

Published on Oct 11, 2001


This is the first in an unknown number of vignettes. Got an idea. Wrote it down. These will all be one installment stories unless enough people really want to read more. It doesn't fit with the world I've created in "Home" and "Just Together," and has no relation to that world at all. Rest assured that the events in this story only happened in my twisted head.

--------------------- vignette one by jm_stories

I was exhausted. I was hungry. I don't know why I agreed to come down to Orlando for Christmas. After 17 straight hours of driving by myself, I was ready to collapse. I could have just driven the remaining 20 minutes to get to my father's house, but I'd have to talk and be polite and listen to his bad jokes about making me a nice steak. He knew I was ovo-lacto vegetarian, but it never ceased to amuse him to make jokes about making me eat some meat. I should never have come.

I pulled into a Subway in a strip mall. After making sure any valuables were out of sight, I locked my door, stretched, and walked across the parking lot stiffly. The heat was oppressive and I wasn't dressed for it at all. It was 15iF when I left Chicago. It had to be at least 85iF here. I got into the cool air conditioned restaurant and went straight to the bathroom. I washed my face after using the urinal and ran wet fingers through my hair to make it look somewhat less wild. It was a losing battle, but I felt a little better.

I got in line and looked around the place. It was packed and only a few tables were still available. There were about five people in front of me, so I wasn't very hopeful that I'd get a table.

"Sorry," the guy behind me said as he bumped into me in his effort to get out of the way for someone walking through.

"That's alright," I said and glanced at him before turning back to watch the "Sandwich Artist" trying to understand what "no cheese" meant.

"What's so difficult to understand about 'no cheese'?" the guy behind me grumbled.

"Maybe that the clerk is Puerto Rican and the customer is Japanese. Neither one is speaking English," I smirked and looked at the guy again.

He chuckled. "That's dead on."

Something about the guy seemed familiar. "Do I know you? You look familiar."

"I don't know. Do you?" He said a bit defensively.

It took my sleepy brain a minute to figure out it was Justin Timberlake. He probably saw the light go on and looked a bit nervous and annoyed.

"I'm Jason," I said and held out my hand. "I know you probably don't care, but I know you're name, so it's only fair."

He ignored my hand. "Don't make a scene. I'll give you an autograph if you don't make a scene," he pleaded in a whisper.

I was too tired to deal with him. "I don't want your autograph. Do you want mine?" I smirked and turned back around in the line to place my order.

"No," Justin huffed, probably shocked that I'd said that to him.

I got my sandwich, drink and looked for a table. A couple was just leaving and I grabbed the last free table. I dropped into the seat and stretched a little before opening my sandwich. I was about to take a bite when someone walked up to my table and asked me something, but I didn't catch it.

"Pardon?" I said as I looked up. It was Justin. "Decide you did want that autograph?"

"No. I said, do you mind if I sit with you. There aren't any free tables," Justin said.

"Help yourself," I shrugged and started on my sandwich.

Justin sat down and spread out his food. "So. You know who I am. You a fan?"

I almost choked and had to take a drink. Once everything was clear, I answered him. "To be polite: I have respect for your group as successful performers, but your music isn't my style," I said very diplomatically.

"So you think we suck?" He challenged.

"I didn't say that. You are successful performers, and I can respect that. The music and style you perform, however, makes me want to jab forks in my ears."

Justin laughed. "Are you always this direct?"

"Usually. And even more so when I've been driving for 17 hours."

"I didn't think you were from here."

"Is anyone?"

"True. Where'd you drive from? Why Orlando?"

"Chicago. Xmas with father," I said and I'm sure the bitterness came across.

"You don't seem very happy about that."

"Not really, but you don't need to hear about it, and I don't want to talk about it."


I shrugged it off and continued eating. Sleep. That was what I needed. I was daydreaming about sleep as I chewed on the sandwich.

"Jason?" Justin called.

"Yea?" I said and looked up.

"Did you hear a word I said?"

"No. Sorry. I'm barely awake."

"I understand. Anyway. What do you do?"


"Could you narrow it down a little?"

"I work for a small design firm as their IT manager, webmaster, web designer and sometimes graphic designer. I do freelance design on the side. Engineer bands. Write horrible fiction that amazingly makes some people happy... Um... do odd performances on occasion. Help publish a poetry magazine... Design sets and lights for the theatre... Probably some other things in there," I rambled on sleepily.

