Vintage Thrills

By Anthony Palazzo

Published on Jan 5, 2013


A Stellar Performance

I have been quite inactive with men for a long time, and lately have just played very safe games, like mutual j/o at Jerk Off Clubs in Manhattan. In order to satisfy my voyeuristic tendencies I have hired "masseurs" from time to time. It lets me control the action, so I don't freak out later about bringing home something to my wife. A few times I have hired 2 guys to perform for me. I started by regularly looking at the "massage" and "escort" ads in the local weekly papers. The gay papers had the most interesting ones of course. I was looking specifically for ads placed by two men together. Sometimes, but rarely, they would offer a performance type scene, i.e. "watch or join in," but more often the ad was an offer to have a massage by two guys together. They would sometimes say, "available separately or together." I preferred those ads that offered to allow the customer to watch, without participating, but since they were so rare, I also would occasionally circle an appealing ad placed by two masseurs, with the thought of calling them to ask if they would agree to get it on together while I watched.

Although I had not become a total voyeur, I was in practice almost nearly so, as far as male sexuality was concerned. I figured that if I paid two guys, I could maintain better control over the scene. One guy was more apt to encourage or tempt me into dangerous activities, I felt, but with two they would pay attention to each other and not be concerned if I chose not to play. The increasingly hazardous disease risks of the past twenty years had made me very skittish about any kind of sex except for the safest variety. I had learned that the brain is indeed the most powerful sex organ and that I could have much pleasure with little risk. I was also aware that a cock could have a mind of its own, and so I avoided any situation in which a scene might become too tempting or get out of hand. I knew that could happen with two guys as easily as one, if it was an open scene. I therefore always explained in advance that I "just wanted to watch" to make things clear from the start, and to protect myself from my own desires, as well as from the others' generosity in sexual sharing.

Not that I actually did this often. I mostly fantasized about it. And sometimes made elaborate preparations for it, including saving some discretionary money and setting it aside, arranging for a free afternoon or evening, and selecting several good candidates from recent ads.

But on this special day I decided to go through with a scene that I had fantasized about for so long. I noticed an ad recently placed by "TWO HOT ISRAELIS" in which they clearly describe a willingness to play or just perform for the pleasure of the paying client. The necessary calls are made and the arrangements are made and I'm on the stoop of a midtown brownstone scanning the names at the door.

I ring a bell. There is an intercom exchange and then a buzz to release the door. I am in a large, practically vacant apartment. It develops that this is moving day. Two friends have decided to move in to a single larger place. I am greeted first by one, David, who offers me juice. I accept and learn that David's friend, Zack, is on the phone in the next room. A large abstract painting is on the floor, over on it's side. There is no furniture in the living room where we stand and chat.

David is perhaps 25, fair, very good looking. He speaks in unaccented English. He later explains that although born in Israel, he has lived in the U.S. since childhood. He has a very short Marine style crewcut, light eyes, regular features, cleft chin. Soon we are joined by Zack, who is older by perhaps 10 years, dark hair and complexion, thin muscular body. Zack speaks with a mid-Eastern accent. He is pleasant but more aggressive and less friendly than David. He moves things along.

"Let's go into the next room," he says gesturing toward the bedroom. Although there are still some things to be set up, including an exercise machine of some type, the bed is assembled, and a dresser, table and chair have been placed around the room as well.

Without preliminaries Zack and David begin to strip. It's warm and neither are wearing much, so the process is a fast one. I begin to undress, starting with my jacket and tie, and so I'm naturally behind them. My eyes drink in the sight of these two good looking men, unselfconsciously taking off their clothes as they talk about ordinary things. David, who was just wearing shorts, a T shirt and shower slippers, is now nude. The ad had said that the pair were horsehung. Actually David is just about average size, but pretty, very pretty. His body is smooth, with hardly any hair at all. His legs, buns, chest and dick are all most pleasing to the eye. He pulls on his cock as Zack steps out of his tan cotton slacks.

Zack is now also naked. Now that's an impressive cock! If not exactly the size of a horse's, it is certainly the size of a very well endowed man's. I comment on their good looks and how they are making me hot. They seem to like my running commentary, and it adds to my own pleasure to be talking this way. They smile and humor this horny client.

