration. As I step onto the boardwalk, an older gentleman smiles at me and says, "Makes the long drive worth it, when you see something like that, doesn't it?" I smile agreement.

I continue to the men's room on the boardwalk. After peeing, I throw cold water on my face and hear shuffling as a man emerges from a stall. He strips off his bathing suit and begins to slowly wipe sand off from his body with a beach towel. I look, naturally. I am taken aback to recognize him. He goes to a Gay Fathers Group that I also sometimes attend. It is not clear if he recognizes me or not. After a few minutes of cleaning sand, he begins to get hard. He smiles at me. I walk over to him. He leads me behind the stall partition, and lowers my bathing trunks. He inspects my dick and slowly jerks it a few times. I allow this but when his head leans forward to take me in his mouth, I pull away. He looks up inquiringly.

I say: "Can I feel your ass?"

"Sure," he responds, turning around.

I give it a good feel and say "Nice."

He pulls on his cock a few times. I cop a feel of his dick and he reaches over again, playing with my dick, which begins to respond. But I am nervous with the whole scene. I pull up my bathing suit and touch his arm in a goodbye gesture.

Q: Will he look at me differently the next time we run into each other at a meeting? A: No.

Flashback to Sailor Cove on Fire Island. Straight beach. I am here with my family. In the showers getting ready to leave. I soap up and notice that a guy is standing in front, waiting for my shower. He strips and stares at me with open interest as I shower. As I soap my dick he turns to the side, so as to be not visible to the other men in the showers to our left, and takes the end of his foreskin between his thumb and index finger. I stare in disbelief. He pulls down on his foreskin, and then swings his cock in little circles still using the same two fingers. I am frightened by his boldness and turn around, facing my ass to him as I finish my shower. As I turn around after a minute or so, now rinsing off the soap, he walks toward me. He reaches over and picks up a piece of soap from the ground and offers it to me.

"Did you run out of soap?" he asks.

"No, no, I'm fine," I stammer. "Just about done."

He gives me a big smile. His cock is half hard. I look around. No one seems to be noticing this odd exchange. I get out of the shower, and stand by the wooden bench drying myself as he steps in. He puts on a nice show, even spreading his cheeks and bending over for me. I flee, dizzy with fear and excitement.

Jones Beach, Long Island flashback. Walking east toward the less crowded gay area. Sometimes there is discrete nudity out here . I have heard tales of sex in the dunes but have never observed any. A man rises from a beach towel, looks at me and begins to walk back toward the dunes. He is wearing a black jock strap. His buns are full and pink. He has brown hair, balding, fortysomething years old. He looks over his shoulder with an inviting look as he walks up to a dune. I pick up my pace and continue walking east, successfully fighting the impulse to follow him.

Robert Moses Beach on Fire Island flashback. I am sprawled out naked on a beach towel in the Federal National Seashore section of the Park, where nudity is legal. I read a book and after a while I look up and notice a man about my age looking over at me. He is also nude and about a hundred feet away, back against the storm fence. When he sees me looking, he touches his dick.

I observe him with interest. We play games like this for a half hour or so, each one teasing the other with self touching. After a while I go for a dip into the water and then take a little walk. I walk past him to get a better look. He invites me to join him. He has a foreign accent. I accept and go to get my towel and beach bag.

I stretch out next to him and learn that his name is Peter, he is from Malta, and a regular visitor here. He has not seen me here before.

"No, this is my first time this season."

"Yes, your body is white. I can see that you haven't been out much."

He reaches over and touches my stomach, my leg and then rubs my dick. I look around. There is no one in sight. I run my hand over his stomach and his tits.

I squeeze his cock. It is fat and circumcised and of average length. His balls are plump and his cock seems to be propped up on them.

"You have a nice body,"

he tells me. "A little hairy, but nice."

"So do you," I return the complement.

We exchange basic information about where we live, what we do for a living, and so on and then Peter invites me home.

"Do you want to come to my place for awhile. We'll have good time."

I hesitate.

"It is only about a half hour from here. I live alone. We will have good time. I know that for sure."

I shake my head in refusal and grope him to soften the blow. "Nah, I don't think so, it's getting late and I'm going to have to get home soon."

He accepts the refusal graciously, and gently rubs my dick to erection. "Well, I want to see you again. You come here again? I here many weekdays in summer about this time. I work nights as waiter so I have days off."

I assure him that I would like to see him again. Peter offers his phone number and I take it. I never see or speak with him again.

Back to Reis Park in Brooklyn. It is getting rundown now. Fewer people. Closer policing by cops on horseback. No full nudity allowed any longer.

"Cover your ass!" I hear a police officer order a sunbather who was lying on his stomach and had pulled his bathing suit into his asscrack to allow his buns full exposure to the sun.

"Gee, anything used to go here," an older man on a nearby towel comments to me after the cop leaves.

We talk. He is very friendly. A regular. Leon. Introduces me to a number of people who stop by his towel to say hello. Leon advises me that my bathing suit is too modest for this beach.

"No one wears trunks here, dear," he says. "Get yourself a tight Speedo." Leon dismisses my objections that I am not in good enough shape to wear a tight suit.

"Who is?" Certainly not him. His gut hangs over his tiny tight briefs.

"Doesn't matter," assures Leon. "Now for today, just roll up your legs to your ass, so that everyone will know that you're one of us."

I do as commanded. After a while I go into the water to cool off and meet Dennis a middle aged man with a heavy brogue, who starts up a conversation about how cold the water is. Soon Dennis is groping me under the waves. Within ten minutes I have an open invitation to Dennis' apartment at a famous old Manhattan apartment building which used to house the Ansonia bathhouse.

I return to my towel and notice a man younger than most here on a nearby towel. He has on a white bathing suit and is wearing a scarf around his neck.

Later he goes into the water and pulls his bathing suit up into his asscrack (must be the thing to do here) so that what remains is no larger than a jock strap. He turns around, bends over and moons me. I smile and speak to him as he passes me on his way back to his towel. I ask him about the scarf around his neck. I am surprised when in response, he indicates with his finger that I should follow him to his towel. When we are there, he picks up a small electronic instrument and placing it near his neck, he speaks in a throaty whisper. The guy has had cancer of the larynx and has a hole in his throat which he verbalizes from, using this assistive device. I sit down and we speak for a long time. When the sun goes down, we walk to the parking lot together. He arrives at his car first and gets in. I ask him if I could see his cock. He smiles and hesitates.

"Just because I act like a whore and an exhibitionist in the water, you think I should show you my dick?"

"Well, no, you should show it to me, because you've been teasing me, and because it will give me pleasure."

He smiles and pulls aside his bathing suit, freeing his cock and balls. He pulls on his dick several times and it starts to fill out nicely.

Then he stuffs the swollen cock back in his suit where it sticks up obscenely.

"Thanks," I say, and walk toward my car. Summertime is such a nice time of the year.

Next: Chapter 43: Young Man with a Hardon

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