"Got it. I should have just accepted 'everything,'" Justin laughed.

I shrugged. "Sorry. I'm not much of a conversationalist when I'm exhausted," I said.

"I understand. I'm the same way."

Fortunately he was quiet for the rest of the meal. We finished about the same time and got up to leave. I dumped my tray and stepped out into the wall of heat.

"Well, Justin. Nice to meet you," I said and held out my hand, trying to be polite. He shook it this time.

"You too, Jason. Hey, if you aren't a fan, how is it that you recognized me so easily?"

"Are you kidding? There are pictures of you guys plastered everywhere. I've also seen interviews with you on MTV."

"Why didn't you just change the channel?"

"It was background noise while I was working on a design. Besides, I think you and Lance are cute," I said with a sleepy grin and turned to go. I totally expected that to be the end of it and wasn't disappointed. I got in my car, turned the air on high and drove the rest of the way to my father's house.

"Hey, man. You wanna go to a party?" Alex, my 21 year old baby brother, asked.


"Over by my friend Eddy's house."

"Is it going to be all your friends?"

"No, man. There's gonna be a bunch of people there. You'll probably hate it, but it's better than hanging around and having to talk to Dad."

"Never were words more true spoken."

"You're a geek."

"Yea, I know. You leaving now?"

"I can wait for you to get changed."

"Yea, okay. Give me a few minutes," I said and went to get changed.

"Damn. What a spread. Who's house is this?" I asked Alex. The house we had arrived at had a huge yard. In the center was a large tent with a dance floor, sound system, lights and caterers.

"Joey Fatone."


"Yea, but everyone calls him Joey FAT-one. It's cool. He throws killer parties every couple months."

"How'd you find out about it?"

"Eddy's brother is best friends with Joey. Don't be a freak about it. They don't sing their own songs."

"Something to be thankful for."

"Damn straight. Anyway, you take the keys. If I go home tonight I'll find another way," Alex said and handed me the keys to his car.

"How am I supposed to drink? You're gonna drive," I said and tried to hand the keys back to him.

"No fuckin' way. I'm gonna be too trashed to drive. Walk home if you're too trashed. It's only about a mile or so."

"Yea, okay," I said and pocketed his keys.

"Later, man," Alex said and disappeared into the crowd.

The music was loud, but the sound quality was good. I got a beer and went to check out the system.

"Hey," the guy at the sound board said as he noticed me checking everything out.

"Hey. Jason," I yelled and offered my hand.

"Steve," he yelled back and shook my hand quickly.

"Nice setup."

He just smiled and went back to whatever he was adjusting.

I had another beer and some food. After another beer I was ready to make a fool of myself on the dance floor. From the looks of some of the people out there, I wasn't the only one. A half-hour or so later I went to get another beer and rest. The crowd had grown to at least a hundred people.

I stood off to the side drinking my beer and watching the crowd when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Justin and almost spit out my beer.

"What are you doing here?" He yelled with an upset look on his face.

"I was invited," I yelled and turned back, hoping he'd just go away. Sure, he's cute and all, but the first impression he made with me was bad. He came across as a diva who usually had people fawning over him. It's NOT gonna be me. Heh. Damn. My jokes get really bad when I've been drinking.

"Who invited you?" Justin got in my face and yelled.

"None of your damn business. Bye-bye-bye," I smiled and walked away from him. Yep. I get really bad. I worked my way over to the bar to get another drink and felt another hand on my shoulder.

"What?!" I yelled and turned around, figuring it was probably Justin again.

"Chill out, man," Alex said and raised his hands in surrender.

"Oh. Sorry, bro. I thought you were someone else."

"Figured. You gonna hook up with Timberlake?"


"Justin Timberlake. You were talking to him. You guys gonna hook up? He's a fag, too, you know."

"No. He's an ass."

"He just doesn't know you. He's cool once he gets to know you."

"Why are you trying to set him up? I'm sure he doesn't need your help."

"Probably not, but you do."

"Thanks. Just what I've always wanted: my little brother trying to hook me up with a pop diva," I said sarcastically.

"Jeez, bitch. On the rag much? I'm just trying to help you out."

"Normally I'd appreciate it, but I've run into Justin twice in the past two days and he's not made a very good impression."

"When did you meet him before?"

"At a Subway on my way into town. He sat with me 'cause there weren't anymore seats and I didn't want this autograph."