They have apparently put on this show before, since without any discussion David lies down on his back with his head at the foot of the bed. Zack walks over to the foot of the bed and immediately places his very long soft brown cock on David's full pink lips. David, lifting his head and stretching his neck, engulfs several inches. It is quite a sight to behold. For the next several minutes David sucks Zack in this position, with Zack enthusiastically goading him on, with intermittent moans and sighs, which could be real or acted, but are in either case, effective.

I move over to the bed and spur the performers on with dirty talk. I climb on to the bed and gently caress David. There is no objection. I play with David's prick which becomes hard. I play with his balls and then move up to his nipples. I play with and suck on David's nipples, while David continues blowing Zack.

David turns over, now kneeling on the bed, and continues to suck Zack. I ask David if I can play with his ass.

"Oh, yeah man!" David agrees with enthusiasm. So I touch, feel, caress the raised asscheeks of this agreeable young man. I then express appreciation and affection by tonguing David's ear.

Moving off the bed, I move behind Zack and caress his thin, lithe, strong body. I focus on his ass which is covered with curly dark hair. I love this fuzzy, small muscular butt which is thrusting forward as he mouth fucks his buddy. I kneel to get a better view of the blowjob. Perfect. I'll remember this a long time, I'm thinking.

Now, Zack, who is definitely the dominant one of the pair, withdraws his now hard cock from David's mouth. It is a rigid 10 inches, I estimate. Within a minute or so, Zack has David on his back with his legs up in the air, and he is eating his ass. David is moaning with pleasure. I'm right there for a close-up view. These guys are born performers, and are pleased to show off for their customer. No pretend rimming here. Zack has a big thick strong tongue darting deeply into David's ass. He also licks around the whole area, bathing his balls and cock with saliva, whenever he withdraws his tongue from the asshole. In a few minutes, he starts to suck David. I love this and encourage it's continuation, but I can tell that it's not Zack's favorite thing. Sure enough, Zack discontinues the sucking after only a minute or so, despite my encouragement. But now I'm about to witness the main feature. Zack slowly puts his huge cock into his younger friend's wet and willing asshole. The process takes a minute or longer. It is a long and thick cock, and although David has no doubt felt it before, Zack is more than considerate in allowing David to adjust to each inch before he proceeds with the next.

Now Zack is into David up to his balls, and they begin to fuck with gusto. I am amazed that such a big dick is now sliding so easily into that little hole without any lubrication apart from the earlier copious serving of saliva. This show is really more than I had hoped for!

Trying to commit every moment to permanent memory, I dare not to look away for even a moment. So, needing more vaseline for my own cock which I've been giving a good workout during all of this, I back away toward the chair where my shirt hangs. A small tube is in the pocket for that purpose, and I apply a generous dollop and then return to the front line. I'm on fire with sexual excitement now. I bend to watch Zack pistoning his big dick into David, and feel like I am at a porno film, but better. I feel very comfortable with these two now, since they do not pressure me to do anything that I don't want to, nor have they refused any overture on my part. An ideal situation.

I reach between Zack's legs and play with his balls. I move in further and feel the cock moving in and out of David's ass. Who could ask for anything more?

Too soon, Zack starts to announce an impending orgasm. With much vocal accompaniment, he comes in David's ass. (Or does he? I wonder later if it happened as presented or if my time was just up. I also think afterward about the fact that Zack didn't use a condom. These guys seem so sharp and aware it's hard to imagine that they would take chances. Maybe only Zack gets to fuck David that way. But what about their invitation to customers to "join in?" Well, I hope they insist on strangers using rubbers.)

The three of us stand in a circle as I pound myself to climax. Zack reaches down and fondles my nuts. He compliments the thatch of hair on my chest and twists it with his fingers. As I approach ejaculation, Zack plays with my nipples, and David makes hot grunting sounds of encouragement to bring me over the top.

Soon, I'm dressing and counting out the $250 fee. I leave it on the table along with a $50 tip. The entertainers thank me, and Zack offers a shower. I refuse, and hug them both. I ask if they are lovers. "Fuckbuddies," they say. I wonder if they always play the way I observed or if David sometimes fucks Zack. David defers to Zack to answer as usual, and Zack replies, "Well, yes, sometimes," unconvincingly.

The hosts invite me to call for another visit. "Come back to see us again. The place will be fixed up much better next time."

At their prices, it should look like a suite at the Plaza.

Next: Chapter 39: International Sights

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