"You asked him if he wanted your autograph, didn't you?" Alex grinned.

"Of course," I smiled. "But only after he begged me to accept his instead of making a scene, and refusing to shake my hand when I was trying to be friendly."

Alex started laughing. "I would have loved to have seen his face."

"It was pretty priceless," I smiled. "He then had to eat some crow when I had the only available table."

Alex laughed again as Justin came up to us with Joey in tow.

"This is the guy. Did you invite him?" Justin demanded of Joey.

"Hey Alex," Joey said with a drunk grin and slapped him on the back. "Having a good time?"

"I bow down before your party-ness, oh fat-one," Alex joked and made a small bow.

"I am the Prince of Party," Joey smiled.

"Hey Joey. This is my brother Jason," Alex said.

"Hey man. Havin' fun?" Joey said and shook my hand.

"I was," I smiled and looked at Justin.

"What?! What happened? Tell the Prince," Joey joked with melodramatic concern.

"It's nothing. Just someone harassing me. I'm sure it won't be an issue anymore."

"Great. Have fun. I think I hear some ladies calling my name," Joey smiled and stumbled off, leaving Justin standing there.

"Hey, Justin," Alex said with a nod.

"Your brother is an ass," Justin said and stormed off.

"Oh man. You sure got his panties in a bunch," Alex laughed. "He must really like you, for some reason."

"Thanks," I said sarcastically. "If he really likes me then he should tell me instead of acting like we're in second grade. Doesn't matter, anyway. He can find someone else to suck his dick."

"Ew. You didn't need to go there."

"I'm not going to, either. If you could introduce me to Lance, though," I smiled.

"No chance. He never comes to these things."

"Oh well."

"Besides, I think he already has a boyfriend. Well, don't let Justin bug you too much. I've gotta get back to my gang," Alex said and grabbed a couple bottles of beer off the bar before disappearing into the crowd.

I grabbed another beer and munched on some hors d'oeuvres before going back out on the dance floor. The dance floor was pretty small compared to the number of people there, so it was packed pretty tight. It was, quite literally, bump and grind with about sixty people. The sparse dance lights flashed around so you really couldn't see who you were dancing with. You had to feel your way -- not that I'm complaining. If I felt breasts against me I knew it was a girl. If not, it was probably a guy. I felt a few guys and got felt up more than a few times. Normally I'd think it's pretty rude to just start feeling someone up, but I was pretty drunk at this point and everyone was feeling everyone.

I couldn't really see anything anyway, so I closed my eyes and just let the beat of the music and the motion of the bodies around me guide me. Some girl had her hands on my belly, under my shirt, and was humping my left butt cheek. Right action, wrong gender. Talk about shooting blanks. She didn't even have the gun. I chuckled to myself. I should never go into comedy.

The crowd shifted and everyone changed partners -- or, rather, who they were humping. I got a guy this time at my front. From the feel of him, he was solid. Not beefcake gross muscular, but like a dancer. The guy's hands slid around my waist and into my back pockets. He squeezed my butt and pulled me into him more as he humped against my leg. Figuring it was safe, I did the same to him. Man, he had a great ass. Solid muscle. After a while, the guy pulled his hands away and turned around, grinding his ass into my crotch. I had my hands on his hips, but he grabbed them and moved my left hand up his sweaty chest and guided my right hand on his lower belly. He was basically feeling himself up with my hands. Damn, this guy's hot. All the beer I'd been drinking kept me from becoming fully erect, but the way he was pushing back against me had me started. He let go of my hands and reached back to hold my hips as we ground together. I rubbed his nipples a bit and let my other hand tease around his waistband. I wouldn't be so bold as to put my hand down his pants where we were, so he did it for me. He grabbed my hand and pushed it into the intense heat of his pants before reaching back and rubbing me through my jeans. He was only half-hard -- probably because of the alcohol -- and slick with sweat.

Man. I can't believe I'm getting it on with some guy I can't even really see, much less know, on a dance floor full of people. I never do this.

The guy was getting harder and leaned his head back against my shoulder. I felt a tongue on my cheek and turned my head to kiss him. He practically shoved his tongue down my throat and twisted so we were facing each other as we made out like a couple teenagers. His hand snaked down the front of my jeans and he rubbed me to a pretty full erection. He turned away from the kiss.

"Let's go somewhere," he yelled into my ear, and then licked it.

Oh yes. Jason is gonna get lucky tonight. I hope he has some condoms, or we'll have to stop and get some. I really hadn't planned on anything happening and wasn't prepared. I answered him by grabbing his hand out of my pants and pulling him through the mass of bodies. I noticed the dance lights were totally off now and I'm certain that there were a few couples having sex right on the dance floor.

We got out of the crowd. The only light was the street light a block away, and some low light landscaping lights on the other side of the yard so you could see the path. Obviously on purpose so people could get it on. It was a new moon as well, so no moonlight. I stopped and realized that I didn't have anywhere to take him.

"Where should we go?" I yelled back at the shadow I was holding on to.

He answered me by pulling me to another part of the yard. He must come to these things all the time 'cause it seemed like he knew his way around, even in the dark. We got to a tall wood fence and walked along it until we found the gate. I could smell the chlorine and hear the water, so I knew it was the pool area. The guy opened the gate and pushed me inside before stepping in and shutting it behind us.

"Careful. The pool's about six feet in front of you," the guy whispered loudly.

"How about some light?"

"I'd love to, but if we do we'll have a bunch of company. There's a big floating raft around here somewhe..." SPLASH "FUCK!"

I had to laugh. Here he was telling me to be careful about falling in.

"Stop laughing and help me out," the guy said, a bit annoyed.

"Sorry," I chuckled and took baby steps over to where I thought the pool should be. I could see the reflection of the water, but I couldn't see the edge. I stepped on something soft that moved.

"Ouch! Fuck!" The guy said. "You stepped on my hand."

"Sorry. I can't see shit," I laughed and sat down. I reached out and felt the edge of the pool, as well as the guy's hand. "Okay. I'm here. You want to get out, or should I get in?"

"How about we get rid of our clothes and climb back in."

"Works for me," I said and started getting undressed. There was a splash and then the slap of wet clothes landing on a deck.


"Yep. Are we at the shallow end or the deep end of the pool?"

"Deep. Hop on in and we'll go to the shallow end so neither of us drown."

I hung my legs over the edge and into the cold water.

"It's cold," I complained.

"It's not bad once you get in. Come on," he said and slid his cold hand up my thigh.

I hopped down into the water and went completely under -- keeping my hand on the edge so I knew where it was and which way was up. Even a guy as hot as this isn't worth drowning for. I surfaced and wiped the water out of my face.

"Your way," the guy said and pushed me along the side.

We moved along the pool until I could feel the bottom leveling out to about four feet deep. I also found the air raft.

"Guess what I found," I smiled and pulled the raft against us.

"Great," he said and hopped up on it. It was the size of a double bed. "Come on."

I hopped on it and slid up against him. We found each other's lips and began making out again. He rolled on top of me and we ground into each other. His hands were in my hair and I massaged his muscular ass.

"Sorry, but I don't have any condoms with me, so we can't fuck," the guy said between kisses.

"Fine with me."

"Cool," he said and moved down my body, kissing and licking along the way. Before I knew it he was swallowing my cock. I bucked up at the intensity of the feeling.

"You like that, huh?" The guy teased and then went back down on me.

I leaned up and pulled on him. He got the idea and turned around. I turned on my side and licked around his belly before tasting his cock. He went straight for my cock and sucked with enthusiasm. Whoever taught him how to give a blow job should get an award. I nibbled on his taunt ball sack and licked him up and down a few times before taking him into my mouth. He had the perfect size cock for sucking. Not too big. Not too small. His cock was twitching, so I knew he wouldn't last long. I knew I wouldn't either. I hope he's not offended, but I don't know him and he's not going to cum in my mouth. I pulled off and firmly jacked him as I licked and nibbled at his balls. He started making the cutest squeaking noise and pulled off me.

"I'm so close," he panted.

"Me too."

We jacked each other faster and faster. He pushed his hips towards me and I felt the first volley of his cum splashing against my chest just before I exploded. He moaned with his mouth pressed against my balls. After a minute we were down enough to separate and he turned around and lay on top of me again.

"Thanks. That was great," he said and kissed me.

"You're welcome. I thought so, too."

"Maybe we can do it again? I'll even bring the condoms," he said, hopefully.

"Love to, but I'm only in town for a few more days," I said.

"Then I'm gonna make sure you get a hard-on every time you think of Orlando."

"Aren't we actually in Kissimmee?"

"That's a pretty bad stutter you have, but sure, I'll kiss you," the guy said and did so.

"I should push you off into the water for that one," I smiled.

"Eh. Need to wash off anyway," he dismissed.

We heard voices and the house light turned on as Joey stepped out with a girl under each arm and another guy with them in the same predicament.

"Go away, Joe!" The guy yelled. I turned to look at him as he yelled and there was light so I could actually see his face. Shit!

"Fuck off, Timberlake. It's my house," Joey yelled back. "And you better not have spunked in my pool."

I started to push him off me.

"It's okay. They won't even notice we're...FUCK!" Justin screamed as he pushed away from me and fell back into the water. He was flailing around and I don't think he knew which way was up. We were also over the deep end now. I reached out and grabbed him, pulling him back onto the raft. He coughed and sputtered before mumbling a "Thanks."

"Before you say anything. No. I didn't know it was you. If I had I would have run the other way," I said.

"Gee, thanks," he coughed.

"You okay?" I asked and rubbed his back.

"Yea. Just swallowed a gallon of pool water," he said and coughed again.

"So... I'm mortified. How about you?" I said.

"I'm not that bad, am I?" Justin asked in a hurt voice while half looking at me.

"No, you give a great blow-job," I smiled.

"Okay. Now I'm mortified."

"I'm serious," I chuckled.

"You were pretty good, too," Justin conceded.

"Aw. I know how hard it was for you to admit that."

"Jeez. Give me a break, will ya?"

"I just gave you a blow-job and saved you from drowning. What more do you want?" I laughed. I couldn't help it. This whole situation was so hilarious and yet so strange it had to be real.

"How about an autograph?" Justin smiled, and I started laughing harder. After a few seconds he joined me.

"Hey. You're Alex's brother, right?" Joey said from the side of the pool.

"Yep," I laughed.

"Having fun now?" He smiled.

"I'm having a ball."

"Or two," Justin added and we both busted up laughing again.

"Glad to hear it. I am the Prince of Party," Joey smiled and went over to the hot tub to join his girls.

Justin and I finally settled down and lay side by side on the raft, still chuckling to ourselves and breathing heavily.

"I'm sorry if I offended you at Subway the other day. Usually when someone recognizes me they make a scene and I can't even eat in peace," Justin said after a few minutes.

"I can understand not wanting a scene, but it was the look you gave me when I offered to shake your hand that pissed me off. Disdain. You did come across as a snob. And then the accusatory tone when you walked up to me tonight."

"I was starting to think you were a stalker."

"I am, and you played straight into my plans," I said and gave an evil laugh.

"What?" Justin said a bit panicky and leaned up.

"I'm just kidding. Why would I want to stalk you? Besides, I was at both places before you were. You're more likely to be a stalker," I smiled.

"Man, you have no idea," Justin sighed and laid back down.

"About what?"

"Stalkers. I mean, fuck. Just buy a poster and sit at home masturbating like everyone else," he said seriously.

I busted up laughing again.

"What?" Justin smiled.

"Nothing," I gasped and calmed down again.

"So..." Justin said after a few minutes.


" you want to get together again?" Justin asked.

"I don't think that's..." I started.

"We don't have to have sex. I mean, we could, but not necessary. Just get together and hang. Get to know each other."

"I'm going back to Chicago the day after Christmas."

"So? That means we've got two more days."

"Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. As much as I'd rather be anywhere than with my father, that is why I came down here."

"What's the deal with your father?"

"You mean besides that he wants me in the family business and dismisses everything I do that doesn't involve it? Or the fact that he refuses to acknowledge that I'm gay and always tries to set me up with society bimbos? How about the fact that the only time I hear from him is when he's got a computer question, or trying to guilt trip me into visiting?"

"I think that about covers it," Justin said. "What's the family business?"

"Imports and antiques."

"Sounds interesting."

"You're drunk. It's boring as hell. All paperwork and contracts and bids."


"His business is his life. All of it. He lives, eats, breaths and shits that business."

"So did he import you, too?" Justin smiled.

"No. I was hatched the normal way. Mom died in childbirth with Alex, my youngest brother. We were basically raised by the nanny."

"How many siblings do you have?"

"Two brothers. I'm the oldest."

"How old are you?"

"Twenty-five. How old are you?"


"Shit. You're as old as Alex," I sighed.

"It's only four years."

"I know. It's just seems weird to think that I had sex with one of my baby brother's friends," I smiled.

"We're not really friends. We've just met a few times at Joe's parties."

"You know what I'm saying."


"So what should I know about you that isn't already public knowledge -- besides that give a great blow-job," I smiled.

"That was my first one, you know," Justin said shyly.


"Seriously. I never have before. First time."

"Oh come on. Do you really expect me to believe that? You're an international pop star who has many people, of both genders, drooling over you. You've been doing it for years. You expect me to believe that tonight was the night you decided to lose your virginity to some stranger?"

"I didn't say I was a virgin. It's just the first time I've given a blow-job. Was I really that good?"

"Yea. You're a natural. So what have you done, then -- if you don't mind my asking?"

"Fucked a lot of girls and let them blow me. Even let a few guys blow me."

"So you're bi."

"No. Just Cleopatra."

"Queen of denial. Gotcha. Why tonight? Why me?"

"I don't know. It was dark. I didn't know you, but I liked what I did know from dancing. Well, horny as hell from dancing with you," Justin smiled and rolled over to face me, putting his hand on my chest.

"That was really hot. That's the first time I've done something like that, or like this."

"You expect me to believe that?" Justin mocked.

"Believe what you want. It's the truth. I don't usually go to clubs unless I'm dating someone or with a group with friends. I've had one other one night stand, though I didn't know it was until it happened."

"You think this is a one night stand?"

"I don't know what it is. I'm gone in two days. You tell me."

"I'd like to see you again. Keep in touch. You've got email, right?"

"Yea. You really want to keep in touch, or is this the obligatory 'I'll call you?'"

"Really. Would you rather I not?"

"If you're like right now, I'd like to keep in touch. If you're like you were before, then we can just say goodbye."

"I'm like both and a thousand more. I'm whatever the situation calls for. I don't even know what the 'regular' me is."

" long as you're real with me and don't go all diva, we'll be fine."

"If I do, just tell me to fuck off."

"Count on it."

"I'm sure you'll have no problem with that. I'm freezing. You wanna go in and take a hot shower?"

"A hot shower sounds great right now. Another ten minutes in this pool and I'll be as big as I was when I was five," I chuckled.

"Me, too," Justin smiled and rolled off the raft into the water. I followed him.

We grabbed our clothes and walked, still naked, in the patio door. Joey and his gang were making out in the hot tub.

"Fuck, Joe. You don't need the air on in December," Justin muttered as we walked through the kitchen. The tile was very cold.

I followed Justin down a hall and then upstairs and down another hall.

"Just drop your clothes in there," Justin said and pointed to an open door.

I tossed my clothes on the bed and went into the room Justin walked into. He had the shower running, but was taking a piss. I joined him in releasing some of the beer. After that we walked into the huge glass-walled shower. It had a wide shower head and then some lower body jets. Very nice. The room was getting steamy and the water was hot and felt so good.

I groaned softly and let the hot water pour over me. I pulled my head out from under the water and suddenly found Justin's lips against mine. Just a quick kiss.

"Just wanted to do that now that I can see your face," he smiled.

"Okay by me," I smiled back and grabbed the shampoo off the shelf.

"Allow me," Justin said and took the bottle from me. He poured some in his hand and started massaging it into my hair. I don't know why, but having someone wash your hair is an incredibly pleasurable experience. Maybe it's just the scalp massage, but oh, I felt good.

"You like that, huh?" Justin smiled.

"Uh, huh."

"I can tell. You're almost purring. It's cute."

"Kinda like the little squeaks you make just before you cum?" I smiled.

"I don't squeak."

"Yea. You do."

"It was just the raft."

"No. It was you."

"Well, like I said: it was my first time. I'm rusty."

"So you're saying you need to be lubed?" I smiled.

"Sounds great, but not right now. You're ready."

I leaned back into the water to rinse. Justin kissed me again as I pulled out.

"That one was just because," he smiled.

"Your turn," I said and put a small amount of shampoo in my hand. Justin bent his head forward and I rubbed my hands around his buzz cut. "Takes less time for you," I said and let him rinse.

"Yea. It's great having it short."

He moved under the water and I kissed him as he pulled out.

"That was payback," I smiled.

"Hmm. I'm gonna have to do some more, then," he grinned.

"How about we start with the soap? Me first."

Justin grabbed the soap and I tried to grab it out of his hand.

"You first, right?" Justin asked.

"Yea. I get to wash you first."

"Okay," he smiled and handed over the soap.

"Spread out against the wall like a police search position," I said.

"Into role playing, huh?" Justin smiled as he spread out.

"Not really. If you're spread out like that I can get to just about everything at once." I worked up a lather and started with his arms, slowly stroking my soapy hands across every inch. He giggled and twitched a little when I got to his underarms. I moved down his back and to his wonderful ass. "You have a really nice ass."


The tips of my fingers gently brushed deeper into his crack until I touched his hole. He shivered a little let out a soft moan. With a single finger I gently rubbed soap around his hole and teased at the entrance. Before he could get too worked up, I kneeled down and washed one leg, and then the other, in long strokes from his ankles to his balls. He lifted his feet one at a time and let me wash them. I stood back up and moved against him, my now erect cock brushing against his ass and sliding under. I reached my arms around and washed his chest before slowly moving down to his erection.

"Want some help with that?" I said softly into his ear as I nibbled on the lobe.

"Oh, god, yes. Please," he whimpered.

"Okay," I whispered and continued to nibble on his ear. I slowly rubbed my hands from his inner thigh just below his balls to his hips and back, but not touching his cock. As I did this I slowly humped against him and let my erection bump the back of his balls. When he was almost shivering I moved my left hand back and slid it down his crack. Again, with a single finger, I rubbed around his hole and teased at the entrance, going a little further with each pass until I was slowly finger fucking him as far as my first knuckle. He was whimpering and shivering at this point and I was pretty sure it would only take a touch to set him off. I moved my hand back to the front and rubbed closer and closer to his crotch.

"Are you ready?" I whispered.

He squeaked and nodded a response.

I firmly grabbed his cock in both hands. One around the base and the other on the tip. Immediately, he bucked his hips and moaned loudly as he shot his load into my hand. I used the slick cum as lubricant and continued to rub it around his cock head as he continued his orgasm. I stopped as he started coming down from the peak and gently milked him a few times before stopping and wrapping my arms around him.

"How was that?" I whispered into his ear and held him tight against me. He turned around, grabbed my face with both hands and pulled me into a deep kiss.

"That...was incredible," he said after he broke the kiss a minute later. He pulled back and looked down. His legs were trembling. "Shit," he laughed. "I don't think I've cum so hard in my life."

"It's your first time doing this with a guy, isn't it?"


"That's probably why," I smiled. "The first time is always...intense."

"I'm sure you had something to do with it," he smiled.


"Now it's your turn."

"Already came."


"When you were."

"You did?"

"Yea, of course. You were so hot and the feeling of being between your legs, as well as that incredibly sexy squeaking sound... How could I not?"

"I don't squeak."

"It must have been the raft, then," I smiled.

"I still get to wash you now."

"Yep, but we can't take as much time. The hot water is just about gone."

"Then assume the position," Justin smiled and pushed me towards the wall. I spread out and he quickly, but thoroughly, washed me. Despite his speed, the water was almost all cold by the time we rinsed off and we were both shivering.

"Damn. Maybe we should have turned off the water," I chattered as I quickly dried off.

"We'll have to get warm another way," Justin smiled as he shivered.

"I think I've reached my limit for one night."

"No. I'm not talking about that. Just snuggling. You're gonna stay the night, aren't you?" He asked hopefully.

"There's not much left of it, but sure. I'm still too drunk to drive, and you are too."

"Well, as long as it's not an inconvenience," Justin muttered.

"Sorry. I'd love to sleep with you," I tried.

"Good. I wanna sleep with you, too."

We ran across the hallway to the room Justin was staying in and shut the door behind us.

"Do you need to be up at any particular time?" Justin asked me.

"Just so I'm back by six at night."

"Good thing you said night 'cause it's 4:30AM now."

Justin pulled back the blankets and flopped down on the bed. I got in next to him and he pulled the blankets up over us. I reached up to turn off the table lamp and then snuggled back down.

"Who'd 'a' thought, huh?" Justin chuckled after a minute.



"Someone's having a nice laugh over this."

"I think so, too," Justin said and gave me a quick kiss on the lips before rolling over and snuggling back against me. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close. "This is nice."

"Yea, it is. Night, Justin."

"Night, Jason."

Should I continue this story? Let me know. Comments welcome and encouraged.

Next: Chapter 2: Vignette 2

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